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TREND 3: DATA SUPPLY CHAINMore uses formore data sourcesThe supply chain process starts with ingesting data.These days, companies can use a wide variety of newdata sources—including, notably, data that they do notcontrol or own. For example, if a regional grocery chainwants to analyze its daily transactions over the pastmonth, it should look beyond the data in its databaseto supplement its findings. Many companies are alreadytracking sentiment on social media sites; data can alsobe analyzed in the context of weather, characteristicsof shoppers, events in the news, or virtually any newdata dimension imaginable—if the relevant data can belocated. Whether this “external” data is to be obtainedfrom partners, Data-as-a-Service providers, or open datasources (free for anyone to use in any way they want),companies should capitalize on the business value thatthese new sources provide.Collaborate.org is one example of an open datasource, containing 5 petabytes-plus of data. 10 It is aglobal collaboration platform (meaning that users areencouraged to contribute data back to the platform) thatallows users to view data geospatially—such as satelliteimagery and air quality. The U.S. state of Hawaii is usingCollaborate.org to share data across organizations, andit is the platform for the Exemplary State Initiative,which monitors environmental efforts and enables earlyidentification of natural disasters. 11In similar ways, Beiersdorf, a global provider of skincare products, is using their own internal data alongwith syndicated data from research companies suchas Nielsen to provide board members with marketshare development information across a variety ofproducts, brands, and countries. Using SAP DemandSignal Management powered by HANA, Beiersdorf plansto automate its data integration process, leading tomore accurate and accelerated market share insights. 12These examples demonstrate the new opportunity thatbusinesses have to look beyond their four walls fordata that will grant more informed data insights and,ultimately, more value.49ACCENTURE TECHNOLOGY VISION <strong>2014</strong>

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