February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society


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should be representati ve, and the criticalmeasurement is 9.3 inches.Older 35s and 33s that do not havethe center stack may also not requi re theannunciators as long as the GNS530Wis installed to the left of the primaryinstruments and the top of the unit isnot below the level of the lowestfl ight instrument. See the field-of-viewdiagrams below.Interfacing to previouslyinstalled equipmentUnder the STC. equipment that isinterfaced must be included inAppendix G of the installation manual.If the equipment is not listed there, themanual states that a separate FAAapproval will be required or the equi p­ment must be disconnected from theGNS530W. I interpret this to mean afield approval is required if you havesuch equi pment attached. See appendixG for details. There are exceptions forautopilots, encoders and audio panels.ExceptionsAutopi lots not incl uded InAppendix G, such as a Bendix FCS-810, may be attached to the GarrninGNS530W. The STC may be used if:FIG. 2-2NAV SOURCEANNUNCIATIONf iELD Of Io1EW8.8 tn -=====:~====-, 12 . 1 I n -====~--Jk------13.856 In - 13.856 In -Instrument T Center1ine .&.NOTES:& FOR AtRCRAFT WITHOUT THE BASIC INSTRUMENT T CONFIGURATION, THE CENTER OF THE PtLOrs VOKEOR CONTROL STICK IN THE NEUTRAL POSITION SHOULD BE USED TO DETERMINE THE CENTERLINE. IF THECONTROL YOKEISTICK IS OFFSET FROM THE CENTER OF THE PILOrs SEAT. AN IMAGINARY LINE EXTENDEDTHROUGH THE CENTER OF THE PILOrs SEAT MAV BE USED AS THE PRIMARY VIEW CENTERLINE.& THE TOP EDGE OF THE 500W SEfjIES SHOULD BE NO LOWER THAN THE BOTTOM EDGE OF THE PRIMARVFLIGHT INSTRUMENTS •.&. FOR AIRCRAFT IN WHICH THE TYPE CERTIFICATED COlOR HSI LOCATION IS BELOW THE BASIC T , THELOWER LIMIT OF THE ACCEPTABLE FIELD-OF-YIEW SHOULD BE THE BOTTOM OF THE COlOR HSI.------+I

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