Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...

Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...

Environmental Stakeholder Workshop Feedback Report - City of ...


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) Promoting policies for renewable energy through new development by:i. Developing renewable energy policies for all types <strong>of</strong> land use.ii. Audubon certification for golf coursesiii. Road narrowing/removal program – green corridorsiv. Consider having streets with two way cycling but one way roads.c) Designing subdivisions to support energy conservation (i.e. orientation <strong>of</strong> lots,in the placement <strong>of</strong> trees, etc.).i. Encourage energy efficiencies through the use <strong>of</strong> green energy andsolar panels, green ro<strong>of</strong>s etc. by creating incentives for home buildersand developers – i.e. fast-tracked approvals, energy cost <strong>of</strong>fsets,award and recognition programs.ii. Develop environmental trust to provide funding for environmentalretr<strong>of</strong>its, solar installations. Should include a financial mechanism toallow population to develop alternative energy – geothermal solar –retr<strong>of</strong>itting.iii. Preserve trees along roadway to become more energy efficiencies innew and existing buildings.d) Explore best practices and approaches being used in other jurisdictions tocreate alternative and green energy (i.e. Freiberg, Germany)i. Promote LEED certification for larger buildings.ii. Require energy audits @land transfer or at other points wherepermissible by Planning Act or building permit to ensure that homesbeing build address energy efficiency.iii. Review policies for architectural and urban design to develop a betterunderstanding <strong>of</strong> energy efficiencies and promote design that reducesenergy needs.e) Pilot public sector projects including:i. Placing solar panels on ro<strong>of</strong>s <strong>of</strong> public buildings.ii. Enhancing neighbourhood local waste diversion programs.8 | P age

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