CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy

CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy

CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy


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The Bayonet 8 May, 2006Last Will and TestamentI, Joe Beckley, leave to my roommate, Nash, the Burger King crown and the noodle. I leaveFirth my laundry skills. I also thank you faculty and staff for helping me through the past two years.I, Chris Butz, give my thanks to CPT Vanmoerkerque for preparing me for high school. He’sdone more than he knows. FUMA has done a lot for me although at times it was hard. In the end, ithelped me in so many ways.I, Kevin Clough, leave to Marshal Wiley my lacrosse skills. He needs them badly. I leave toany new cadets good luck; they’ll need it. I thank CPT Vanmoerkerque for being a great coach andteacher. I thank my mom, dad and all my friends who helped me through the year. Thanks a lot!I, Josh Colliluori, would like to thank my parents for helping me through the year. I would liketo send a shout out to all of my good friends: Daniel Clough, Daniel Sherlock, Kang, Mike Gaylor, theKoreans, Greg Sheneman and many more. CPT Vanmoerkerque and Mr. Benson are simply thebest. I thank God for helping me through this year too.“A life without laughter is a life not worth living.” ~AnonymousI, David Meraldo, leave next year’s football team my heart. I would like to give my thanks toCPT Keating.I, Travis Milde, leave to Nash my dragon riding skills; we all know he wants them. I alsoleave my magic carpet skills to Taylor Bailey. I give my thanks to CPT Keating. I want to thank mycoaches and wish everyone else a Merry Christmas!I, Harry Pagan, leave to Pierce Firth and John Nash my FUMA spirit. They can split it uphowever they want to. I thank all my teachers especially CPT Vanmoerkerque, my advisor, and CPTKeating, my best Boston Mass/New England teacher yet. But truly, FUMA has been a life changingstage of my life, for the good, even though it is annoying at times. I know that it is all for the better.Lastly, I want to thank LTC Feathers and MAJ Blanchetti for being there for me all three years, goodor bad. Thank you EVERYONE!“And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.”~Abraham LincolnI, Daniel Sherlock, leave anyone who is goalie next year, my lacrosse goalie skills; we allknow he needs them, CPT V.I, Adam Welsh, would like to thank MAJ Blanchetti for helping me this year, along with LTCFeathers and CPT Keithley, and all of my other teachers.I, Ward Wiley, leave to little Kim my E.D. skills. I also leave my ability to ruin CPT Keating’sday to all of the seventh graders. Last, but not least, I leave my common sense to Tanner.I, Mark Shuman, leave my basketball skills to the faculty for next year’s faculty/cadetbasketball game so, hopefully, they don’t get embarrassed again by the Middle School basketballteam.

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