The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934 ... - Ijsidonline.info

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934 ... - Ijsidonline.info

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1934 ... - Ijsidonline.info


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ISSN:2249-5347IJSIDInternational Journal of Science Innovations and DiscoveriesAn International peerReview Journal f<strong>or</strong> Sciencethem and renders them capable of liv<strong>in</strong>g useful and active lives to the benefit of thecommunity.If, now <strong>in</strong> conclusion, I sum up the discoveries f<strong>or</strong> which the prize has on thisoccasion been awarded, they are as follows: We have acquired new knowledge as tothe very divergent effects exercised by different food substances <strong>in</strong> promot<strong>in</strong>g andstimulat<strong>in</strong>g the bone-marrow's activity <strong>in</strong> the regeneration of the blood; we havebeen made acqua<strong>in</strong>ted with a new <strong>in</strong>ternal secret<strong>or</strong>y function possessed by the liver,that is of the utmost imp<strong>or</strong>tance; we have been furnished with a method oftreatment f<strong>or</strong> pernicious anaemia, and also f<strong>or</strong> other diseased conditions, that willsave the lives of many thousands of persons every year. Hence it must be said thatour prize-w<strong>in</strong>ners fulfil <strong>in</strong> an ideal fashion <strong>Nobel</strong>'s criteria f<strong>or</strong> a prize-w<strong>in</strong>ner, s<strong>in</strong>cehe lays it down that the prize shall be bestowed on the person <strong>or</strong> persons who haveconferred the greatest benefit on mank<strong>in</strong>d.Now I turn to you, Profess<strong>or</strong> M<strong>in</strong>ot, Dr. Murphy, and Profess<strong>or</strong> Whipple. Ihave tried to give an idea of what you have done, of the imp<strong>or</strong>tance, of the greatnessof what you have done. You have spread a new light over the process ofregeneration of the blood, you have discovered a function of the liver, bef<strong>or</strong>e youunknown to science, you have <strong>in</strong>vented and elab<strong>or</strong>ated a new method f<strong>or</strong> thetreatment of anaemia, especially pernicious anaemia, that dreadful disease, whichhitherto has killed practically everyone who was afflicted by it. This new method,the liver treatment, has saved already thousands of lives, and will <strong>in</strong> the future save<strong>in</strong>numerable human be<strong>in</strong>gs from death.<strong>The</strong> donat<strong>or</strong> says <strong>in</strong> his will, that the prize should be given to those, who haveconferred the greatest benefit on humanity. <strong>The</strong> Carol<strong>in</strong>e Institute, <strong>in</strong> award<strong>in</strong>g youthe <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Prize</strong> f<strong>or</strong> <strong>Physiology</strong> <strong>or</strong> Medic<strong>in</strong>e, has acted then exactly along the l<strong>in</strong>e ofthe <strong>in</strong>tention of the donat<strong>or</strong>. You belong to the very small number of men, of whomcan <strong>in</strong> truth be said, that they have done immense services to mank<strong>in</strong>d.Call f<strong>or</strong> research and Review articles publication: ijsidonl<strong>in</strong>e<strong>in</strong>fo@gmail.com

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