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CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING: A PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUEReferences1. Hakama M, Louhivuori K. A screening programme for cervical cancer thatworked. Cancer Surv 1988;7:403–162. Laara E, Day NE, Hakama M. Trends in mortality from cervical cancer in theNordic countries: association with organised screening programmes.Lancet 1987;1:1247–93. Day NE. Screening for cancer of the cervix. J Epidemiol Community Health1989;43:103–64. Day NE. The epidemiological policy basis for evaluating different screeningpolicies, in Hakama M, Day NE, Miller AB (eds): Screening for Cancer of theUterine Cervix. Lyon, IARC Scientific Publication, 19865. Schaffer P, Anthony S, Allemand H. Would a higher frequency of smeartests lead to the prevention of cervical cancer, in Monsonegro J (ed):Papillomavirus in Human Pathology, Challenges of Modern Medicine. Paris,Ares-Serona Symposia Publications, 19956. Ostor AG. Natural history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia: a criticalreview. Int J Gynecol Pathol 1993;12:186–927. van den Akker-van Marle ME, van Ballegooijen M, van Oortmarssen GJ etal. Cost-effectiveness of cervical cancer screening: comparison ofscreening policies. J Natl Cancer Inst 2002;94:193–2048. Fahey MT, Irwig L, Macaskill P. Meta-analysis of Pap test accuracy. Am JEpidemiol 1995;141:680–99. van Oortmarssen GJ, Habbema JD. Duration of preclinical cervical cancerand reduction in incidence of invasive cancer following negative papsmears. Int J Epidemiol 1995;24:300–710. Payne N, Chilcott J, McGoogan E. Liquid-based cytology in cervicalscreening: a rapid and systematic review. Health Technol Assess2000;4:1–7311. Meerding WJ, van Ballegooijen M, Habbema JDF. Performance and costeffectivenessof liquid based cytology. Histopathology 2002;41 (Suppl2):494–50512. Doornewaard H, van der Schouw YT, van der Graaf Y et al. Observervariation in cytologic grading for cervical dysplasia of Papanicolaou smearswith the PAPNET testing system. Cancer 1999;87:178–8359

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