February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society

February 2007 - American Bonanza Society


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Join ASS' lifetjme learning programand earn your designation as anASS Aviator. Events that earn pointstoward ASS Aviator status are markedbelow with an asterisk*11 nl N t,· t ':It <strong>2007</strong>ql>. tr lefl /I'fl is Sel 5· This Is a date change to avoid conflictingwith AOPA Expo. Plan to join the ASS celebration in Wichita this year!FEBRUARY15-1B - ASS Se .. iee Clinic. WindwOId Aviolion(lNA) lonlono. Fl.16-1B - Auslralian <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Bellorine Peninsula. Viclorio. Conlocl: Judilh &Peler Gordon jgordon@nelconnecl.com.ou.17-1B - Soulhwesl <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-In.Shreveport. lA (DTN». Conlocl: Ron Smilh 903-687-2021.MARCH2-4 - BPPP Clinic. Son Anlonio. TX (SAT)* 70 ASS AVIATOR poinls8-11 • ABS Sef'Yice Clinic. Tucson AeroServiceCenler. (MJZ). Morano (Tucson). Al.B-ll - Pacific <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> J Soulhwest<strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Whale Walch. Baja. Mexico.Conloct: Slephen & Kolhi Blythe blythe©blytheco.eom949-951-4857 .9-13 - Australian <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Annual BPPP & Service Clinic. Tamworth. NSW.* 70 ASS AVIATOR points10 - NOl1h East <strong>Bonanza</strong> Graup Brunch.NORTH - Sky Acres. NY (44N). Conlocl Jack &Sheila Schneider 845-677-8845. or sheilajock2@eorthlink.ne!.SOUTH - Georgelown. DE (GED). Conlocl: MikeMcNamara 856-768-6730. or mmcnomOio88@00!.com.16-1B - BPPP Clinic. Greensboro, NC (GSO)* 70 ASS AVIATOR paints16 - Southwest <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Peleberg Hangar Party. Bridgeport. TX (XBP).Conlacl: Pele & Ginny Peleberg 940-62Hl199or e-mail pvp6628@hughes.ne!.22-25 - Southeast <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-I n.Manlgomery. Al. Art. Shakespeare Ihealre.Hyundai loclory. golf resort. Conlact: Sieve & ElinorKline 941-575-2001 . or slelik@comcosl.nel.APRILB-15- Pacific <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in. CopperConyon. EI Fuerte. Mexieo. Conlocl: Slephen & KolhiBlythe blylhe@blytheco.com 949·951-485712-15 - ABS Se .. lee Clinic. Woodland Aviation(041 ) Woodland. CA.17-23 - Sun 'n Fun, lakeland Fl.20-22 - Rocky Mountain <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> FIyin.lake PoweIVGlen Conyon Dam. Page,AZ (KPGA).Conlocl: Ron Schmidl rons@schmidlmolors.com.21 - Nol1h East <strong>Bonanza</strong> Group Brunch.SOUTH - Hummel field. VA fYl75) . Conlocl: MikeBulz mike@peoklondcoffee.com. or 410-299-5444.21 -May 6- Pacific <strong>Bonanza</strong> Saciety BahamaMama Air Safari. Conloct: Sieve & Teri Walkerswolker@sonoseorch.eom 425·883-1984.27-29 - BPPP Clinic. Concord. CA (CCR)* 70 ASS AVtATOR points27-29 Beech Enthusiasts Round-Up.Sponsored by Ihe Sloggerwing foundation. SonOtego. CA. for more inlormolion eonloct: Harold Basi770-719-0638. or Hboslmoil@ool .com. Or visilWIWi.sloggerwlng.com.2B - Southwest <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in. PigRoos!. Boyd. TX (6XS7). Conlocl: Herschel & lindaCrump 817-658-3070 .29 - NOl1h East <strong>Bonanza</strong> Group Brunch.NORTH - falmoulh. MA (5B6). Conlocl: Ron Tracyrwlrocydmd@off.net: Bill McClure 508-272-1128.MAY3-6 - ASS Se .. lee Clinic. Midwesl AviolionServices (PAH). Paducoh. KY.11 -13 - Southwest <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Nashville. TN. Oprylond Holel.ABS SERVICE CLINIC & BPPP SCHEDULESARE ON PAGE 10039.12 - NOl1h East <strong>Bonanza</strong> Group Fly-in. UdvorHazy Air & Space Museum 01 Dulles (lAD).Conlocl: Alan Wilkin 860-644-1136, or NEBGinfo@ool.com.18-20 - BPPP Clinic. Columbus. OH (CMH)* 70ABS AVIATOR points25-27 - Pacific <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-In. JazzJubilee. Socramenlo. CA. Conloct: Ray & ZonaRedden boron73wo@comcosl.nel or zredden@comeos!.nel 916·331 ·9530.25-27 - Australian <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-In.Noroomo.NSW. Conlocl: Gail & Robert Kerrkerr@miro.nel.31 -Jun 3 - Southeast <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Bowling Green, KY. Corvette faclorylMommalhCove. Canlacl: Siove & Elinor Kline 941-575-2001 . slelik@comcos!.nel or elij0924@comcosl.ne!.31-June 10 -Australian <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly­In. Noumeo and lord Howe Island Solari ..Conlocl: Jock folon & James McDonaldjfolon@fosmo.com.au..JUNE1-3 - Nol1h East <strong>Bonanza</strong> Group Fly-In. BlockIsland (BID). Conlocl: The Old Town Inn. DoveMorrison 401-466-5958, or info@oldlowninnbi.com.2-3 - Savvy Aviator Seminar. Son francisoo. CA* 30 ASS AVIATOR paints7-10 - ABS Se .. iee Clinic. Spokane Airways(GEG). Spokane, WA.15-17 - Southwest <strong>Bonanza</strong> <strong>Society</strong> Fly-in.Palo Duro Canyon. Canyon. TX (AMA). Conlocl:Shirley Roberts 817-485-0253 or oviool@cs.comFOR FURTHER DETAIL and more events,visit the NEWS AND EVENTS link on theABS website .AUSTRALIAN BONANZA SOCIETY www.obs.org.ouBRAZILIAN BONANZA SOCIETY www.bononzoclube.comMIDWEST BONANZA SOCIETY www.midweslbononza.OIgNORTH EAST BONANZA GROUP www.northeaslbonanzagraup.comROCKY MOUNTAIN BONANZA SOCIETY www.rmbs.wsPACif iC BONANZA SOCIETY www.pocificbonanzo.argSOUTHEASTERN BONANZA SOCIETY www.sebs.orgSOUTHWEST BONANZA SOCIETY. INC. www.sauthwestbonanza.comPage 10086 www.bonanza.org ASS <strong>February</strong> <strong>2007</strong>

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