Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...

Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...

Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...


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The primary discussion topics at the workshops were:Enhancing and using green space/open space as a community connector withinand between neighbourhoods and areas <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>.Incorporating sustainable community design including green energy in new andexisting areas.Planning for food and urban agriculture.Other Ideas to support a strong environmental focus for the Official Plan ReviewThe workshop was organized with an introduction and welcome from Ken Hetherington,Manager <strong>of</strong> the Planning Division. Brad Appleby Planner, <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peterborough gave apresentation that included an overview <strong>of</strong> the history <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s development, policybasis for the Official Plan, trends, growth patterns and policy considerations. Thepresentation also identified where new policy directions are being pursued through the<strong>City</strong>’s new Transportation Master Plan, Little Lake Master Plan, Urban Forests Plan,Cultural Plan and other plans and studies underway to address a number <strong>of</strong> ideasidentified through the workshops held to date. The workshop was facilitated by SueCumming, Cumming+Company who is assisting the <strong>City</strong> in consulting with the publicand stakeholders to obtain input for the Official Plan Review.Following the presentation, individuals shared ideas through small table and overallgroup discussions. Each break-out table worked through a Participant Guide and notedcomments on flipcharts. Participants worked collaboratively to identify issues and ideasfor the Official Plan Review. Staff from the <strong>City</strong>’s Planning Division assisted each tableto ensure that everyone was able to comfortably participate and to record ideas,comments and concerns. The ideas and suggestions noted throughout the discussionare reported on in this feedback report prepared by the Facilitator and will be reviewedby <strong>City</strong> staff in developing a directions report for the <strong>City</strong>’s Official Plan Review.4 | P age

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