land acquisition/sez & displacement – 2011 - Indian Social Institute

land acquisition/sez & displacement – 2011 - Indian Social Institute

land acquisition/sez & displacement – 2011 - Indian Social Institute


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take measures to vacate stays on projects planned on the Narmada river for public to reap the full benefit.A bench comprising Justices J M Panchal, Deepak Verma and B S Chauhan disposed of cross-appealsfiled by the MP government and the Medha Patkar-led Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) and rejected theNGO's demand for giving full and separate relief and rehabilitation benefits to all major sons of damoustees by treating them as separate family units. Wrting the 131-page judgment on behalf of the bench,Justice Chauhan said: "We have been given to understand that on the Narmada river in the state ofMadhya Pradesh, in all 29 major and minor projects are contemplated. Some of them have already beencompleted, but on account of stay order by the court or Authority some projects could not be completed.""It is unfortunate that in spite of the fact that a huge amount has been spent, yet no one is able to reap thefruits of investment. The state should take immediate steps to get the final verdict in such cases or stayvacated and start the project at the earliest," he said. Refusing to disturb the compensatory <strong>land</strong> allotmentpackage already granted by the state under the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy, the bench setaside the Madhya Pradesh High Court orders by which the oustees who earlier received compensationfor their <strong>land</strong> became entitled to claim additional <strong>land</strong>. "The oustees who have already accepted cashcompensation plus special rehabilitation grant, cannot claim the <strong>land</strong> in lieu of <strong>land</strong>," the Bench said.However, in the event of any complaint, the oustees could approach the grievance redressal authority(GRA) or the high court, it said. For the state, senior advocate PS Patwalia and advocate CD Singh hadsubmitted that the HC could not have granted the demands made by NBA, which were contrary to theR&R scheme. (TOI, 12/05/<strong>2011</strong>)Medha moots Development Planning Act for “no or minimum <strong>displacement</strong>”Where, she says, gram sabhas and basti sabhas will decide on rural and urban development respectivelyEven as Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Medha Patkar on Thursday demanded repeal of the LandAcquisition Act, 1984, the All-India Kisan Sabha urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to call a specialsession of Parliament to discuss the issue. Ms. Patkar, who was arrested at Parsaul village on Thursdayand later released, said that instead of an amended Act, there should be a comprehensive DevelopmentPlanning Act under which development should only be with the consent of gram sabhas in rural areas andbasti-sabhas in urban areas with “no or minimum <strong>displacement</strong>.” Following her visit two days ago toBhatta village, she said that because of prohibitory orders in the Bhatta-Parsaul villages, women andchildren were not getting relief. “They were not even able to file FIRs for their missing male familymembers. There should be dialogue with farmers to address issues,” she said. Meanwhile, the KisanSabha's national general secretary, Atul Kumar Anjaan, urged the Centre to direct State governments tostop all further <strong>acquisition</strong> of <strong>land</strong> and ensure that the conditions and directions of the Supreme Court onrehabilitation and resettlement of displaced people were implemented. Mr. Anjaan pointed out that thePrime Minister had assured in Parliament that the government would review the Land Acquisition Act,“but no positive step has been taken.” On the same issue, Rashtriya Lok Dal President Ajit Singh, whohas visited the stir-affected villages in Uttar Pradesh twice, met Union Rural Development MinisterVilasrao Deshmukh here and urged him to introduce a farmer-friendly Bill in the coming session ofParliament. The RLD raised the issue of ‘definition of public purpose' in the Land Acquisition Act. “What isthe purpose of acquiring <strong>land</strong> from the farmers? Are golf courses and commercial complex also a publicpurpose? This needs to addressed.” For private enterprise, the government should not acquire more than10-15 percent of the <strong>land</strong> for removing hurdles from the completion of the project, he added. Mr. Singhsaid the use of section 17 of the Act (Urgency Clause) should be restricted to matters of national securityand natural disasters. “Also, individual notices must be given at the start of the <strong>acquisition</strong> process to thefarmers to ensure their awareness and ability to express their reservations, if any, to the concernedauthorities at the preliminary stage. “Farmers should get compensation on potential and present marketvalue for the <strong>land</strong> acquired and the amended act should ensure that if the purpose for which <strong>land</strong> wasacquired was not fulfilled after five years, the farmers should have the first right of ownership over <strong>land</strong>,”he said. Mr. Singh also demanded the setting up of a new ‘Land Acquisition (Disputes Settlement)Authority' at the mandal level, which should be headed by a High Court Judge and have on boardmembers with a background in <strong>land</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong> and agriculture. (Hindu, 13/05/<strong>2011</strong>)NAC's Working Group drafts note on <strong>land</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong>A Working Group (WG) set up by the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) has drafted adetailed note on <strong>land</strong> <strong>acquisition</strong> and relief and rehabilitation which seeks not only to go beyond thepending government bills on the subject, but recommends that the two be merged into a single National

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