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INTRODUCTIONAnd throughout every organization, we anticipate are-estimation of the skills that will be most valuable,at all levels.This year’s <strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Vision</strong> report highlights sixemerging themes that reflect the shifts being seen nowamong the digital power brokers of tomorrow: largeenterprises such as Tesco, GE, and Disney that recognize,as they leverage their scale to redefine digital in theirindustries, that big is the next big thing.Collectively, these themes represent the newestexpression of <strong>Accenture</strong>’s stance that “every business isa digital business.” They provide additional componentsto <strong>Accenture</strong>’s multiyear perspective on technology’stectonic shifts and its impact on the strategies andoperational priorities for organizations worldwide(see Figure 1).Individually, each theme, from each year, highlights theevolution of a key technology, some of which are alreadycentral to the digital explorations of many leadingenterprises. Viewed in aggregate, the themes representa fundamental shift in the assumptions that companiesnow must make as they plan for success in the decadesto come. They provide a richly detailed view from whichbusiness leaders in every industry can draw insight,inspiration, and, we hope, excitement about where digitaltechnologies can take their organizations tomorrow.Becoming a digital business is no longer simply abouthow we incorporate technology into our organizations;it’s about how we use technology to reinvent thoseorganizations to get out in front of the dramaticchanges that technology is creating. For large enterprisesespecially, the opportunity to shift from disrupted todisrupter cannot be overstated. The question thesebusinesses must now ask is how they will use the nextthree years to redefine their places in this new world.11ACCENTURE TECHNOLOGY VISION <strong>2014</strong>

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