Visit of Inspection - Meetings, agendas, and minutes - Rotherham ...

Visit of Inspection - Meetings, agendas, and minutes - Rotherham ...

Visit of Inspection - Meetings, agendas, and minutes - Rotherham ...


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In the interest <strong>of</strong> satisfactory <strong>and</strong> sustainable drainage09No development shall take place until details <strong>of</strong> the proposed means <strong>of</strong> disposal <strong>of</strong>foul <strong>and</strong> surface water drainage, including details <strong>of</strong> any balancing works <strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong>f -siteworks, have been submitted to <strong>and</strong> approved by the local planning authority.Reason: To ensure that the development can be properly drained.10Unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority, there shall be nopiped discharge <strong>of</strong> surface water from the development prior to the completion <strong>of</strong> theapproved surface water drainage works <strong>and</strong> no buildings shall be occupied orbrought into use prior to completion <strong>of</strong> the approved foul drainage works.Reason:To ensure that no foul or surface water discharges take place until proper provisionhas been made for their disposal.11No development shall take place until full engineering details <strong>of</strong> the proposedalterations to the turning area at Hall Street <strong>and</strong> the realignment <strong>of</strong> the Chapel Walkapproach to the pedestrian / cycle subway under A630 Centenary Way, indicated indraft form on plan reference 2010-109 PL-006G Revision H, have been submitted to<strong>and</strong> approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, <strong>and</strong> the approved detailsshall be implemented prior to the demolition <strong>of</strong> the existing building .ReasonIn the interests <strong>of</strong> highway safety.12Before the development is brought into use the car parking area shown on thesubmitted plan shall be provided, marked out <strong>and</strong> thereafter maintained for carparking.ReasonTo ensure the provision <strong>of</strong> satisfactory parking spaces <strong>and</strong> avoid the necessity for theparking <strong>of</strong> vehicles on the highway in the interests <strong>of</strong> road safety.13Prior to the commencement <strong>of</strong> development, a Construction Traffic ManagementPlan, including details <strong>of</strong> the method <strong>of</strong> demolition, shall be submitted to <strong>and</strong>approved by the Local Planning Authority <strong>and</strong> the measures contained therein shallbe implemented during the construction <strong>and</strong> demolition phase.ReasonIn the interests <strong>of</strong> highway safety.

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