GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing


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CASE STUDY: Surfers Against SewageWhen it comes to pollution, who dares winsSurfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a non-profitmakingorganisation set up in 1990 by a groupof Cornish surfers who were sick of getting illfrom using polluted water. Since 1990, SAShas grown from a group of surfers fighting toprotect their local beaches into a verysuccessful national pressure group fighting forclean and safe recreational water users for all.It’s not just surfers, it’s not just sewage.Affairs. The Government has now recognisedsewage-polluted waters presents a health risk.Discharging raw or partially treated sewage intothe sea is now, no longer seen as an acceptablepractice by the Government. SAS continue tohave input in Government Committee hearings,to European and UK consultations, intoMinisterial guidance and World HealthOrganisation Protocol.All SAS campaigns use solution-based argumentsfor viable and sustainable alternatives. It highlightsthe inherent flaws in current practises, attitudesand legislation. There are six major campaigns:clean and safe water; safer shipping; toxicchemicals; marine litter; marine renewable energy;and education.SAS have been described as ‘Britain’s coolestenvironmental pressure group’ by The Independentand ‘some of the Governments most sophisticatedenvironmental critics’ by BBC News and CurrentThis input has resulted in changes in Governmentpolicies, industrial practices and Europeanlegislation. SAS actively support legal actionagainst water companies and local councils whereappropriate and are still very much a grass rootscampaign organisation, who’s actions haveresulted in positive changes in the water.If you want to help us, have any questions about thewater environment or just want to buy one of ourcool hoodies then check out www.sas.org.uk or callon 0845 458 3001.CASE STUDY: Tree AidSupporting community forestry and income generationTree Aid is the UK’s only forestry focuseddevelopment charity providing funding andon-the-ground training and support to localorganisations in the Sahel of Africa.Tree Aid works where people need trees most: inthe poorest villages in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia,Ghana and Mali where 90 per cent depend on treesfor basic survival needs. Rapid deforestationdeprives millions of families of essential resourcessuch as wood for building homes, cooking, heatingand making furniture; fruit, berries, nuts and leavesfor food and medicines… the list is endless.Trees also provide products from which peoplecan earn vital income to pay school and healthcare fees and other everyday essentials. The sheatree, for example, produces nuts which womencan process and sell as shea butter, earning £250a year- a lot of money in Africa. The neem tree’slifetime value from its pesticidal properties aloneis £15,000, and it has another 40 medicinal uses.Many projects also include improvement of thesoil and farming techniques so people can growmore food for their families and to sell.More than 160,000 villagers have already directlybenefited, in particular through training and thereceipt of trees, and many more have benefitedthrough an improved environment.Nearly five million trees have been planted inwoodlots, orchards, shelterbelts, and aroundhomes, fields and along roads, and many morehave been protected in 21,500 acres of naturalwoodland.Tree Aid, Brunswick Court, Brunswick Square,Bristol BS2 8PE T: 0117 909 6363E: info@treeaid.org.uk W: www.treeaid.org.uk340

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