Abbott 2004 Global Citizenship Report - Abbott Laboratories

Abbott 2004 Global Citizenship Report - Abbott Laboratories

Abbott 2004 Global Citizenship Report - Abbott Laboratories


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Developing New GlucoseMonitoring TechnologyA Conversation With Ben Feldman, Volwiler Research Fellow,Director of Advanced Development, <strong>Abbott</strong> Diabetes Care,Alameda, California, United StatesWhat are some of the keychallenges scientists andcompanies face indiscovering new products?We develop glucose monitors, which are used billions of times every year by millions of people whohave diabetes – not by medical professionals. They’re consumer products packed with some of themost sophisticated medical technology available, which means they have to be easy to use and costeffective, like consumer products; and extraordinarily reliable, like a high-tech medical device.Describe the process ofdeveloping new medicaltechnology.The goal of the development process is to demonstrate scientific and commercial feasibility of newglucose monitoring sensors. Ideally, we convene a small group of scientists (fewer than 10 people)during this initial phase to facilitate a reasonable consensus. There are basically five steps to theprocess.We begin with a considerable amount of research and discussion about the unmet need and existingtechnologies, and we select a scientific concept. Next, in a relatively short period of time – a couple ofweeks or less – we build initial prototype sensors to obtain a fast confirmation of the validity of ourconcept. We then test these prototypes in very simple (nonphysiological) solutions. Once initial testingis complete, we refine the prototypes and build a few hundred sensors for additional testing. Over thenext few months, we test the prototypes in vitro or in vivo in sufficient quantities to define the sensor’sperformance. Often, some steps of product development are repeated again and again; it’s not astraight-line progression.Developing new products, as opposed to fine-tuning existing products, is an exciting challenge. Thelatter is very important and necessary, but, frankly, just isn’t as interesting. There’s a definite esprit decorps that builds in an organization that’s bringing a truly innovative product to market. That’s the funpart of our work.16

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