GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing

GREEN GUIDE - Markham Publishing


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An innovative and green ISPGreen ISP is a innovative and different kind of broadbandprovider, which is environmentally-guided andplants a tree for every new broadband customer. Theinternet uses great amounts of the earth’s resourcesfor energy and as it is growing at an astonishing rate,this poses all kinds of issues for future generations.UK Internet users have the opportunity to act now.Planting a tree for every new member helps to offsetcarbon emissions. Green ISP is initially working withthe community action group Treesponsibility, plantingtrees in and around West Yorkshire.Tthe company also uses solar energy to power theiroffice and offsetting carbon emissions by tree planting.Green ISP works in a different manner to mostother Internet Service Providers, in that people who“care” answer the phone and they don’t tie their customersin to year long contracts.for ‘real’ 500k broadband with no limits and £18.50for 250k.‘I recently experienced poor customer service fromone of the larger ISPs,’ a customer said “I signed upwith a very helpful, accessible eco-friendly ISP, whohas good green credentials and who I believe is alsocheaper than the majors for the same monthly offering.It occurred to me that if such a company caresabout the planet, they are more likely to care aboutmy e-mail/internet/broadband account too.’You get free e-mail and web space, information andlinks to environmental issues and resources.Find out more about Green ISP, Lee View,Hebden Bridge HX7 8LQ T: 0845 058 0659E: info@greenisp.net W: www.greenisp.netThe service costs less than the big players – £22.50CASE STUDY: Hawthorn Press<strong>Publishing</strong> to support personal changeHawthorn Press is a small independentpublisher based in Stroud, Gloucestershire.Our aim is to produce books which contributeto a more creative, just and peaceful world –books supporting learning for personal andsocial change. Our range includes books onfestivals and crafts, early years, education,family health and parenting, personaldevelopment, art and science, and learningresources for Steiner Waldorf educators.We believe that our books – which in theirdifferent ways promote an ethical, sustainablelifestyle – must be produced in a way that strivesto be ethical and sustainable. To this end we try toensure that we reduce our environmental impactand play a positive role in supporting our localeconomy and community. We commissionillustrations and photography for our books fromthe thriving community of artists and illustratorsin our area. Our books are printed onenvironmentally friendly paper. We source ourprinting from companies in the South West andthe Midlands. We also use the Kristianstadprinting press in Sweden, which appliesecological considerations throughout its entireoperating processes, from waste managementthrough to the raw materials used in printing. Atoffice level we drink fair trade tea and coffee, andrecycle our paper, toner and printing cartridges.Contact Hawthorn Press on 01453 757040 ore-mail: info@hawthornpress.comW: www.hawthornpress.com374

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