February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society


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Seat back retractorsI first contacted RAPID to find outthat they currently don't have any stockand evidently don't plan to have any stockof the overhaul, exchange or new versionsof PIN SL-4300-2 Hydrolok seatback retractors. So, just on a possibility,I called the P.L. Porter factory (manufacturerof this component, now a divisionof Crane Aerospace & Electronics)in Burbank, California. The contactperson, Cesar Ascencio, said Beech isagain permitting them to overhaul thiscomponent, which is good news. Thecurrent overhaul cost is only $75.I recommend this method of overhaulingthis hydraulic seat back retractorto all ABS members who own a<strong>Bonanza</strong> or Baron that uses this part.Contact information for this companyis Crane Aerospace & Electronics, P.L. Porter, Attn: Cesar Ascencio, 300Winona Ave., Burbank, CA 91504.Ph: 818-526-2277lFax: 818-847-2917- Wi lliam R. Hemme, Spencer. IowaWonderful serviceMy two David Clark headsets wererecently renovated by the David ClarkCompany at no charge, even thoughthey were out of warranty. I reallyappreciate their wonderful service. Theyreplaced the seals, headbands and thecord on both headsets.I cannot ever remember receivingsuch a courtesy, without my request, inall of my aviation experience. And thataviation experience goes back 62 years.Now I fly a V-tail <strong>Bonanza</strong> and I'm suremy renovated David Clark headsets willbe that much better in my bird.- Oon Newman, Belleair, FloridaBaron throttle failureIn the article about the Baron throttlefailure (ABS Magazine, December2(06), I thought perhaps Mr. Edelsonand the other ABS members might beinterested in a similar story.This event happened about 10 yearsago when an <strong>American</strong> Airlines 767 flyingfrom DaliasIFt. Worth to Paris had athrottle failure, much like Mr. Edelson'sBaron. The throttle was stuck at about80% power. In this case, the throttle wasphysically stuck and could not bemoved by the crew.The crew handled their situation inthe same fashion as did Mr. Edelson.The crew flew the approach by varyingthe power on the engine over which theyhad control, and shut down the malfunctioningengine down in the flare.So, congratulations, Mr. Edelson.You had to invent your procedure justlike the <strong>American</strong> Airlines crew didandboth of you came up with the sameprocedure. Well done.- George Shonks. Copt. <strong>American</strong> Airlines (ref)Waxahachie. TexasVOU WOIf't gettile ASS Fiverunless we have voure-mail address. Send toabsmail@bonanza.orgAttend an ABS-sponsored Savvy Owner Seminar andlearn to save $1,OOOs on maintenance, year after year~In one information-packed weekend,Mike Busch (A&P/lA) canteach you to: Make smarter decisionsabout engine overhaul.~:;~~;~~~~nder i items replacement ' Commu nicate and confidentlywith your A&P or maintenance shop •otherDrastically reduce surpnses, downtime and aggravation• Cope with mechanicals that occur away fromhomebase • Fly a safer, more reliable aircraft while savingliterally $1 ,ODDs on parts and labor, year after year.Please nate there are fewerclasses in <strong>2007</strong>, so sign upearly to save a spot.You'lJ receive a 550 early sign·updiscount If you register at least 45days before the class start date.If you register early and have tocancel, your fee will be refunded ortransferred to another class. Viewfurther details ond comments fromprevIous seminar graduates otWWW.sovvyovi0/or.comFeb 24-25 Ff Lauderdale FL (FXE)Mar 3-4 Dallas TX (ADS)Jun 2-3 Son Francisco CA (CCR) (ABS 5p0ns0n>d)Jun 23-24 Cincinnali OH (169)Jun 3D-Jul 1 Frederick MD (FOK)Sep 8-9 80ston MA (OWD)Sep 15-16 Atlanta GA (FFC)Oct 27-28 Albuquerque NM (ABQ)Nov 3-4 Tulsa OK (RVS) (ABS Sponsored)Dec 1-2 Los Angeles CA (VNY)

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