Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...


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year, and many of the calendars weordered did not get produced. Almostall calendars for the U.S. are printed inthe Far East, with the order-takingbeginning in February, and the finaldecision is made in the Spring on whichtitles to actually produce and how manyof each title, so that the finished productscan come on a “slow boat from China”for distribution late Summer.The standard wall calendarsinclude The Avengers ($13.95, the TVshow), Boris Vallejo & Julie Bell’sFantasy ($12.99), Dragons ($13.99, artby Ciruelo), The Gashlycrumb Tinies($13.9, Edward Gorey), George R. R.Martin: A Song of Ice and Fire($17.00, art by John Picacio), HammerGlamour ($13.95, women fromHammer Films), I Improved My Rateof Doing Nothing ($13.99, Dilbert),Luis Royo ($13.95, art from HeavyMetal), M.C. Escher: Inside Out($13.99), The Princess Bride ($13.99,25th anniversary of the movie), TheSimpson’s ($13.99), Star Trek Ships ofthe Line ($14.99), and Tolkien ($14.99,art by Cor Blok). The only page-per-daystyle calendars we’ve receive are I CanHas Cheezburger? ($13.99 humorousphotos of cats with captions), The NextThing You Hear is Something CalledLeadership (13.99, Dilbert), and TheSimpsons ($13.99). The only deskcalendar we’ve received is The Book of<strong>Fiction</strong>al Days: A Collection of Eventsthat Did Not Really Happen: Mainly<strong>Mystery</strong> Edition ($10.00, locallyproduced in black and white, each dayhas a reference to an event that happenedon that day in a work of fiction, usuallya mystery novel).Another very popular gift ideais signed books. We don’t have space inthis newsletter to list all the signed titles,so go to our website, click Browse OurNew Books, scroll about half-way downthe next (long) page and click SignedBooks (for either Edgar’s or Hugo’s orAll).How’s Businessby Don BlylyWe’re still hanging on, butsales have not gone up after the collapseof Borders, as we had hoped wouldhappen. We’ve had an unusually largenumber of people come in this week,wonder around the store going “Wow!”,Goodrich, Clifford The Football Racketeers / Murders in Crazyland (Whisperer #4: Pulp reprints)......................................................................$14.95Goss, James First Born (Torchwood: PBO; Gwen and Rhys are in the isolated village of Rawbone, where thelocals are taking an unhealthy interest in their daughter. And something is very wrong - somethingwith echoes of a life they thought they'd left behind. As they uncover the village's terrible past, Gwendiscovers that Torchwood will never leave them behind, and now she and Rhys stand alone in defenseof the Earth)............................................................ $11.99Grant, Maxwell The Shadow Laughs / Voice of Death (Shadow #49: Pulp reprints).. . . . . . . . $14.95Grant, Maxwell The Man from Shanghai / The Golden Dog Murders / Jabberwocky Thrust(Shadow#50: Pulp reprints)...............................................$14.95Grant, Maxwell The Living Joss / Judge Lawless (Shadow #51: Pulp reprints). . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Grant, Maxwell The Crime Master / The Fifth Napoleon (Shadow #52: Pulp reprints). . . . . . $14.95Grant, Maxwell Garden of Death / The Vampire Murders (Shadow #53: Pulp reprints).. . . . $14.95Grant, Maxwell The Golden Quest / The Masked Headsman (Shadow #54: Pulp reprints). . $14.95Grazier, Kevin R. (ed) Fringe <strong>Science</strong>: Parallel Universes, White Tulips, and Mad Scientists (PBO;13 essays about the TV series by scientists, science writers, science fiction writers, and historians)......................................................................$14.95Gresh, Lois H. Eldritch Evolutions (PBO; Collection; 26 weird tales). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.95Haig, MattThe Radleys (Peter and Helen are abstainers, vampires who view blood drinking as an addiction.They've kept the truth from their children, but this backfires when their daughter's vegan diet leadsto blood lust, culminating in her ripping a boy to shreds. Enter <strong>Uncle</strong> Will, an unrepentant vampire,whose subtle and dangerous charm brings even more trouble).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99Halpern, Marty (ed) Alien Contact (PBO; Anthology; 26 of the best stories of the last 30 years). . . . . . . . . . $15.99HergeTintin in America (Tintin Young Readers Edition #03: Kids; Full color. Includes the originalgraphic novel plus background material. Tintin comes to the US to clean up the mean streets ofChicago, and ends up tracking a gangster into the Wild West).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99HergeThe Broken Ear (Tintin Young Readers Edition #06: Kids; Full color. Includes the originalgraphic novel plus background material. A sacred tribal statue has been stolen from the museum.Tintin and Snowy are on the case. But someone is creating phony statues to throw them off, and itlooks like Tintin has some statue-hunting competition). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99Hickman, Tracy Embers of Atlantis (Fireborn: PBO; Novel based on the game. 21st-century London: Ethanknows there is magic, and he wants nothing to do with it. Yet, after witnessing a display of sorcery,ancient memories, seen through the eyes of a dragon, fill his mind. Could he really be a dragon ofold?)...................................................................$8.99Hughart, Barry The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox: The Bridge of Birds / TheStory of the Stone / Eight Skilled Gentlemen (Omnibus; reprints three humorousfantasy adventure novels set in ancient China). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00Hughes, Matthew The Other (PBO; Meet Luff Imbry, an insidiously clever con man. He likes good food, good wine,good stolen goods, and having the upper hand. When a business rival gets the drop on him, he findshimself abandoned on the far-off, isolated world of Fulda, and must rely on his infamous criminal witto survive). ............................................................$14.95Hulke, Malcolm Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters (Reissue; Featuring the Third Doctor as played byJon Pertwee, and his companion Liz Shaw. UNIT is called in to investigate security at a secret researchcenter under Wenley Moor. The work at the center has awakened a group of Silurians - intelligentreptiles from prehistoric times who are appalled to find 'their' planet populated by upstart apes. TheDoctor hopes to negotiate a peace, but there are those on both sides who cannot bear the thought ofhumans and Silurians living together)..........................................$6.99Jackson, S/Kovalic, J Munchkin Booty: Fish & Ships 15-card Expansion Pack (Kids; 15 new cards (packsare identical - same cards in each) featuring a range of fish, plus new ships and ship enhancers).......................................................................$4.99Jackson, S/Kovalic, J Munchkin Zombies 2: Armed and Dangerous (Kids; Expansion set for MunchkinZombies. Shuffle and shamble your way to victory with 112 new cards). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.95Jackson, S/Kovalic, J Munchkin: Monster Enhancers 15-card Expansion Pack (Kids; 15 new cards (packsare identical - same cards in each) to make the monsters tougher and send other players crying fortheir mommies). .........................................................$4.99Jackson, S/Kovalic, J Munchkin: Santa's Revenge 15-card Expansion Pack (Kids; 15 new cards (packs areidentical - same cards in each) including Santa-themed monsters, weapons, and armor).. . . $4.99Jones, Stephen (ed) The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 22 (Anthology; 23 of the best stories of 2010)......................................................................$13.95Keith Jr., William H. Free Fall (Android: PBO; Novel based on the game. A murder investigation takes detective RickHarrison from New Angeles to the moon base of Heinlein). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.99Kibuishi, Kazu The Last Council (Amulet #4: PBO; Kids; Full color graphic novel. Emily, Navin, and the crewarrive in Cielis, but they soon realize it's not the utopia they expected. While Trellis and Luger aretaken prisoner, Emily must fight for her life in a series of tests that will determine which youngStonekeepers will join the Guardian Council). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.99

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