2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.

2005 - Harness Tracks of America, Inc.


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HARNESS TRACKS OF AMERICAExecutive NewsletterA daily fax and e-mail report on racing and gaming developments in North <strong>America</strong> and beyondStanley F. Bergstein, EditorARE YOU SURE NOW, GEORGE?If our reports <strong>of</strong> the doings <strong>of</strong> Gov. GeorgePataki and his New York Assembly on the issue<strong>of</strong> the New York Racing and Wagering Boardhave seemed contradictory and confused, takesolace in the fact that Albany itself was hopelesslyconfused. What Pataki and Senate presidentJoe Bruno wanted and what they got apparentlyare two different things, but what theygot made a lot more sense than what theywanted. Bruno wanted a buddy, John Simoni, tobe put on the board and made chairman, and wasquoted as saying, “We have some confusion” atthe end <strong>of</strong> a long day <strong>of</strong> futile hustling. Patakiwanted Bernadette Castro, who once sold convertibledaybeds as her racing qualifications.Neither, it turns out, was appointed. Presentboard member Cheryl Buley, who although apurely political appointee when she was namedto the board to replace the veteran racing manBennett Liebman five years ago, did her homeworkwell, and at least knows which end the haygoes in and which end it comes out, now switchesjobs with Mike Hoblock, chairman for the lastseven years. Pataki spokesman SaleemCheeks, who was left to handle this mess withthe media, reported that “Mr. Hoblock has indicatedto us his desire to leave the Board andwe expect him to resign in the very near future.”That is not what Hoblock had to say about hisdemotion, however. He said he had been replacedas chairman but would stay on the board,calling the situation “circumstances beyond mycontrol.” Unlike most racing commissioners,Hoblock does not serve at the pleasure <strong>of</strong> thegovernor, and apparently is not interested inpleasing Pataki at the moment. Hoblock’s termdoes not expire until 2008, and we now will haveto see whether he or Saleem Cheeks is rightabout his plans. If he stays, the NewYork board will enter 2006 one membershort, as it has been since 2002.November 30, <strong>2005</strong>BRUNO’S SON QUITS LOBBYINGIf you want to be a lobbyist when you grow up,it doesn’t hurt to have your father be the president<strong>of</strong> the state Senate. That has been thesituation in New York in recent years, whereKenneth Bruno, son <strong>of</strong> the legislature’s mostpowerful man, has operated as a successful lobbyist.His clients have included MadisonSquare Garden and Magna Entertainment, each<strong>of</strong> which, according to Associated Press, paidhim $15,000 a month for his services. Theyounger Bruno had been district attorney <strong>of</strong>Rensselaer county, where he and his fatherlive. He resigned that job in May <strong>of</strong> 2003 tojoin one <strong>of</strong> Albany’s most successful lobbyingfirms, Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman andDicker, and he stayed there until March <strong>of</strong> thisyear, when he left to open his own lobbying company,Albany Strategies. That move createdcontroversy and criticism <strong>of</strong> the father-son relationship,and Kenneth now says he plans toreturn to practicing law.SHAWN’S MOM LOSES AGAINVictoria Scott, mother <strong>of</strong> the well known promoterShawn Scott, has lost for a third time inher bid to open a gambling den in Alaska. Thelieutenant governor <strong>of</strong> Alaska, Loren Leman,denied certification for a ballot initiative thatwould have created a gambling monopoly for Ms.Scott in Anchorage. She was the main sponsor<strong>of</strong> the bill, and although Leman’s action marksthe third time this year the proposal has beenrejected, backers say they plan to try againwithin two months.C’MON, GIVE JESS A HANDIf you would like your 2006 HTA World RacingDirectory early next year, complete your informationforms (they’re somewhere on your desk) andreturn them to Jess Carner so she can completeher compilation <strong>of</strong> the valuable guide.

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