Bakhabar, July, ramadan special, 2013 - Bihar Anjuman

Bakhabar, July, ramadan special, 2013 - Bihar Anjuman

Bakhabar, July, ramadan special, 2013 - Bihar Anjuman

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WEEKS BEFORE RAMADHAN:`Heart Focus' WeeksMake Tawbah NasoohaListen to Islamic lectures. Choose a scholar and topic that you feelwill motivate you and get your heart into the right stateRead Islamic books about self development and purifying the heartDo your best to pray all your Salah on timeEnsure that you pray the Sunnah al-Mu'akkadah raka'at with yourfive daily fard prayersActively focus on improving your Khushoo' in salah by spendingmore time on it and concentrating on what you are saying.Allocate time to doing Tasbih and istighfar, e<strong>special</strong>ly after salah.HOW TO MAKE TAWBAHTawbah consists of three parts: Knowledge, repentance anddeterminationKnowledge: If you have knowledge of Islam then you will recogniseyour sins and understand why they are harmful for you and knowwhat the punishment is if you continue to do those sins. You mustalso have sincere faith and devotion to Allah, because if you knowthat something displeases/angers Him then you will feel bad aboutdoing it.Repentance: Once you understand that the sins you have done areharmful and that you have earned Allah's displeasure, then you willfeel bad about having sinned. You will feel deep regret and remorse,even grief at having committed those sins.Determination: When you feel so bad about doing those sins, thenyou will refrain from doing them and be determined never to dothem again, e<strong>special</strong>ly if you know what the harmful effects andpunishment are for those actions.If you have committed a sin involving taking away someone else'srights, then you must return those rights and ask forgiveness fromthat person also. (Adapted from Imam al-Ghazali, Ihya Ulumuddin,translated by Maulana Fazlul Karim, Taj Com pany, 1982, Vol. 4)TIPS TO HELP YOU STAY AWAY FROM SINS:Stay away from the places of sinningKeep yourself in the company of those who remember AllahKeep your hands busy with useful work and your tongue busy withremembrance of Allah Understand the harmful effect of sins andread about the punishment for sinningRemind yourself about the rewards fro doing good deeds, both inthis life and in the hereafterLive as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live foreverA wise man once sat in the audience and crackeda joke.. all of them laughed like crazy..After a moment he cracked the same joke again &a little less people laughed this time...He cracked the same one again & no onelaughed!!!Then he smiled and said ''when you can't laugh onthe same joke again & again then why do you keepcrying over the same thing over & over again''FORGET the past and MOVE ON ..........<strong>Bakhabar</strong>12

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