2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.


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HARNESS TRACKS OF AMERICAExecutive NewsletterA daily fax and e-mail report on racing and gaming developments in North <strong>America</strong> and beyondStanley F. Bergstein, EditorSTRONG FEELINGS IN FLORIDAIf sentiments expressed in the Sun-Sentinel insouth Florida today are any indication, GeorgeBush is not the only family member losing publicsupport. His brother Jeb is catching it too,being called a hypocrite by columnist MichaelMayo. Writing about Bush’s duality -- the governorsaid he would like to see a special session<strong>of</strong> the legislature to implement slots in Browardand then an anti-slots amendment to repealthem, Mayo wrote, “A simple question for thegovernor and State Representative RandyJohnson, a Republican legislator who’s leadingthe crusade against slots: Why not push to banthe state lottery, too? Only a hypocrite couldpick on one without the other.” Broward countyresidents were unhappy, too. The paper quotedone as saying, “Why should we even vote? I’vevoted straight Republican all my whole life, butno more.” Mayo quoted Bruce Rogow, an attorneyrepresenting Broward county tracks, as saying,“If you or I violated a mandate such as this,we’d be in jail. It’s a slap in the face to the democraticprocess. If anything, they ought to repealthe lottery because it’s the worst bet in town.It targets the poorest and most vulnerable, promotesthe notion <strong>of</strong> striking it rich quick, andit’s the state that advertises and markets it.”Mayo wrote, “Funny, Bush doesn’t seem to haveany problems relentlessly growing the lottery,even though he says he’s opposed to the expansion<strong>of</strong> gambling in all forms. A hypocrite? Well,maybe just a little. Jeb Bush’s most recent pronouncementon issues involving gambling wasan admission that it was “inappropriate” for fourRepublican legislators to accept a $48,000 tripto Toronto from Magna Entertainment, whichowns Gulfstream Park. The Republican party<strong>of</strong> Florida decided to pick up the tab, “in thehopes <strong>of</strong> sparing the four lawmakers apossible ethics problem” according tothe St. Petersburg Times.October 18, <strong>2005</strong>A FAMILIAR NAME IN THE NEWSFrance is cracking down on illegal medication, anda nine-month undercover operation has resultedin the indictment <strong>of</strong> a leading thoroughbredtrainer, Yann-Marie Porzier, and his right handman, a Paris pharmacist, and Bernard Sainz,dubbed “Le Docteur Mabuse” after a bogus doctorportrayed in the 1932 Fritz Lang movie, TheTestament <strong>of</strong> Dr. Mabuse. Porzier blazed to prominencelast year with unexpected victories in bothflat and steeplechase racing. His stable at thegreat racing center at Chantilly was raided bypolice. A string <strong>of</strong> arrests and searches also wasmade in Normandy at the stable <strong>of</strong> Jean-PhilippeDubois, a trainer-driver well known in harnessracing circles in the United States. The prosecutorin the Normandy town <strong>of</strong> Alencon said numeroussubstances were seized during the Duboissearches and are being analyzed. The daily LeMonde reported, “The racing world is reeling,”saying horses have died in mysterious circumstances,tests have come back positive, and someperformances have been what the paper called“surprising.” Sainz, “Dr. Mabuse,” is involvedin the current scandal. He reportedly was jailedfor two months some years ago for practicingmedicine illegally, and for handling performanceenhancingsubstances. He was released on probationon condition he not leave France, but wasstopped for speeding in Belgium in 2002, and vials<strong>of</strong> phamaceutical products were found in hiscar. He said he was driving to see Belgian cyclistFrank Vandenbroucke, and police then foundEPO, morphine and Clenbuterol atVandenbroucke’s home, and Sainz was jailed fora month for breaching probation.HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EDEd Decker, a longtime HTA director from LebanonRaceway in years past, celebrated his 95thbirthday yesterday. HTA sends its warmestgood wishes. Go for 100, Ed.

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