GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing


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Organics – what’s it all about?Phrases like genetic engineering, food labelling, and sustainableagriculture bombard us, but what does it all mean and what do we dowith this information? Here are some answers.First things first – what is organic food? Simply put,organic food is produced from safe, sustainablefarming systems which produce healthy crops andlivestock. Organic production does not damage theenvironment. Chiefly, it avoids the unnecessary useof harmful chemical fertilisers and pesticides on theland and instead focuses on developing the soil andgrowing a variety of crops. This means the farm landcan remain biologically balanced and sustainable.The law clearly defines the term organic and all productionand processing is held to a strict set of rules.Food that is intended for sale as organic must beinspected annually and by an authorised body suchas the Soil Association.So, why is this idea of organic so important? Themultitude of benefits to the earth, producers, andconsumers are hard to ignore. The rules of conventionalagriculture are thrown out the door and arenewed focus is placed on animal welfare, the environment,resources, and basic health. When food isnot organic, animals in massive farming systems areoften reared in cramped quarters without openspace. Often they lack exposure to light and fresh airand are fed a drug-rich diet to make them grow largerand more quickly. Organic farming does not followthese unnatural practices. Instead, animals haveaccess to open fields, are allowed to behave in naturalpatterns, and are provided with comfortablebedding. If livestock becomes sick, homeopathicand herbal remedies are often used. However, if ananimal with an acute illness is thought to be suffering,a conventional drug treatment would be availableand allowed.Organic production works wonders for our decliningenvironmental quality. Research has shown thatorganic farming can be more beneficial to the environmentthan conventional methods of agriculture.Because no pesticides are used, organic farmingdoesn’t kill natural soil organisms, insects and otherlarger species. Plants considered to be weeds by pesticidesare left untouched. The result is an increasein food sources available for other animals and themaintenance of habitats and biodiversity.By utilising organic methods of farming, the earth’sresources flourish instead of disappear. Organicfarmers can minimise their own health and pollutionproblems because they stay away from chemicals.Organic farming relies on a modern scientificunderstanding of ecology and soil science coupledwith traditional methods of crop rotation to ensurefertility and the control of weeds and pests.Perhaps one of the most striking impacts of organicfoods is on our health. It has been shown thatorganic foods have more vitamins and trace elementsthan conventionally grown foods, withoutthe harmful chemical residues. It is no secret that avast array of pesticides are used in conventionalagriculture production. While ‘acceptable levels’ arecalculated by the powers that be, surveys repeatedlyindicate higher residues in a proportion of foodsamples than government regulations permit. Theobvious question arises ‘what are the long termeffects on our bodies from this chemical use?’ Fornow, there is little knowledge of the effects of thesecompounds and their toxicity. With organic production,the food is contaminant-free, resulting in safe,nutritious and unadulterated food.So, as a consumer, how can you be certain that thefoods you buy are organic? Currently, law Organic production works wonders forour declining environmental quality...By utilising organic methods offarming, the earth’s resources flourishinstead of disappear23

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