(Attachment: 5)Report - 18 pages (2M/bytes) - Fenland District Council

(Attachment: 5)Report - 18 pages (2M/bytes) - Fenland District Council

(Attachment: 5)Report - 18 pages (2M/bytes) - Fenland District Council


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S106This development attracts the following S106 requirements:Affordable Housing in accordance with Policy CS3Pre-school education – sufficient capacity – therefore, no contribution soughtPrimary School – catchment school has sufficient capacity, therefore, nocontribution soughtSecondary School - catchment school has sufficient capacity, therefore, nocontribution soughtCCC Waste – £267 per dwelling sought for Household Waste RecyclingCentre – total sum = £9,612Open Space – given the sites relationship with the country park proposed bythe Cannon Kirk scheme directly to the north of Gaul Road there is norequirement for the provision of onsite open space, a financial contributionwill, however, be soughtOn-site and Off-site highway works as specified by the LHAConclusionIn principle the scheme broadly accords with the emerging Core Strategy andwhilst there are issues relating toi) the existing road network, andii) the need to ensure that flood risk considerations are robustly evaluatedand measures taken to minimise any adverse riskson balance Officers feel that the scheme may be favourably recommended asit reflects the growth aspirations of the district, would result in sustainabledevelopment within a primary market town and could be accommodated(subject to detailed design considerations) without being to the detriment ofthe character of the area and the amenity of adjoining residents.Notwithstanding the above it is clear that issues of highway safety should beparamount and as such further guidance is to be sought from the LocalHighway Authority in respect of this element to arrive at proportionate andappropriate mechanisms to achieve the same. Officers will report further tothe Committee in this regard.6. RECOMMENDATIONGrant subject to S106 and suitable conditions to includei) mechanisms to address the highway safety issues at the junctionof Gaul Road and the A141 as necessary, and1 Approval of the details of:(i) the layout of the site(ii) the scale of the building(s);(iii) the external appearance of the building(s);(iv) the means of access thereto;(v) the landscaping

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