PREREGLEMENTGB projet - Automobile Club de Monaco

PREREGLEMENTGB projet - Automobile Club de Monaco

PREREGLEMENTGB projet - Automobile Club de Monaco


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15e RALLYE MONTE-CARLO HISTORIQUEfrom Saturday January 28 th to Saturday February 4 th 2012PRE - REGULATIONSThis rally, placed un<strong>de</strong>r the High Patronage of His Serene Highness The Sovereign Prince of<strong>Monaco</strong>, organised by the <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Monaco</strong>, un<strong>de</strong>r the care of the FédérationInternationale <strong>de</strong> l’<strong>Automobile</strong> (FIA), of ASN members of the FIA and particularly the assistance ofthe FFSA (France), AVD and DMSB (Germany), CSAI (Italie), KNA (Norway), RACC and RFEA (Spain),RSAC and MSA (United Kingdom) and PZM (Poland), SBF (Sue<strong>de</strong>n), is registered on the FIA eventscalendar.This FIA historical regularity rally, reserved for historic vehicles, upon invitation, is named:« 15e RALLYE MONTE-CARLO HISTORIQUE »It will be run in compliance with the FIA International Sporting Co<strong>de</strong> and its Appendix K (availableon its website www.fia.com), the FIA standard supplementary regulation for historic regularityrally and the provisions of the supplementary regulations and its appendix.1 - PROGRAMMEMONDAY SEPTEMBER 5 th 2011:MONDAY NOVEMBER 14 th 2011:FRIDAY NOVEMBER 25 th 2011:Entry opening dateEntry closing date (end of reception date for complete andpaid entries)Confirmation of selected cars and publication of thesupplementary regulations of the eventSATURDAY JANUARY 28 th 2012:Administrative checks and scrutineering with distributionof plates and official documents to competitors startingfrom GLASGOW, OSLO and WARSAW.Entrance of the cars in the Parc FerméSUNDAY JANUARY 29 th 2012:End of the administrative checks and scrutineering withdistribution of plates and official documents tocompetitors starting from GLASGOW, OSLO and WARSAW.Entrance of the cars in the Parc FerméAs from 11 h 00Start of the Concentration Leg from OSLO to MONACO(about 2100 km)As from 13 h 00 Start of the Concentration Leg from WARSAW toMONACO (about 2300 km)As from 18 h 30Start of the Concentration Leg from GLASGOW toMONACO (about 2100 km)OSLO itineraryAs from 15 h 30Time Control OF TröllhattanMONDAY JANUARY 30 th 2012:Administrative checks and scrutineering with distributionof plates and official documents to competitors startingfrom BARCELONA, TORINOand REIMS,Entrance of the cars in the Parc FerméAs from 16 h 20Start of the Concentration Leg from BARCELONA toMONACO (about 1020 km)

As from 18 h 10As from 18 h 30As from 17 h 10As from 09 h 30As from 16 h 40As from 16 h 00As from 20 h 00Start of the Concentration Leg from TORINOto MONACO(about 950 km)Start of the Concentration Leg from REIMS to MONACO(about 1070 km)OSLO itineraryTime Control OF Bad HomburgWARSAW itineraryTime Control OF Dres<strong>de</strong>nTime Control OF Bad HomburgGLASGOW itineraryTime Control OF CalaisTime Control OF Reims2TUESDAY JANUARY 31 ST 2012:As from 07 h 35As From 10 h 50As from 10 h 55As from 12 h 20As from 12 h 30As from 19 h 00Time Control OF BarcelonnetteTime Control OF Sospel1st regularity test common to all the concentrationitineraries:- Sospel / Col <strong>de</strong> l’Ablé / Col <strong>de</strong> l’Orme / LucéramTime Control of the Monte-Carlo Beach HotelTime Control of MONACO (Quai Albert Ier) –compulsory secured park, repairs forbid<strong>de</strong>nWelcome buffet hosted by the A.C.M. at the Fairmont HotelWEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 1 ST 2012:As from 6 h 30 Start of the Classification Leg “MONACO – VALENCE”(about 530 km) including 4 regularity tests :As from 8 h 20 - Le Mas / Col <strong>de</strong> Bleine / Les Quatre CheminsAs from 12 h 00As from 12 h 15As from 14 h 00As from 15 h 30As from 16 h 50As from 17 h 35Time Control of TALLARD (l’Arizona)- Sigoyer / Barcillonnette / Col d’Espreaux- Chichilianne / Col <strong>de</strong> Menée / Les Nonières- La Cime du Mas / Col <strong>de</strong> l’Echarasson / col <strong>de</strong> gaudissartTime Controlof ST NAZAIRE EN ROYANSTime Control of VALENCE (Champ <strong>de</strong> Mars, Kiosque Peynet -compulsory secured park, repairs forbid<strong>de</strong>n)THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2 ND 2012:As from 7h30 start of the Common Leg, part 1 : « VALENCE - VALENCE » -(about 320 km) including 4 regularity tests :As from 8 h 20As from 10 h 00As from 12 h 00As from 12 h 05As from 12 h 55As from 14 h 50As from 15 h 50FRIDAY FEBRUARY 3 RD 2012:- st pierreville / St Julien du Gua / Antraigues sur Volane- Burzet / Lachamp-raphael / DornasTime Control of SAINT AGREVE- Freydaparet / Rochepaule / Col du Buisson- Lamastre/ Gilhoc sur Ormèze / PlatsTime Control of TOURNON SUR RHONETime Control of VALENCE (Champ <strong>de</strong> Mars, Kiosque Peynet -compulsory secured park, repairs forbid<strong>de</strong>n)As from 6 h 00 Start of the Common Leg, part 2 : « VALENCE - MONACO »(about 400 km) including 2 regularity tests:

As from 7 h 30 - St Nazaire le Désert / Chalançon / Col <strong>de</strong> Pommerol /Rosans3As from 12 h 00- Pierlas / Col <strong>de</strong> la Sinne/ IlonseAs from 14 h 00As from 14 h 25As from 19 h 00Time Control of LA TURBIETime Control of MONACO (Quai Albert Ier –compulsory secured parks, repairs forbid<strong>de</strong>n)Buffet hosted by the A.C.M. - Quai Albert 1erAs from 20 h 30 Start of the Final Leg «MONACO - MONACO » (about 250km) including 3 Regularity Tests :As from 21 h 15- Moulinet / Col <strong>de</strong> Turini / La Bollène VésubieAs from 22 h 45As from 23 h 30- Pont <strong>de</strong> clans / tournefort / Massoins / Villars sur Var- Lantosque / Loda / Col Saint Roch / Col <strong>de</strong> BRAUSSATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 TH 2012:As from 02 h 00At 11 h 00At 20 h 30Time Control of MONACO (Quai Albert Ier)Publication of the final classification at the Headquarterof the Rally, 23 boulevard Albert 1er,Prize Giving Gala Dinner - Salle <strong>de</strong>s Etoiles, Sporting Monte-Carlo: Black tie (Dinner Jacket) compulsory2 - ELIGIBLE CARSAre eligible road-legal vehicles. These cars must hold:- an FIA Historic Technical Passport (H.T.P.),- or an FIA historic regularity rally car pass (H.R.C.P.),- or a FIVA i<strong>de</strong>ntity card.Cars must be of a mo<strong>de</strong>l that took part in the Monte-Carlo Rally between 1955 (25th edition) and1980 (48th edition).The cars will be divi<strong>de</strong>d into the following categories:I - vehicles built before 31/12/1961II - vehicles built between 01/01/1962 and 31/12/1965III - vehicles built between 01/01/1966 and 31/12/1971IV - vehicles built between 01/01/1972 and 31/12/1979Each category is divi<strong>de</strong>d into 3 classes according to engine capacity:1 - up to 1300 cc2 - 1301 cc to 2000 cc3 - over 2000 ccThe eligible cars will be selected by the organiser who has sole right to accept or to refuse theentry, without justifying any reason.3 - ELIGIBLE CREWSAny crew must be composed of one first driver plus a minimum of one or a maximum of two codrivers,each holding a valid driving licence. All crew members must stay on board for the entireduration of the event un<strong>de</strong>r pain of exclusion.All crew members must either:- hold any kind of drivers’ race or regularity licence valid for 2012 issued by an ASN member ofFIA,- or obtain for the duration of the event a « FIA Regularity Rally Driving Permit » from theorganiser upon payment of a 60 € fee and accompanied with the medical certificate form . Thispermit will be issued by the <strong>Automobile</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Monaco</strong> and <strong>de</strong>livered during the administrativechecks in the starting town. The 60 € must be paid with the entry fees (application form enclosed)and will not be refundable in case of cancellation or change.

Team entry:Teams can subscribe until November 282th 2011. A team must be ma<strong>de</strong> up of a minimum of 5 cars anda maximum of 10 cars. A car may only be entered in one team44 - ENTRY FEESThe entry fee for each car is : 4.300 € for a 2 persons crew,which inclu<strong>de</strong>s :• Insurance premium covering third party liability of the competitor,• Plates and numbers,• Souvenir gifts of the event,• Welcome buffet in Monte-Carlo on Tuesday January 31 st 2012, at the Fairmont Hotel,• Accommodation for the night of Tuesday January 31 st 2012 in <strong>Monaco</strong> at the Fairmont, a5 star luxury hotel, including breakfast for 2 persons taken in the dining room (breakfastserved in the room will be fully charged on the personal bill),• Buffet in Monte-Carlo on Friday February 3 rd 2012, on the Quai Albert Ier,• Accommodation for 2 nights (Friday 3 rd and Saturday 4 th of February 2012) in a luxury hotelof <strong>Monaco</strong>, including breakfast for 2 persons taken in the dining room (breakfast served in theroom will be fully charged on the personal bill),• 2 tickets for the Prize-giving Gala Dinner, on Saturday February 4 th of 2012, at the Salle <strong>de</strong>sEtoiles of the Sporting Monte-Carlo (black tie and dinner jackets are compulsory).5 - STARTING TOWNSCompleting his application, the competitor will have to give his preferences of choice between thefollowing cities: Barcelona (Spain), Glasgow (United Kingdom), Oslo (Norway), Rheims (France),Torino (Italy) and Warsaw (Poland).Starting towns will be attributed according to the availibity and to the date of arrival of thecomplete files.6 – STARTING ORDERAll the legs starts will always be given in the or<strong>de</strong>r of the competition numbers and minute byminute, except the final leg which will be given every 30 seconds.Competitors having chosen (at the entry time) the high average speed for the regularity tests willstart before those having chosen the low average speed, which will have in consequence thehighest numbers.7 - TRAFFIC - TYRESAny infringement against the traffic laws of the crossed countries, and in particular any excessof more than 20km / hour over the legal speed, will give a penalty and an exclusion from race incase of second offense.Only tyres which are in conformity with the road use of the countries crossed will be accepted,having the sign “DOT” or “E” marked on their si<strong>de</strong>s, in accordance with the art. 8.4.1. of the FIAInternational Sporting Co<strong>de</strong>’s Appendix K.The use of stud<strong>de</strong>d tyres is authorised according to the road conditions (snow, ice, etc...) withrespect to the French highway co<strong>de</strong>.

8 - ASSISTANCE - PARC FERME - SECURED PARKS5Repairs and refuelling are permitted throughout the event, except in the “Parc Fermé”, securedparks, and cases expressly forbid<strong>de</strong>n by a clause in the regulation. However, the tow truck orassistance vehicles are not allowed in the regularity tests areas throughout the event. As lastyear, the cars will have to stay in the secured parcs at the end of the legs. One assistance platewill be given to each competitor.9 - ADVERTISINGThe Advertising provisions specified in Article 2.1.9 of the FIA International Sporting Co<strong>de</strong>’sAppendix K must be respected.Publicity material will be confined to a maximum of six locations of 50 cm x 14 cm. Four locationswill be placed above and below the si<strong>de</strong> doors competition numbers and two locations can beplaced where the competitor <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s except on the windows and on the windscreens whereadvertising is forbid<strong>de</strong>n. Should these areas be insufficient, the publicity material may be placednext to the number, without however touching it. The upper location adjacent to each competitionnumber will be reserved for the publicity space of the organiser’s official sponsor, without thecompetitor being able to refuse.The driver’s name may appear only once on each si<strong>de</strong> of the car, on an area not exceeding10 cm x 40cm. A club-recognised insignia may be shown on each si<strong>de</strong> of the car, its dimensions not exceeding10 cm x 10 cm.10 - ROAD BOOKSimilar to the early Monte-Carlo Rallies, in or<strong>de</strong>r to promote navigation, only a <strong>de</strong>tailed itineraryin the supplementary regulations, will be provi<strong>de</strong>d when the entry is confirmed. A mini road-bookfor the regularity stages will be given during the administrative checks in each starting town.The regularity layout, in the form of road maps, will be available on the web site of the acm:www.acm.mc.11- PASSAGE CONTROLS - TIME CONTROLS PASSAGE CONTROLS:At these controls, the marshals simply stamp the time card as soon as this is han<strong>de</strong>d in by the crew,without mentioning the time of passage.The organiser may establish, at his own discretion, secret passage controls at any point on theroute. TIME CONTROLS:1. The post marshal enters the time at which one of the crew members hands in the time card. Thetarget check-in time is the time obtained by adding the time allowed to complete the road section tothe time of leaving the Time Control of the section.2. Any difference between the actual check-in time and the target check-in time will be penalised.The Time Controls penalties during itineraries of concentration leg will be half of those givenduring the others legs of the rally.12 - WITHDRAWAL / RE-ENTRY TO RALLYIf a crew interrupts the Rally by leaving the set route and misses a control, he may be re-admittedto the event provi<strong>de</strong>d he informs the Clerk of the Course, within the hour following his expectedtime at this control, of his intention to continue the event.Furthermore, the crew must mbe present at the end of the daily leg Time Control within 30minutes following its theoretic target time, engine on and without any external help.If one of these two conditions is not respected, THE COMPETITOR WILL BE EXCLUDED FROM THERALLYand will not be able to continue the rally.

To be classified at the end of the Rally, crews must also have completed at least half of theregularity tests.613 - REGULARITY TEST SECTIONSThe regularity tests are held on roads open to public traffic. They must be covered at a high orlow average speed according to the competitor’s choice, but imposed by the organizer, anddifferent for each test but always lower than 50 km/h. For each test the organiser may set up, athis own discretion, intermediate timekeeping points at any spot of the test section. There must be aminimum of one secret time check on each regularity test section.Only the tcrews with: pre 1966 cars (categories I and II) - or with a cubic capacity less than 1300cc. (1 st class), will be able to choose con the entry form, and for the entire duration of the rally,the optional low average speed.Timing will be done traditionally to 1/10 th of a second and by automated GPS system to thesecond. The difference below or above the target time at this point (based on the distance fromthe start and the imposed average speed) will imposed penalties.At any time of the regularity test sections, any overtaking exceeding 20 % of the imposedaverage speed, , calculated between the start and any timing point, will l entail penalties and theexclusion of the race in case of repeat offence.14 - MEASURE MATERIALSTo preserve the aesthetic integrity of cars and conformity with the period of the vehicle, only onemeasuring instrument of distance with mechanical display can be installed permanently on thedashboard of the car.The use of any <strong>de</strong>vice with electronic display, or not, will be authorized, provi<strong>de</strong>d that it istemporarily fixed, without any modification of the dashboard (cut, etc.), and necessarily removedin the “parcparcs fermés”s”, un<strong>de</strong>r pain of penalties.15 - SCRUTINEERING BEFORE THE STARTThe following original document must be presented by the crew at the technical scrutinnering:- Driving licence and competition or regularity licence for each member of the crew,- Vehicle’s official documents (registration card) and confirmation of car insurance(International green card);- The FIA Historic Technical Passport or a FIA Historic Regularity Car Pass or a FIVA I<strong>de</strong>ntityCard.The organization may refuse the start to any car not having the characteristics mentioned in theentry form.M O S T I M P O R T A N TIt should be noted that <strong>de</strong>tails of this draft, and, in particular the choice of the regularity testsections, are subject to changes. PrereglementGB/Règlemt/Rh2012FOR ANY FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT :AUTOMOBILE CLUB DE MONACO23, boulevard Albert 1erBP 464MC 98012 MONACO CEDEXtel. : + 377 93 15 26 00Fax : + 377 93 15 26 40e-mail : historique@acm.mcweb site : www.acm.mc

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