Siskiyou County California

Siskiyou County California

Siskiyou County California


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sorts of hardy vegetables, including celery and asparagus." ' * * * "'Thewhole valley floor is underlain by a water table at a depth of from one to tenfeet, * * * * usually four to six feet from the surface. Crops of grainand alfalfa draw upon this supply directly."Butte Valley TownsDorris, McDoel and Mount Hebron are a trio of thriving young towns thatare becoming more conspicuous on the map of <strong>California</strong> as the subdivisionof the old regime ranches of the cattle barons continues. Extensive timberlandsto the east and south of Butte Valley are now attracting the attentionof lumber companies and the number of men they will employ will largelyincrease the local demand for produce.Success attending beet growing in this broad valley will warrant theestablishment of a sugar refinery in the very near future.Strawberry ValleyIzaac Walton, extolling the toothsome strawberry said, centuries ago:"Doubtless God could have made a better berry than the strawberry, butdoubtless God never did."The same may be said of Strawberry Valley in south central <strong>Siskiyou</strong>county. Could the philosophic piscator turn his back to the glories ofParadise and look across the forest-fringed meadows of Berryvale and upwardto the majesty of Sovereign Shasta, he would exclaim: "Doubtless God couldhave made a more beautiful valley than Strawberry Valley, but doubtlessGod never did.."The ineffable charm of this valley and its environment of forest andsnow-peaks appeals to the thousands of Nature lovers who visit its resortseach summer. Utilitarians, however, may say " a man can't live on scenery.But this is the exception to the rule. You can't help living on the scenery inStrawberry Valley. Your very foreground is the most seductive scenery.The rich peat carpet beneath your feet is exquisite in its texture. From theblack soil springs up the crispest celery, the most luscious berries, the mostvigorous vegetables you will ever taste. And the apples, peaches and cherriesgrown at this altitude of 3,550 feet are as wonderful in form and flavor asthe berries.There are over ten thousand acres of rich agricultural lands in StrawberryValley of which only a few thousand are yet in cultivation. A livelylocal market is created by the increasing demands of the four thousandresidents of the nearby lumbering districts and the summer resorts, in additionto the needs of the million consumers of San Francisco Bay.A quarter of an acre of celery yielded $375 to its owner in 1914. Thetruck gardens and berry farms afford annual incomes of several hundreddollars to the acre.SissonSisson is a popular tarrying point for tourists as well as being the centraltown of Strawberry Valley. Its permanent population is over a thousand,many of whom are employed in its box factory and sash and door plants.The United States Forest Service has its headquarters here and the Statemaintains a most complete fish hatchery close by the celebrated Sisson Tavern.McCloudFrom Sisson the MeCloud River Railway curves around the southerly slopesof Mount Shasta to the town of MeClou(l and onward through magnificentforests from which one hundred million feet are cut each year by the companythat owns the railway and the town of McCloud. The latter is a well-orderedcommunity of two thousand inhabitants. During the summer season eighteen34

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