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GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing


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consultancy specialising in the construction,property and financial sectors. Providesadvice and guidance to several of the UK’slargest financial service providers, assistingthem to develop corporate environmentalmanagement and sustainability strategies.Also works with investment and pensionsfund managers, helping them to understandenvironmental risk and the implications fortheir investment portfolios. Part of this workis undertaken through Upstream’s PropertyEnvironment Group (PEG).Government Sevices &AgenciesSustainable Development CommissionGround Floor, Ergon House, Horseferry Road,London SW1P 2ALT: 020 7238 4996E: enquiries@sd-commission.gsi.gov.ukW: www.sd-commission.gov.ukAs proposed in the White Paper A BetterQuality of Life, the Government hasestablished the Sustainable DevelopmentCommission, subsuming the UK RoundTable on Sustainable Development and theBritish Government Panel on SustainableDevelopment. It has done so jointly with theScottish Executive, the Welsh Assembly andthe Northern Ireland Executive. TheCommission is chaired by Jonathon Porritt.There are 21 other members, drawn from awide range of backgrounds and from allparts of the United Kingdom. TheCommission’s role is to advocate sustainabledevelopment across all sectors in the UK,review progress towards it, and buildconsensus on the actions needed if furtherprogress is to be achieved. Its specificobjectives are to: review how far sustainabledevelopment is being achieved in the UK inall relevant fields, and identify any relevantprocesses or policies which may beundermining this; identify importantunsustainable trends which will not bereversed on the basis of current or plannedaction, and recommend action to reverse thetrends; deepen understanding of the conceptof sustainable development, increaseawareness of the issues it raises, and buildagreement on them; and encourage andstimulate good practice. The Commission issponsored, within the UK Government, bythe Cabinet Office and reports to the PrimeMinister, the First Minister in Scotland, theFirst Secretary in Wales and the First andDeputy First Ministers in Northern Ireland.Its work will be of interest to a wide rangeof sectors and organisations. TheCommission held its first meeting inNovember 2000.Sustainable Development – the UKGovernment’s ApproachSustainable Development Unit, 5/A1, AshdownHouse, 123 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6DET: 020 7082 8632E: sdudiv@defra.gsi.gov.ukW: www.sustainable-development.gov.ukThis government web site reports onprogress by the United Kingdom as a wholetowards sustainable development. Hostsdebates and forums and lists events andsome reports.NGOs & CharitiesEnvironment Foundation, TheMariners, The Avenue, Datchet, Berkshire SL39DHT: 01753 543 333W: www.environmentfoundation.netIts mission is to protect and improve theenvironment, working in partnership withothers to help society understand one of themost critical challenges it faces in the 21stCentury – the transition from today’sunsustainable economic and industrialactivities to more sustainable production andconsumption patterns.Forum for the Future227a City Road, London EC1V 3QNT: 020 7251 6070E: m.abdelall@forumforthefuture.org.ukW: www.forumforthefuture.org.ukO: Mon-Fri 8.30am-5.30pmUK charity devoted to promoting sustainabledevelopment. Founded in 1996 by leadingenvironmentalists Jonathon Porritt, SaraParkin and Paul Ekins, the Forum workswith leaders in business and finance,government, the education sector and otherorganisations on a positive solutionsorientedapproach to the environmentalproblems facing us. Forum publishes thepopular Green Futures magazine, and givesadvice on issues as diverse as environmentalaccounting and the digital divide.Social Venture Network EuropeT: 01453 882 540E: charlie@svn-uk.com; paul@cdproject.netW: www.svneurope.comAn association of companies, individualbusiness leaders and entrepeneurs whobelieve they can – and must – make asignificant contribution to solve social andenvironmental problems locally and globally.Their goal is to integrate the values of asocially and environmentally sustainablesociety into day-to-day business practices.Stakeholder Forum for a SustainableFutureE: info@stakeholderforum.orgW: www.stakeholderforum.orgAn international multi-stakeholderorganisation working on sustainabledevelopment; supporting the increasedinvolvement of stakeholders in internationaland national governance processes. Theorganisation played a key role in thepreparations for and follow-up to the WorldSummit on Sustainable Development. It isthe lead organisation in the developmentand facilitating of multi-stakeholderprocesses for sustainable development. InOctober 2004 Stakeholder Forum became,after seventeen years, a free-standingorganisation in its own right. It took theopportunity to rename itself, feeling thatStakeholder Forum for a Common Futurelooked back to the Brundtland Report in1987, while Stakeholder Forum for aSustainable Future looked forward.Sustainability South West4th Floor, 100 Temple Street, Bristol BS1 6AET: 0117 933 0249E: info@sustainabilitysouthwest.org.ukW: www.sustainabilitysouthwest.org.ukSustainability South West is to be theindependent champion of sustainabledevelopment in the South West. In seekingto achieve its overall mission, SSW has anumber of different roles: a catalyst forchange; a provider of strategic advice; adisseminator of best practice and new ideas;a project initiator and manager; a partner inkey regional processes; and a cross-sectoraldiscussion forum. The South West RoundTable for Sustainable Development was setup in 1998 through the Government Officefor the South West. It is establishing itself asa key player in a number of critical regionalprocesses and has conducted sustainabilityappraisals of the Regional PlanningGuidance and the South West RegionalDevelopment Agency’s economic strategy.Sustainability South West’s President isJonathon Porritt, a leading campaigner forsustainable development, who now alsochairs the national Sustainable DevelopmentCommission. SSW’s current Chair is RichardCresswell who is also the South WestRegional Director of the EnvironmentAgency.Sustainable Development ProgrammeRoyal Institute of International Affairs, ChathamHouse, 10 St James’s Square, London SW1Y 4LET: 020 7314 3639E: sustainable-development@riia.org;contact@riia.orgW: www.riia.orgFormerly the Energy and Environmentprogramme and the largest of the researchprogrammes at RIIA, The SustainableDevelopment Programme’s work is dividedinto four key areas: Energy, Environment,Climate Change and CorporateResponsibility. The Programme works withbusiness, government, academic and NGOexperts to carry out and publish researchand stimulate debate on international issuesin these four focus areas. The Programmeregularly hosts workshops and meetingswhich provide a neutral and nonconfrontationalforum where experts fromdifferent perspectives are able to networkand meet to freely exchange views andexperiences. Meetings are often held underthe Chatham House Rule of Confidentialityto encourage a more open exchange ofviews. The impact of the Programme’s workis recognised internationally and its researchoutput is widely read throughout the ‘policycommunity’. The activities of the Sustainable320

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