2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.


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HARNESS TRACKS OF AMERICAExecutive NewsletterA daily fax and e-mail report on racing and gaming developments in North <strong>America</strong> and beyondStanley F. Bergstein, EditorMORE FOOT-DRAGGING IN KYKentucky’s thoroughbred horsemen and their veterinarianswere still battling reform and progressyesterday, but thanks to a legislator who recognizedtheir ploy the commonwealth’s new drug ruleswere passed by the legislature’s AdministrativeRegulation Review Subcommittee and moves onto House and Senate committees. The horsemenand vets and their lawyer tried to block passage,but a motion by Rep. Jim Bruce, a HopkinsvilleDemocrat, brought quick passage. Bruce said hemade the motion because he believes the opponents<strong>of</strong> the regulation are a vocal minority whowouldn’t accept anything. The horsemen’s andvets’ attorney called the victory “just round one,”indicating the fight is not over. In a strange development,the executive director <strong>of</strong> the Racing Authority,Jim Gallagher, apparently made an <strong>of</strong>ferto put <strong>of</strong>f consideration <strong>of</strong> the rule for a month, amove that happily Rep. Bruce’s successful motionmade moot. Gallagher called the passage “a goodday for Kentucky,” but still looming are threebanamine positives during the fall Grand Circuitmeeting that have drawn no action for 60 days. Apositive sign on the legislation was a statement byDarrell Haire, interim national manager <strong>of</strong> theJockeys’ Guild, who supported the new rules, sayingsome pre-race medications can mask physicalproblems in horses and jockeys “need to know whatthey have beneath them.”ANABOLIC STEROIDS IN NEWSThe <strong>America</strong>n Association <strong>of</strong> Equine Practitioners’Task Force on Medication has recommendedthe banning <strong>of</strong> anabolic steroids inhorses being sold at public auctions. The recommendationprovides that in addition, no stimulants,muscle relaxants or diuretics should beallowed at any detectable level in sale horses,with sales companies to be the “principleenforcers.” More will be heard aboutsteroids in coming months.December 14, <strong>2005</strong>SWEDEN, TEXAS, YOU NAME ITBreaking <strong>of</strong> rules, or legislation to prevent it, is inthe holiday air. In Texas, the racing commissionhas adopted a milkshake rule, setting 38 millimoles<strong>of</strong> carbon dioxide per liter <strong>of</strong> plasma as the cut<strong>of</strong>fpoint. Over that would be a violation which wouldbring a $1,000 fine and 30-day suspension for thefirst <strong>of</strong>fense, a $2,500 fine and 90-day suspensionfor a second, and a $5,000 fine and one-year suspensionfor a third. All <strong>of</strong> the penalties includeloss <strong>of</strong> purse money, with testing random, pre orpost race. The rule will become effective nextmonth.In Sweden, the Swedish Trotting Association confiscatedthe license <strong>of</strong> trainer Michael Demmers,conditioner <strong>of</strong> the $800,000 winner Vasterbo Daylight,according to The <strong>Harness</strong> Edge. Demmershas been fined more than $45,000 for false breedingreports, and a Ms. Kathrin Biderman has beenfined $30,000 for signing false mating certificates.Demmers plans to appeal, saying he doesn’t thinkhis training license should be linked to his breedingoperations.COMPROMISE IN MARYLANDThoroughbred horsemen and management havereached an accord in Maryland, with both sidesgiving a little in a compromise that headed <strong>of</strong>fcommission action. Magna’s Maryland JockeyClub will conduct 180 days <strong>of</strong> racing next yearand keep stable areas open at Pimlico, Laureland Bowie for all <strong>of</strong> 2006. According to the WashingtonPost, there still is disagreement on howmuch horsemen, including breeders, should contributeto the cost <strong>of</strong> satellite and simulcast operations.Magna has submitted a proposal to thehorsemen’s leadership, and the board <strong>of</strong> theMaryland Thoroughbred Horsemen’s Assn. isexpected to review and respond by next week.With a tentative agreement in place, the commissionapproved Jan. 1 - April 16 winterdates for Laurel.

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