GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing


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Protecting biodiversityEarthwatch Institute believes that by actively involvingthe corporate sector it can mobilise theresources necessary to conserve our environmentaland cultural resources. Earthwatch can providebusinesses with the resources they need to play asignificant role in the reversal of the global loss ofbiodiversity through it’s Corporate EnvironmentalResponsibility Group (CERG) and Business andBiodiversity Resource Centre (BBRC).The BBRC, hosted by Earthwatch on behalf ofDEFRA, is a one-stop shop where people can findout about the important role biodiversity plays forbusiness. The web site offers news, practical toolsand guidance for action, details on the legislativeand policy contexts of biodiversity, as well as linksto other organisations, publications and case studiesof companies focusing on biodiversity.Through the website, companies can see how theirsector impacts upon wildlife and nature, whatother companies are doing to conserve and managebiodiversity, and find out what they could bedoing themselves.BP is one example of a successful working partnershipbetween Earthwatch and the business sector. BPhas a company-wide strategy for managing its impacton, and contribution to, biodiversity and has beenworking with Earthwatch to develop and monitor itsbiodiversity action plans (BAPs) at its key sites. Witha significant number of BAPs in place, Earthwatch isnow working with BP as they develop a means ofassessing their quality, identifying areas for improvementand integrating their verification within theirISO 14001 environmental management system.For additional information on Earthwatch’s work withthe corporate sector contact the EnvironmentalPartnerships team at jzaremba@earthwatch.org.uk oron 01865 318 800 or visitwww.earthwatch.org/europe/corporate/ep.htmlCASE STUDY: Future WestEducating businessThe team at Future West and Evolve provide acomprehensive service for businesses lookingto improve their environmental performance,increase competitiveness and capitalise ondevelopment opportunities, taking decisivesteps towards putting the region at theforefront of sustainable business.Business support ranges from a helpline throughto a five-day package, one-day seminars throughto full environmental qualifications. All support,much of which is subsidised by EU funding, helpsbusinesses to: save costs – save (on average) 10 per cent ofcosts on energy, water and reduced waste minimise risk – understand and comply withenvironmental regulations, providingopportunities for reduction in costs gain market share – advice and expertise tomarket environmental credentials and tomaximise the environmental supply chainopportunities enhance staff skills – raise the awareness,adaptability and qualifications of staff throughspecialist environmental and technical trainingBusinesses of all sizes can benefit from improvingenvironmental performance, and even smallchanges requiring little or no investment canmake a difference. Bristol-based InteractionDevelopment and Learning Consultancy Ltdsaved over £5000 in paper and printingconsumables in the first nine months of 2003, ascompared to 2002, through double sidedprinting, reducing specialist printing andrecycling waste paper and magazines.Future West and Envolve work with clients todeliver real environmental and businessimprovements, tailoring advice, support and onthe job training to match specific business needs.For more information, call the Business Helpline on0117 903 8474 or e-mail business@futurewest.org.uk316

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