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<strong>8th</strong> <strong>WORLD</strong> <strong>C<strong>ON</strong>FERENCE</strong> <strong>ON</strong><br />

<strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>AND</strong> <strong>THE</strong> ENVIR<strong>ON</strong>MENT<br />

INNOVATI<strong>ON</strong> <strong>AND</strong> INSPIRATI<strong>ON</strong> HARNESSING <strong>THE</strong> POWER OF <strong>SPORT</strong> FOR CHANGE

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference<br />

on Sport and the Environment<br />

“Innovation and Inspiration Harnessing<br />

the Power of Sport for Change”<br />

29 to 31 March 2009, Vancouver, Canada<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />


Château de Vidy, 1007 Lausanne, Switzerland, Tel. +41 21 621 6111 / Fax +41 21 621 6216 / www.olympic.org

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

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TABLE OF C<strong>ON</strong>TENT<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

1. Forewords .................................................................................................................5<br />

1.1. Message from the President of the International Olympic Committee, Dr Jacques Rogge ..........5<br />

1.2. Message from the Chairman of the IOC Sport and Environment Commission,<br />

Mr. Pál Schmitt ..............................................................................................................................6<br />

1.3. Message from the Premier of the Province of British Columbia,<br />

The Honourable Gordon Campbell ................................................................................................7<br />

1.4. Message from the CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic<br />

and Paralympic Games, Mr. John Furlong ....................................................................................8<br />

2. Introduction ..............................................................................................................9<br />

2.1. Introduction by the IOC Director of International Cooperation and Development,<br />

Mr. T.A. Ganda Sithole ...................................................................................................................9<br />

3. Programme of the Conference .............................................................................10<br />

4. Summaries ..............................................................................................................17<br />

4.1. Pre-Conference Workshop<br />

VANOC and AISTS Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit Workshop<br />

Responsible, Green, Inclusive, Ethical, Economic and Inspiring Sport .......................................17<br />

4.2. Conference Opening Ceremony ..................................................................................................25<br />

4.3. Innovation Key Note: Achieving environmental progress in an uncertain economy....................27<br />

4.4. Off and Running: How Sport is Embracing Environmental Responsibility ..................................29<br />

4.5. A Dialogue on Climate Leadership ..............................................................................................32<br />

4.6. Innovative Sports Facilities: Turning Green to Gold ....................................................................34<br />

4.7. Going on Diet: Shrinking Energy Demand ...................................................................................35<br />

4.8. Green to the Core: Innovations in Operations and Supply Chains ..............................................37<br />

4.9. Stepping up: Managing Sport’s Carbon Footprint ......................................................................39<br />

4.10. Inspiration Keynote Harnessing the Power of Sport for Change .................................................42<br />

4.11. Leaders of Tomorrow: Inspiring Youth through Sport ..................................................................43<br />

4.12. Sport Organizations: Shaping Sport and Driving a More Sustainable Future .............................46<br />

4.13. Moving Forward Together: Stronger Communities through Sport ..............................................48<br />

4.14. Peak Performance: The role of Corporate Sponsors<br />

and Suppliers in Accelerating Sustainability ................................................................................51<br />

4.15. Luncheon Presentation: Passion Drivers for Sport and Sustainability ........................................53<br />

4.16. Closing Session: Where to from Here ..........................................................................................58<br />

5. The Vancouver Declaration ...................................................................................59<br />

6. List of participants .................................................................................................61<br />

Annex<br />

CD-ROM with fi les of presentations and images ........................................................................ inside cover<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

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1. Forewords<br />

1.1. Message from the President of the International Olympic<br />

Committee, Dr Jacques Rogge<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

The environment is an important part of the work of the Olympic Movement, and we recognise<br />

that sport and the Olympic Games can provide numerous occasions for leaving a sustainable<br />

environmental legacy. The attention recently given to global warming has put sustainable<br />

development as the top priority for governments, businesses and citizens.<br />

It is in this context that the <strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment took place in<br />

Vancouver, with the theme of “Innovation and Inspiration” and the sub-theme “Harnessing the<br />

Power of Sport for Change”. Thanks to the active contribution of all the participants from the<br />

sports world and other fi elds, this Conference allowed for an exchange of expertise on how<br />

sport is embracing the challenge of reducing its environmental footprint, with the resulting social,<br />

economic and environmental benefi ts.<br />

Just like for the IOC, the mobilisation of the young generation was central to the concerns of the<br />

Conference, which largely recognised that contact from a young age with best practice in terms<br />

of sustainable development, as well as making future generations aware of environmental issues,<br />

would have a long-term infl uence.<br />

I would like to thank VANOC, the fi rst Organising Committee for the Olympic Games to have<br />

integrated the notion of “sustainability” into its vision of the event, as well as our long-standing<br />

partner, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for its close collaboration in the<br />

organisation of this 2009 edition. I would also like to congratulate the IOC Environment Commission<br />

which, led by Pál Schmitt, has been working for almost 15 years to make the environment a<br />

priority on the agenda of the Olympic Movement, developing projects and initiatives. These<br />

include the biennial IOC “Sport and Environment” prize, which rewards the implementation, within<br />

the Olympic family, of the best environmental practices in the area of sport. The fi ve winners, one<br />

per continent were announced at the Conference.<br />

We must all now innovate and inspire ourselves to continue our mission for sustainable<br />

development.<br />

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1.2. Message from the Chairman of the IOC<br />

Sport and Environment Commission, Mr Pál Schmitt<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

With the main theme of “Innovation and Inspiration”, the <strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the<br />

Environment was the ideal opportunity for the Olympic family and other stakeholders to share,<br />

encourage cooperation and further develop their environmental initiatives in sport, and to make<br />

the sustainable coexistence of sport and the environment more than ever a priority. And Vancouver<br />

was the perfect location to host this Conference, as Vancouver 2010 is the fi rst Organising<br />

Committee for the Olympic Games to integrate sustainability into its Vision Statement.<br />

The participants from all over the world, representing sports organisations, sponsors, sports<br />

event organisers, NGOs, industry, United Nations bodies, national and municipal governments<br />

and research institutions, had the opportunity to refl ect on the hard work and achievements of<br />

the last 14 years and the growing number of success stories in terms of advancing sustainability<br />

through sport. They also unanimously highlighted the importance of youth involvement.<br />

As you will see in this Report, and in particular the recommendations, sport can be a valuable tool<br />

for human and sustainable development, and is increasingly recognised as such. We can all make<br />

a difference and contribute to the better protection of our planet by promoting environmentallyfriendly<br />

sport at community level, as well as by ensuring that the local environment is preserved<br />

to protect the future of sport for those who come after us. This is why the IOC has created a<br />

new award, the IOC Sport and Environment Award, which was presented for the fi rst time in<br />

Vancouver.<br />

Before concluding, I should like to express my sincere thanks to the Conference participants for<br />

their active collaboration; to our partners, the Province of British Columbia, the Canadian Olympic<br />

Association, the Vancouver 2010 Organising Committee for the Games and the United Nations<br />

Environment Programme, for their close cooperation and support; and to my fellow members on<br />

the IOC Sport and Environment Commission for their outstanding work and commitment.<br />

We all have to play our part in the global effort to create an environment that is healthier for sport<br />

and for people around the world – which means everybody, every day. And doing this means<br />

thinking globally and acting locally!<br />

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Report<br />

1.3. Message from the Premier of the Province of British Columbia,<br />

The Honourable Gordon Campbell<br />

Climate change is one of the most compelling and urgent issues facing our planet. Protecting our<br />

environment for future generations is our shared responsibility.<br />

At the 2009 World Conference on Sport and the Environment, participants came together with<br />

a commitment to solving this challenge. There were many ideas and solutions presented and<br />

constructive debate about how to advance them in countries and regions across the globe.<br />

Now, more than ever, we need champions to help tackle the social, environmental and economic<br />

challenges that lie ahead and there is no better source of champions than the world of sport.<br />

On behalf of all British Columbians, I would like to thank all the delegates for making the 2009<br />

Conference a successful one. I hope that participants enjoyed their time in Vancouver and will<br />

return again to visit Vancouver, British Columbia and Canada again in the future.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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Report<br />

1.4. Message from the CEO of the Vancouver Organizing Committee<br />

for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Mr John Furlong<br />

The 2009 World Conference on Sport and the Environment was an impressive showcase for the<br />

potential for sport to be a powerful agent of change in the quest for a more sustainable world. Nearly<br />

700 participants, including 500 registered delegates from 93 countries, gathered in Vancouver to<br />

discuss debate and predict how sport can be a source of innovation and inspiration, by reducing<br />

human impact on the planet’s environmental systems while creating healthy, prosperous and<br />

inclusive societies.<br />

The conference sessions affi rmed the need for collective responsibility on the part of organizations<br />

and individuals in the world of sport to reduce impacts on the environment through the design<br />

and operation of sport facilities and events. The prevailing view was that sport can and must<br />

provide lasting benefi ts for people as well as business, and generate employment opportunities to<br />

ensure healthier populations and more resilient communities. And as part of our commitment to<br />

this responsibility, VANOC has embedded sustainability into its values as an Organizing Committee<br />

– all that we do must pass through this lens. Its about doing what is right every time.<br />

With less than a year to go to the start of the 2010 Games, the conference delegates helped renew<br />

and energize our commitment to making these Games a showcase for sustainable sport. The<br />

impressive actions of the fi ve winners of the inaugural IOC Sport and Environment Award were<br />

especially encouraging. It was an honour for us to be able to collaborate with the IOC, UNEP and<br />

the Province of British Columbia to host this important forum for sport, business, government,<br />

academic and non-government organization representatives from around the world.<br />

I encourage delegates to regularly refl ect on the deliberations of the 2009 conference and to<br />

maintain contact with fellow participants so that your experience in Vancouver can continue to be<br />

a source of innovation and inspiration. Our collective effort to ensure that sport remains a powerful<br />

and effective agent in the pursuit of a more sustainable world is for the benefi t of all. While we are<br />

already making a difference sport can do more. The future depends on it.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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2. Introduction<br />

2.1. Introduction by the IOC Director of International Cooperation<br />

and Development, Mr T.A. Ganda Sithole<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

IOC world conferences on sport and environment bring together hundreds of sports administrators<br />

from around the world, environmentalists, government representatives, business big and small,<br />

governmental and non-governmental organizations to exercise their combined brains on how<br />

sport could contribute to saving Mother Earth.<br />

They are all different, though. More so with the <strong>8th</strong> edition of the conference in Vancouver, host<br />

city of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. It came as the world was reeling from the fi nancial meltdown<br />

which many thought could be addressed with a strong dose of environmental realignment<br />

by business.<br />

So business representatives turned up in full force to share experiences with environmentalists,<br />

sportspersons and UN agencies, all of who have urged for years the need for doing things with<br />

sustainability and future generations in mind. Water, habitat, power and smart buying as well as<br />

green construction were all on the table. The new format of the conference, a form of arm-chair<br />

dialogue in which every break-out session was graced by fi ve experts who debated issues with<br />

the audience was a hit.<br />

They knew their subjects well. So did the keynote speakers who ranged from high-profi le athletes<br />

to business and political leaders. The United Nations Environmental Programme, a faithful partner<br />

in the organization of these conferences, and the activation of the follow-ups, provided the<br />

necessary support, bringing to the table its special expertise and providing some of the world’s<br />

authorities on environment and sustainable development to the forum.<br />

Perhaps what made the bigger difference was the fact that the 2010 Winter Olympic Games are<br />

breaking new ground in human relations and land utilization. These will be the fi rst mega-sport to<br />

be held on indigenous land. The four Host First Nations have been traditional enemies. The Winter<br />

Olympic Games have become the catalyst for peace between these indigenous peoples.<br />

At the environment forum, the traditional leaders of the First Nations took turns to speak about the<br />

goodness of the Olympic Games, their involvement in the project and how delighted they were<br />

that it was happening on their lands. More important, they were delighted that the organization of<br />

the games had fi nally brought them together and pledged forever to work together.<br />

The Olympic Truce will, as always, be a feature of the Winter Olympic Games. In Vancouver, the<br />

Olympic Truce will celebrate its real meaning. Sport has succeeded to bring peace to a corner of<br />

the world where all else had failed before.<br />

The IOC Sport and Environment Award is a new feature of the forum which will certainly grow in<br />

popularity. There are many sport and environment projects out there that need to be recognized<br />

for their contribution to service to humanity, development and sustainability. Five fi rst projects<br />

were recognized in Vancouver.<br />

The President of the IOC, Dr Jacques Rogge has announced that the 9th IOC Conference on<br />

Sport and Environment will be held in Doha, Qatar in 2011. The fact that the event will be held<br />

in a country that has successfully hosted some of the world’s biggest sporting events and has<br />

faced environmental challenges of its own, should make the conference one of the most exciting<br />

discussion events of the year.<br />

Details of the conference will be available on www.olympic.org<br />

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3. Programme of the Conference<br />

Sunday, March 29 PRE-<strong>C<strong>ON</strong>FERENCE</strong> PROGRAM<br />

Whistler Venues Bus Tour<br />

Vancouver Venues Bus Tour<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Virtual Tour – Sustainability Story of Vancouver 2010 Venues & Villages<br />

Virtual walk through environmental innovations at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic<br />

Winter Games. Digitally traversing Vancouver to Whistler, this virtual tour provides<br />

a condensed and informative visual snapshot of the environmental infrastructure<br />

underpinning the production of the 2010 Games.<br />

Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET) Workshop<br />

As a legacy of the 2010 Games, the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the<br />

2010 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games (VANOC) has been working with<br />

the International Academy of Sport, Science and Technology (AiSTS), the IOC<br />

and other global sport organizations to create an easy-to-use web-based toolkit<br />

designed help sport event organizers manage their footprint. This session features<br />

the toolkit’s resources and website as well as fi rst-hand feedback from athletes and<br />

sport organizations currently involved in testing it.<br />

Monday, March 30 <strong>SPORT</strong> FOR ENVIR<strong>ON</strong>MENTAL INNOVATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Conference opening ceremony<br />

Opening Prayer<br />

Audrey Rivers, Respected Elder, Squamish Nation, Canada<br />

First Nations Offi cial Welcome<br />

Tewanee Joseph, Executive Director and CEO, Four Host First Nations<br />

Secretariat, Canada<br />

Introduction of Rapporteur Team<br />

David Chernushenko, Founder, Living Lightly Project; Vice-Chair, National Round<br />

Table of the Environment and the Economy, Canada<br />

Michael Chambers, President, Canadian Olympic Committee, Canada<br />

Pal Schmitt, Chair, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Hungary<br />

Colin Hansen, Minister of Finance & Minister Responsible for the 2010 Olympics,<br />

Province of BC, Canada<br />

Gregor Robertson, Mayor, City of Vancouver, Canada<br />

Lambis Nikolaou, Vice President, International Olympic Committee, Greece<br />

INNOVATI<strong>ON</strong> KEYNOTE<br />

Achieving Environmental Progress in an Uncertain Economy<br />

The dramatic downturn in the global economy is unprecedented and is affecting<br />

every region of the world. Concern about restoring positive economic trends is<br />

dominating public and private sector decision-making and has triggered debate<br />

on the role of “green” stimulus as part of the solution. What impact is the changing<br />

global economic landscape having on the business case for going green? Do green<br />

technologies and services hold the answer for both the planet and prosperity or<br />

will the economic downturn exacerbate key environmental threats such as climate<br />

change. How organizations committed to improving environmental conditions in<br />

cities, regions and countries can still achieve their goals in an uncertain global<br />

economy?<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Introduction and Moderator:<br />

Moura Quayle, Commissioner, Pacifi c Coast Collaborative Commission, Province<br />

of British Columbia, Canada<br />

Keynote Speaker:<br />

Thomas Van Dyck, Senior Vice President and Financial Consultant, RBC Wealth<br />

Management – SRI Wealth Management Group, USA<br />

INNOVATI<strong>ON</strong> PLENARY<br />

Off and Running : How Sport is Embracing Environmental Responsibility<br />

There are now many working examples of how sport is embracing the challenge<br />

of reducing its environmental footprint. This plenary session and subsequent<br />

concurrent sessions looks at the strides that have been made and the new<br />

opportunities that are emerging. Participants have an opportunity to discuss how<br />

sport can use environmental innovation to create enduring economic and social<br />

benefi ts.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Amy Fraenkel, Regional Director, Regional Offi ce for North America (R<strong>ON</strong>A),<br />

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)<br />

Speakers:<br />

Gilbert Felli, Olympic Games Executive Director, IOC, Switzerland<br />

Michael Fennell, President, Commonwealth Games Federation, Jamaica<br />

Doug Konkin, Deputy Minister, BC Ministry of Environment, Canada<br />

Erich Vogt, Professorial Lecturer, American University, USA<br />

SPECIAL LUNCHE<strong>ON</strong> SESSI<strong>ON</strong>:<br />

Unlike Europe where national governments have led policy development on climate<br />

change, in North America sub national governments have been the early movers.<br />

Regional coordination and action on climate change on the west coast of Canada<br />

and the United States has been inspired by the common belief among leaders<br />

like British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell that working together, local and<br />

regional climate policy initiatives can achieve results and accelerate action at the<br />

national level. HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco presents the European perspective<br />

on Sport and Environment and also refl ects on his recent trip to Antarctica.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Charmaine Crooks, President, Olympians Canada; Canadian Olympic Committee<br />

Member, Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco, Member, International Olympic<br />

Committee, Monaco<br />

Gordon Campbell, Premier of British Columbia, Canada<br />

PARALLEL SESSI<strong>ON</strong> A1 – BUILDING <strong>AND</strong> DESIGN<br />

Innovative Sport Facilities: Turning Green to Gold<br />

Shrinking the environmental footprint of sport venues and community facilities is a<br />

strategy that keeps on giving – environmentally through reduced water consumption,<br />

energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and waste as well as fi nancially through<br />

reduced operating costs. This session will present recent examples of facilities built<br />

for Olympic Games that demonstrate how green planning, design and construction<br />

principles can reduce environmental impact while creating more sustainable<br />

communities.<br />

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Moderator:<br />

Dr Thomas Bach, Vice President, International Olympic Committee, Germany<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Speakers:<br />

Enrico Carbone, Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Italy<br />

Bob Johnston, Principal, National Practice Leader for Sport, Cannon Design<br />

Architects Inc. (Richmond Oval), Canada<br />

Xiaoxuan Yu, Environment Director, Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic<br />

Games (BOCOG), China<br />

PARALLEL SESSI<strong>ON</strong> A2 – ENERGY <strong>AND</strong> TRAN<strong>SPORT</strong>ATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Going on a Diet: Shrinking Energy Demand<br />

Energy use and climate change are the most pressing environmental issues facing<br />

the planet and sport is both part of the problem and part of the solution. Sport uses<br />

energy to power buildings and equipment, move people and materials, and enable<br />

travel to events. Innovation and investment in greener energy and transportation<br />

solutions is therefore critical. Experts on this panel discuss the trends and investment<br />

opportunities both broadly and as it applies to sport facilities.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Mossadiq Umedaly, Director and Chair, BC Hydro, Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

Elyse Allan, President and CEO, General Electric (GE) Canada, Canada<br />

Roger Bayley, Principal, Merrick Architecture (Olympic and Paralympic Village<br />

Vancouver), Canada<br />

Dmitri Kolosov, Head of Environmental Support Department, Sochi 2014<br />

Organizing Committee, Russia<br />

Antoine Masson-Delisle, Regional Marketing Director, Tennis Canada, Canada<br />

PARALLEL SESSI<strong>ON</strong> B1 – OPERATI<strong>ON</strong>S <strong>AND</strong> SUPPLY CHAINS<br />

Green to the Core: Innovations in Operations and Supply Chains<br />

Sport is a multi-billion dollar business at the global level that includes operation<br />

of sport facilities and organizations, media coverage of sport events, sale of<br />

equipment and apparel, and travel by athletes and spectators. How can event<br />

organizers harness the power of the sport supply chain to promote, enable and<br />

reward improved environmental performance? What’s involved in taking an<br />

integrated systems-based approach to managing the impacts and opportunities of<br />

sport? This dialogue highlights emerging best practices by operators and suppliers<br />

around the world.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Simon Balderstone, Director, Ways and Means Consultancy Pty Ltd; IOC<br />

Environment Adviser, Australia<br />

Speakers:<br />

Ann Duffy, Corporate Sustainability Offi cer, VANOC, Canada<br />

Masato Mizuno, Chairman, Mizuno Corporation, Member, IOC Sport and<br />

Environment Commission, Japan<br />

David Stubbs, Head, Environment and Sustainable Development, LOCOG 2012,<br />

London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Benjamin Warren, Director of Communications, Golf Environment Organisation,<br />

Scotland, United Kingdom<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

PARALLEL B2 – CLIMATE <strong>AND</strong> CARB<strong>ON</strong> MANAGEMENT<br />

Stepping up: Managing Sport’s Carbon Footprint<br />

There may be no issue more compelling and more serious to current and future<br />

citizens of the world than the earth’s changing climate. What is the role of sport in<br />

slowing and reversing the trends, and can sport help motivate athletes, spectators<br />

and viewing audiences to make wiser, more climate friendly choices in their homes,<br />

their communities and businesses?<br />

Moderator:<br />

Julius DeHeer, Consultant in sustainable development in sport, J. deHeer<br />

Consulting, Switzerland<br />

Speakers:<br />

Jenitha Badul, Director for Greening, Support to FIFA 2010 World Cup Greening,<br />

Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, South Africa<br />

Julius DeHeer, Consultant in Sustainable Development in Sport, J. deHeer<br />

Consulting, Switzerland<br />

Ian Gill, President, Ecotrust Canada, Canada<br />

Adam Kreek, Olympic Gold Medalist (Rowing), Canada<br />

WELCOME RECEPTI<strong>ON</strong> <strong>AND</strong> IOC <strong>SPORT</strong> <strong>AND</strong> ENVIR<strong>ON</strong>MENT<br />

AWARDS CEREM<strong>ON</strong>Y<br />

Mayors’ Welcome<br />

Ken Melamed, Mayor, Resort Municipality of Whistler, Canada<br />

Gregor Robertson, Mayor, City of Vancouver, Canada<br />

Introduction of Four Host First Nations Chiefs<br />

IOC Announcement: Winners of IOC’s Inaugural Sport and Environment Award<br />

Tomas A. Ganda Sithole, Director, International Cooperation and Development,<br />

International Olympic Committee, Zimbabwe<br />

Tuesday, March 31 A DAY OF INSPIRATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

INSPIRATI<strong>ON</strong> KEYNOTE<br />

Harnessing the Power of Sport for Change<br />

Harnessing the power of sport to help achieve sustainable development goals<br />

requires collaboration between diverse players. Canadian “Ultramarathoner” Ray<br />

Zahab, has run the Sahara Desert and the Antarctic to raise awareness about water<br />

and climate change issues. Join Ray as he shares new ideas and strategies for<br />

leveraging benefi ts from sport by engaging youth, communities, governments,<br />

business, sport and non-government organizations. His engaging story about what<br />

sport can do for the environment will inspire you to create your own.<br />

Introduction and Moderator:<br />

Rick Antonson, President and Chief Executive Offi cer, Tourism Vancouver, Canada<br />

Keynote Speaker:<br />

Ray Zahab, Adventurer and Founder, Impossible2Possible, Canada<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

PARALLEL SESSI<strong>ON</strong> C1 – ENGAGING YOUTH<br />

Leaders of Tomorrow: Inspiring Youth through Sport<br />

Three youth active in community-based sustainability projects present their<br />

perspective on how sport can inspire young people to be responsible citizens<br />

in an environmentally interdependent world.<br />

Co-Moderators:<br />

Theo Oben, Chief, Outreach Unit, United Nations Environment Programme<br />

(UNEP), Kenya<br />

Chief Leah George-Wilson, Tsleil-Waututh First Nation, Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

Therese Seymour, Sto:lo Nation, Canada<br />

Thomas Kineshanko, Habitat Enterprises, Canada<br />

Maurice Odera, Southlands Youth Parents Association, Kenya<br />

Winning entries from VANOC’s digital storytelling contest – “u-reduce, u-produce” –<br />

for BC youth on environmental footprint reduction will be shown at this session.<br />

PARRALLEL C2 – ENGAGING <strong>SPORT</strong> ORGANIZATI<strong>ON</strong>S<br />

Sport Organizations: Shaping Sport and Driving a More Sustainable Future<br />

From local volunteers to international sports federations, sport organizations are<br />

critical to the continued growth and success of sport across the world. This panel<br />

explores how sport organizations can strengthen their purpose and their value by<br />

mobilizing athletes, coaches, offi cials, sponsors and spectators on sustainable<br />

development issues.<br />

Moderator:<br />

General Zoumaro Gnofame, IOC Sport and Environment Commission member<br />

and former Minister of Environment, Togo<br />

Speakers:<br />

Andres Botero, Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Colombia<br />

Judith Conrad, Head of Department of Ethics & Development, National Olympic<br />

Committee, Switzerland<br />

Jack Groh, Director, Environmental Program, National Football League, USA<br />

George Kazantzopoulous, Founder and President, Institute Team for the World,<br />

Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Greece<br />


Moving Forward Together: Stronger Communities Through Sport<br />

Communities have much to gain from improved environmental, economic and social<br />

performance by sport. Sport events and facilities, active and healthy citizens, community<br />

level sport participation, youth focused sport programs, enhanced volunteer capacity<br />

and sport related businesses can improve quality of life in communities. This panel<br />

will explore best examples of strengthened communities through sport.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Bruce Dewar, CEO, 2010 Legacies Now, Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

Isaac Kalua, Founder and Chairman, Green Africa Foundation, Kenya<br />

Ken Melamed, Mayor, Resort Municipality of Whistler, Canada<br />

Tatsuo Okada, Executive Director, Global Sports Alliance, Japan<br />

Doug Ragan, UN-HABITAT representative, University of British Columbia, Canada<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />


Peak Performance: The Role of Corporate Sponsors and Suppliers<br />

in Accelerating Sustainability<br />

Corporate participation in the world of sport is essential. Companies supply goods<br />

and services essential to convening community and elite level sport and are<br />

important partners in funding local, national and international athletes, teams and<br />

events. This group of leaders provides perspectives on how to capitalize on the<br />

relationship between sport, business and sustainability to create enhanced value<br />

for all parties.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Tony Pigott, President and CEO, JWT Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

Nicola Kettlitz, General Manager, Vancouver 2010 Olympic Project Team for<br />

Coca-Cola Ltd., Italy<br />

Brian Krieger, Director, 2010 Commerce Centre, BC Winter Games Secretariat,<br />

Canada<br />

David Parker, Vice President, Sustainability, Teck; Chair, 2010 Sponsor<br />

Sustainability Initiative (SSI), Canada<br />

Henry Stoch, Senior Manager, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability Practice,<br />

Deloitte & Touche LLP, Canada<br />

LUNCHE<strong>ON</strong> PRESENTATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Passion Drivers for Sport and Sustainability<br />

Unleashing the power of sport for change requires an understanding of why people<br />

care about sport and why sport fans are so passionate about their teams and<br />

athletes. Kim Smither and Simon Wardle from Octagon Worldwide, one of the<br />

world’s largest sport and entertainment marketing agencies, share key fi ndings<br />

from Octagon’s Passion Drivers research on what motivates local and global<br />

sports fans. They also describe new research being undertaken by Octagon on<br />

the emotions that drives people to take personal responsibility for making their<br />

community, and the world, a more sustainable place. Are the passions that drive<br />

sport fans similar to the passions that inspire people take action to reduce their<br />

environmental footprint? Is being a “fan” one of the keys to behaviour change?<br />

Can athletes infl uence their fans to care for the planet? This two part special<br />

session, including Olympic athletes look at where the emotional powers of sport<br />

and sustainability converge.<br />

Moderator:<br />

Anna van der Kamp, Project Director, Clean Air Champions; Olympic Silver<br />

Medalist (Rowing), Canada<br />

Speakers:<br />

Simon Wardle, Senior Vice President, Insights & Strategy, Octagon Worldwide, USA<br />

Kim Smither, Managing Director, Octagon Worldwide, Canada<br />

Athletes Panel:<br />

Yaping Deng, Member, IOC Sport & Environment Commission; Olympic Gold<br />

Medalist (Table Tennis), China<br />

Paul Gauthier, Paralympic Gold Medalist, (Boccia), Canada<br />

Rebecca “Beckie” Scott, Member, IOC Athletes Commission; Olympic Gold<br />

Medalist (Cross-Country Skiing), Canada<br />

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CLOSING SESSI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Where to From Here?<br />

Conference Chair<br />

Lambis Nikolaou, Vice President, International Olympic Committee, Greece<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Report from Rapporteur Team<br />

David Chernushenko, Founder, Living Lightly Project; Vice-Chair, National Round<br />

Table on the Environment and the Economy, Canada<br />

Recommendations of Way forward<br />

The Vancouver Declaration<br />

Lambis Nikolaou, Vice President, International Olympic Committee, Greece<br />

Closing Remarks<br />

John Furlong, CEO, Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and<br />

Paralympic Games (VANOC), Canada<br />

Lambis Nikolaou, Vice President, International Olympic Committee, Greece<br />

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4. Summaries<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

4.1. Pre-Conference Workshop<br />

VANOC and AISTS Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit Workshop<br />

Responsible, Green, Inclusive, Ethical, Economic<br />

and Inspiring Sport<br />

Topic: Overview – Sustainable Sport and Event Toolkit (SSET) Initiative<br />

by Ms Ann Duffy,<br />

Corporate Sustainability Offi cer, VANOC<br />

The IOC now includes sustainability and its three pillars (economic, social and environmental)<br />

within the Olympic Movement. At the Vancouver bid stage, it was key to protect the environment,<br />

to be socially inclusive, and to include the First Nations throughout the process.<br />

The SSET is a collaborative pilot project between VANOC and AISTS as well as many stakeholders<br />

(International Federations and Events) to create a toolkit that organisations can use in the<br />

sustainability fi eld.<br />

Three key driving principles for the SSET:<br />

1. How to create something that is inclusive to include the experiences of nations<br />

and organisations?<br />

2. How do you make this information accessible and user-friendly?<br />

3. How do you adapt this toolkit to allow for continual improvements?<br />

Ms Duffy has a request to the delegates and stakeholders: Offer suggestions for references,<br />

resources and links to fl esh out the details of the toolkit and what can be added for online<br />

functionality and other services (including a blog, digital media, workshops, etc.).<br />

This toolkit aims at addressing the challenges such as:<br />

1. What to do fi rst<br />

2. Where to get help<br />

3. How to get started.<br />

There is a lot done regarding sustainability at the Olympic Games level, however at the local and<br />

grassroots level there is little.<br />

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Mr Matt Dolf,<br />

Assistant Director, AISTS<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr Dolf described the AISTS, its mission to develop knowledge in sport, its initiatives in sustainability<br />

(including developing the SSET in partnership with VANOC, having research projects with sports<br />

federations and events).<br />

The rationale for the project: In a survey of sports organisations, only a small percentage had<br />

a written policy on environmental sustainability, and many stated that events were the highest<br />

priority.<br />

Topic: Leadership and Management<br />

by Mr Sean Maw (Speed Skating Canada Board Member)<br />

– Speed Skating Canada’s Sustainability Initiative<br />

SSC is the national organisation that administers the sport of speed skating in Canada.<br />

Mr Maw discussed how SSC created a Sustainability Committee and a Sustainability Policy. It started<br />

with him teaming up with Kristina Groves (Canadian speed skater) to create a Green Plan, which<br />

led to an analysis of the footprint of the SSC, and this was the springboard to having the rest of the<br />

Board undertake this initiative. An ad-hoc Sustainability Committee was created, with the mandate<br />

to formulate policies, programmes, and procedures that embed sustainability within SSC.<br />

Challenge: Mr Maw has found that it has been diffi cult to get started during the peak period<br />

preparing for the 2010 Winter Games (both staff and athletes). As a result, the Core and Advisory<br />

Committees have started slowly.<br />

Achievements:<br />

1. SSC has investigated the broad use of video teleconferencing to reduce both the environmental<br />

footprint of the organisations and travelling and meeting expenses.<br />

2. It will also be offering athletes options for taking leadership roles in the Clean Air Programme<br />

that connects with 2010 host communities.<br />

3. The key point about stakeholder input: The Core Sustainability Committee comprises only<br />

seven or eight people, and Ms Groves and other members cannot commit full time. Many others<br />

wanted to help, so an Advisory Committee was created and it receives all the materials about<br />

what SSC is doing. Advisory members do not need to respond if they don’t want to, but it has<br />

done a great deal of work. This dual committee model has resulted in a great deal of input from<br />

many stakeholders.<br />

Key message:<br />

1. State a commitment<br />

2. Get started<br />

3. Check progress.<br />

Key questions:<br />

1. Who in the organisation is the representative?<br />

2. What is the plan for the future?<br />

3. How will it be rolled out?<br />

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Topic: reCycling: Leadership and Management<br />

by Mr George-Emmanuel Denjean,<br />

Cycling for All and International Cycling Union (UCI)<br />

Golden Bike Coordinator<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr Denjean advised that the UCI has an Environmental Policy and a key component is its green<br />

strategy called “reCycling”. He described how cycling is very close to the environment, meaning<br />

that there must be a strong commitment to protect the environment. The aim of the UCI is to go<br />

beyond good intentions. It concentrates on areas where environmental actions can have a direct<br />

and signifi cant impact, with a focus on results, and an emphasis on networking with international<br />

experts, and informing stakeholders why it is important to have them involved in projects. UCI<br />

has produced a Guide which has eight major objectives and other objectives under each of them.<br />

Many different organisations use that Guide, all of which have different focuses.<br />

Site Selection and Construction<br />

A video is showed about Whistler Olympic Park, which includes three venues (cross-country<br />

skiing, biathlon, and ski jumping). The key lessons from this project are: A site with existing<br />

commercial and industrial uses was selected and every effort was made to shrink the size of<br />

the venue and apply innovative environmental solutions to reduce impact, including composting<br />

and reuse of site-clearing materials; an Aboriginal-owned company called Resource Business<br />

Ventures which was a key contractor in site construction; and the venue’s post-Olympic use was<br />

always a key consideration in its design and construction.<br />

Key message:<br />

1. Design for Less<br />

2. Leverage green building guidelines<br />

3. Integrate sustainability in values and plans.<br />

Key lesson:<br />

At the beginning, the environmental monitor and the contractor had a contentious relationship.<br />

But with time, the relationship became more collaborative and ultimately it was a team effort<br />

among all construction contractors and with stakeholders.<br />

Topic: Site, Venue and Offi ce Management<br />

by Mr David Stubbs,<br />

London 2012 Olympic Games Organising Committee,<br />

London 2012 Sustainable Event Guidelines<br />

Mr Stubbs began by stating that the life of an organising committee involves many events, not<br />

just the Olympic Games. Thus, the Olympic Organising Committee is really an event organising<br />

company. Mr Stubbs advised that during the 2012 bid, he was concerned that normal requirements<br />

for international management requirements do not apply easily because an event is a one-off<br />

thing. As a result, London 2012 spoke with the British Standards Offi ce to create a standard for<br />

event management. British Standard 8,901 is specifi c to events for:<br />

a) Planning<br />

b) Implementation<br />

c) Evaluation.<br />

Mr Stubbs stated that simple guidelines are needed when an event is being organised (“Like a<br />

1 pager”) so that they can be given to the marketing team and sponsors. London 2012 recently<br />

published guidelines for one-off events.<br />

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Sustainable Event Management includes:<br />

1. Planning: determine what impacts and issues you are dealing with<br />

2. Implementation: deliver actions and record progress, and communicate achievements<br />

3. Measuring Success: document outcomes and analyse feedback.<br />

Mr Stubbs stated that a sustainable event has the following characteristics:<br />

1. Accessible and inclusive setting for all<br />

2. Safe and secure atmosphere<br />

3. Minimal negative impacts on the environment<br />

4. Responsible sourcing<br />

5. Excellent customer experience<br />

6. Encourages more sustainable behaviour and healthy living<br />

7. Positive legacy.<br />

Key message<br />

1. Operating effi ciently involves working with staff, volunteers, and supply chain<br />

2. Providing guidelines, training and check-ups.<br />

Topic: Waste Management<br />

by Ms Natalie Seaba,<br />

VANOC, Integrated Waste Management<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Ms Seaba described VANOC’s Integrated Waste Management Strategy, which includes a target<br />

of diverting 85% of waste from landfi ll.<br />

Challenge: Ms Seaba stated that the high presence of security during the Games will have an<br />

impact, particularly in the movement of waste trucks.<br />

Key elements of the strategy are:<br />

1. Source reduction: limit packaging of products<br />

2. Reuse: Such as renting or post-Games use of products<br />

3. Recycle/Compost<br />

4. Residual waste disposal<br />

5. Communications plan: includes training, dispersal of information.<br />

Topic: Community and Supply Chain<br />

by Ms Jill Porter,<br />

Manager of Social Inclusivity, VANOC<br />

Ms Porter presented three examples of how VANOC has engaged with stakeholders to nurture<br />

sustainable sourcing practices:<br />

1. Victory Bouquets: 1,500 bouquets will be delivered through collaboration between a North<br />

Shore fl ower supplier with an organisation that helps at-risk women and members of the First<br />

Nations. Key Lesson: It shines a light on awarding contracts to a social enterprise.<br />

2. Rona Fabrication Shop: This is a partnership between VANOC with R<strong>ON</strong>A where four different<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

groups (Aboriginal, youth at risk, women and new immigrants) are trained for 30 weeks (six<br />

weeks of theoretical teaching and 24 weeks of practical training), where trainees will build about<br />

8,000 Games-time items, including podiums, ramps, and warming huts.<br />

3. Lost & Found Claim Centre: During the 2010 Games, a community group will manage and<br />

operate the Centre. Unclaimed items will become property of the non-profi t organisation, which<br />

will distribute them to the community.<br />

Key message<br />

1. Involving the community<br />

2. Using the purchasing and recruiting powers of the event to generate sustainability outcomes,<br />

such as ethical sourcing and enhancing the social, environmental and economic outcomes of<br />

the Games.<br />

Ms Duffy described the case study of VANOC’s Buy Smart Programme, which includes policies and<br />

procedures, codes of conduct, a steering committee, and audits. She stated that all merchandise<br />

products go through a Licensing Code of Conduct, be they plush toys, pins, etc. This includes a<br />

several-step process:<br />

1. Pre-contract audit<br />

2. The licensees are signed up if successful<br />

3. Annual site audit<br />

4. Tracking and reporting<br />

5. Corrective action plans if defi ciencies are found.<br />

Topic: Smart Transportation and Accommodation<br />

by Ms Ann Duffy,<br />

Corporate Sustainability Offi cer, VANOC<br />

An organising committee must optimise its fl eet size and composition, collaborate with government<br />

on public transport, and communicate with hotels on sustainable accommodation.<br />

Travel Planning: This involves reducing energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, air<br />

pollution, travel time and money.<br />

Green Accommodation: Mention of the Green Key Programme by the Canadian Hotel Association<br />

with various levels of green and social programming.<br />

Green Travel: Options are teletrips, airline offsets, public transportation use, green fl eets.<br />

VANOC’s 2010 Carbon Strategy was also discussed. VANOC’s strategy has been a four-part<br />

process:<br />

1. Know the inventory of emissions and report – where, when, how much?<br />

2. Reduce as many emissions as possible at the source, including through choice of materials,<br />

energy effi cient venues.<br />

3. Be Responsible: Offset direct and indirect emissions that cannot be reduced or eliminated.<br />

4. Align and Activate with Others: Use the 2010 experience to increase awareness of and<br />

participation in climate change solutions, including viewers, athletes, sponsors, etc.<br />

VANOC’s footprint scope includes Direct Emissions (what they control) that are generated by the<br />

staging of the Games, such as venues, villages, operations and transportation, air travel; as well<br />

as the Indirect Emissions that they infl uence, including Games-times air travel.<br />

Key message<br />

1. Choosing smart travel and accommodation infl uences the supply chain and environment;<br />

2. Saves time and money.<br />

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Topic: Catering, Food and Beverage<br />

by Mr Craig Lear,<br />

Director Snow Clearing, Cleaning and Waste,<br />

and Venue Food and Beverage, VANOC<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr Lear had worked on waste management with the Sydney 2000 Summer Olympic Games. He<br />

stated that the most important message to potential contractors is: If you want to do business<br />

with VANOC, there are important performance conditions that must be met.<br />

He also discussed the opportunity to send an advance positive message to athletes, spectators,<br />

and media that when you come to Vancouver to enjoy the Games, we want you to do things<br />

responsibility.<br />

The goals are:<br />

1. To reduce the ecological footprint<br />

2. To promote healthy eating, where possible<br />

3. To work with caterers to reduce food waste via composting<br />

4. To reduce product packaging waste by talking to suppliers; having compostable utensils made<br />

with corn starch.<br />

It is important to have sponsors on board and to work towards waste reduction:<br />

1. Coca Cola makes shirts using recycled bottles. It is also working on its fl eet effi ciency and using<br />

the fl eet to transport recyclable bottles to the recycling depot<br />

2. Molson and Vincor will also assist in managing returnable bottles.<br />

The challenges:<br />

1. Space: There must be the right amount of space to set up waste streams<br />

2. Cost: Must ensure that Vancouver sets an example to use resources in a better way<br />

3. Availability of local produce<br />

4. Consistency across venues.<br />

Discussion<br />

Question: Is there a means to ensure that there is fresh drinking water without bottles?<br />

Answer: answered that there must be a product with integrity, such as working with Coca Cola<br />

and Dasani water, and PET recycling.<br />

Question: Is the provision of hot food taken into consideration and is dealing with this is more<br />

diffi cult in the Winter Games?<br />

Answer: VANOC is focusing on fresh produce. But there are challenges concerning hot food in<br />

the Winter Games, although alternatives are being considered, such as hot vegetable soup.<br />

Comment: It would be useful to have a list of suppliers that provide sustainable products/<br />

supplies, such as a list of national providers, as well as a list of Lower Mainland suppliers.<br />

Statement was made that VANOC will be working on this.<br />

Statement by VANOC that the 2010 Commerce Centre will have a list of suppliers that organisations<br />

can look to.<br />

It was also stated that VANOC had discovered that:<br />

1. Food is cultural, personal and complex<br />

2. Food issues must be thought about early to lessen potential problems.<br />

The case study of the 2004 FA Cup Final was also discussed: 73,000 spectators and the visitor<br />

ecological footprint on food and drink identifi ed that meat had more of an impact than vegetables.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

It was also mentioned that the Olympic Eco Sport brand in Switzerland is applied to events and<br />

organisations that are sustainable. CSI Geneva was awarded based on its use of compostable<br />

food-ware and a public education scheme where clowns were used.<br />

Topic: Marketing and Communications<br />

by Mr David Stubbs,<br />

London 2012, Case Study: London 2012 Sustainability Partners<br />

Mr Stubbs stated that London 2012 had created a “Sustainability Partner” sponsorship category<br />

for a maximum of six companies to create exclusivity, which will help to reinforce and communicate<br />

the London 2012 sustainability agenda. This extra designation can be purchased for additional<br />

marketing rights. For instance, four Tier 1 domestic and 1 TOP Partner had signed up to create a<br />

“Sustainability Club” of fi ve companies, which can do the following:<br />

1. Advocacy Group: advocate for stronger policies, including to government<br />

2. Collaboration: business-to-business sharing of technologies and know-how<br />

3. Forum for joint initiatives linked to the Games<br />

4. Potential joint showcasing opportunities.<br />

The Sustainability Partner Initiative has changed the dynamic of sustainability within the LOCOG<br />

in three ways:<br />

1. Sustainability is a revenue-driver<br />

2. Reinforces wider Commercial Programme<br />

3. Partner expectations also create additional pressure to deliver sustainability partner.<br />

According to Mr Stubbs, the challenge is: When you have new companies on board, it may take<br />

time to get results because they have to get the company working internally. So, you must control<br />

unrealistic expectations of early results.<br />

Discussion<br />

Question: Which TOP sponsor is involved?<br />

Answer: GE is the sponsor. Differentiation is to be noted between TOP Sponsors, who are<br />

the global sponsors, and the domestic partners who have marketing rights only in the host<br />

country.<br />

Strong performance allows for an overall marketing and branding of the event to help position<br />

leadership in this space.<br />

The key message<br />

With strong performance, internal and external marketing communications reinforce commitment,<br />

recognise success, and support leadership position.<br />

Topic: Sustainability Star Programme<br />

by Ms Ann Duffy,<br />

VANOC, Case Study: VANOC Sustainability Star<br />

Ms Duffy described the Sustainability Star programme, which was inspired by the 2010 Sponsor<br />

Sustainability Initiative, which will use an icon for corporate sponsors, government partners and<br />

VANOC to profi le Games-related activities and innovations that send the message of “sustainability<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

in action”. There is an application process where an innovation must be new to the Games, scale<br />

up a previous initiative, or involve a new collaboration.<br />

Topic: Inspirational Wrap-Up<br />

by Mr Adam Kreek,<br />

Gold Medallist in Men’s Rowing Eights, Canada<br />

Mr Kreek stated that the events we undertake—be they the Olympics or another—involve a great<br />

deal of preparation. While training, Mr Kreek thought about the VANOC mascots. Consequently,<br />

the team assigned spirit animals to the team members, such as cobra, polar bear or giraffe. One<br />

of the athletes was assigned the Snow Leopard spirit animal because the animal is rare and the<br />

athlete never showed up for practice. It was the case that the Flying Squirrel—a smaller athlete<br />

with less potential—always showed up to practice, while the leopard did not. When the time trial<br />

came, with the battle between the two athletes, the Flying Squirrel won the opportunity to be<br />

on the team. The lesson: Mr Kreek says that we all have opportunities within our grasp. We just<br />

need to reach for them. And this is the case with the SSET. He likes the UCI approach of “going<br />

beyond good intentions.” So, we must be “going beyond good intentions of setting up this plan<br />

for sustainability and implement it.”<br />

Mr Kreek admired how the US Navy centres its training on addressing what is in its sphere of<br />

control, rather than what is outside its control. Mr Kreek decided to do what he could do in his<br />

sphere of control on the sustainability front, and this was for the entire team to be carbon neutral<br />

for the Games. He raised the funds and the entire team went along with him. This involved a<br />

paradigm shift. And Mr Kreek had another paradigm shift during training when he was diagnosed<br />

with a herniated disk. So, instead of training, he focused on healing for three days a week. We<br />

also see a paradigm shift of practising sustainability.<br />

This is the lesson of “Inch by Inch”. According to Mr Kreek, in order to be faster than others, a<br />

rowing team must do three things:<br />

1. Must be as strong as possible<br />

2. Ensure that your stroke rate is as high as possible<br />

3. Ensure the length of stroke is as long as possible.<br />

The focus of his team was to have a length of stroke one inch longer than its competitors. An inch<br />

may not seem that long, but adding them up during the length of the race is about 221 inches,<br />

which is about 1 second, which was the length of victory. The lesson is that each of us has the<br />

ability to contribute an inch and this will grow as our infl uence reaches others in society.<br />

Key Message<br />

Athlete perspective on exercising sphere of infl uence in sport and communities.<br />

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4.2. Conference Opening Ceremony<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Ms Audrey Rivers,<br />

Respected Elder, Squamish National, Canada<br />

Report<br />

Following the initial welcome, Ms Audrey Rivers, a Respected Elder of the Squamish Nation,<br />

provided an opening prayer wherein she wished success for the delegates and stated that: “In 10<br />

months, Canada and Vancouver and Whistler will play host to the world. This is the fi rst time in<br />

history that the Olympics will be held on traditional lands.”<br />

Mr Tewanee Joseph,<br />

Executive Director and CEO, Four Host First Nations Secretariat,<br />

Canada<br />

Mr Tewanee Joseph spoke on behalf of the Four Host First Nations. Mr Joseph highlighted the<br />

unprecedented partnership that has been formed between VANOC and the Four First Nations on<br />

whose traditional territories the Games will be held. He also cited the relationships that have been<br />

established with all aboriginal people across Canada including First Nations, the Inuit of northern<br />

Canada and the Metis. Mr Joseph stated that: “Many will be here in 2010 to celebrate Canada, to<br />

celebrate its cultures, and to celebrate the world. These are truly Canada’s Games”.<br />

Mr Michael Chambers,<br />

President, Canadian Olympic Committee, Canada<br />

Mr Chambers opened his speech by reminding everyone that the Olympic Charter mandates the<br />

promotion of sustainable development and cited two “incontestable facts” that this conference<br />

recognises. First, the environment is an issue of global concern affecting all of us; and second, the<br />

current economic crisis is also of global concern affecting all of us. This dichotomy will permeate<br />

the conference this year through the spirit of innovation and inspiration.<br />

Mr Chambers went on to commend VANOC on its many sustainability innovations, noting that it<br />

will be important to sustain the momentum that grew out of the 7th World Conference in Beijing.<br />

Mr Chambers ended his contribution by pointing out that “sport is universal” and as such, the<br />

IOC must use this unique universality to make the world, and young people specifi cally, more<br />

conscious about the environment.<br />

Key quotes from Mr Chambers:<br />

“Sport is universal. Through the vehicle of sport, an impact can be made on the environment.<br />

We in sport must ensure that our own house is clean. We must use the universality of sport to<br />

deliver the message of environmental sustainability.”<br />

“There are no minds more innovative than the minds of young people. No one is more attuned<br />

to the environment than young people.”<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Pál Schmitt,<br />

IOC Member, Chairman, IOC Sport and Environment Commission<br />

and Conference Chair, Hungary<br />

Report<br />

Mr Schmitt began his remarks by recognising that this Conference was an ideal opportunity to<br />

share and encourage cooperation to develop the relationship between sport and the environment.<br />

Mr Schmitt stated that: “With the main theme of innovation and inspiration, the <strong>8th</strong> World<br />

Conference on Sport and the Environment is the opportunity to encourage cooperation and to<br />

promote more than ever the co-existence of sport and the environment.” Mr Schmitt pointed<br />

out that Vancouver 2010 was the fi rst Olympic Games to integrate sustainability into its Vision<br />

Statement. Mr Schmitt encouraged delegates and the world to “think globally and act locally”<br />

when it comes to sport and the environment. In closing, Mr Schmitt looked to the upcoming Youth<br />

Olympic Games in 2010 as a chance to create a new generation of athletes with these new values<br />

and concerns.<br />

Honourable Colin Hansen,<br />

Minister of Finance & Minister Responsible for the 2010 Olympic<br />

and Paralympic Games, Province of British Columbia, Canada<br />

According to the Honourable Colin Hansen, British Columbia’s goal for 2010 is “to host the<br />

most sustainable Olympic Games in modern history.” To achieve this goal, British Columbia<br />

has implemented a number of environmentally conscious programmes. Mr Hansen specifi cally<br />

noted two innovative examples, the Sustainability Star Program and the Olympic Rings. Using<br />

innovative strategies, Vancouver 2010 will be carbon neutral and create lasting benefi ts to British<br />

Columbia and the world.<br />

Mr Gregor Robertson,<br />

Mayor of Vancouver, Canada<br />

Mayor Robertson laid out his “audacious” goal for Vancouver’s future. Through a ten-year plan,<br />

Vancouver aspires to be the “greenest city in the world”. Much like Canadian athletes have surged<br />

in sport in recent years, Vancouver aims to surge past leading Scandinavian cities to be a model in<br />

the world of sustainability and environmental consciousness. Mayor Robertson stated that: “More<br />

and more realise that the environment and economy are a potent fusion. The more we focus on<br />

this, the more we will be better in the long run.”<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Lambis Nikolaou,<br />

IOC Member, Vice-President, International Olympic Committee,<br />

Greece<br />

Report<br />

After commending VANOC on its unprecedented relationship with First Nations, Mr Nikolaou<br />

addressed the emergence of the environment as the third pillar of the Olympic Movement.<br />

Mr Nikolaou also recognised that the IOC had become increasingly aware that it has a responsibility<br />

to provide practical solutions to the sustainability issue. To do so, he advocated the IOC to rely on<br />

the expertise and infl uence of the United Nations to defi ne and execute its goals. Using initiatives<br />

like the fi rst Sport and Environment Awards, the IOC must encourage best environmental practices<br />

and make “green” a permanent concern on the podium along with gold, silver and bronze.<br />

Key quotes from Mr Nikolaou are:<br />

“Sport revolves around more than fans supporting athletes. It also involves sport protecting the<br />

environment.”<br />

“With the theme of innovation and inspiration, this Conference will help participants share their<br />

expertise to enable sport to reduce its environmental footprint, with resulting economic, social<br />

and environmental benefi ts.”<br />

VANOC is the fi rst organising committee to integrate sustainability in its vision statement. “Thus,<br />

Vancouver is the best place for the <strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment to be<br />

held.”<br />

“The 2010 Games is the fi rst time there has been a relationship between the organising committee<br />

and the First Nations. This support was welcomed by the IOC. These Four Host First Nations<br />

have coexisted for centuries and their land will host events during the Olympic and Paralympic<br />

Games. By working together, VANOC and the Four Host First Nations will build economic,<br />

environment and social legacies.”<br />

“The Olympic Games are more than about awarding medals. We must fi nd a place for “green”<br />

on the podium – if we do this, we will all be winners.”<br />

4.3. Achieving environmental progress in an uncertain economy<br />

Mr Thomas Van Dyck,<br />

Senior Vice President – Financial Consultant, Senior Consulting Group<br />

RBC Wealth Management – SRI Wealth Management Group, USA<br />

Mr Van Dyck discussed the business case for going green and the context of doing so within the<br />

global fi nancial crisis that is occurring. He suggested that an evolution in the current capitalist<br />

economic model could occur which allowed for a redesign of the conception of “wealth” and that<br />

such a change should be pursued aggressively. Understanding that the world faces two distinct<br />

crises, one economic and one ecological, Mr Van Dyck believes that the utilisation of green<br />

technologies and modifi cation of shareholder and management behaviours can pave the way<br />

towards a new environmentally sustainable economy.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Three claims were made:<br />

1) Capitalism is adept at the exploitation of labour and the environment as well as shifting<br />

externalities from the balance sheets of business to that of citizens. Despite these negatives,<br />

capitalism also possesses the key driving force for change: innovation. By being dynamic and<br />

embracing innovation, society can use capitalism to redraw its priorities to include environmental<br />

sustainability.<br />

2) Recognition that such a shift does not need to come at the sacrifi ce of vital industries that<br />

support the economy. Drawing on numerous examples, such as California salmon fi shing and<br />

the infestation by the mountain pine beetle in the forests of British Columbia, Mr Van Dyck was<br />

emphatic that the consequences of not innovating are more economically devastating.<br />

3) The time for innovation is now. Business should begin to recognise that the economic leaders<br />

of yesterday and today are not necessarily going to be the leaders of tomorrow. It is innovation<br />

which raises economic leaders to the forefront. Those who embrace clean technology and green<br />

goals will position themselves as global economic leaders in the future.<br />

Mr Van Dyck argued that this current state of economic uncertainty is the exact time to move from<br />

a perspective of “me” to a culture of “we.” In doing so there is every reason to believe that this will<br />

encourage environmental sustainability without having profound economic sacrifi ces.<br />

Key quotes from Mr Van Dyck:<br />

“We must bring the green opportunity to everyone.”<br />

“It is not green versus green [economy versus ecology]. But green is green.”<br />

“We cannot afford to fail. Unlike the current economic crisis we are in, where we can print more<br />

and more money, we cannot print more rain for drought areas, we cannot print more rainforest<br />

in the Amazon, we cannot print more salmon. We cannot afford to fail.”<br />

“The green tide must lift all ships… green for all.”<br />

“We need to bring the work that needs to be done to those who need the work the most.”<br />

“We must move from me to we… for “green for all”… We must put the “eco” back in economy.”<br />

Discussion:<br />

Mr Van Dyck was asked about the “As You Sow” programme and how investor and management<br />

behaviour changes can occur.<br />

Mr Van Dyck outlined success stories involving Home Depot and Disney, both of which were<br />

unaware that there were sustainable options for production in their specifi c industry.<br />

A delegate asked about the notion of “reset” and how changes can occur.<br />

Mr Van Dyck responded that the shift can develop because business and government both<br />

recognise the economic benefi ts derived from environmental sustainability.<br />

A delegate asked about where they see innovation coming from.<br />

Mr Van Dyck suggested that it will come from groups like consultants making change,<br />

and events such as those developed by the International Olympic Committee, and most<br />

importantly individuals.<br />

A delegate indicated that during economic downturns cities begin to cut back on recycling<br />

facilities and wondered if investment funds could modify this trend?<br />

Mr Van Dyck was unsure of any specifi c programme to subsidise recycling; however, there<br />

are ethical funds which promote sustainable companies.<br />

A delegate asked about how the developing world should view this new sustainable vision. Is<br />

sustainable development going to be limited to the developed economies?<br />

Mr Van Dyck agreed 100% that the evolution of capitalist ideas to include environmental<br />

sustainability is of global reach and not limited to the developed world. New design parameters<br />

and full-cost integration needs to be implemented globally.<br />

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4.4. How Sport is Embracing Environmental Responsibility<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Gilbert Felli,<br />

Olympic Games Executive Director, IOC, Switzerland<br />

Report<br />

Mr Felli began his presentation by highlighting the changes over the years in sport: the transition<br />

from a natural state in the 1960s to a more mechanical one in the 1970s. The mechanical revolution<br />

marked a time where we, as individuals, began to notice the impact we had on the environment. In<br />

other words, we saw our carbon footprint affect our environments quite readily. The turning point<br />

for the IOC and the issue of sustainability was during the Lillehammer Games. The IOC identifi ed<br />

that the environment was something that it must take care of, and from that arose Agenda 21.<br />

Mr Felli identifi ed that the Winter Games provide a great window for emerging ideas and<br />

technology, and thus should be used to convey proper eco-messaging. He stated that if we<br />

want to be sustainable, we have to take people’s ideas into account and listen to each other. The<br />

underlying theme in Mr Felli’s presentation was that we have to work together and readily accept<br />

each other’s ideas.<br />

Mr Doug Konkin,<br />

Deputy Minister, BC Ministry of Environment, Canada<br />

Mr Konkin addressed the question of “what are we doing in the Province of BC?” regarding<br />

the issue of sustainability. How is BC moving to become the leading province in environmental<br />

sustainability?<br />

Mr Konkin identifi ed that the population of BC has grown to expect certain things within their own<br />

province, such as the preservation of landscapes and the natural environment. British Columbia<br />

residents have identifi ed BC as one of the most beautiful places to live in the world and have a<br />

responsibility to take care of it. The issue of sustainability had become the number one issue and<br />

priority for the people of British Columbia. Healthy living, healthy eating and a healthy environment<br />

are all important to residents of British Columbia.<br />

Mr Konkin then spoke about BC’s Climate Action Plan which aims to cut provincial carbon<br />

emissions by 1/3 by 2020 and requires the public sector to be carbon neutral by 2010. Mr Konkin<br />

also talked briefl y about the Pacifi c Carbon Trust, a new public agency to supply quality carbon<br />

offsets to public organisations.<br />

Mr Konkin closed his presentation by addressing the role that the individual can play in the sphere<br />

of sustainability. As agents of information, we have to bring the issues down to a grassroots level,<br />

down to a “personal level” so that everyone can identify and understand the issues. He stated<br />

that “it is essential to change everyday behaviours.” The same way fi tness does not pertain to elite<br />

athletes anymore but to a broader range of people, the same must happen with environmental<br />

issues and sustainability. Adaptation becomes the key to environmental sustainability and BC<br />

wants to use the Games to further that message.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Michael Fennell,<br />

President, Commonwealth Games Federation, Jamaica<br />

Report<br />

Mr Fennell picked up from the previous presentation and continued the discussion on the individual<br />

impact on issues of sustainability. The Commonwealth Games Federation also has to assess its<br />

role in the sphere of sustainability and fi gure out how to approach the Games with special focus<br />

on respecting and sustaining the environment.<br />

Mr Fennell discussed the Pune India Environment Programme in which 71 countries participated<br />

and partnered up with over 1,300 athletes. Athletes and countries focused on sustainable issues<br />

and used the 3rd Youth Games to evoke participation from young people regarding sustainability<br />

related issues.<br />

The general perception around the world is that developing countries do not pay attention to the<br />

environment, but this is not the case in Delhi.<br />

Mr Fennell guarantees that conversation and environment will remain paramount and will remain<br />

an important part of the Commonwealth Games and the Federation.<br />

Prof. Erich Vogt,<br />

Professorial Lecturer, American University, USA<br />

Prof. Vogt feels that the collective consumption path we are on is suicidal. If this crisis tells us<br />

anything, he states, it is that the planet is truly globalised and interdependent.<br />

“Like it or not, we are one people and we live off our planet’s natural and limited resources.”<br />

Professor Vogt goes on to say that we continually treat the environment and the economy as<br />

mutually exclusive, which is detrimental. “We can no longer address one and then the other, we<br />

must address them together, nor can we address one over another.”<br />

Professor Vogt then adjusted his somewhat pessimistic tone into one of optimism stating that<br />

the fi nancial crisis we face is unparalleled but that also creates unparalleled opportunities for<br />

ecological conservation and sustainability. “If we do this right and fi gure out how to infl uence the<br />

evolving rules of the games, we have an opportunity to jumpstart the process.”<br />

Professor Vogt focussed on fi nancing as being an integral part of producing and implementing<br />

ideas. Even the best ideas will not see the light of day without proper fi nancing. Thus, we have to<br />

turn the World Bank into the World Environment Bank.<br />

Professor Vogt briefl y touched on the nagging issues of doping – stating that doping issues<br />

continue to affect the sport and our legitimacy and in order to move on we have to clean our<br />

backyard fi rst.<br />

Discussion:<br />

The question and answer period began with a series of questions from the moderator Ms Amy<br />

Fraenkel, followed by a few questions from the audience.<br />

Ms Fraenkel opened the discussion by asking Deputy Minister Konkin how he felt governments<br />

can get the sustainability message out to the general, uninformed public.<br />

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Report<br />

Mr Konkin pointed to youth as a catalyst for change along with fi nancial incentives, noting<br />

that there is not one right answer.<br />

Ms Fraenkel then asked Mr Felli how sport could be used to effect change.<br />

Mr Felli stated that sport could lead by example, citing examples of how there are many areas<br />

where impact can be reduced (e.g. size of stadiums). He also placed a lot of emphasis on the<br />

need for education.<br />

Mr Felli also took this opportunity to contest Prof. Vogt’s assertion that the Olympic Games<br />

must resolve the doping issue before it can advocate environmental reform. He felt that the<br />

Olympic Games could still effect change despite the doping issue.<br />

Ms Fraenkel then asked Mr Fennell how the Commonwealth Games Federation had attempted to<br />

implement its Games goals in society at large.<br />

Mr Fennell noted that implementing policies in host societies was not the Games’ primary<br />

goal at this point. The concern currently is to make sure that the Commonwealth Games are<br />

sustainable and to change the conversation around sports so that it may be used as a tool<br />

for sustainable change.<br />

After weighing in on the importance of communication between organisations on the issue of<br />

sustainability, Prof. Vogt returned to the important role fi nancing has to play in creating change.<br />

He noted that China and India, like other nations, wish to have clean resources, but lack the<br />

funding to do so.<br />

Later, Mr Felli responded to Prof. Vogt’s position by stating that communication is key to<br />

resolving the issue, and not fi nancing. He felt that fi nancing could not be the answer because<br />

the richest countries in the world are the worst polluters.<br />

During this dialogue, Ms Fraenkel pointed out that UNEP is trying to combat the common<br />

misconception that developing countries are not environmentally conscious.<br />

Ms Fraenkel also questioned the panel on whether they felt there were any surprising innovations<br />

in the build up to Vancouver 2010.<br />

Deputy Minister Konkin stated that it was hard to pick out any one innovation, noting that a<br />

systematic approach is the best for change.<br />

Discussion was opened to the fl oor and a delegate asked whether businesses could/should<br />

submit to an environmental audit to combat the growing phenomenon of “green washing”.<br />

Mr Felli agreed that independence was key to environmental change and oversight, indicating<br />

that the IOC uses UNEP and other organisations in this capacity.<br />

Ms Fraenkel pointed to the recent UNEP report on Beijing’s Olympic Games as an example<br />

of evaluating cities through a general framework.<br />

A delegate asked whether other international conventions on health could provide a useful<br />

framework to evaluate sustainability in the Olympic Games.<br />

Mr Fennel noted that venues and villages are designated smoke-free zones. He also made the<br />

point that host cities and societies are forced to raise their health standards to meet Olympic<br />

thresholds, which in turn benefi ts the health of the society after the Games are over.<br />

Mr Felli described the diffi culty in trickling down environmental consciousness to the general<br />

public.<br />

Prof. Vogt took issue with placing too much emphasis on top-down thinking on the issue,<br />

advocating recognition of bottom-up solutions.<br />

The last question came from a delegate who asked: who needs to come together to do a better<br />

job of propagating the green technology story?<br />

Mr Felli stated that the IOC has part of the responsibility.<br />

Mr Konkin advocated collaboration between the host jurisdiction and other organisations.<br />

Mr Fennel recognised the communication challenge and asked all stakeholders, but especially<br />

broadcasters, to get their act together.<br />

Prof. Vogt felt that everyone has the responsibility, but it was key to fi nd niches where<br />

communication could be effective.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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4.5. A Dialogue on Climate Leadership<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Member, International Olympic<br />

Committee, Monaco<br />

Report<br />

Prince Albert complimented the efforts of VANOC, the province and the city to implement<br />

environmental policies. He stated that sport must be an example with respect to environmental<br />

sustainability. With respect to the Olympic Games, he contended that this does not satisfy a<br />

defensive desire of the Olympic Movement to boost its image. Nor is it about making minor<br />

guarantees to satisfy those who value the environment. Rather, it is about ensuring that the<br />

environment is saved, and this requires everyone’s commitment.<br />

HSH Prince Albert described Monaco’s efforts, which include the ratifi cation of the Kyoto Protocol.<br />

He acknowledged that the nation’s size has minimised the impact of its carbon offsetting efforts.<br />

In June 2006, he helped create a Foundation that focuses on three things:<br />

1. Climate change<br />

2. Preservation of biodiversity<br />

3. Water management.<br />

One of the Foundation’s fi rst projects was to set up its own guidelines for sports events because<br />

it wanted to organise a sustainable edition of the Games for Small Independent States in Europe.<br />

These Guidelines are now being used by the next host – Cyprus – and other events in Monaco (be<br />

they sport or non-sport) have adopted them and many are now carbon neutral.<br />

He closed his speech by thanking the Conference participants for sending a positive and<br />

hopeful message to the world and young people regarding sustainability, rather than an alarmist<br />

message.<br />

Hon. Gordon Campbell,<br />

Premier, Province of British Columbia, Canada<br />

Premier Campbell declared that in 2010, the world is going to see athletes who strive to be the<br />

best because they set a goal for themselves. Their success is not going to happen because<br />

the government told them to be the best. Rather, they decided to be the best for themselves.<br />

This is what must happen to society if the world is to move towards a more sustainable future:<br />

participants of the Conference must inspire positive change on the sustainability front.<br />

Premier Campbell outlined some of the environmentally sustainable achievements in BC:<br />

1. BC Government has collaborated with others, including VANOC, to ensure that environmental<br />

needs are met.<br />

2. BC is going to be energy self-suffi cient by 2016 and 90% of the electricity will be clean and<br />

carbon neutral.<br />

3. BC is facing the challenge of mountain pine beetle infestation, which has led to the destruction<br />

of 80% of the pine forest in the province, but innovative thinking defi ned opportunities to feature<br />

that wood in the Richmond Oval.<br />

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Report<br />

Premier Campbell said that one of the best ways to face the global warming challenge is to<br />

diversify building materials. He suggested that wood is the best building material available<br />

because it stores carbon for a long time. It also has an insulating power 400 times better than<br />

steel and is also less expensive to produce.<br />

Discussion:<br />

The moderator Ms Crooks reminded us of the economic crisis, and asked: How do we keep<br />

people committed to act on climate change during this crisis?<br />

Premier Campbell: We must deal with climate change in dealing with the economy. As we<br />

develop more energy choices, the rest of the world will adapt them. We cannot ask the other<br />

nations to do the heavy lifting while we — in the developed world — have created a great deal<br />

of damage.<br />

HSH Prince Albert: It will be driven by technology and science. Some people will have to make<br />

the fi rst investments and will need to have the courage and the will to take the initial steps.<br />

Once the initial investments are made, where the technologies exist, the more you invest, the<br />

more progress will be made.<br />

Ms Crooks asked: How do you see the role of athletes in slowing climate change?<br />

HSH Prince Albert: Athletes have an important role to play, as role models and as participants.<br />

Olympians have an important role to play on a variety of issues, especially on environmental<br />

issues, since they will be listened to by the younger generation.<br />

Ms Crooks asked Premier Campbell: BC has an active climate change programme. What are the<br />

most satisfying and challenging aspects of the programme?<br />

Premier Campbell: Athletes tend to be younger, and young people are in favour. He found the<br />

engagement with young people one of the most satisfying aspect of the programme. They<br />

had to show young people how they will benefi t from the programme. They had to start with<br />

themselves and be examples.<br />

Ms Crooks asked: How can we bring the seriousness of the need for action on climate change to<br />

sport: the organisations, the participants, the athletes, the spectators?<br />

HSH Prince Albert: This conference is a good place, where all stakeholders can meet and<br />

discuss issues and solutions with one another.<br />

Premier Campbell: The sponsors are already here, with GE looking at more effi cient<br />

technologies. R<strong>ON</strong>A is looking at how to reuse materials. One of the key tools is to tell stories<br />

of success, rather than only hearing stories of challenges.<br />

Ms Crooks asked HSH Prince Albert: What are some of the actions that give you optimism?<br />

HSH Prince Albert: The Billion Tree Planting Campaign, educational programmes, Monaco’s<br />

Environment Day. His trip to Antarctica inspired him, but also worried him too because there<br />

are some issues that are potentially catastrophic if we don’t do something urgently.<br />

Ms Crooks asked Premier Campbell: What is his vision for the future?<br />

Premier Campbell: He is optimistic because he sees a quickening of understanding. There<br />

is an understanding around the world that we have to act. The challenge is to fi nd those<br />

things that put that desire into action. He believes that in his country and the world, BC and<br />

Vancouver will be leaders on the issue; behind this leadership is to commit to a decision to<br />

act and pursue that goal relentlessly. We will be surprised how much we can do by taking<br />

action.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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4.6. Innovative Sports Facilities: Turning Green to Gold<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr Roger Bayley,<br />

Design Manager, Millennium Water (Olympic and Paralympic Village<br />

Vancouver); Principal, Merrick Architecture Ltd., Canada<br />

Mr Bayley was one of the primary architects on the Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Village<br />

and as such focused his presentation on the sustainable development of the village located in<br />

Southeast False Creek. He began his discussion on the threat of climate change and how sports<br />

facility construction is a contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Having recognised this intrinsic<br />

responsibility Mr Bayley examined the host of new clean and sustainable technologies that were<br />

utilised for the Vancouver Olympic Village. The integration of a tangible sense of community was<br />

evident within the Village as it infused European architectural elements as well as clean technologies<br />

which ranged from water reclamation projects to cooling ponds to improve ventilation. All of these<br />

changes are designed to help shift what a consumer desires and internalise the green conscious<br />

mentality.<br />

Mr Enrico Carbone,<br />

Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission, architect, Italy<br />

Mr Carbone, having participated directly with the Olympic Commission for the Turin Games,<br />

offered expertise in the area of constructing sports facilities to minimise environmental impact<br />

and leave a lasting legacy. Mr Carbone pointed out that environmentally sustainable construction<br />

will not have universal standards applicable across every location. Rather, sports facilities must<br />

be designed fl exibly and account for the individual nuances which exist in different geographic<br />

areas. Mr Carbone stated that there were seven main considerations for designing sports facilities<br />

in a way which is compatible with the environment:<br />

1) Territorial – If a sports facility is not necessary than it will not be seen as compatible.<br />

2) Financial – If the cost-benefi t analysis is negative then the facility will not be compatible with<br />

sustainability goals.<br />

3) Management – If a facility cannot be managed easily to maximise usage then it will not be<br />

compatible.<br />

4) Nature of Sports – Some sports will not require a facility if interaction with the natural environment<br />

is successfully utilised.<br />

5) Existing Facilities – Before new facilities are constructed, developers should look to see if old<br />

facilities can be modifi ed for the events. New technologies can be grafted onto old sports<br />

facilities and offset the environmental impact of new construction.<br />

6) New Facilities – To the degree that new facilities are used, they should be designed to maximise<br />

clean technologies and minimise environmental impact.<br />

7) Technologies – Cleaner and more effi cient technologies should be used where applicable. These<br />

technologies should also refl ect long-term sustainability.<br />

8) Full-Life Cycle – Buildings will eventually become unusable so developers should maximise the<br />

ability to recycle materials used for their construction.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Bob Johnston,<br />

Principal, National Practice Leader for Sport, Cannon Design<br />

Architects Inc. (Richmond Oval), Canada<br />

Report<br />

Mr Johnston, as one of the leaders behind the development of the Richmond Speed Skating<br />

Oval, outlined the numerous challenges and successes which occurred during the construction<br />

of the large-scale sports facility. In engineering the Oval, developers were informed to build<br />

around three core concepts – “fl ight, fl ow and fusion”. These elements were not limited to just<br />

the environmental impact of the site, but also recognised the cultural and social elements that<br />

the Oval would come to represent. During construction, builders utilised a number of innovative<br />

processes which limited the environmental impact both in the short term and for the longer-term<br />

legacies. Being ever mindful of the legacy impact, the Oval has also been a catalyst for residential<br />

development in the area as well as promoting First Nations artwork throughout the exterior of the<br />

building.<br />

Mr Xiaoxuan Yu,<br />

Environment Director, Beijing Organising Committee<br />

for the Olympic Games (BOCOG), China<br />

Mr Yu, reviewed the Chinese experience with building sporting facilities for the 2008 Beijing<br />

Olympic Games. Beijing made tremendous strides in integrating environmentally sustainable<br />

technologies into the 12 new sports facilities that were built along with the existing buildings that<br />

were reclaimed for the Games. As an important tool, environmental guidelines were instituted<br />

that encouraged the use of natural light and clean energy as much as possible. Mr Yu examined<br />

ten case studies where specifi c technologies were used that reduced carbon emissions. He also<br />

acknowledged that the Beijing Olympic Village was awarded the LEED gold certifi cation and<br />

received high praise from Greenpeace.<br />

4.7. Going on Diet: Shrinking Energy Demand<br />

Ms Elyse Allan,<br />

President and CEO, General Electric (GE) Canada, Canada<br />

GE, being a worldwide partner of the Olympic Movement has instituted quite an extensive list of<br />

“green” initiatives that have expanded not only revenues for the company but developed more<br />

products. Ms Allan highlighted the Ecomagination initiative which started in 2005 and has grown<br />

to become a USD 17 billion industry for the company. Ecomagination grew out of a discussion<br />

GE had with its customers regarding what GE could do in response to the global sustainability<br />

challenge. GE started with 17 products, all of which had to get proper ECO 3rd party certifi cation<br />

but now has over 70 products.<br />

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Report<br />

Ecomagination has inspired GE employees to be sparkplugs in this initiative and lead the way with<br />

small changes. Through this initiative, the employees of GE have created over USD 100,000,000<br />

in energy savings for the company.<br />

Equally important is the need to keep funding GE’s research and development teams throughout<br />

the globe. With four research centres and over 26,000 employees, GE’s budget for R & D is<br />

approximately USD 5 billion. It has had successful products launched in the marketplace and<br />

continued to deliver more products, such as its illuminating wallpaper (as an alternative to light).<br />

To date, GE has fi led over 2,000 patents a year.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Dmitri Kolosov,<br />

Head of Environmental Support Department,<br />

Sochi 2014 Organising Committee, Russia<br />

Mr Kolosov showcased the landscape of the Sochi Games. The Sochi Games aimed to become<br />

the greenest Games of their kind, perhaps greener than the Vancouver Winter Games. He identifi ed<br />

that the Federal National Park, which is a protected area, will play host to the Sochi 2014 facilities.<br />

There will be 200 developments and 13 competition venues. All of the venues will include “cuttingedge”,<br />

environmentally friendly initiatives that will set new standards throughout Russia.<br />

Mr Kolosov also talked about the topic of energy supply and conservation as it pertains to the<br />

different event venues. Their strong partnership with the government ensures that the message<br />

and delivery of these initiatives is both implemented and tracked.<br />

The environmental projects planned by Sochi 2014 and its partners could be a true example of the<br />

Russian Federation’s new environmental approach. These Games could also be the opportunity<br />

to develop and implement a green code in the area of construction for the Russian Federation.<br />

Mr Antoine Masson-Delisle,<br />

Regional Marketing Director, Tennis Canada, Canada<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle started his presentation by talking about his organisation, Tennis Canada, and the<br />

implementation of a “Green Plan” which was developed in 2008. In order for the plan to work, he had<br />

to get every member of the organisation to buy into the initiatives. In fact, Tennis Canada had hired a<br />

third party to observe these initiatives and help build objectives to pursue more green endeavours.<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle described Green Plan implementation at the Rogers Cup (a tennis tournament<br />

held in Montreal and Toronto). Certain green initiatives had been implemented during last year’s<br />

Rogers Cup, such as reusable transportation tickets, provided by the Montreal Transportation<br />

Society (STM), free and secure bicycle parking used by over 1,200 spectators, recycling and<br />

composting, cleaning and maintenance, promotional materials, spectator awareness, sponsor<br />

engagement, and carbon offset initiatives.<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle’s focus on the individual resonated well with the audience. It sparked discussion<br />

questions relating to the retention of sponsors.<br />

Discussion:<br />

The Moderator Mr Umedaly asked the panel how sport can fi nance clean energy and effi ciency.<br />

Ms Allan argued that it depends on the specifi c goal each specifi c event has in mind, and<br />

advocated groups to think out of the box.<br />

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Report<br />

Mr Kolosov pointed out that event organisers need not aim for “cosmic” change and also said<br />

that each event must establish its own goals.<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle pointed specifi cally to local transportation and waste management as<br />

target areas.<br />

A delegate asked for the panel members’ perspectives with respect to the measures VANOC has<br />

taken and whether they were truly “innovative”.<br />

Mr Umedaly noted Vancouver 2010’s “Power Smart” programme, which has made<br />

environmental leaps in the construction of venues, as a good example of VANOC’s work in<br />

this area.<br />

Ms Allan commented on the specifi c challenge of retrofi tting old venues.<br />

A delegate asked Mr Masson-Delisle whether he had communicated Tennis Canada’s successes<br />

to the COC or elsewhere.<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle said it was important for successful organisations to communicate their<br />

information to other groups and pointed to Tennis Canada’s work with local media as an example.<br />

He also advocated communication between regional sports groups like Sport Canada.<br />

A delegate asked the panel if they knew of any alternatives to power generators.<br />

Mr Umedaly suggested bio-fuels and other innovative technologies.<br />

Ms Allan noted that the nature of the event will determine what strategy one should employ<br />

(e.g. a fi xed, long-term event will be different from a one-off event).<br />

A delegate asked how one can measure “green” success.<br />

Mr Umedaly mentioned how carbon dioxide emissions are relatively easy to measure, but the<br />

impact of something like ecosystem services is much harder to quantify.<br />

Ms Allan agreed that “metrics” are extremely important, especially to avoid any accusations<br />

of “green washing”.<br />

Mr Masson-Delisle explained how the Rogers Cup was evaluated by an independent, nongovernmental<br />

agency and how that was a useful way to approach the metrics issue.<br />

Mr Kolosov noted that when evaluating competitions against one another, it is important to<br />

remember that each Games is situated in a specifi c culture, city and country and that will<br />

impact each Games’ success.<br />

4.8. Green to the Core:<br />

Innovations in Operations and Supply Chains<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Ms Ann Duffy,<br />

Corporate Sustainability Offi cer, Vancouver Organising Committee<br />

for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC),<br />

Canada<br />

Ms Duffy began the panel discussion by surveying how sustainability has been integrated into<br />

Vancouver’s venues and supply chains. Specifi cally, she detailed the six key areas of sustainability:<br />

(1) accountability; (2) environmental stewardship; (3) sustainable operations; (4) athletes’ villages;<br />

(5) social inclusion and responsibility; and (6) the supply chain. An overarching concern for<br />

Ms Duffy’s presentation was how the Olympics can be “great games” whilst being sustainable.<br />

Ms Duffy pointed to the Sustainability Star Programme, the Rona Fabrication Shop and LiveSmart<br />

as examples of how to strike that important balance.<br />

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International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Masato Mizuno,<br />

Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission;<br />

Chair, Mizuno Corporation, Japan<br />

Report<br />

Mr Mizuno’s presentation focused on promoting partnerships among the various Olympic<br />

stakeholders in order to achieve sustainable development. Through the collaborative efforts of<br />

NOCs, athletes, venue managers and other important stakeholders, sustainability was shown to<br />

be a reality. After canvassing the historical development of sustainability in the Olympic Movement,<br />

Mr Mizuno presented some specifi c examples in the Japanese context; including, the 100%<br />

recyclable Nylon 6 uniforms from the Nagano Games. Mr Mizuno repeatedly emphasised our<br />

global responsibility to take care of Earth, our “space boat”.<br />

Mr David Stubbs,<br />

Head, Environment and Sustainable Development, London<br />

Organising Committee for the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic<br />

Games, United Kingdom<br />

Mr Stubbs opened his presentation by outlining three important sustainability topic areas: (1)<br />

Sustainable Event Management; (2) Sustainable Sourcing; and (3) Sustainable Partners. He went<br />

on to explain several characteristics of a sustainable event and new approaches that LOCOG is<br />

developing to refl ect those characteristics, including a useful six-question template for sustainable<br />

sourcing. On the specifi c issue of Games sustainability, Mr Stubbs identifi ed temporary venue<br />

additions as the largest footprint producer during the Games (e.g. wood overlay on Olympic venues).<br />

By minimising these harmful additions, engaging with sponsors, and telling the sustainability story<br />

in an effective way, LOCOG aims to build upon Vancouver 2010’s sustainability successes.<br />

Mr Benjamin Warren,<br />

Director of Communications, Golf Environment Organisation,<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Mr Warren focused his presentation on how the GEO has used golf as a model for sustainability.<br />

He identifi ed three areas of particular interest: (1) facility management; (2) new development; and<br />

(3) events. Using the internet to proliferate knowledge and certifi cation practices, the GEO has<br />

successfully promoted an open dialogue on sustainability in the golfi ng world. Mr Warren used<br />

the upcoming 2010 Ryder Cup as an example of this policy at work, concentrating specifi cally on<br />

venue management, staging, practical actions like waste management, and message promotion<br />

through athlete ambassadors.<br />

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4.9. Stepping up: Managing Sport’s Carbon Footprint<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr Julius DeHeer,<br />

Consultant in sustainable sport, J. DeHeer Consulting, Switzerland<br />

Mr DeHeer stated that climate change will affect everybody in the world. He asked: What does<br />

climate change have to do with sport? He stated that with big sporting events, many people fl y to<br />

the events, and transport leads to 60-80% of carbon emissions. He listed some of the pioneers<br />

of climate change in sport, which set the trend for mega events:<br />

1. Greenpeace had a campaign called “Enjoy Climate Change” against Coca Cola to force them<br />

to use non-HFC coolers.<br />

2. Sydney 2000 had an Olympic Greenhouse Challenge.<br />

3. Salt Lake City 2002: Cleaner and Greener<br />

It had the Spirit of the Land tree planting programme<br />

Olympic Cleaner and Greener was a check-list that showed consumers how to reduce<br />

their emissions. They could also register on the internet and donate their reductions to the<br />

SLOC.<br />

4. Turin 2006: Hector Programme<br />

The Heritage Climate Torino Programme was aimed at creating widespread knowledge of<br />

climate change.<br />

5. FIFA 2006 World Cup: Green Goal<br />

This goal was to create a carbon neutral event. There was a 13% energy reduction in<br />

stadiums.<br />

6. Rugby 2007 France<br />

There was an offset programme for carbon emissions in the Pacifi c based on biogas.<br />

Ms Jenitha Badul,<br />

Director for Greening, Support to FIFA 2010 World Cup Greening,<br />

Department of Environmental Affairs & Tourism, South Africa,<br />

National Greening Programme and Carbon Neutral<br />

Ms Badul discussed the Guiding Principles of South Africa’s National Greening Programme:<br />

1. Environmental best practice<br />

2. Socio-economic initiatives<br />

3. Education<br />

4. Monitoring<br />

5. Sustainable development.<br />

The objectives of the National Greening Programme were to:<br />

1. Minimise the ecological impact<br />

2. Advocate<br />

3. Raise environmental awareness<br />

4. Leave a sustainable legacy<br />

5. Build national capacity to host events.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

She summarised the carbon footprint of the event, with respect to stadia construction, energy<br />

use, transport and International transport. One of the questions is whether South Africa should<br />

make the event carbon neutral, given that much of the CO 2 emissions are international travel.<br />

A challenge is that offsetting requires more money. But the national government will not provide<br />

more funds, because of the economic crisis, which has led to the belief that the money can go to<br />

other more important areas.<br />

Mr Ian Gill,<br />

President, Ecotrust Canada, Canada<br />

Mr Gill started his presentation with a quote from the environmental author Ed Abbey, who stated,<br />

“The best thing to do for the environment is stay home.” However, he contended that the sport<br />

industry can’t do this since one can’t stay home. For instance, he pointed out that the Games are<br />

just one event, and Canada hosts about 250,000 sporting events every year. Moreover, 30% of<br />

overnight fl ights to Canada are to participate in sport.<br />

He stated that the greatest contribution VANOC can make is to invest in renewable energy right<br />

here at home, what he called “backyard carbon offsets” or “community development offsets.” He<br />

stated that, “An old rallying cry says “Think Globally, Act Locally. Olympics are a global act that<br />

should have local benefi ts. So the saying should be: Think globally, benefi t locally.”<br />

Mr James Mack,<br />

Acting Head, BC Climate Action Secretariat, Canada<br />

Mr Mack stated that the Government of BC has recognised that climate change is a human<br />

problem. One of the tools in BC is the revenue neutral carbon tax, with the revenue generated<br />

allowing for reductions to personal and corporate taxes. He stated that BC will be taking action<br />

in every sector. For example, in 2010, the Government of BC will be carbon neutral, which means<br />

that many people will be affected by the initiative – both employees and their children.<br />

The challenge, according to Mr Mack, is to think about the role of sport. The challenge for the BC<br />

Government, in the Olympic context, is that it cannot pass a law to make gold medal athletes. It<br />

can inspire but not make the necessary changes. This is the same case in climate change: the<br />

government can inspire, but the person needs to resolve to make that choice to change.<br />

Mr Mack outlined three key points:<br />

1. Athletes can be role models and inspire young people by showing them that by setting a target<br />

and taking on impossible odds, you can achieve great things. Olympic athletes are needed to<br />

show what is desirable and cool to young people.<br />

2. The Games will be a showcase for BC technology and entrepreneurship. He contended that<br />

the companies that come forward with offsets will be seen as entrepreneurial.<br />

3. There is a real opportunity for every British Columbian to decide what is the take-away message<br />

from the Games. They must think about what they want people to remember about BC, which<br />

will crystallise how they want to contribute.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Adam Kreek,<br />

Olympic Gold Medallist (Rowing), Canada<br />

Mr Kreek stated that the key issue is “How can sport move to reducing its carbon footprint?”<br />

Report<br />

He is amazed by the access he got to the economic, environmental elites as an athlete; and by<br />

his ability to have an impact on kids from kindergarten to 12 year olds. It was easy for an athlete<br />

to get kids excited, to get them to come and listen to you. Most teachers envy this. The challenge<br />

is that Olympic athletes are usually young, and they have an opportunity to nurture change, but<br />

not the depth of experience to succeed.<br />

He led his rowing team to offset their carbon emissions during training. Mr Kreek partnered with<br />

the David Suzuki Foundation and worked with a winter sports programme called “Play It Cool”.<br />

They helped calculate the carbon emissions of travel, training and hotel stays. In the beginning, not<br />

everyone on the team had had the same passion to decrease their carbon footprint, particularly<br />

because money was tight as a training athlete. Outside funds were raised and by the end, they<br />

had complete buy-in and became advocates. They all believed that athletes must lead the change<br />

they wanted to see, so had to be role models.<br />

Key Quotes:<br />

“What are we doing in the room to give athletes the tools necessary to make an impact on the<br />

world?”<br />

“Athletes should not only advertise their sponsors but also advocate their values.”<br />

Ms Linda Coady,<br />

Vice President, Sustainability, VANOC, Canada<br />

Ms Coady mentioned that VANOC had launched the carbon offsetting programme with a target<br />

of 300,000 tons being offset, which includes 200,000 tons of air travel. VANOC has a 4-point<br />

programme:<br />

Inventory to fi nd out what the footprint was<br />

Reduce emissions<br />

Create a portfolio of offset projects<br />

Public engagement to raise awareness more broadly.<br />

Discussion:<br />

A delegate asked Linda Coady of VANOC about offsetting the emissions: Is this to offset or to<br />

leave a legacy?<br />

Ms Coady answered that it is about initiatives that leave a legacy.<br />

A delegate stated that one can go to carbonneutral.unep.org to fi nd out about education and<br />

engagement, and 100 companies and cities have joined in the initiative to show what they are<br />

doing, including Costa Rica and New Zealand.<br />

A delegate asked James Mack whether, as the BC Government aims to go carbon neutral by<br />

2010, the money will go to community projects and how much.<br />

James Mack replied that the Pacifi c Carbon Trust was set up with USD 25 million in initial<br />

funding.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

A delegate asked whether the speakers had thought about a carbon offset programme that shifts<br />

from environment opportunities towards providing social and development benefi ts.<br />

Ms Badul replied that in most South African government programmes, they also take into<br />

account the social impact. It will be no different with the carbon offset project in place. The<br />

projects will benefi t low income households.<br />

Mr Gill of Ecotrust stated that there is an enormous amount of capital around the offset markets.<br />

In BC, there are coastal communities and aboriginal communities that are impoverished. Many of<br />

these communities have their energy systems run on diesel, which leads to per capita emissions<br />

being 44 times higher than those in urban areas. The capital from offsets and other strategies can<br />

be invested in these coastal communities. He further stated that the carbon tax in BC must be<br />

high enough to trigger change.<br />

Mr Mack answered that with respect to the carbon tax, tackling the carbon footprint issue had<br />

been diffi cult because many people did not agree with the course of action. Fundamentally,<br />

BC residents need to buy-in and move forward on the issue. With respect to broadening<br />

offsets, one of the big issues is ensuring that offsets actually offset. There must be ways to<br />

put less carbon in the atmosphere or ways to draw the carbon out. Credible solutions must<br />

be found.<br />

Julius DeHeer outlined guidelines he called the “Polar Bear Rules” to combat carbon<br />

emissions:<br />

Think globally, take into account all your carbon emissions.<br />

Be active, reduce carbon emissions as far as reasonably possible, compensate for the rest.<br />

Be responsible; compensate for carbon emissions where they are emitted.<br />

Be fast, offset carbon emissions before or during, not after the Games.<br />

Look for the long-term projects that leave an overall legacy, such as social benefi ts, not only<br />

environmental benefi ts.<br />

Be cooperative, get help from all the stakeholders.<br />

Be curious, look for the best practices.<br />

4.10. Harnessing the Power of Sport for Change<br />

Mr Ray Zahab,<br />

Adventurer and Founder, Impossible2Possible, Canada<br />

“I realised that there were no limits to what I, or human beings in general, are capable of doing”.<br />

Mr Zahab told his life-changing story of adventure and enlightenment. Beginning with a video<br />

excerpt from a documentary which followed his journey, he briefl y explained the breadth and<br />

length of his “ultra-marathon” across the Sahara desert. Mr Zahab and two other runners began<br />

their ultra-marathon in Western Africa and ended at the Red Sea in Cairo. They ran this 7,500km<br />

distance in 111 consecutive days, averaging over 50 miles a day.<br />

This Saharan adventure was the culmination of Mr Zahab’s personal journey. Just years earlier,<br />

he had found himself unfocused and unmotivated in life. Inspired by his active and ambitious<br />

younger brother, Mr Zahab decided to change his life, and to begin taking on adventure. What<br />

made his story stand out, was not only the trans-African expedition, but where his life was prior<br />

to his revelation one evening. He was a pack-a-day smoker and physically incapable of running<br />

5km. He was not in ideal athletic shape and had never participated in any running activities.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

For the next several years, Mr Zahab took on numerous challenging races including the Yukon<br />

ultra-marathon and the Amazon ultra-marathon. However, the most infl uential race was the Trans<br />

333 race in Northern Africa. This was Mr Zahab’s fi rst interaction with the wonderful people of<br />

Northern Africa and became the prelude to his amazing Saharan adventure.<br />

Mr Zahab went on to explain the rigours of his 7,500km journey across the Sahara. Most<br />

importantly though, he explained how his team began to realise that their journey was no longer<br />

about fi nishing the run for themselves, but rather fi nishing so that they could tell the story of the<br />

North African people. As they passed through disintegrating towns, the team recognised the<br />

water crisis that had befallen the people of Niger, Morocco and other countries. In collaboration<br />

with Matt Damon, Mr Zahab’s team set out to raise awareness for the water crisis through their<br />

run across the Sahara.<br />

Mr Zahab’s life has become a motivating example for all those who wish to change the world for<br />

the better. He comes across as an average man, but one who is able to achieve seemingly superhuman<br />

feats. His story reminds us that anyone can do anything they put their mind to. Raising<br />

awareness for the disadvantaged has become Mr Zahab’s passion.<br />

Mr Zahab and his wife serve on the Board of Directors of Ryan’s Well Foundation and continue to<br />

raise awareness for global water issues.<br />

4.11. Leaders of Tomorrow: Inspiring Youth through Sport<br />

Mr Thomas Kineshanko,<br />

Habitat Enterprises, Canada<br />

Mr Kineshanko realised that his ecological impact during his track career at Simon Fraser<br />

University, where his team would fl y all over North America to race in a 800 metre race – for just<br />

1.5 minutes of running.<br />

He says there are two issues:<br />

1. Does sport allow young people to engage with environmental issues?<br />

He answered that young people hunger to do environmental good. But they need outlets,<br />

and sport can play the role of educating them. For instance, he has helped a bobsledder<br />

learn about his carbon impact and to become carbon neutral.<br />

2. How does sport excite young people to carry out sustainable actions?<br />

He answered that sport can excite young people. Moreover, sport is intrinsically involved in<br />

environmental issues, since athletes have to fl y to events.<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Maurice Odera,<br />

Southlands Youth Parents Association, Kenya<br />

Report<br />

Mr Odera stated that his story began in 2003, when he left school and got into the community, there<br />

was a lack of resources to engage in sport. He got involved in a sporting club that provides youth<br />

the ability to be involved in sport. Moreover, he got engaged in sustainability issues after looking<br />

out the window of his home and seeing the biggest slum in Africa, which is made up of people<br />

who come to Nairobi to make a better life for themselves, but have encountered diffi culties. He<br />

stated that sport can be used to inspire young people, such as via role models from athletics.<br />

Key Quotes:<br />

“Poverty creates environmental degradation and environmental degradation creates poverty.”<br />

“If sport is used in the right way, you can really inspire young people in the right way.”<br />

“If you use athletic fi gures in the right way, you can inspire them with respect to the environment,<br />

drugs and other issues.”<br />

Ms Theresa Seymour,<br />

Sto:lo Nation, Canada<br />

Ms Seymour stated that environmental issues are important to everybody, not only to the Olympic<br />

Games, and not only to 2010, but to the future, and have an impact on everyone. Sport is a huge<br />

avenue for young people to be involved, as it can teach them about the environment, health,<br />

social involvement, etc. For instance, more young people need to be involved in sustainability<br />

issues and conferences like this.<br />

Discussion:<br />

Mr Theodore Oben, co-moderator, commented that although people come from different social<br />

backgrounds, sport is a uniting force to provide solutions and gives us the opportunity to aspire<br />

to role models from athletics.<br />

Mr Oben asked Mr Kineshanko: Reducing 25 million tons of CO 2 is a great ambition. How was he<br />

going to achieve this?<br />

Mr Kineshanko wanted to set a goal for himself fi ve years ago and wanted to make the biggest<br />

change possible. He found that the offset market was incentivising environmental change.<br />

He wants to do many different projects and align with partners that will work on ongoing<br />

initiatives, rather than one-off projects.<br />

Chief George-Wilson, co-moderator stated that engaging with marginalised youth is a key issue.<br />

She asked Ms Seymour to elaborate on how culture can work with sport to enable change and<br />

inspiration.<br />

Ms Seymour answered that the Sto:lo First Nation has traditional sports, such as canoe racing<br />

and football. With traditional sport, there is a marriage of traditional values and the discipline<br />

of succeeding. For instance, one had to be drug free, alcohol free, and there were ways of<br />

carrying oneself. If one was a weaver, hunter and canoe runner, there were rules, such as<br />

fasting and praying before the event because it was about the heart and mind, and not only<br />

the physical. Instilling people with these types of values that they are not getting via the media<br />

is important because this will enable them to take ownership and show then that they can<br />

be contributing members of society. Moreover, the environment is key because one cannot<br />

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Report<br />

participate in these traditional sports without the environment being clean, such as the river<br />

having to be clean before one can canoe.<br />

Mr Oben asked Mr Odera about the fact that he had tried to engage the one million people in the<br />

slum on environmental issues. He asked whether people in sport can do more and more to engage<br />

these people and asked what exactly he was doing and what difference he was making?<br />

Mr Odera replied that interest grows when they started having success stories. When it comes<br />

to young people, the solutions are sometimes overthought. Young people just need the<br />

opportunity and don’t need to be spoon-fed. They need the opportunity to succeed. There is<br />

a change occurring, and there will be success stories, which in time will inspire young people<br />

to be football stars or marathon runners. And this will enable them to get out of poverty.<br />

Chief George-Wilson asked about the use of technology as a tool.<br />

Mr Kineshanko replied that with respect to success stories, young people can use online<br />

social networking stories to hear about and transfer these success stories. For instance, he<br />

had heard stories of the Vatican becoming carbon neutral and once he heard that story he<br />

wanted to make a personal change.<br />

A delegate spoke about a programme in South America. Specifi cally, in Lima, Peru, several<br />

business people paid for facilities to be built in the slums of Lima and they engaged the teams<br />

of the community, who had to put in hours in the construction to be able to use these facilities,<br />

which included a women’s centre, a kitchen and a playground. This underlines the importance<br />

and the power of engaging the private sector to work with a community that does not have the<br />

resources so as to stimulate the community. She also asked about technology. Specifi cally,<br />

with the internet, she missed the practical person-to-person engagement experienced with<br />

sport. The internet can inspire by providing success stories and to communicate, but she<br />

wondered what was next. She wants to know what happens after a young person realises<br />

they want to take action after going on the internet.<br />

Mr Odera said that when people talk on the internet, they exchange ideas. For instance, in<br />

Africa, he uses the internet to ask young people to create project ideas. He sees the internet<br />

as a way to exchange ideas and to initiate action.<br />

Mr Kineshanko said that the internet can be used to take action. For instance, there will be<br />

an iPhone application that Habitat will use that shows how much carbon has been expended<br />

after a fl ight and then they can take an action to offset this by investing in a project.<br />

A delegate wanted to say that she has worked with VANOC and she confi rmed that young people<br />

want to work on sustainability issues and the solutions should be simple. She was even more<br />

inspired to do more work. She mentions that her reserve in the city of Chilliwack does not take<br />

part in the city’s recycling programme. Instead, the reserve has to create its own programme and<br />

the people do not have the relevant knowledge about proper recycling. She was inspired to help<br />

her community in its recycling efforts.<br />

A delegate from Belize wanted to share a project where sport is used to raise awareness about<br />

environmental issues. Specifi cally, for each team to compete in a football competition, they must<br />

engage in an environmental project that can create awareness, and this has a ripple effect on the<br />

entire community. This can be done with any sport since sport brings many people together.<br />

Chief George-Wilson reiterated that solutions needed to be kept simple.<br />

Mr Oben reiterated that the solution can be small. For instance, the difference between<br />

changing a drug addict to a “clean” person may be just football. So, we all have the power to<br />

reach out to young people and give them the momentum to be able to do positive things that<br />

the older generation has failed to do.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Announcement of winners of VANOC’S digital storytelling contest:<br />

”u-reduce, u-produce”<br />

Report<br />

Presentation was made of the winning entries from VANOC’s digital storytelling contest called<br />

“u-reduce, u-produce”, for British Columbia Youth. There were 20 entries and young people had<br />

been asked to provide clips for inventive ways to reduce their environmental impact. The jury had<br />

been impressed by the entries.<br />

Olympian and IOC member Frankie Fredericks introduced the Grand Prize winners, a video rap<br />

song called “Stop Hurting Our Planet”. He stated that the IOC was listening to the presenters and<br />

their concerns. That’s why the Youth Olympic Games had been created and he and others would<br />

be there as role models. Mr Fredericks stated that running had got him out of the slums—this<br />

showed the impact of sport in inspiring young people.<br />

4.12. Sport Organizations: Shaping Sport and Driving<br />

a More Sustainable Future<br />

Mr Andres Botero-Phillipsbourne,<br />

IOC Member and IOC Sport and Environment Commission, Colombia<br />

Mr Botero-Phillipsbourne delivered a comprehensive analysis of how Colombia has utilised large<br />

sporting events and their related coordinating bodies to change attitudes regarding environmental<br />

sustainability. Given the opportunity to host the South American Games in 2006, the city of Medellin,<br />

Colombia began to integrate sport development and greener environmental programme. In the<br />

lead-up to the Games, Medellin instituted a plethora of environmental sustainability measures<br />

from more bicycle lanes to a prohibition on two-cycle motorcycles, which are a signifi cant<br />

contributor to emissions. The greatest technological change, and one which was a fi rst for a<br />

major sporting event, was to construct the Games Village around a substantial cable car system<br />

to allow easy transport of athletes and spectators, creating limited intra-city transport emissions.<br />

Mr Botero-Phillipsbourne used Medellin as an example of how sports events can be used to<br />

address sustainable development and closed his speech by prompting the IOC to address the<br />

current ecological crisis in the Amazon Rainforest.<br />

Ms Judith Conrad,<br />

Head of Department of Ethics & Development,<br />

National Olympic Committee, Switzerland<br />

Ms Conrad outlined measures that the Swiss Olympic Committee has undertaken to promote<br />

sustainability within Swiss national sports organisations. The emphasis of the discussion was<br />

on the “ethics” of sport and how the term ethics can transcend traditional conceptions and<br />

incorporate environmental practices. The essence of the Swiss strategy was to “foster sport” and<br />

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ethical participation in sport for professional and amateur athletes. The scheme also recognised<br />

that integration of ethics within sport cannot occur simply from a top-down approach and as a<br />

result ensured that there was proper education and promotion of environmental best practices<br />

within local sports organisations. In addition, the Swiss Olympic Committee has adopted numerous<br />

programmes that deal with a host of ethical challenges in sport including sexual abuse, smoking<br />

and recommendations on how to host an ecologically sustainable sporting event. In conclusion,<br />

Ms Conrad suggested that top athletes and organisers have a responsibility to use their position<br />

as role models to promote sustainability and pass these messages along to young people.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr George Kazantzopoulos,<br />

Member, IOC Sport and Environment Commission;<br />

Founder and President, Institute Team for the World, Greece<br />

Mr Kazantzopoulos observed that sport is one of the most ideal locales to promote environmental<br />

measures as it reaches a tremendous number of people and typically involves a natural link to<br />

the environment. Understanding this fact, both the Athens Classic Marathon and the International<br />

Rowing Association have been engineered to limit the carbon footprint which occurs through<br />

the hosting of their events. The Athens Classic Marathon instituted four core programmes which<br />

worked in concert to reduce or offset the overall emissions released from the event. Similarly,<br />

FISA, the International Rowing Association, has created policies that target not just the footprint<br />

derived from large scale events but also through the daily operations of participating in the sport.<br />

For both organisations the ultimate goal is to promote best sport practices and ensure that<br />

sporting events are fully sustainable.<br />

Mr Jack Groh,<br />

Director, Environmental Programme, National Football League, USA<br />

Mr Groh, as designer of the National Football League Environmental Programme summarised the<br />

various measures that the NFL has launched to become more ecologically-friendly. In developing<br />

an environmental system, the NFL sought to follow the simple mantra of “if you break it then<br />

you fi x it”. Taking ownership of the environmental costs of holding mega-events in football, such<br />

as the Superbowl and Pro Bowl, the NFL devised strategies to reduce, eliminate or offset their<br />

emissions. As a testament to the fi nancial incentives to become more environmentally sustainable,<br />

the NFL discovered that for every dollar spent on greener practices, it resulted in 7.2 dollars in<br />

direct cost savings or money being funnelled into the surrounding community. Mr Groh stated<br />

that although environmental programmes were originally developed strictly for cost-savings, they<br />

have now been embraced by NFL team owners and viewed as a priority for the league.<br />

Discussion:<br />

A delegate asked Mr Kazantzopoulos if any other international organisations have made efforts<br />

to promote environmental excellence.<br />

Mr Kazantzopoulos replied that there were indeed other international organisations working<br />

on environmental excellence including the International Cycling Federation, the International<br />

Tennis Federation, and the International Association of Athletics Federations.<br />

A delegate asked: What are other NFL teams doing to address environmental issues during<br />

regular season games?<br />

Mr Groh responded that the NFL is not a corporation and therefore top-down approaches<br />

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are diffi cult to develop. However, individual teams have taken it upon themselves to institute<br />

environmental programme There is a move towards consolidating these programme<br />

A delegate asked if the panel thought enough was being done to educate spectators on the<br />

programmes in place for environmental sustainability.<br />

Mr Groh responded that it was diffi cult for the NFL because the programmes were operational<br />

and there was never a sense that it would be their responsibility to raise environmental<br />

consciousness. In recent years the NFL has got positive attention; however, it still walks a<br />

fi ne line between streamlining for the purpose of cost reduction versus directly promoting<br />

environmental sustainability.<br />

4.13. Moving Forward Together: Stronger Communities through Sport<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Isaac Kalua,<br />

Founder and Chairperson, Green Africa Foundation, Kenya<br />

Through a variety of ministries at national and international level, Green Africa is accomplishing<br />

quite a lot in the sphere of sustainability. Despite these advancements, there is more room for<br />

growth and improvement, especially in areas that pose a challenge such as the maladjustments<br />

of African youth and the inadequacy of schools and sporting facilities.<br />

Mr Kalua highlighted the use of golf as a way to promote sustainability. By using golf, they have<br />

managed to divert the sport away from being perceived as elitist and have used it to highlight the<br />

“greener” side of the sport. Winners of the golf event take home fi ve thousand seedlings, and they<br />

will most likely engage the community to plant trees.<br />

Other initiatives include the Green Medal initiative (different amount of seeds given depending on<br />

level of medal), the Green Schools initiative (using sports to create awareness of environmental<br />

matters and planting trees in the minds of future generations) and the Kitui Annual Green Cross-<br />

Country event.<br />

The key message within Mr Kalua’s presentation was that this conference needs to be replicated<br />

in Africa and there needs to be the establishment of the African Chapter of sports and environment<br />

conference.<br />

Mr Colin Kinsley,<br />

Chair, Prince George Spirit of BC Community Committee, Canada<br />

Mr Kinsley focused on the small, but very connected community within Prince George. He stated<br />

that he used sport, the role of the new university (University of Northern British Columbia) and the<br />

momentum of the 2010 Games to build an incredibly well rounded Sports Facility located near<br />

the university. This has proven very valuable, in not only recruiting students to their school but<br />

also retaining families and developing a tight knit community. The Sports Facility was funded twothirds<br />

by the provincial government with one-third of funds coming privately. The facility, however,<br />

is not private and is open to the entire community.<br />

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This facility has brought the community together in hosting sporting events and has helped cater<br />

to the different types of athletes within the region. The sports facility has in fact generated a high<br />

level of volunteerism and has given the community so much more than just a sports facility.<br />

Mr Ken Melamed,<br />

Mayor, Resort Municipality of Whistler, Canada<br />

Mr Melamed spoke about environmental change and using the popularity of sport to advance<br />

sustainability. He identifi ed that the discussion around sustainability was lacking in the 1990s<br />

and Whistler was mostly ignoring the fact of what was happening in the global environment.<br />

However, he realised that Whistler needed to a) take responsible measures to lead change and b)<br />

use its popularity to advance sustainability. Mr Melamed then went on to outline the Long Term<br />

Sustainability Plan which addressed questions such as:<br />

1. Should we host the 2010 Games?<br />

2. Under what conditions?<br />

3. What would be the legacy?<br />

It was certainly a challenging discussion because they were certain that the impact of the Games<br />

would defi nitely be felt within the environment. Whistler saw this as an opportunity to make these<br />

Games as sustainable as possible and set new standards of sustainability. Mr Melamed also<br />

discussed that they adopted a framework to measure sustainability which was a set of sciencebased<br />

defi nitions, which came out of Sweden and called “The Natural Step”. He stated that<br />

as long as VANOC agreed to abide by Whistler’s standards of sustainability, they could move<br />

forward, and they certainly have.<br />

Mr Melamed also discussed the role of the four Host Nations and the Olympic Games and spoke<br />

about the 35 million dollar cultural centre, which is run by the two Nations that share the traditional<br />

territories surrounding Whistler. Another important outcome of the Games is that 50% of the<br />

contracts for construction of the Nordic Centre were delivered by aboriginal groups.<br />

Mr Melamed fi nally discussed that the Games would be fully supported by public transport and<br />

all venues have been downsized to reduce the impact on the environment and save cost. The<br />

athletes’ village will also have social benefi ts in that it will provide housing for residents of Whistler<br />

once the Games are over.<br />

Mr Tatsuo Okada,<br />

Executive Director, Global Sports Alliance, Japan<br />

Mr Okada briefl y talked about the spirit of sportsmanship as it pertains to different sports and<br />

expressed that the importance of “sportsmanship” had been neglected from conversations during<br />

this conference. The Eco-Flag is a small yet powerful tool that is used to express fair play and<br />

promote environmental sustainability. The fair play fl ag describes the games as fair play while the<br />

green fl ag conveys the message that the game is eco-friendly. He explained that nature cleans<br />

the air and water, so this fl ag symbolises the commitment to this initiative and raises awareness<br />

of nature and how important it is. The Eco-Flag movement is used to build better communities<br />

and uses the fl ag to symbolise fair play for a healthy economy, team play for a strong society and<br />

Eco-Play for a clean environment.<br />

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Discussion<br />

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A delegate asked Mr Kalua if triathlon is interested in adapting the sport for Africa. She asked<br />

whether there was a way to collaborate to bring clean sport to the children of Africa.<br />

Mr Kalua replied that the Green Africa Foundation had a great deal of opportunities, such as<br />

in the slums, to encourage them through sport.<br />

A delegate asked Mayor Melamed why Whistler used the Swedish sustainability metric called<br />

Natural Step and why VANOC did not use the same model?<br />

Mayor Melamed stated that the community of Whistler learned of this metric early on. The<br />

founder of the metric had made a presentation and a light-bulb went on because this was<br />

a tool that tied everything together. They asked the community—hotels, businesses—about<br />

whether they would take up this metric and they agreed. The scientifi c metric is process<br />

based and allows creativity. You create a vision of where you want to be and then decide the<br />

actions that put you on the path towards that vision. One of the advantages of the National<br />

Step framework is that it is infi nitely adaptable.<br />

A delegate asked Mr Melamed if there are any challenges, issues that are being worked on? Is<br />

the level of housing and rental prices an issue?<br />

Mr Melamed said that Whistler had miles to go towards being sustainable. The day Whistler is<br />

sustainable, is the day that the world is sustainable. It is a case of inspiring other communities<br />

to reduce consumption. Whistler is trying to accelerate this positive action and has provided<br />

a great deal of opportunities. In regard to housing, the average price of a home in Whistler is<br />

$1.4 million—so most people who work there cannot afford a home. As a result, Whistler had<br />

to create an inventory of affordable homes. There are 4,500 beds in the municipality. Whistler<br />

built the Athletes’ Village for $150 million, where 90% of the Village will be resident housing.<br />

There are now 800 people on the waiting list, and now there are 214 units sold, with 6 left.<br />

A delegate fi rst commented to Mr Okada that the Global Sports Alliance provides initiatives that<br />

can be transported to other locations, such as Michigan State University. He asked then Mr Kalua<br />

about the Mathare Youth Sports Organisation and its development.<br />

Mr Kalua answered that Mathare was engaging the youth very well.<br />

A delegate asked Mr Kinsley if there had been a public-private partnership in the development<br />

of the facilities?<br />

Mr Kinsley replied that it was a hybrid partnership that once the guarantees were met, the<br />

public would administer the facilities.<br />

A delegate asked how we can encourage sports to be staged on land that has been used prudently<br />

among various communities?<br />

Mr Melamed stated that land use is an important issue in sustainability. With respect to<br />

Whistler, the site is quite compact and very good for walking on, and it has a high performance<br />

training centre for both able-bodied and disabled athletes. Whistler’s various Olympic sites<br />

will only be accessible through transit during the Games.<br />

Mr Kinsley stated that in Prince George subdivisions are not permitted that are not accessible<br />

by transit. Also, if there is a subdivision, then a community park needs to be built or an equal<br />

amount of money needs to be invested in renovating an existing park.<br />

Wrap Up:<br />

Mr Kalua: His vision is a Green Africa. He would like to have a Green Africa University, or a green<br />

television station or radio station, and to have people plant a tree on special occasions. “Nothing<br />

is as important as the silent reminder of a good example.”<br />

Mr Kinsley: His hope is that Canada continues to be a leader in sustainability and a peaceful<br />

nation that respects its neighbour. He hopes that his community continues his process and the<br />

belief that “small is good”, and that Prince George continues to have the quality of life to raise a<br />

family.<br />

Mr Melamed: He stated that “sustainability should be about creativity and as fun as sport”.<br />

Moreover, the Natural Step plan is informative and its rules should be as well known as the<br />

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rules of soccer. Moreover, the name of the Conference should be changed from referring to<br />

“environment” to “sustainability.” We must agree on the strongest communications tools and<br />

stronger defi nitions.<br />

Mr Okada: It is a collaboration between people, sporting organisations and local corporations<br />

that fi nance them. One proposal to the IOC and OCOGs: during the Olympic Games, there is<br />

always a negative impact on the environment, maybe use a carbon offset programme to benefi t<br />

less developed communities.<br />

4.14. Peak Performance: The role of Corporate Sponsors<br />

and Suppliers in Accelerating Sustainability<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr David Parker,<br />

Vice President, Sustainability, Teck, Chair,<br />

2010 Sponsor Sustainability Initiative (SSI), Canada<br />

After explaining his company’s business, Mr Parker laid out specifi cally how Teck will be involved<br />

in Vancouver 2010’s sustainability programme. Teck will be providing the metal for the event<br />

medals, and will be doing so in a sustainable way. Mr Parker also explained how his company<br />

is implementing sustainability into its business plan. Teck has employed a two-prong plan: (1)<br />

engaging its employees with the excellence of Olympism in mind and (2) engaging sustainability<br />

in the Olympic Games context.<br />

With regard to employee engagement, Teck has created the “Going for Gold” programme where<br />

employees are encouraged to meet a number of sustainability criteria in order to be eligible for<br />

Games attendance on behalf of the company. This programme was established so that employees<br />

could “defi ne their own podium” and has been met with wide participation. On engaging<br />

sustainability in the Olympic context, Mr Parker pointed out the various programmes Teck has<br />

been involved with in the Olympic Movement, including the Sponsor Sustainability Initiative.<br />

Mr Parker aimed to show how any company may use the Olympic Games to enhance its<br />

sustainability programme. In his words, “the Olympic Games create a unique and unparalleled<br />

opportunity to create change.”<br />

Mr Nicola Kettlitz,<br />

General Manager, Vancouver 2010 Olympic Project Team<br />

for Coca-Cola Ltd., Italy<br />

Mr Kettlitz opened his contribution by outlining the many sustainable commitments Coca-Cola<br />

has made, including: (a) using hybrid delivery trucks; (b) becoming water neutral; and (c) recycling<br />

100% of its packaging. Using these commitments as an example, Mr Kettlitz encouraged all<br />

companies to build sustainability right into their business plans.<br />

Mr Kettlitz also focused on how Coca-Cola will contribute to the sustainability message publicly.<br />

For example, Coca-Cola plans to use the Torch Relay as a “collective call” to the public to tell<br />

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their sustainability stories. The company had already received 500,000 applications from people<br />

seeking to be torchbearers. Those who are chosen will be picked on the sustainability stories they<br />

can provide to the public.<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr Henry Stoch,<br />

Senior Manager, Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability,<br />

Deloitte & Touche LLP, Canada<br />

Mr Stoch began his presentation by describing the Games as a “catalyst for moving forward<br />

on sustainability”. He went on to explain how sustainability has become a long-term strategy<br />

in his consulting fi rm. Through the spirit of volunteerism, commitment and integrity, Mr Stoch’s<br />

company has tried to contribute to the sustainability movement by launching Earth Week, limiting<br />

transportation, and working closely with the David Suzuki Foundation to structure a “green team”.<br />

Mr Stoch illustrated how a company can use sustainability to enhance its quality and community<br />

values. On that note, Mr Stoch ended by saying, “businesses that do not provide value to society<br />

will eventually become obsolete”.<br />

Mr Brian Krieger,<br />

Director, 2010 Commerce Centre, Canada<br />

Mr Krieger focused his presentation on how BC companies can maximise their short term<br />

relationship with the Olympic Movement. Specifi cally, Mr Krieger pointed out ways in which<br />

companies can create lasting legacies from the Games, using sustainability as a valuable tool in<br />

that process.<br />

Economically, Mr Krieger and the Commerce Centre had tried to encourage sponsors to do more<br />

business while they are in BC. As part of that effort, Mr Krieger had tried to get sponsors to use<br />

local companies in their supply chains.<br />

On the sustainability front, Mr Krieger pointed out how important it is for sponsors and the IOC<br />

to develop sustainability criteria in their business plans, as this will encourage local companies<br />

to follow suit if they wish to be part of the Olympic family. Similarly, Mr Krieger outlined how the<br />

Commerce Centre has created workshops for local companies to improve on their sustainable<br />

practices so that they may be competitive in the Olympic bidding process.<br />

Discussion:<br />

Moderator Mr Piggot opened the discussion by asking each panellist how far they felt they, or<br />

their sectors were on the continuum to corporate sustainability?<br />

Mr Kettlitz felt that Coca-Cola is on different points on the continuum depending on who is<br />

being asked and where the question is being asked globally. However, Coca-Cola’s leadership<br />

is defi nitely far along the continuum.<br />

Mr Parker felt that Teck has come a long way on the sustainability continuum, but also felt<br />

that more could be done. Increasing transparency and enhancing global communication were<br />

identifi ed as keys to furthering the cause.<br />

Commenting specifi cally on the consulting sector, Mr Stoch said that no “gold standard” had<br />

been defi ned yet. As a result, sustainability is at different points in the sector.<br />

Mr Krieger explained how the Commerce Centre is trying to maximise sustainable development<br />

in all industries while the popularity of the Games can still be exploited locally.<br />

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Mr Piggot followed up his fi rst question by asking the panel if they felt the sustainability “story”<br />

had been told well enough so far.<br />

Mr Stoch agreed that storytelling is an important part of the process. He pointed to the<br />

Rugby World Cup in 1995 as a useful comparison. The World Cup was held shortly after the<br />

fi rst democratic elections in South Africa and opened important dialogue among citizens on<br />

issues of race and acceptance. Mr Stoch felt that the Games could create a similar dialogue<br />

on sustainability.<br />

Mr Kettlitz felt that the largest obstacle to sustainable storytelling was fi guring out good ways<br />

to incorporate them into marketing plans.<br />

Mr Parker felt that the internet is an untapped, useful resource to further storytelling on<br />

sustainability, which he felt has not reached the appropriate level yet in the Vancouver 2010<br />

context.<br />

A delegate then asked each panellist whether their companies will try to accelerate sustainability<br />

by carefully choosing which sporting events to sponsor?<br />

Mr Kettlitz agreed that Coca-Cola will choose their properties with sustainability in mind.<br />

Mr Parker also agreed that Teck’s choice of event has been determined in part by sustainability,<br />

but also by how much the event will incorporate the local population.<br />

A delegate asked what each panellist’s long-term sustainability goals were post-Games.<br />

Mr Stoch explained that his company will try to engage its workers on their footprint in the<br />

long term.<br />

Mr Parker said that Teck is working with Legacies Now to achieve long-term sustainability<br />

consciousness. Mr Parker advocated all companies to use Legacies Now for this purpose.<br />

Delegate ended the question period by asking how the panel thinks companies can avoid<br />

accusations of “green washing”.<br />

Mr Piggot cited research that indicated companies have been reluctant to share their<br />

sustainability stories in fear of such accusations.<br />

Mr Stoch pointed to VANOC’s licensee audits and codes of conduct as good examples of<br />

how to deal with the green washing issue.<br />

Mr Piggot ended the session by outlining some important lessons, which he identifi ed as:<br />

a) sustainability needs to be a fully integrated aspect of the business plan;<br />

b) sustainability should be aligned with the values and characteristics of the company<br />

(i.e. it should be genuine);<br />

c) employees are particularly engaged on sustainability issues; and<br />

d) as of today, Vancouver 2010’s sustainability story has not been adequately told,<br />

but it is not too late.<br />

4.15. Luncheon Presentation: Passion Drivers for Sport<br />

and Sustainability<br />

Ms Kim Smither,<br />

Managing Director, Octagon Canada, Canada<br />

Ms Smither stressed that the lens through which marketing has been traditionally viewed has shifted.<br />

Previously, advertisers maintained control over the message they sent and consumers were passive<br />

absorbers. However, with technological advances, consumers are more in control of the information<br />

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they view and subsequently retain. In order to change behaviours and attitudes to become more<br />

environmentally sustainable, marketers need to tap into individual passion. Passion which is defi ned<br />

as a feeling, emotion, or belief, is the driving force for events such as the Olympic Games. Taking<br />

advantage of this passion can fuel consumer support for environmentalism if devised properly.<br />

Mr Simon Wardle,<br />

Senior Vice President, Insights & Strategy, Octagon Worldwide, USA<br />

Mr Wardle began by stating that the aim of using passion to change behaviour starts with<br />

understanding that consumers are fans. Moreover, he stated that we must understand why<br />

consumers care, and this is where the Passion Drivers Factors for Sport come in. Octagon had<br />

identifi ed 12 Passion Drivers:<br />

1. Active Appreciation<br />

2. All consuming<br />

3. Gloating<br />

4. Love of the Games<br />

5. Nostalgia<br />

6. Personal Indulgence<br />

7. Athlete Affi nity<br />

8. Athlete Excitement<br />

9. Sense of Belonging<br />

10. Talk and Socialising<br />

11. Team Devotion<br />

12. TV Preference<br />

He continued by asking: What Passion Drivers are going to be important for the Olympic Games?<br />

The answer depends on where in the world you are:<br />

In China, the number 1 factor is national team devotion.<br />

In England, the number 1 factor is nostalgia—the history and tradition of the Games.<br />

In Canada, the number 1 factor is Athlete Affi nity, with National Team Devotion being number 2<br />

and Active Appreciation is number 3.<br />

In the US, the number 1 factor is Athlete Affi nity, Love of the Game is number 2 and National<br />

Team Devotion is number 3.<br />

Mr Wardle’s next question was: How do we use the passion people have for the Olympic Games<br />

to save the environment? He answered that it starts with the consumer. Many people want to help<br />

but may not know how to help. Octagon had researched Sustainability Passion Drivers and found<br />

that the Games provide the platform for athletes to inspire consumers to take action:<br />

1. Octagon found that Olympic fans cared signifi cantly more than non-Olympic fans with regards<br />

to sustainability.<br />

2. The Olympic Games were deemed to be the most appropriate sports event to do something<br />

about sustainability.<br />

3. However, only 28% perceived that the Olympic Movement is currently committed to sustainable<br />

development.<br />

4. Furthermore, Athlete Affi nity was found to be key to connecting with the fan. However, the<br />

type of athlete was not important. Instead, the consumer would connect with an athlete who<br />

believed in a cause.<br />

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Mr Wardle hypothesised the important emotional drivers for consumers to act sustainably:<br />

1. Doing the Right Thing<br />

2. Economic<br />

3. Guilt<br />

4. Waste<br />

5. Political<br />

6. Ecological<br />

7. Convenience<br />

8. Generational<br />

9. Self Preservation<br />

10. Health<br />

11. Fear of the Unknown<br />

12. Heal the Wounds<br />

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Report<br />

Preliminary research had found a hierarchy of factors based on where the consumer resides,<br />

with health and generational issues resonating for Canadians, while economic, guilt and political<br />

rationale resonates for Americans. Moreover, the hypothesis is that there are different reasons for<br />

engagement within the nations themselves. The lesson is that we need to understand what drives<br />

the passions of consumers to act sustainably.<br />

Mr Wardle’s Key Quote: “You can move consumers from a culture of consumption to a culture of<br />

conversation through the catalyst of passion.”<br />

Ms Yaping Deng,<br />

Member, IOC Sport & Environment Commission;<br />

Olympic Gold Medallist (Table Tennis), China<br />

Because of the impact of role models, the Chinese government has asked athletes to become<br />

models and ambassadors. China especially asked for athlete support. Environmental protection<br />

has improved in Beijing. In 1998 national clean air standards had been met only for 100 days per<br />

year. In 2001 when they won the bid it had reached 185 days. Last year it was 274 days.<br />

The Games engender passion and have athlete infl uence. We showed that emotion in China.<br />

Athletes can do a lot better though for the Olympic Games and normal life.<br />

Mr Paul Gauthier,<br />

Paralympic Gold Medallist (Boccia), Canada<br />

The study relates to the Paralympics very well and as we look at social sustainability and the<br />

Olympic Games there is a great opportunity to move forward with issues about individuals with<br />

disabilities. Accessibility usually relates to the physical; however, here we are looking at more than<br />

that. It is about full integration of workforce, recreation, and being involved in the family. Being<br />

an athlete and communicating this and speaking with young people and adults is incredible.<br />

Individuals have been inspired to come forward. In Beijing, it was incredible because just being<br />

part of an event changed so many minds about disabilities. People with disabilities can contribute<br />

and they are a good investment.<br />

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Ms Rebecca Scott,<br />

IOC Member and Member of IOC Athletes’ Commission;<br />

Olympic Gold Medallist (Cross-Country Skiing), Canada<br />

Report<br />

The Play it Cool Campaign recognised the severity of climate change and athletes’ work to offset<br />

the carbon used. Athletes can be powerful role models.<br />

Discussion:<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp asked Octagon: how would you do research without the money or apply more<br />

it generally?<br />

Mr Wardle replied that it was not just the research but a mindset. Think from your audience’s<br />

perspective. That really is the key to engagement.<br />

Ms Smither concurred – what it comes down to is that the message has to be right. Different<br />

audiences need different messages. When you look at programmes you need to understand<br />

why they should care.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – it is extremely important to develop a programme when you have the<br />

buy-in and the stakeholders at the table.<br />

A delegate asked what was the percentage of male versus females in the fan-base of the survey?<br />

My second question is why you did not include Latin American countries in the survey, because<br />

there is passion in that area.<br />

Mr Wardle said that the surveys were self-selecting. Consumers self-selected themselves for<br />

a survey based on their own interests, which had to be one of their three favourite sports. The<br />

Games was one of the events for which the male/female ratio was pretty close to 50-50. There<br />

is an agency in Brazil that has been contacted which will address the gap in Latin American<br />

countries.<br />

A delegate noted that there was a slide which indicated that 1 in 4 Canadians found the Games<br />

to be detrimental, what does this represent?<br />

Mr. Wardle replied that they did not probe around that statement so it was a hypothesis. It<br />

could be the transportation costs or carbon footprint perspective which decreases support.<br />

There is an idea in certain segments of the population that the Games are in many ways<br />

detrimental.<br />

A delegate asked in terms of access to athletes what type of agencies were available to engage in<br />

these issues. What networks exist? For Ms Yaping Deng, what is the legacy of athlete involvement<br />

in Beijing?<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – it seems that when an athlete is identifi ed with a cause, very often the<br />

organisation fi nds them. One means would be the Canadian Olympic Committee. Gaining<br />

access to an athlete is not that diffi cult, it is a question of fi nding the right fi t.<br />

Mr Gauthier – The Canadian Paralympic Committee has a heroes programme which has<br />

access to athletes and is able to adapt presentations based on the cause. It knows what<br />

athlete interests are.<br />

Ms Yaping Deng – In 2001 when Beijing won the bid it established a Working Group on the<br />

environment. The Working Group went to society and schools and talked to people, reaching<br />

millions, and received very positive feedback. The name has changed to the Beijing Education<br />

Green Working Group. An example of its accomplishments was encouraging citizens to unplug<br />

electronic devices. So education has been used to raise awareness publicly for conservation.<br />

Also school programmes are used to change parent choices to be more sustainable.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – We should not underestimate the value of an athlete in a national<br />

competition or event. If they went to a world championship this is also amazing. Many athletes<br />

can be effective in their local small communities.<br />

A delegate said it was great to see data quantifi ed. Does Octagon research indicate potential for<br />

fans to experience message fatigue; should we be cautious of overusing athletes?<br />

Page 56 / 80

Report<br />

Ms Smither – the short answer is that research on that issue has not been done but when there<br />

is a lot of information it gets more diffi cult to deal with the message. However, if you know why<br />

people are passionate than you can more successfully target the group. Yes, some people<br />

may tune out, but if you are speaking in a language which they want to hear, it becomes that<br />

much more important and effective.<br />

Mr Wardle – one of the benefi ts of using athletes is that they help cut through the clutter. There<br />

are some elements of over-exposure but again one of the beauties of athletes is they do not<br />

necessarily have as high a level of exposure relative to, say, NASCAR drivers. Overexposure<br />

is not going to be an issue with the vast majority of athletes.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – The shortening of the winter season has caused concerns, perhaps you could<br />

tell us about that?<br />

Ms Scott – Plenty of cross country races have been moved or cancelled from lack of winter.<br />

This was about the time “Play it Cool” started and got great support from athletes. In the<br />

amateur sporting world there is not a lot of funding around so for athletes to personally donate<br />

is signifi cant.<br />

A delegate asked a question about the escapist nature of sport. What did they make of this?<br />

Mr Wardle – as part of the questionnaire which we fi elded, we included a needs hierarchy<br />

and one of those needs was escaping stress. This factor tended to be about a third of the<br />

way down, so it was a benefi t. We also saw that depending on the sport or country there is<br />

a different role in the audience’s lives. Octagon did some research about the affect of the<br />

economy on sport and one of the things it discovered was that sport is near recession-proof.<br />

Sport is an important part of who you are.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – one of the things you want to remember is that people stepping up for<br />

sport are those ranking higher in the affi nity category. So they are going to be different from<br />

escapist individuals. So again, it is important to know the audience.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – BC is a world leader in accessibility, how has the Olympic Games helped<br />

this?<br />

Mr Gauthier – in BC there has been a huge trend in using the Games as a catalyst for change.<br />

The “Measuring Up” programme looks at how to be more inclusive and accessible. it also<br />

works with corporations and not just governments. As soon as Vancouver won the bid, the<br />

social agenda also moved forward, which was important.<br />

A delegate asked if they had studied athletes and their desire or passion drivers in getting involved<br />

in the environmental movement? Has that been subject to any study? How can we get athletes<br />

to come on board?<br />

Ms Yaping Deng – For the Beijing Village, China won LEED gold certifi cation, which was the<br />

fi rst time this has happened for an Olympic Village. To answer how you educate athletes,<br />

China gave information and activities in the Village to get the message of sustainability across.<br />

Tree planting programmes were also available before the Games started.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – it is also quite viral among the athletes. Canadian National sports centres<br />

have been active in getting message across.<br />

Picking up on the theme that the Olympic Games might be contradictory, a delegate asked if<br />

there was room in this discussion for icons of unsustainability. The Sliding Centre was perceived<br />

to be unsustainable and might be why 28% of those surveyed had questions about the Olympic<br />

Games.<br />

Mr Wardle – Research was specifi c to the Olympic Games. NASCAR was ranked as a sport<br />

that could be an appropriate platform for sustainability messages. Athletes are a natural<br />

connection point to consumers. As to how we get athletes involved in issues, one of the<br />

reasons athletes are important is that they are embracing own personal choices and choosing<br />

an organisation to support. Consumer support often fi nds this to be more authentic. It is<br />

harder for a NASCAR driver to be a spokesperson for sustainability.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – F1 has acknowledged this and included sustainability into its vision.<br />

Delegate – What can the experts do to promote sportsmanship through Games for sustainability?<br />

Ms Scott – The Games are about integrity and fair play and many people have this affi nity<br />

because of the values they espouse. Often just by being an Olympian you are a spokesman<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Page 57 / 80

Report<br />

for integrity. However, you do not need to be an Olympian to go back to your community and<br />

inspire youngpeople and your community.<br />

A delegate asked if it was important that for young people you do not need Olympians, sometimes<br />

community athletes can be role models. It is also important to have information after the athlete<br />

has left. You need a solid curriculum to enforce this. Athletes also need training in public speaking<br />

in order to change the behaviour of the students. What kinds of preparation are there?<br />

Mr Gauthier – As an athlete who gives many presentations to children, there is inspiration<br />

during the presentation. However, if there is no follow-up then there is a problem.<br />

Ms Van Der Kamp – Clean Air Champions has created activities for teachers. Also athletes<br />

speak to kids and challenge them to change their transportation methods following the<br />

presentation. The athlete will then come back and give them awards based on changes they<br />

made. For kids who got this preparation time, the response is much greater and more heartfelt<br />

for the longer term. Follow-up is so critical.<br />

4.16. Closing Session: Where to from Here<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Mr John Furlong,<br />

CEO, Vancouver Organising Committee for the 2010 Olympic<br />

and Paralympic Games (VANOC), Canada<br />

Mr Furlong closed the <strong>8th</strong> World Conference by recalling a story from when he fi rst moved to<br />

Canada. He remembered driving on the highway and seeing someone throw out some garbage<br />

from his car, which angered him immensely as it showed a lack of respect for the natural<br />

environment. However, as a society, we have come a long way as we do not tolerate that sort of<br />

behaviour any longer.<br />

Mr Furlong also refl ected on the formation of VANOC after winning the rights to host the 2010<br />

Winter Games. The leadership was intensely debating the vision and mission of the Organising<br />

Committee, and there was a strong belief that sustainability, including social, economic and<br />

environmental sustainability, should be a core part of the organisation. There was some pushback<br />

regarding sustainability but it was eventually adopted in the vision statement and as a value<br />

of the OCOG. Mr Furlong stated that the values of the 2010 Games had “protected us” but<br />

values were not things that you could put on a shelf and bring down when it was convenient.<br />

Putting sustainability in the vision statement set things on a course and had to be followed up.<br />

OCOGs, he stated, have infl uences and what they do can change the world. There is an incredible<br />

opportunity to demonstrate that things can be done differently, but they had a long way to go to<br />

achieve this.<br />

Mr Furlong had hope for the outcome of the 2010 Olympic Games, that people could walk away<br />

from the Games and talk about accomplishments, far greater than carbon neutrality, highest water<br />

mark ever, and venues as lasting legacies. The Games were also seen as inclusive and had the<br />

ability to reach everyone in the country. He hoped that this project touched everyone in a profound<br />

way and left no one out, more specifi cally the aboriginal community. Mr Furlong also hoped that<br />

the next OCOG would not have to wait for sponsors to be involved, just like Vancouver had. He<br />

hoped that legacies would not only go beyond the environment, but all the physical legacies and<br />

their contributions to life in general in this region. Above all Mr Furlong hoped that the “human<br />

spirit had soared”. He hoped that they would have evolved by the next Conference and embraced<br />

all the pillars of sustainability, not just the environment. Athletes have a profound ability to create<br />

agents of change and that is something that should be harnessed.<br />

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5. The Vancouver Declaration<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

The participants in the <strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment included National<br />

Olympic Committees, International Sports Federations, Organising Committees for the Olympic<br />

Games (BOCOG, VANOC, LOCOG and Sochi 2014), Candidate Cities, representatives of the<br />

International Olympic Committee, International Paralympic Committee, Olympians and the United<br />

Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), partners of the Olympic Movement, sport and recreation<br />

events organisers, environmental organisations, research institutions, and other members of the<br />

Olympic Movement.<br />

The Conference acknowledged the signifi cance of the location and date of this event, with it being<br />

held on the traditional territories of Four Host First Nations, and with the Vancouver 2010 Winter<br />

Olympic Games and Paralympic Winter Games being less than a year away, and expressed their<br />

gratitude for their involvement and presence.<br />

Two principal themes provided the contextual backdrop for the Conference:<br />

1. The current economic crisis is global, affecting everyone. While the crisis presents additional<br />

challenges, it also provides unique opportunities in which environmental and sustainability matters<br />

must remain the highest priority. The economy and the environment are to be dealt with together<br />

to enhance environmental sustainability.<br />

2. The importance of involving young people in the world of sport is acknowledged by all. The IOC’s<br />

emphasis on this is shown by the launch of the fi rst ever Youth Olympic Games in Singapore in<br />

2010, with a signifi cant educational component, including strong environmental content. Early<br />

exposure to the best sustainable development practices and appropriate education of future<br />

generations on environmental matters will have a lasting impact.<br />

With the above themes in mind, the Conference focused on the key aspects of Inspiration and<br />

Innovation that fuel the participants’ joint efforts to advance sustainability through sport.<br />

Fourteen years after declaring “environment” as the third pillar of the Olympic Movement, alongside<br />

sport and culture, the Conference provided an opportunity to refl ect on the hard work undertaken<br />

and the achievements made during this period, and the growing number of success stories. This<br />

provides fi tting inspiration for an ever-increasing number of constituents.<br />

It was acknowledged that creativity and innovation are critical components in achieving<br />

demonstrable results. The Conference participants put forward the following specifi c conclusions<br />

and recommendations:<br />

1. National Olympic Committees (NOC) play an increasing role in ensuring continuous<br />

involvement of the sports world in sustainable development.<br />

It is acknowledged that NOCs have to tackle different challenges within their own environments.<br />

Nevertheless, it is essential that NOCs recognise their important role as a major conduit for<br />

action to further the Olympic Movement’s sustainability agenda.<br />

NOCs are encouraged to continue to develop their understanding of the programmes, practices<br />

and legacies of Olympic Organising Committees, as well as of the proposals and objectives of<br />

candidate cities.<br />

It is recommended that NOCs identify and reach out to domestic and external partners with<br />

specifi c projects that could be supported within their own communities, and consider including<br />

provisions for sustainable actions in their contractual arrangements.<br />

NOCs are encouraged to form partnerships with local government entities in order to implement<br />

specifi c environmental projects.<br />

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Report<br />

2. International Sport Federations are critical to advancing sustainability within sports<br />

organisations around the world.<br />

Each International Federation is encouraged to adopt a policy and supporting programme to<br />

advance the principles of sustainability through its sport, and to promote such principles to<br />

national sport federations.<br />

3. OCOGs are a key source of innovation in the planning, delivery and legacy of sports<br />

facilities and events.<br />

The examples provided by OCOGs and Candidate Cities should be studied by others in the<br />

sports world for possible application at an appropriate scale in their own programmes.<br />

OCOGs have the ability to utilise the latest innovations and technology to create and promote<br />

Games of the highest standards of sustainability and legacy.<br />

Sharing and transferring these best practices is essential in ensuring that the sustainability of the<br />

Olympic and Paralympic Games is continuously advanced.<br />

The Games present a unique opportunity to raise environmental awareness and develop a<br />

new environmental approach within a community, and to implement a “green code”, thereby<br />

achieving a set of new local standards of higher quality.<br />

4. Corporate sponsors of the Olympic Movement continue to play a valuable role in creating<br />

sports events which mutually benefi t sport, the community and sponsors.<br />

The Conference encourages sponsors of the Olympic Movement to share their sustainability<br />

practices and technology with the Olympic family, and channel available resources for educational<br />

purposes to increase environmental awareness and to engage and empower young people.<br />

Community-based organisations are an essential component of sport and environment activities,<br />

as they are central to the promotion of local involvement, innovation and inspiration, and the spreading<br />

of best practices.<br />

Athletes are important role models, as their commitment to promoting the sustainability agenda has<br />

the potential to infl uence and inspire others, particularly young people, to take action.<br />

The Conference concluded with the words of a participating athlete:<br />

“There are no minds more innovative than the minds of young people. No one is more attuned to the<br />

environment than young people.”<br />

Vancouver, BC<br />

Canada<br />

31 March 2009<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

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6. List of participants<br />


Mr. Mass Abedi<br />

ARD/1st German<br />

Television<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Walter Abeysundara NOC of Sri Lanka Colombo Sri Lanka natolcom@slt.lk<br />

Ms. Susan Abs Eclipse Consulting Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Robert Accarino Chicago 2016 Chicago<br />

Mr. Klaus Achenbach<br />

Consulate General of<br />

the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

ldrew@chicago2016.org<br />

Vancouver Canada l-vz1@vanc.auswaertiges-amt.de<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Kathy Adams impossible2Possible Chelsea Canada kathyad@hotmail.com<br />

Ms. Christina Adams VANOC Vancouver Canada christina_adams@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Amelia Aguirre<br />

Comite Olimpico<br />

Arubano<br />

Oranjestad Aruba daguirre.aruba@setarnet.aw<br />

Mr. Ricardo Daniel Aguirre<br />

Comite Olimpico<br />

Arubano<br />

Oranjestad Aruba daguirre.aruba@setarnet.aw<br />

Ms. Gina Aitchison Transport Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mohammed Al Sayrafi Anti Doping Lab Qatar Doha Qatar<br />

Mr. Thamer Al Turki<br />

Qatar Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Doha Qatar<br />

Mr. Caloy Alejandro Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Lawrence Alexander<br />

Legal Services Branch<br />

– Ministry of Attorney<br />

General<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Rashed Alheraiwel NOC of Saudi Arabia Riyadh Saudi Arabia saoc@saudiolympic.org.sa<br />

Mr. Yousuf Ali Al-Kazim<br />

Qatar Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Doha Qatar<br />

Ms. Elyse Allan<br />

General Electric (GE)<br />

Canada<br />

Mississauga Canada elyse.allan@ge.com<br />

Mr. Anthony Allen VANOC Vancouver Canada anthony_allen@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Nadia Aly Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mbagwu Amaefule<br />

Charles Harrisons<br />

Communications<br />

Nigeria Limited<br />

Lagos State Nigeria<br />

Mr. John Amarica Selikor NV Curacao<br />

Netherlands<br />

Antilles<br />

jamarica@selikor.com<br />

Mr. Nicholas Amaya CBC News Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Dorthe Odderup Andersen NOC of Denmark Broendby Denmark doa@dif.dk<br />

Ms. Bridgette Anderson<br />

Province of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Mr. Ron Andruff dotSport LLC New York<br />

Victora Canada<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Rick Antonson Tourism Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

ra@dotsportllc.com<br />

ricka@tourismvancouver.com; shughes@<br />

tourismvancouver.com<br />

Mr. Francesco Aquilini<br />

Aquilini Investment<br />

Group<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Daniel Arhin NPC Ghana Accra Ghana<br />

Mr. Arie Ariotedjo NOC of Indonesia Jakarta Indonesia secgen@olympic.or.id<br />

Mr. Wondwosen Asnake UNEP Geneva Switzerland wondwosen.asnake@unep.ch<br />

Ms. Jane Atherton Canwest Publishing Inc. Vancouver Canada jatherton@png.canwest.com<br />

Mr. Fung Austin Ming Pao Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Roland Baar<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Gifhorn Germany roland.baar@web.de<br />

Mr. David Baar Gifhorn Germany roland.baar@web.de<br />

Ms. Inga Babakova NOC of Ukraine Kiev Ukraine inga@babakova.mk.ua<br />

Page 61 / 80


Mr. Thomas Bach<br />

Mr. Jenitha Badul<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Department of<br />

Environmental Affairs &<br />

Tourism<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Lausanne Switzerland drthach@aol.com<br />

Pretoria South Africa jbadul@deat.gov.za<br />

Mr. Harbs Bains BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Ken Baker VANOC Vancouver Canada ken_baker@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Laura Balance LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Simon Balderstone<br />

Mr. Desmond Bannister<br />

Ways and Means<br />

Consultancy Pty Ltd;<br />

IOC Environment<br />

Adviser<br />

Bahamas Govn’t -<br />

Ministry of Youth,<br />

Sports & Culture<br />

Manly Australia simon@waysandmeans.com.au<br />

Nassau Bahamas desmondbannister@gmail.com<br />

Ms. Loreen Barnett<br />

International Triathlon<br />

Union (ITU)<br />

North Vancouver Canada loreen@triathlon.org<br />

Mr. Damian Bassett Coca-Cola Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Erika Bates Canadian Heritage Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Tracy Battin Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Grace Battiston Centre for Digital Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Roger Bayley Merrick Architecture Vancouver Canada rbayley@merrickarch.com<br />

Ms. Barb Beale Canwest Publishing Inc Vancouver Canada bbeale@png.canwest.com<br />

Mr. Jacques Becker Consulate of Monaco Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ron Bencze Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jon Benjamin<br />

Jon Benjamin<br />

Photography<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Jennifer Benoit BC Liberals Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Donna Bernard<br />

Ridge Meadows Parks<br />

and Lesiure<br />

Abbotsford Canada donna@doitwithfl air.ca<br />

Ms. Lou Berube RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Bree Beveridge North Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. John Beveridge Environment Canada Vancouver Canada john.beveridge@ec.gc.ca<br />

Ms. Mary Anne Biddiscombe Coca-Cola Atlanta United States<br />

Ms. Amanda Biggs City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Shane Bigham News 1130 Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Deanna Binder Consultant Victoria Canada deanna.binder@shaw.ca<br />

Mr. Alastair Bird BC Hydro Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Don Black VANOC Vancouver Canada don_black@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Kelly Blas Guam NOC Guam Guam gnoc@teleguam.net<br />

Mr. Juraj Bobula<br />

Slovak Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Bratislava Slovakia juraj.bobula@gmail.com<br />

Mr. John Booth Thunderidge GPS Guelph Canada johnbooth@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Thierry Borra<br />

The Coca-Cola<br />

Company<br />

Atlanta<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

thborra@na.ko.com<br />

Ms. Rachel Boston Ministry of Environment Victoria Canada rachel.boston@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. Andres Botero<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission; President<br />

Emeritus, International<br />

Water Ski Federation<br />

Bogota Columbia nauticabotero@une.net.co<br />

Mr. John Boulter Unicorn Consulting Saverne France boulter@wanadoo.fr<br />

Mr. Conrad Boychuk Genivar Vancouver Canada conrad.boychuk@genivar.com<br />

Ms. Christine Bradburn Amazing Planet Bratislava Slovakia<br />

Ms. Christine Bradstock 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Kwadwo Bramah<br />

Sight and Sound<br />

Venture<br />

Maseru Lesotho South Africa bramahkwad@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Iain Brambell Athelete Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

Page 62 / 80


Ms. Daphne Bramham Vancouver Sun Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Calman Braun<br />

General Electric (GE)<br />

Canada<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Susan Braverman The Flag Shop Vancouver Canada veronikan@fl agshop.com<br />

Mr. Tore Johan Brevik<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Ms. Micheline Brodeur Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Shivauna Brown<br />

Mr. Adeshola Brown Adeniyi<br />

Vincor Canada, a<br />

Constellation Company<br />

Charles Harrisons<br />

Communications<br />

Nigeria Limited<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Oslo Norway tore.brevik@getmail.no<br />

Vancouver Canada shivauna.brown@vincor.ca<br />

Lagos State Nigeria<br />

Mr. Rob Brownridge City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ian Bruce DSF Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

Mr. Lawrence Bruce<br />

Gambia National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Banjul Gambia lbruce@qanet.gm<br />

Ms. Christie Brummitt VANOC Vancouver Canada christie_brummitt@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Chris Brumwell VANOC Vancouver Canada chris_brumwell@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Tricia Buckley VANOC Vancouver Canada tricia_buckley@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Ian Buckley 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Alex Budden<br />

UK Trade and<br />

Investment British<br />

Consulate-General<br />

Ms. Tasha Bukovnik 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Andrew Burge AVW TELAV Vancouver Canada<br />

Vancouver Canada alex.budden@fco.gov.uk<br />

Mr. John Burgess<br />

Coca-Cola Recycling<br />

LLC<br />

Atlanta United States<br />

Ms. Lindsey Burnett City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Dan Burritt CKNW Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Fernando Caillaux<br />

Acedemia Olimpica<br />

Peruana<br />

Lima Peru<br />

Mr. Frank Came GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada frank.cam@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Ernest Campbell Musqueam Nation North Vancouver Canada<br />

Hon. Gordon Campbell Province of BC Vancouver Canada sarah.harrison@gov.bc.ca<br />

Ms. Miryam E. Canillas De Zubizarreta NOC of Paraguay Asuncion Paraguay cop@rieder.net.py<br />

Ms. Angelina Cantada<br />

Mr. Enrico Carbone<br />

British Columbia<br />

Paraplegic Association<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Rome Italy enrico.carbone@guest.coni.it<br />

Ms. Deborah Carlson DSF Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Primrose Carson Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Thomas Challis Can Communicate Richmond, Surrey United Kingdom<br />

Mr. Michael Chambers<br />

Canadian Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Ottawa Canada mchambers@olympic.ca<br />

Mr. Christopher Chan<br />

Singapore National<br />

Olympic Council<br />

Singapore Singapore admin@snoc.org.sg<br />

Ms. Christine Chan VANOC Vancouver Canada christine_chan@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Conrad Chan Centre for Digital Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Victoria Chang Ming Pao Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Carmen Chang Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Denis Cheminade<br />

Comité National<br />

Olympique et Sportif<br />

Français<br />

Paris France denis.cheminade@cnosf.org<br />

Ms. Annie Cheminade Federation ASPTT Paris France annie.cheminade@noos.fr<br />

Mr. Simon Chen<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Page 63 / 80


Mr. William Cheng<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Carmen Ka Mun Cheng Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ted Chernecki Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. David Chernushenko Living Lightly Project Ottawa Canada david@davidc.ca<br />

Mr. Benny Cheung Fairchild TV Richmond Canada<br />

Mr. Francis Chiang<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Robert Zwemizi Chideka<br />

Botswana National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Gaborone Botswana modisaotsile.bnoc@info.bw<br />

Mr. Hacene Chikh NOC of Algeria Alger Algeria algerianoc@yahoo.fr<br />

Mr. Frantisek Chmelar<br />

Mr. Andrew Choi<br />

Mr. Chungwon Choue<br />

Mr. Timothy Chow<br />

Slovak Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

University of San<br />

Francisco<br />

World Taekwondo<br />

Federation<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Bratislava Slovakia nemeckova@olympic.sk<br />

Danville<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

jachoi@usfca.edu<br />

Seoul Korea president@wtf.org<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Brandon Chridton<br />

Province of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Richard Chu Business In Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mario Cilenti<br />

Rio 2016 Bid<br />

Commission / Brazilian<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Rio de Janeiro Brazil marcela.blajackis@rio2016.org.br<br />

Ms. Anne-Marie Clancy Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Tony Clark Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Andy Clark Reuters Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Darlene Clark VANOC Vancouver Canada darlene_clark@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Linda Coady VANOC Vancouver Canada linda_coady@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Michelle Collens 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Sue Connors Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Judith Conrad<br />

Swiss Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Bern 22 Switzerland judith.conrad@swissolympic.ch<br />

Mr. Bernie Conroy RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Randall Cook GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada randall.cook@globe.ca<br />

Report<br />

Mr. Charles Corbin CMC Associates Brooklyn<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

elec2006@gmail.com<br />

Ms. Slava Corn Seneca College Toronto Canada slava.corn@senecac.on.ca<br />

Ms. Laura Cornish Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Brian Coxford Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. David Crawford VANOC Vancouver Canada david_crawford@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Amber Crezee EcoEvent Management Truckee<br />

Ms. Charmaine Crooks<br />

Olympians Canada,<br />

Canadian Olympic<br />

Committee Member<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Shane Cuff Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Katy Curran Casey<br />

Mr. Ngoc Tuan Dang<br />

American College of<br />

Sprots Medicine<br />

Vietnam Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

jon.wilson@ecoeventmanagement.com<br />

Vancouver Canada charcrooks@aol.com<br />

Houston United States<br />

Hanoi Vietnam vie@fpt.vn<br />

Mr. Dennis Danso Acquah<br />

Horizon Newsgroup ( Mi<br />

Company Ghana Ltd)<br />

Ghana<br />

Mr. Michael Darnel Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Susanna Darnel Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Bernard Darnel Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lara Dauphinee<br />

Province of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Page 64 / 80


Mr. Philip Davis<br />

International Triathlon<br />

Union (ITU)<br />

North Vancouver Canada loreen@triathlon.org<br />

Ms. Kelli Dawson Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Rumina Daya Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Julius De Heer J. De Heer Consulting Lausanne Switzerland jules@jdeheer.com<br />

Ms. Ineke de Hoog<br />

Consulate of<br />

Netherlands<br />

Mr. Bruce Deacon<br />

Canadian Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. James DelloStritto BBW International Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lisa Delpy Neirotti<br />

Ms. Yaping Deng<br />

The George Washington<br />

University<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission, IOC<br />

Athletes Commission<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Vancouver Canada ineke-de.hoog@minbuza.nl<br />

Washington<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

delpy@gwu.edu<br />

Beijing China vww80@hotmail.com<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Adrienne Denham VANOC Vancouver Canada adrienne_denham@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Georges-Emmanuel Denjean<br />

Mr. Walter Deplazes<br />

International Cycling<br />

Union<br />

Consulate General of<br />

Switzerland<br />

Aigle Switzerland georges-emmanuel.denjean@uci.ch<br />

Vancouver Canada daniela.nathanael@eda.admin.ch<br />

Ms. Donna DeVarona Chicago 2016 Chicago<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

ldrew@chicago2016.org<br />

Mr. Ferg Devins Molson Vancouver Canada ehochstein@national.ca<br />

Mr. Bruce Dewar 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada bdewar@2010legaciesnow.com<br />

Ms. Clare DeWitt<br />

Discovery Channel<br />

Canada - Daily Planet<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Sahil Dhingra<br />

University of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Markham Canada sdhingra@interchange.ubc.ca<br />

Ms. Margaret Dickson VANOC Vancouver Canada margaret_dickson@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Terry Dillon KirCon Performance West Vancouver Canada terrygdillon@shaw.ca<br />

Mr. Sahil Dingra<br />

University of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Julie Dionne<br />

Royal Canadian Golf<br />

Association<br />

St-Basile-Le-Grand Canada jdionne@rcga.org<br />

Ms. Patti Dodds Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Matt Dolf<br />

AISTS (International<br />

Academy of Sports<br />

Science and<br />

Technology)<br />

Lausanne Switzerland matt.dolf@aists.org<br />

Mr. Brent Dore Locks Green Laces San Francisco United States<br />

Mr. Allan Dowd Reuters Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Rachel Dowden RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Anne Drewa Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Denis Du Bois Energy Priorities Denver United States<br />

Mr. Christophe Dubi<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland christophe.dube@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Ann Duffy VANOC Vancouver Canada ann_duffy@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Jacques Dufresne<br />

Radio-Canada<br />

Télévision<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Cathy Duncan BC Hydro Burnaby Canada cathy.duncan@bchydro.com<br />

Ms. Hilary Dunn FHFH Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jeremy Dunn LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Gilian Dusting<br />

Dusting<br />

Communications<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Darryl Dyck Canadian Press Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Carson Ebanks<br />

Mr. Anthony Edgar<br />

Cayman Islands<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

George Town Cayman Islands cioc@candw.ky<br />

Lausanne Switzerland anthony.edgar@olympic.org<br />

Page 65 / 80


Mr. Samer El-Nashar Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Ann English BC Hydro Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Salamat Ergeshov NOC of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Kyrgyzstan info@olympic.kg<br />

Ms. Mark Ernsting<br />

International Triathlon<br />

Union (ITU)<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

North Vancouver Canada loreen@triathlon.org<br />

Ms. Sylvie Espagnac<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland sylvie.espagnac@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Jorge Espana Ortiz NOC of Bolivia La Paz Boliva colimbol1@caoba.entelnet.bo<br />

Mr. Akhter Farhan Daily Pasban Lahore Pakistan<br />

Mr. Rene Fasel<br />

Mr. Gilbert Felli<br />

Mr. Josef Fendt<br />

International Ice Hockey<br />

Federation<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Zurich Switzerland fasel@iihf.com<br />

Lausanne Switzerland gilbert.felli@olympic.org<br />

Berchtesgaden Germany staudinger@fi l-luge.org<br />

Mr. Michael Fennell<br />

Commonwealth Games<br />

Kingston<br />

Federation<br />

Jamacia mfennell@cwjamaica.com<br />

Mr. Antonio Fernandez Arimany Madrid 2016 Madrid Spain cgolmayo@madrid16.es<br />

Mr. Ted Field Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Janet Filipendo Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Joel Findlay Canada<br />

Mr. Ben Finkelstein<br />

BC Ministry of<br />

Environment<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Brian Fixter UBC Law School Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Bruce S. Ford AECOM North Vancouver Canada bruce.ford@aecom.com<br />

Ms. Denise Forrest<br />

Director Jamaica<br />

Inst. of Environmental<br />

Professionals<br />

Kingston Jamacia denfor@cwjamaica.com<br />

Ms. Kathryn Forrest Olympic Solidarity Lausanne Switzerland kathryn.forrest@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Tara Foslien Offi ce of the Premier Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Paul Foster<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland paul.foster@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Amy Fraenkel UNEP Nairobi Kenya amy.fraenkel@rona.unep.org<br />

Ms. Palmira Francisco NOC of Mozambique Maputo Mozambique palmira875@tvcabo.co.mz<br />

Mr. Frankie Fredericks<br />

IOC Athletes<br />

Commission<br />

Windhoek Nambia frankie@fff.org.na<br />

Ms. Lisa Freedman VANOC Vancouver Canada skye_davis@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Alix Freiler Simon Fraser University Vancouver Canada acf3@sfu.ca<br />

Mr. John Furlong VANOC Vancouver Canada<br />

john_furlong@vancouver2010.com;<br />

tricia_buckley@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Emma Gaiger VANOC Vancouver Canada emma_gaiger@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Katrina Galas VANOC Vancouver Canada katarina_galas@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Jaime Galley GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada jaime.galley@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Alexis Gallice CIALFI Orolan Ste. Marie France alexis.gallice@bie.fr<br />

Ms. Alexandre Garcia<br />

Mr. Paul Gauthier<br />

Mr. Benetik George<br />

Consulat General de<br />

France Vancouver<br />

British Columbia<br />

Paraplegic Association<br />

Mandelson Soccer<br />

Academy<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

consul-general@consulfrance-vancouver.<br />

org<br />

Vancouver Canada pgauthier@bcpara.org<br />

Gaborone South Africa benetikgeorge@gmail.com<br />

Ms. Leah George-Wilson<br />

Tsleil-Waututh First<br />

Nation<br />

North Vancouver Canada ldgeorge@twnation.ca<br />

Ms. Lara Gerrits LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Maria Gheghi Italy<br />

Ms. Ian Gill Ecotrust Canada Vancouver Canada ian@ecotrust.ca<br />

Ms. Zoumaro Gnofame<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Lomé Togo cnotogo@yahoo.fr<br />

Page 66 / 80


Mr. Jim Goddard News 1130 Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Lenami Godinez BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada lenami.godinez@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. John Gough GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada john.gough@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Gerald Grant AVW TELAV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Katie Green VANOC Vancouver Canada katie_green@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Amy Greenwood Fraser Basin Council Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Karen Greig Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Ruth Grierson VANOC Vancouver Canada ruth_grierson@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Jack Groh<br />

National Football<br />

League<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Warwick<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Mark Gryski CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

nfl environment@aol.com<br />

Mr. Habu Ahmed Gumel<br />

Federation Internation<br />

de Volleyball<br />

Lausanne Switzerland administration@fi vb.org<br />

Mr. David Guscott VANOC Vancouver Canada david_guscott@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Jenny Hager GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada jenny.hager@globe.ca<br />

Iyorwuese Hagher<br />

Nigeria High<br />

Commission<br />

Ottawa Canada<br />

Ms. Gail Hamamoto<br />

BC Wheelchair Sports<br />

Association<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Niels-Christian Levin Hansen NOC Denmark Brondby Denmark nlh@dif.dk<br />

Hon. Colin Hansen Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

fi n.minister@gov.bc.ca; marnie.<br />

llewellynthomas@gov.bc.ca<br />

Ms. Lana Harbin<br />

Alberta Olympic and<br />

Paralympic Secretariat<br />

Calgary Canada lana.harbin@gov.ab.ca<br />

Ms. Sarah Harrison BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Kristen Harvey VANOC Vancouver Canada kristen_harvey@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Omar Hassan<br />

Kenya Broadcasting<br />

Corporation<br />

Nairobi Kenya<br />

Mr. Steve Hawkins City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Phil Heard<br />

Mr. Hesley Heerenveen<br />

Vancouver Economic<br />

Development<br />

Commission<br />

NOC of the Netherlands<br />

Antilles<br />

Vancouver Canada pheard@vancouvereconomic.com<br />

Curacao<br />

Netherlands<br />

Antilles<br />

Ms. Darlene Heidemann Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Greg Heit 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Felicita Heredia De Vargas<br />

NOC of the Dominican<br />

Republic<br />

Santo Domingo<br />

Dominican<br />

Republic<br />

kathleen@sports.an<br />

cod@colimdo.org<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Yetla Hernandez VANOC Vancouver Canada yetla_hernandez@vancouver.2010.com<br />

Ms. Wendy Heshka<br />

Communication<br />

Solutions<br />

Kamloops Canada wendy@solutiongroup.ca<br />

Mr. Jeremy Hewitt Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Carrie Hightower Metro Vancouver Burnaby Canada carrie.hightower@metrovancouver.org<br />

Ms. Kathleen Hill<br />

U.S. Consulate<br />

Vancouver<br />

Vancouver Canada cruisecc@state.gov<br />

Ms. Kaori Hirano Vancouver Shinpo Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jonathan Hiskes Grist Seattle United States<br />

Mr. Craig Hodge Cannon Design Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jeff Hodson Metro - Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Nadine Hoehne FHFH Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Colin Holden<br />

Business To Business<br />

Travel Websites Group<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Laura Holingberry VANOC Vancouver Canada laura_holingberry@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Tina HS Hong<br />

Korea Olympians<br />

Association<br />

Seoul Korea tinahshong@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Roger Hope Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Beth Hornby VANOC Vancouver Canada beth_hornby@vancouver2010.com<br />

Page 67 / 80


Mr. Toshiaki Hosaka<br />

Tokyo 2016 Bid<br />

Committee<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Tokyo Japan masahiro_koike@member.metro.tokyo.jp<br />

Mr. Grant Hsu<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Severine Hubert Jon Tibbs Associates Antony France sevi@jtassocs.com<br />

Mr. Ross Iain City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Hilary Ibey Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Habu Gwani Ibrahim<br />

Nigeria High<br />

Commission<br />

Ottawa Canada ibrahim@nigeriahcottawa.com<br />

Mr. Damian Inwood The Province Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Singh Iqbal News Time TV24 India<br />

Mr. Paul Irwin<br />

Mr. Phillip Isaacs<br />

Pacifi c Coast<br />

Collaborative<br />

Commission Canada<br />

Antigua & Barbuda<br />

Olympic Association<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

St. Johns Antigua aboa@candw.ag<br />

Mr. Ichita Itabashi<br />

Japanese Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Tokyo Japan k-yamamoto@joc.or.jp<br />

Mr. Roger Izumi Ryusuke Kyodo News Japan<br />

Ms. Lois Jackalin BBW Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Monica Jako VANOC Vancouver Canada monica_jako@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Lance Jakubec<br />

Canada Housing and<br />

Mortgage Corporation<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. David Jang<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jonas Petras Jankauskas NOC of Lithuania Vilnius Lithuania ijole@ltok.lt<br />

Ms. Urszula Jankowska<br />

Mr. Johnson Jasson<br />

Polish Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Warsaw Poland ilotysz@pkol.pl<br />

Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania jjmeela@yahoo.com<br />

Ms. Florence Jeanblanc-Risler<br />

Ambassade de France<br />

Ottawa<br />

Ottawa Canada fl orence.jeanblanc-risler@missioneco.org<br />

Mr. Matthew Jenkins Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Richard Jenkins GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada richard.jenkins@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Sarah Jennings AWARE Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Grant Johncox VANOC Vancouver Canada grant_johncox@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Deejae Johnson Greenlaces.org San Francisco United States<br />

Ms. Lisa Johnson CBC News Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Luke Johnson Centre for Digital Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Katrina Johnston Canadian Heritage Victoria Canada sara.lantz@pch.gc.ca<br />

Mr. Mike Johnston CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Robert Johnston Cannon Design Victoria Canada rjohnston@cannondesign.com<br />

Mr. Russ Jones R<strong>ON</strong>A inc. Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Nicola Jones Nature Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Len Jordan Coca-Cola Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lois Joseph Taya7 Kuk’pi7 Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Tewanee Joseph<br />

Four Host First Nations<br />

Secretariat<br />

Vancouver Canada tewanee.joseph@shaw.ca<br />

Ms. Jenny Jung<br />

Korean Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Seoul Korea yeny@sports.or.kr<br />

Ms. Christine Jung MDM Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Penninah Kabenge NOC of Uganda Kampala Uganda nocug@spacenet.co.ug<br />

Mr. Joseph Kaleel<br />

Oregon Track Club/<br />

SportsOne<br />

Portland<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

jkaleel@sports1inc.com<br />

Ms. Isaac Kalua<br />

Green Africa<br />

Foundation<br />

Nairobi Kenya kalua@greenafricafoundation.org<br />

Ms. Zahida Kanani GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada zahida.kanani@globe.ca<br />

Page 68 / 80


Ms. Selena Seul Kang<br />

University of Fraser<br />

Valley<br />

Chilliwack Canada wallfl owers87@hotmail.com<br />

Ms. Maria Anna Karageorgou Athens Greece<br />

Mr. Basil Kavanagh<br />

Mr. George Kazantzopoulous<br />

Memorial University of<br />

Newfoundland<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

St. Johns Canada basilk@mun.ca<br />

Athens Greece morethangreen@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Markus Kecht Olympia Report Germany<br />

Mr. Martin Keith CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Rylan Kerbes Can Communicate Richmond, Surrey United Kingdom<br />

Mr. Nicola Kettlitz<br />

Mr. Alfred Khang’ati<br />

Vancouver 2010<br />

Olympic Project Team<br />

for Coca-Cola Ltd.<br />

National Olympic<br />

Committee - Kenya<br />

Richmond Canada<br />

Report<br />

nkettlitz@na.ko.com; damoran@na.ko.<br />

com; thborra@na.ko.com; vanessa.<br />

aiello@olympic.org; lorraine_smith@<br />

vancouver2010.com; lbelanger@na.ko.<br />

com<br />

Nairobi Kenya nock@icconect.co.ke<br />

Mr. Victor Khotochkin<br />

Russian Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Moscow Russia pr@olympic.ru<br />

Mr. Fekrou Kidane IAAF Monaco Monaco secretariat-president@iaaf.org<br />

Ms. Fiona Kilburn VANOC Vancouver Canada fi ona_kilburn@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Mike Killeen CTV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jonathan Killoran<br />

Reno Tahoe Winter<br />

Games Coalition<br />

Reno<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

jon.killoran@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Young Chan Kim<br />

Korean Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Seoul Korea<br />

Mr. James Kim GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada james.kim@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Thomas Kineshanko Habitat Enterprises Vancouver Canada thomas@habitatenterprises.ca<br />

Mr. Colin Kinsley<br />

Prince George Spirit<br />

of BC Community<br />

Committee<br />

Prince George Canada ckinsley@shaw.ca<br />

Ms. Katherine Kitts News 1130 Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Andreas Klages NOC Germany Frankfurt-Am-Main Germany klages@dosb.de<br />

Mr. Nathan Kliem Can Communicate Richmond, Surrey United Kingdom<br />

Mr. Paul Kluckner Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Shinsuke Kobayashi Kyodo News London United Kingdom<br />

Mr. Dmitri Kolosov<br />

Sochi 2014 Organizing<br />

Committee<br />

Moscow Russia dkolosov@sochi2014.com<br />

Mr. Doug Konkin<br />

BC Ministry of<br />

Environment<br />

Victoria Canada doug.konkin@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. Wally Konowalchuk City of Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Michael Kontos Chicago 2016 Chicago<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Sai Wing Koo Fairchild TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Camilla Korsbrekke Haugsten<br />

Mr. Chris Koski<br />

Norwegian Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

BC Ministry of<br />

Environment<br />

ldrew@chicago2016.org<br />

Oslo Norway camilla@utviklingsfondet.no<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Barbara Kousky Oregon Track Club Eugene<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

brian.brase@usatf.org<br />

Mr. Mike Kratczyk BC Hydro Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Adam Kreek Kreek Speak Victoria Canada adamkreek@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Josip Kresimir Ivanis NOC of Croatia Zagreb Croatia kresimir.ivanis@hoo.t-com.hr<br />

Mr. Brian Krieger<br />

2010 Commerce<br />

Centre, Province of BC<br />

Vancouver Canada brian.krieger@gov.bc.ca<br />

Ms. Samantha Kuchmak Transport Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Filip Kulisev Amazing Planet Bratislava Slovakia<br />

Page 69 / 80


Mr. Corwin Kwan<br />

Speed Skating<br />

Canada (Choice<br />

Communications)<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. So Young Kwon<br />

World Taekwondo<br />

Federation<br />

Seoul Korea skwon@wtf.org<br />

Ms. Deirdre Laframboise Clean Air Champions Ottawa Canada deirdre@cleanairchampions.ca<br />

Ms. Jessica Lai Fairchild TV Richmond Canada<br />

Mr. Richard Lam Offi ce of the Premier Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

Mr. Vincent Lananna Oregon Track Club Eugene<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

vlananna@uoregon.edu<br />

Ms. Jessica Langalaan VANOC Vancouver Canada jessica_langalaan@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Mark Lange Centre for Digital Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Hart Larrabee Tokyo 2016 Tokyo Japan<br />

Mr. Leon Larson<br />

International Water Ski<br />

Federation<br />

Gainesville Canada leon.larson@sfcc.edu<br />

Mr. Goran Larsson<br />

Swedish Sports<br />

Confederation<br />

Stockholm Sweden goran.larsson@rf.se<br />

Ms. Marion LaRue Cannon Design Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Zac Laszuk CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Erwin Lauterwasser<br />

International Water Ski<br />

Federation<br />

Kirchzarten Germany e.lauterwasser@t-online.de<br />

Ms. Fiona Law Omni Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Hans Lawaetz<br />

US Virgin Island<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Frederiksted US Virgin Islands virginislandsolympic@attglobal.net<br />

Ms. Shannon Lawrenson GLOBE Events Vancouver Canada shannon@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Jackie Lede Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Vinson Lee BC Hydro burnaby Canada vinson.lee@bchydro.com<br />

Mr. Tom Lee BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Tien-Rein Lee<br />

Chinese Taipei Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Taipei Chinese Taipei tpe.noc@msa.hinet.net<br />

Mr. Norman Lee<br />

Ministry of Tourism,<br />

Culture and Arts<br />

Victoria Canada norman.k.lee@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. Young-Sook Lee Tokyo2016 Tokyo Japan youngsook.lee0317@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Jeff Lee The Vancouver Sun Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Karen Lee 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Darrick Lee Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ryan Leech Athelete Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Anne-Marie LeFrancois Canada<br />

Ms. Ruth Legg VANOC Vancouver Canada ruth_legg@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Rudolf Josef Leising Language Services La Croix-De-Rozon Switzerland lsi.ch@wanadoo.fr<br />

Ms. Michelle Lemaitre<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland michelle.lemaitre@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Cindy Leong City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Florence Lesne<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland fl orence.lesne@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Cindy Leung GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada cindy.leund@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Stephanie Levitz Canadian Press Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Laura Leyson Globe & Mail Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Soo-Hung Li<br />

Mr. Richard Li<br />

World Taekwondo<br />

Federation<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Seoul Korea fi nepowersystems@yahoo.com<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mark Lieberman IBWA Pardessia<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Robert Linden News 1130 Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Paul Lingl DSF Vancouver Canada<br />

rammcc@bezeqint.net<br />

Page 70 / 80


Mr. Stanislav Lisiak<br />

Consulate of the Slovak<br />

Vancouver<br />

Republic<br />

Canada<br />

Mr. Fang Liu BOCOG Beijing China<br />

Mr. Chris Livingstone GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada chris.linvingstone@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Mireia Lizandra Madrid 2016 Madrid Spain cgolomayo@madrid2016.org<br />

Ms. Allison Longshore Tourism Abbotsford Abbotsford Canada alongshore@tourismabbotsford.ca<br />

Mr. Domenic Losito<br />

Vancouver Coastal<br />

Health<br />

Vancouver Canada domenic.losito@vch.ca<br />

Mr. Antonio Lucio Gil NOC of Spain Madrid Spain aluciog@gmail.com; victoria@coe.es<br />

Mr. Benjamin Luk<br />

Jon Benjamin<br />

Photography<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Peeter Lusmagi NOC of Estonia Tallinn Estonia peeter@eok.ee<br />

Mr. Khin Maung Lwin NOC of Myanmar Yangon Myanmar mocygn.mya@mptmail.net.mm<br />

Mr. Brock MacDonald RCBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Steve Macey Buro Happold Bath United Kingdom steve.macey@burohappold.com<br />

Mr. James Mack<br />

BC Climate Action<br />

Secretariat<br />

Victoria Canada james.mack@gov.bc.ca<br />

Ms. Lea MacKenzie FHFH Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Bob Mackin 24 Hours Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Elizabeth MacMillan BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

Mr. Doppei Maeda<br />

Hakuhodo DY Media<br />

Partners Inc.<br />

Tokyo Japan doppei.maeda@hakuhodody-media.co.jp<br />

Mr. Michael Magee City of Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Celia Mahung NOC of Belize Belize City Belize olympicbze@btl.net<br />

Ms. Lesoetsa Makafane<br />

Lesotho National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Maseru Lesotho olympic@ilesotho.com<br />

Mr. Dharm Makwana 24 Hours / Sun Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. James Malau<br />

Vanuatu Association<br />

of Sports and National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Port Vila Vanuatu sdo.vasanoc@vanuatu.com.vu<br />

Ms. Linda Maley Track Resourses Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ranji Manhas Act Now BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Kanat Maratovich Amankulov NOC of Kyrgyzstan Bishkek Kyrgyzstan info@olympic.kg<br />

Mr. Tom Marchand Can Communicate Richmond, Surrey United Kingdom<br />

Mr. Aaron Marchant Squamish Nation North Vancouver Canada aaron_marchant@squamish.net<br />

Ms. Carmine Marinelli 24 Hours / Sun Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Kathryn Marlow Evolution - BCIT Radio Burnaby Canada<br />

Mr. Ngaupokoina Marsters<br />

Mr. Ramotheo Moss Mashishi<br />

Cook Islands Sports<br />

& National Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Matemeku Investments<br />

Group Ltd; NOC of<br />

South Africa<br />

Rarotonga Cook Islands inamarsters@hotmail.com<br />

Bryanston South Africa moss@matemeku.com<br />

Mr. Abedi Mass<br />

ARD/1st German<br />

Television<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Florianno Massah NOC of Malawi Blantyre Malawi olympicom@malawi.net<br />

Ms. Antoine Masson-Delisle Tennis Canada Montreal Canada amdelisle@tenniscanada.com<br />

Ms. Zuzana Matejbusova Amazing Planet Bratislava Slovakia<br />

Mr. Austen Mayor Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Nathan Mazonson Dartmouth College Menlo Park<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

nathan.mazonson@gmail.com<br />

Mr. Aaron McArthur Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mengo McCall Canadian Springs Vancouver Canada mengo.mccall@canadiansprings.com<br />

Mr. Les McDonald<br />

International Triathlon<br />

Union (ITU)<br />

North Vancouver Canada loreen@triathlon.org<br />

Ms. Jessica McDonald Offi ce of the Premier Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Vanessa McFarland LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Page 71 / 80


Mr. Ian McKay PBK Architects Inc. Vancouver Canada ian.mckay@genivar.com<br />

Mr. Jaime McKeown<br />

International Rugby<br />

Board (IRB)<br />

Co Dublin Ireland jaime.mckeown@irb.com<br />

Mr. Klaus Meinel IAKS Koeln Germany meinel@iaks.info<br />

Mr. Ken Melamed<br />

Resort Municipality of<br />

Whistler (RMOW)<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Whistler Canada kmelamed@whistler.ca<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Katrin Merkel<br />

German Olympic Sports<br />

Frankfurt-am-Main<br />

Federation<br />

Germany merkel@dosb.de<br />

Ms. Brenda Metropolit VANOC Vancouver Canada brenda_metropolit@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Nicole Mezzarobba 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Rod Mickleburgh The Globe and Mail Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Takamitsu Mifune<br />

Mr. Jan Mikolaj<br />

Ms. Janka Mikolajova<br />

Mr. Mark Miller<br />


CORPORATI<strong>ON</strong><br />

Ministry of Education of<br />

the Slovak Republic<br />

Ministry of Education of<br />

the Slovak Republic<br />

Discovery Channel<br />

Canada - Daily Planet<br />

Tokyo Japan<br />

Bratislava Slovakia kancmin@minedu.sk<br />

Bratislava Slovakia<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Brad Millington<br />

University of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Vancouver Canada bmill@interchange.ub.ca<br />

Mr. Julien Minavoa NOC of Benin Cotonou Benin minnoc@intnet.bj<br />

Ms. Dengli Ming<br />

Beijing Municipal<br />

Environment Protection<br />

Beijing China mdl@bjepb.gov.cn<br />

Mr. Kwon Minsoo<br />

Vancouver Korean<br />

Press<br />

Burnaby Canada<br />

Ms. Lizandra Mireia Madrid 2016 Madrid Spain<br />

Ms. Alice Miro Smartgrowth BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Naomi Mishima Vancouver Shinpo Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Masato Mizuno<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission; Mizuno<br />

Corporation<br />

Mr. Arun Mohan UBC Law School Vancouver Canada<br />

HSH<br />

Prince<br />

Albert II of Monaco<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Tokyo Japan mpmizuno@mizuno.co.jp<br />

Monaco Monaco brunop@palais.mc<br />

Mr. John Montalbano Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jeff Mooney<br />

A&W Food Services of<br />

Canada<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Katlyn Moore Moore Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Chris Moorhead Teck Vancouver Canada chris.moorhead@teckcominco.com<br />

Mr. David Moran Coca-Cola Ltd. North York Canada damoran@na.ko.com<br />

Ms. Jennifer Morford NOC Malaysia Victoria Canada ieinc@shaw.ca<br />

Mr. Peter Morgan Morgan News Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. David Morris UIAA Kinross United Kingdom davemorris2@btinternet.com<br />

Mr. Jim Morris The Canadian Press Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Fawn Mulcahy Canwest Publishing Inc Vancouver Canada fmulcahy@png.canwest.com<br />

Ms. Jennifer Munro VANOC Vancouver Canada jennifer_munro@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Devin Murphy<br />

Performance Visual<br />

Works<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lara Mussell Savage FHFH Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jeff Nagel Black Press Surrey Canada<br />

Ms. Marissa Nahanee FHFN Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Archie Nairn<br />

Bahamas Government -<br />

Ministry of Youth, sports Nassau<br />

& Culture<br />

Bahamas anairn@bahamaseducation.com<br />

Ms. Noriko Nakaya Maeda Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Marie-Joelle Narbel<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland marie_joelle.narbel@olympic.org<br />

Page 72 / 80


Mr. Mamadou Diagna Ndiaye<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Dakar Senegal diagnandiaye@orange.sn<br />

Mr. Doug Nelson RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Joyce Ng Fairchild TV Richmond Canada<br />

Mr. Dan Nielsen City of Surrey Surrey Canada dknielsen@surrey.ca<br />

Mr. Lambis Nikolaou<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland lambis.nikolau@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Sara Norman BCIT Magazine Burnaby Canada<br />

Mr. Amir Novan UBC Law School Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Louis Nxumalo<br />

Swaziland Olympic &<br />

Commonwealth Games<br />

Association<br />

Mbabane Swaziland portia@sportscouncil.org.sz<br />

Mr. Niels Nygaard NOC Denmark Brondby Denmark niles.nygaard@dif.dk<br />

Ms. Batrice Nyirabasuku NOC of Rwanda Kigali Rwanda<br />

Mr. Theo Oben UNEP Nairobi Kenya theodore.oben@unep.org<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Odera Sadili Oval Nairobi Kenya odera@sadili.com<br />

Mr. Maurice Odera<br />

Southlands Youth<br />

Parents Association<br />

Nairobi Kenya goton82@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Tatsuo Okada Global Sports Alliance Tokyo Japan okada@ba2.so-net.ne.jp<br />

Ms. Natalia Onishchenko SOCHI 2014 Moscow Russia nesterova@sochi2014.com<br />

Mr. Stanislav Opiela<br />

Mr. George Orr<br />

Ms. Kristen Ostling<br />

Embassy of the Slovak<br />

Republic to Ottawa<br />

BCIT Broadcast<br />

Journalistm<br />

Finding Solutions<br />

– The David Suzuki<br />

Foundation<br />

Ottawa Canada<br />

Burnaby Canada<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Bozana Ostojic NOC of Serbia Belgrade Canada calypso@eunet.yu<br />

Mr. Katsuya Otsu<br />

Japan Olympic<br />

Academy<br />

Tokyo Japan otsu@gsa.or.jp<br />

Mr. Caleb Otto<br />

Palau National Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Koror Palau ongirarengei@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Tony Paisana UBC Law School Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Christiane Paquelet<br />

Rio 2016 Bid<br />

Commission<br />

Rio De Janeiro Brazil marcela.blajackis@rio2016.org.br<br />

Mr. Richard Paris City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Sung-Bae Park Korea Digital University Seoul Korea sbp0007@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Chul Keun Park<br />

Korean Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Seoul Korea yeny@sports.or.kr<br />

Mr. Kyung Duk Park Joong Ang Ilb Seoul Korea<br />

Mr. Steven Parker<br />

Mr. David Parker<br />

2010 Winter Games<br />

Secretariat<br />

2010 Sponsor<br />

Sustainability Initiative;<br />

VP Sustainability, Teck<br />

Ottawa Canada steven.parker@pch.gc.ca<br />

Vancouver Canada david.parker@teck.com<br />

Mr. Kyle Parrott Speed Skating Canada Calgary Canada seanmaw@shaw.ca<br />

Ms. Lizette Parsons-Bell VANOC Vancouver Canada lizette_parsonbell@vancouver2010<br />

Mr. Giancarlo Pasini<br />

Federation<br />

Internationale de<br />

Motocyclisme<br />

Ms. Anick Pasqua RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Andre Paulhus BBW International Vancouver Canada<br />

Iwo Paulus Indonesian Consulate Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Walker Pautz CBC French Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jason Payne The Province Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Marilyn Payne 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Mathieu Penaud Freelance Paris France<br />

Mr. Patrick Pennefather Vancouver Canada<br />

Mies Switzerland alex.goldenberg@fi m.ch<br />

Report<br />

Page 73 / 80


Ms. Agnes Perrot Language Services Pully Switzerland agnes.perrot@bluewin.ch<br />

Ms. Rebecca Peters LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Robin Petri City of Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Leigh Pezzicara AISTS Lausanne Switzerland leigh.pezzicara@aists.org<br />

Mr. Bruno Philipponnat Palais Princier Monaco Monaco brunop@palais.mc<br />

Mr. Tony Pigott JWT Canada Toronto Canada tony.pigott@jwt.com<br />

Mr. Jamie Pitblado Canwest Publishing Inc. Vancouver Canada jpitblado@png.canwest.com<br />

Mr. Rob Poelvoorde BBW International Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jaroslav Pollert<br />

NOC of the Czech<br />

Republic<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Prague Czech Republic pollert@lermo.cz<br />

Ms. Eva Pollertova<br />

NOC of the Czech<br />

Republic<br />

Prague Czech Republic pollert@lermo.cz<br />

Mr. Ian Ponsford VANOC Vancouver Canada ian_ponsford@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Jack Poole VANOC Vancouver Canada<br />

jack_poole@vancouver2010.com;<br />

deborah_prior@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Jill Porter VANOC Vancouver Canada jill_porter@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Dhirendra Pradhan NOC of Nepal Kathmandu Nepal olympic@wlink.com.np<br />

Mr. Safalta Pradhan NOC of Nepal Kathmandu Nepal olympic@wlink.com.np<br />

Ms. Deb Prior VANOC Vancouver Canada deb_prior@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Ramu Priya CBC Radio Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. David Punch Offsetters Vancouver Canada dave@offsetters.ca<br />

Mr. Larry Pynn Vancouver Sun Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Frank Qi Fairchild TV Richmond Canada<br />

Ms. Fany Qiu Epoch Times Burnaby Canada<br />

Ms. Moura Quayle<br />

Pacifi c Coast<br />

Collaborative<br />

Commission<br />

Vancouver Canada moura.quayle@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. Enrique Quesada<br />

International Triathlon<br />

Union<br />

Madrid Spain enrique.quesada@triathlon.org<br />

Mr. Agenor Rabel COH Port au Prince Haiti<br />

Mr. Valentin Lionel Rabel<br />

Haitian Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Port-au-Prince Haiti steaci2@yahoo.fr<br />

Mr. Randy Raimondo CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Pamela Reddy VANOC Vancouver Canada pamela_reddy@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Tim Reeve Reeve Consulting Vancouver Canada tim@reeveconsulting.com<br />

Mr. George Reid RCMP Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Nicole Resch IBU Salzburg Austria nicole.resch@ibu.at<br />

Mr. Doug Richardson Chrysalix Energy Vancouver Canada tedwardsen@chrysalix.com<br />

Ms. Katherine Ringrose 2010 Legacies Now Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Audrey Rivers Squamish Nation Squamish Canada jidwilliams@shaw.ca<br />

Ms. Tessa Road GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada tessa.road@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Michael Roberts Chicago 2016 Chicago<br />

Mr. William Roberts<br />

The Whistler Forum<br />

Canada<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Gregor Robertson City of Vancouver (COV) Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Joanna Robinson Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Monica Robinson<br />

2010 Federal<br />

Secretariat<br />

ldrew@chicago2016.org<br />

Whistler Canada william@whistlerforum.com<br />

mayor@vancouver.ca; maria.<br />

dobrinskaya@vancouver.ca<br />

Vancouver Canada monica.robinson@pch.gc.ca<br />

Ms. Christine Roger<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland christine.roger@olympic.org<br />

Mr. Mike Romas Tourism Burnaby Burnaby Canada mromas@tourismburnaby.com<br />

Mr. Rafael Romay<br />

Mr. Robert Roxburgh<br />

DEPORTAN Sport<br />

Surfaces<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Mexico, D.F. Mexico rafaelromay@hotmail.com<br />

Lausanne Switzerland robert.roxburgh@olympic.org<br />

Report<br />

Page 74 / 80


Ms. Jacqueline Roy Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Javier Rubio De Urquia Madrid 2016 Madrid Spain cgolmayo@madrid16.es<br />

Mr. Ben Rutledge Athlete Canada<br />

Mr. Amr Saad Selim<br />

Sport and Fitness<br />

Magazine<br />

Cairo Egypt<br />

Ms. Gabrielle Sabharwal United States<br />

Mr. Sunil Sabharwal<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

London United Kingdom sunil@sabharwal.biz<br />

Mr. Douglas Sabo Visa Inc. San Francisco<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

dsabo@visa.com<br />

Mr. Robert Safrata Novex Courier Richmond Canada robert@novex.ca<br />

Mr. Alawi Salam<br />

NOC of the Syrian Arab<br />

Republic<br />

Damas<br />

Syrian Arab<br />

Republic<br />

Ms. Amélia Salehabadi Salehabadi, Law Firm Montreal Canada<br />

Mr. Ray Salter<br />

World Rowing<br />

Champions<br />

Ms. Jill Savery Bioregional Lincoln<br />

syriaolymp@yahoo.com<br />

Wellington New Zealand ray.salter@tourism.govt.nz<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Brian Schecter<br />

Puddle Duck<br />

Productions<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Karin Schmidlin Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Alexa Schmitt Budapest Hungary<br />

Ms. Greta Schmitt Budapest Hungary<br />

Ms. Petra Schmitt Budapest Hungary<br />

Mr. Pal Schmitt<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Ms. Alison Schnaiberg Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Shelley Schnurr Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Klaus Schormann<br />

Union Internationale de<br />

Pentathlon Moderne<br />

jill.savery@bioregional.com<br />

Budapest Hungary offi ce@palschmitt.com<br />

Rossdorf Germany uipm@pentathlon.org<br />

Mr. Boris Schwartz<br />

Munich 2018 Bid<br />

Committee<br />

Munich Germany boris.schwartz@gmx.de<br />

Mr. Greg Scott City of Richmond Richmond Canada alivingston2@richmond.ca<br />

Ms. Rebecca Scott<br />

IOC Athletes<br />

Commission<br />

Bend<br />

United States<br />

of America of<br />

America<br />

beckiescott2@aol.com<br />

Mr. Amr Saad Selim<br />

Sport and Fitness<br />

Magazine<br />

Cairo Egypt amrselim@sports-mag.com<br />

Ms. Theresa Seymour Sto:lo Nation Vancouver Canada theresa.point@gmail.com<br />

Ms. Ana Shapiro VANOC Vancouver Canada ana_shapiro@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Mohamed Mahid Shareef NOC of Maldives Malé Maldives mahids@hotmail.com<br />

Mr. Alex Shaw LBMG Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Jian Shen Fairchild TV Richmond Canada<br />

Mr. Michael Sherman Chrysalix Energy Vancouver Canada tedwardsen@chrysalix.com<br />

Mr. Hanmin Shi<br />

Beijing Municipal<br />

Environmental<br />

Protection Bureau<br />

Beijing China mdl@bjepb.gov.cn<br />

Ms. Tara Shirley Province of BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Violet Shorty VANOC Vancouver Canada violet_shorty@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Jun Si<br />

Chinese Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Beijing China coc@olympic.cn<br />

Mr. Mahfuzur Rahman Siddique NOC of Bangladesh Dhaka Bangladesh noc-ban@bdonline.com<br />

Mr. Wiedslaw Sikorshi<br />

Polish Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Warsaw Poland ilotysz@pkol.pl<br />

Mr.<br />

Hithanadura<br />

Udayasena<br />

Silva NOC of Sri Lanka Colombo Sri Lanka natolcom@slt.lk<br />

Ms. Gerri Sinclair Centre for Digital Media Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

Page 75 / 80


Mr. Paul Singh NOC of South Africa Johannesburg South Africa psingh@uj.ac.za<br />

Ms. Dorothy Sitek<br />

Weber Shandwick<br />

Worldwide<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Thomas A. Ganda Sithole<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland tomas.sithole@olympic.org<br />

Ms. Anne-Marie Sleeman Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Sluyter-Mathew<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland elizabeth.sluyter_mathew@olympic.org<br />

Mr. Ian Smith City of Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Kim Smither Octagon Canada Toronto Canada kim.smither@octagon.com<br />

Ms. Stephanie Snider VANOC Vancouver Canada stephanie_snider@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Molly Snow Event 360, Inc. Los Angeles<br />

Mr. Keqing Song<br />

Ms. Tina Song<br />

Mr. Hans-Joachim Stechmann<br />

Chinese Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Sing Tao Daily<br />

Newspaper<br />

Consulate General of<br />

the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

msnow@event360.com<br />

Beijing China coc@olympic.cn<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Philip Steenkamp BC Ministry of Finance Victoria Canada<br />

Vancouver Canada l-vz1@vanc.auswaertiges-amt.de<br />

Ms. Rebecca Sterritt<br />

BC Ministry of<br />

Environment<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Lisa Stevens Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Sharon Stevens Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Jillian Stewart Event 360 Portland United States<br />

Mr. Alan Stewart CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Henry Stoch Deloitte & Touche LLP Vancouver Canada hstoch@deloitte.ca<br />

Mr. Robert Storey<br />

International Bobsleigh<br />

Federation<br />

Lausane Switzerland<br />

Ms. Ginny Straton Strategin Solutions North Vancouver Canada ginny@strateginsolutions.com<br />

Mr. David Stubbs London 2012 London United Kingdom david.stubbs@london2012.com<br />

Ms. Tina Symko VANOC Vancouver Canada tina_symka@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Ian Tait<br />

Delta Optmist/<br />

Richmond News<br />

Delta Canada<br />

Mr. Tim Takaro Simon Fraser University New Westminster Canada ttakaro@sfu.ca<br />

Mr. Tsunekazu Takeda NOC of Japan Tokyo Japan<br />

Mr. Nidhi Tandon Creative Associate Germany<br />

Ms. Tagifano Taosoga<br />

Samoa Association of<br />

Sports and National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

Apia Western Samoa tagifano@sasnoc.ws<br />

Mr. Bryan Tasaka City of Surrey Surrey Canada btasaka@surrey.ca<br />

Mr. Eric Taylor Province of BC Victoria Canada<br />

Ms. Marylene Tetu CBC French Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ahmad Tharmizi Indonesian Consulate Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Sebastien Theberge<br />

VANOC Media<br />

Relations<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Dennis Thomas FHFN - Tsleil -Waututh North Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Kristen Thompson Metro - Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

sebastien_theberge@vancouver2010.<br />

com<br />

Ms. Carly Thorson VANOC Vancouver Canada carly_thorson@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Michael Torillo Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Marion Town Fraser Basin Council Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Joyce Robyn Tu’Ivakano NOC of Tonga Nuku’alofa Tonga rkaho@pmo.gov.to<br />

Mr. Neil Turner<br />

Vancouver Organizing<br />

Committee for the 2010<br />

Olympic adn Parlympic<br />

Winter Games<br />

Vancouver Canada neil_turner@vancouver2010.com<br />

Page 76 / 80


Mr. Paul Ulibarri<br />

International Sailing<br />

Federation<br />

Victoria United Kingdom ulibarri@shaw.ca<br />

Mr. Mossadiq Umedaly BC Hydro Vancouver Canada mossadiq.umedaly@bchydro.com<br />

Ms. Dorothy Uy<br />

Department of<br />

Canadian Heritage<br />

Gatineau Canada dorothy.uy@pch.gc.ca<br />

Mr. Filiz Uykusuz NOC of Turkey Atakoy-Istanbul Turkey info@olimpiyat.org.tr<br />

Ms. Anna van der Kamp Clean Air Champions Ottawa Canada annavdk@sympatico.ca<br />

Mr. Thomas Van Dyck<br />

RBC Wealth<br />

Management - SRI<br />

Wealth Management<br />

Group<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

San Francisco<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

thomas.vandyck@rbc.com<br />

Mr. Adam van Koeverden<br />

Canadian Olympic<br />

Athlete<br />

Canada<br />

Mr. Wal van Lierop Chrysalix Energy Vancouver Canada tedwardsen@chrysalix.com<br />

Mr. Juan Vargas<br />

NOC of the Dominican<br />

Republic<br />

Santo Domingo<br />

Dominican<br />

Republic<br />

cod@colimdo.org<br />

Report<br />

Ms. Viera Viedner<br />

Public Works and<br />

Government Services<br />

Vancouver Canada martha.fl ores-velazquez@pwgsc.gc.ca<br />

Ms. Carine Vindeirinho GLOBE Events Vancouver Canada carine@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Erich Vogt American University Washington<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

Mr. Yves Volanthen<br />

International Hockey<br />

Federation<br />

Zurich Switzerland<br />

Mr. Quan Hien Vuong West Pacifi c Vancouver Canada<br />

evogt@american.edu<br />

Ms. Nichola Wade<br />

Climate Action<br />

Secretariat<br />

Victoria Canada dana-kay.black@gov.bc.ca<br />

Mr. Justin Wadsworth Canada<br />

Mr. Tom Wakefi eld Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lisa Wallace COC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Alphonse Wallace Lil’wat Nation Mount Currie Canada<br />

Ms. Suzanne Walters VANOC Vancouver Canada suzanne_walters@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Vanessa Walterson FHFN Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Dawei Wang<br />

Mr. Jonathan Wang<br />

Beijing Municipal<br />

Environment Protection<br />

Speed Skating<br />

Canada (Choice<br />

Communications)<br />

Beijing China mdc@bjepb.gov.cn<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Karma Wangchuk NOC of Bhutan Thimphu Bhutan<br />

Ms. Kim Warburton<br />

General Electric (GE)<br />

Canada<br />

Mr. Simon Wardle Octagon Worldwide Inc. Norwalk<br />

Ms. Anne Warner<br />

Mr. Benjamin Warren<br />

Mr. Dwight Washington<br />

University of Western<br />

Ontario<br />

Golf Environment<br />

Organisation<br />

Michigan State<br />

University<br />

Mississauga Canada kim.warburton@ge.com<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

simon.wardle@octagon.com<br />

Willowdale Canada awarner@uwo.ca<br />

North Berwick United Kingdom benjamin@golfenvironment.org<br />

Lansing<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

emotionalresponse101@yahoo.com<br />

Mr. Bruce Wasylik<br />

BC Ministry of Healthy<br />

Living and Sport<br />

Victoria Canada<br />

Mr. Jordan Watson UBC Law Vancouver Canada jordanjwatson@hotmail.com<br />

Ms. Paula Webber VANOC Vancouver Canada paula_webber@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Jill Webber-Hrbinsky Environment Canada Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Wilhelm Weber Language Services Lahaina<br />

Mr. Nigel Weekes<br />

St. Vincent &<br />

Grenadines National<br />

Olympic Committee<br />

United States of<br />

America<br />

lsiusa@compuserve.com<br />

St. Vincent Grenada svgnoc@caribsurf.com<br />

Ms. Michelle Weidema City of Vancouver Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Joe Weiler UBC, Faculty of Law Vancouver Canada<br />

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Mr. Jens Weinrich Inside Sport Germany<br />

Ms. Erin Welk VANOC Vancouver Canada erin_welk@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Glenn Weston CBC Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Tracey White VANOC Vancouver Canada tracey_white@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. Dave White News 1130 Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Sam Whittingham Athelete Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. John Wiebe GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada john.wiebe@globe.ca<br />

Mr. Bill Williams Squamish Nation North Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Jessie Williams FHFN Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Georg Wilms Siemens AG Munchen Germany georg.wilms@siemens.com<br />

Mr. Brian Wilson City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Jessica Wilson EcoEvent Management Truckee United States<br />

Mr. Jon Wilson EcoEvent Management Truckee United States<br />

Mr. Brian Wilson<br />

University of British<br />

Columbia<br />

Vancouver Canada brian.wilson@ubc.ca<br />

Ms. Donna Wilson VANOC Vancouver Canada donna_wilson@vancouver2010.com<br />

Mr. John Wilson City TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Nelson Wong Fairchild TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Lauren Woolstencroft BC Hydro Burnaby Canada mike.krafczyk@bchydro.com<br />

Mr. David Wooster VANOC Vancouver Canada david_wooster@vancouver2010.com<br />

Ms. Nancy Wright GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada nancy.wright@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Lisa Wu Omni Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Trish Wuttunee GLOBE Foundation Vancouver Canada trish.wuttunee@globe.ca<br />

Ms. Teri Yamada<br />

TY Environmental<br />

Strategies Ltd.<br />

Toronto Canada teri@tyenviro.com<br />

Ms. Xin Quan Yang UBC Beijing China yxq428@yahoo.com.cn<br />

Ms. Mery Yaou NOC of Togo Lomé Togo cnotogo@yahoo.fr<br />

Mr. Philip Yong Fairchild TV Vancouver Canada<br />

Ms. Elaine Yong Global BC Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Kyung-Sun Yu NOC of Korea Seoul Korea koc@sports.or.kr<br />

Ms. Helen Yu<br />

Speed Skating<br />

Canada (Choice<br />

Communications)<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Xiaoxuan Yu BOCOG Beijing China yuxx@beijing-olympic.org.cn<br />

Ms. Susan Yurkovich BC Hydro Vancouver Canada<br />

Mr. Ray Zahab impossible2Possible Chelsea Canada rayzahab@rayzahab.com<br />

Mr. Danny Zanbilowicz Island WORD Cumberland Canada<br />

Mr. Efraim Zinger<br />

IOC Sport &<br />

Environment<br />

Commission<br />

Tel-Aviv Israel nocil@nocil.co.il<br />

Mr. Ramon Zubizarreta NOC of Paraguay Asuncion Paraguay cop@rieder.net.py<br />

Ms. Sylvia Zulauf<br />

International Olympic<br />

Committee<br />

Lausanne Switzerland sylvia.zulauf_courtine@olympic.org<br />

Mr. Titus Zvomuya NOC of Zimbabwe Harare Zimbabwe titusz@zimcricket.org<br />

Report<br />

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Notes<br />

<strong>8th</strong> World Conference on Sport and the Environment<br />

International Cooperation and Development Department<br />

Report<br />

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