MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

MTI PBS-4100 Jet Engine Trim Balancing System - MTI Instruments ...

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<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>TMPORTABLE BALANCING SYSTEM<strong>MTI</strong> <strong>Instruments</strong>, Inc.

The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> Portable <strong>Balancing</strong> <strong>System</strong><strong>MTI</strong> <strong>Instruments</strong> sets a newstandard in aircraft enginemaintenance with the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>.On the flight line or in the test cellforthe fastest possible “one-shot”balancing and advanced vibrationdiagnostics - the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> is theone system that does it all.In use at major airlines worldwidesince 1986, <strong>MTI</strong> Instrument’sportable balancing systems arerecommended equipment formaintenance of engines built by allmajor manufacturers.Easy to use and supportedby a full selection of accessories,the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> saves time and fuelwhile reducing engine overhauls.<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>TMPortable <strong>Balancing</strong> <strong>System</strong>Fast, accurate balancingWhen an engine has a vibration problem, you want tofix it fast. Traditional methods require multiple engineruns, consuming time and fuel. Other “automated”balancing systems require you tomanually enter readings into acomputer or to guess whichspecific balance weights to use.Only the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> systemautomatically collects vibrationdata, calculates a precisebalance solution, and determinesthe specific balance weightsrequired – in one shot, after onlyone engine run.The high resolution color screendisplays a diagram of the enginebalance flange, showing theOne easy to read display shows the sizeand location of balance weights to install.sizes, part numbers, and hole locations of weights tobe installed. The process is so simple that time andfuel required for balancing are typically reducedby up to 80 percent.And the balance solution is moreaccurate than can be obtainedconsistently by any other method.In fact, the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> systemactually improves its ability tocalculate a quick, accuratesolution every time it is used. Itstores "influence coefficients”from each successive balance runand uses this information to finetunefuture balance calculations.

Expert <strong>Balancing</strong> at your fingertipsYou don’t need years of experience orknowledge of computers to operate the<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>. A series of clear instructionsand prompts appear on the display toguide you through the balanceprocedure. All data is recorded automaticallyand a full report is generatedand stored. The system even has apractice mode which allows you tofamiliarize yourself with the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>without running an engine.Easy to use: The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> includesmany features that make life easier formechanics and engine troubleshooters.It is rugged, portable and easy toconnect to engine sensors. <strong>MTI</strong> canprovide cable sets for any type ofPhoto courtesy of Pratt & Whitneyhookup, connecting directly toengine sensors or via aircraftwiring (AVM, ARINC 600connectors, etc.).With its unique tachometer signalconditioning circuitry, the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> can accept the unprocessedN1 signal from most engine types.It can also operate with any typeof ground test tachometer. The<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> can be used with alltypes of vibration sensors - aportable charge amplifier isavailable if needed. Tachometersand vibration sensors are alsoavailable as auxiliary equipment.Photo courtesy of General Electric Co.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> balances all current engine models and makes;new engine types are easily added.Used with all engine TypesThe <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> system can beused with any engine type inyour fleet. Select the enginetype from an on-screen menuand the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>automatically customizes itsscreen display and recalls datafiles for that type. New enginetypes can be added easily.Eliminates guesswork The<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> performs all functionsautomatically, eliminatinghuman error that can occurwhen data points are recordedand processed manually.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> also usessophisticated techniques toguarantee that an engine isbalanced using the minimumnumber and size of weights.It even takes previouslyinstalled trim weights intoaccount and will prevent youfrom exceeding themanufacturer’s limit for totalweight.Complete DocumentationCapability All balancingand diagnostic information isstored by engine serialnumber for easy reference.Summary reports indicateinitial and final vibrationlevels at each speed for eachchannel. Detailed reportsprovide complete informationon every balance operation,including data readings, trialweights, and balance solutions.All reports are generated automaticallyand can be used fortrend analysis, record-keepingand management summaries.

<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> solves toughbalancing problemsThe <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> system isoften able to balanceengines that have beenruled “unbalanceable” byother methods, saving thecost of engine removaland teardown.Two-Plane <strong>Balancing</strong>The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> canperform two planebalancing (both fan andturbine) at one speed ormultiple speeds, anabsolute requirement formany newerengine designs. Itcalculates solutions forboth the fan and theturbine; you can chooseto install balance weightsin either or both planes.Multispeed <strong>Balancing</strong>The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> is able tobalance engines thatexhibit vibration peaks atmore than one enginespeed. You may specifya set of up to 20 speedsat which you wish toreduce vibration. The<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> will provide theoptimum balance solutionfor the entire set. You alsocan bias the solution byassigning a higher priorityto one or more speeds.Multichannel The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> accepts two vibrationchannels simultaneously.As an option, theinstrument can beconfigured to accept up tofour channels and asecond tachometer signal.<strong>System</strong> ExpandabilityThe <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> can beexpanded to meet yourfuture balancing needs.New software features arebeing developedcontinually and are madeavailable for easyinstallation to increasesystem capabilitiesand accommodate newengine designs.Customer comments about the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>:“The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> is greatwhen I have to get anengine balanced beforecurfew. I can balance anengine in less than halfthe time it used to take.”“We are trim balancingmore engines nowbecause the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> isso fast. It’s easier towork a trim balance intoour maintenanceschedule. Our fleetaverage vibrationlevels are way downand we’re getting farfewer crew squawks.”“The key factor for us isthat we can use thesame piece of equipmentfor all our aircraft.No matter what enginewe add to our fleet,we’re sure the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> will be able tohandle it.”“The oscilloscopefeature is very handyfor zeroing in on badcables and sensors.”Airlines keep more planes flying when they use the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>.<strong>Balancing</strong> is done faster and more accurately than ever before.“A very user-friendlyinstrument.. easy tolearn . . . the practicemode is great fortraining.”“We bought the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> on the basis ofestimated savings infuel costs for groundtests. It saved us thefuel, but the realpayback has been itsability to balanceengines that previouslywe would have pulledoff the wing.”“We evaluated everysystem on the marketand found that the <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> is the best unit forengine balancing. Weintend to equip all ourmaintenance bases with<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong>s.”

Advanced balancing and diagnostic capabilitiesThe <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> system is more than an easy-to-use balanceanalyzer. It gives you a full range of diagnostic capabilities thatidentify engine problems and prevent wasted time and effort.VIBRATION SURVEY ANALYZER and TRACKING FILTERPlots engine vibration (broadband, tracked N1 and optional N2/N3) acrossthe entire engine speed range. It allows you to determine how muchvibration is caused by engine unbalance and how much is caused by otherfactors. You won’t waste hours trying to balance an engine when balancingwon’t solve the problem.This feature also allows you to identify speeds where vibration peaks occur.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> provides a balance solution to reduce vibration at all peakssimultaneously.TypeDataCollectionAcceleration only, decelerationonly, accel/decelor decel/accelFREOUENCY SPECTRUM ANALYZERProvides a high-resolution frequency spectrum that breaks thevibration signal into its components. This reveals which enginesystems are causing vibration problems.TypeChannelsFrequencyRangeA high speed digitalsignal processorconstantly collectsvibration and speeddata from all enabledchannels.High-resolution 400or 800 line spectrumwith resolutionenhancement.Uses all enableddata channels. Anychannel may beenabled or disabledindividually.10 to 10,000 HzChannelsDisplaysSpectrumDisplayWaterfallDisplayUses all installed andenabled data channels.Any channel may beenabled or disabledindividually.Vibration vs. speed datadisplayed in color codedreal-time graphics. Otherselectable options ofdigital and bar graphformats. Broadband andcomponents color coded.X-Y plot of vibrationamplitude vs. frequency.Both plot axes can beexpanded for betterresolution, including autoscaling and zoom.Valuable 3D plot ofspectrum vs. time.Viewing perspective canbe changed and all plotaxes can be expanded forbetter resolution, includingauto scaling and zoom.DIGITAL OSCILLOSCOPE AND VOLTMETERProvides a live display of the quality of vibration signals. You won’t wastetime working with bad data or trying to solve instrumentation problemsthrough trial and error.The vibration survey helps the user select theengine speeds at which balancing is required.The 400 or 800 line frequency spectrumpinpoints the sources of engine vibration.Waterfall spectra identify changesduring speed changes.TypeFree running dataacquisition provides realtimedisplay. Users mayselect time and voltageaxis ranges including autorange functions. Zoommode allows detailedview of wave shape.ReadoutsVoltageand TimeAxisDigital display of volts(pk-pk, rms, and dc)Amplitude for eachchannel.Auto ranging or userdefinable voltageaxis settings.ChannelsSwitch between anyof the enabledvibration channels.SpeedDisplayContinuous displayof current enginespeed in rpm and% of full speed.The oscilloscope display can be used to detect faultysensors and other instrumentation problems.

SpecificationsENGINE TYPESManufacturers CFMI, General Electric, Honeywell,Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, IAE,R-R-Allison and othersModels CFMI: CFM56-2,3,5,7GE: CF34-3, -8, -10, CF6-6, -50, -80A,,-80C, GE-90-94, -115, CJ-610, CF-700,F101, F110-100, - 129, -132, -400,F118-101, LM-1500, 1600, 2500, 6000(all versions)Honeywell: ALF502, LF507, TFE731 (allmodels)P&W: PT6, JT3D, JT8D (all small andlarge models), JT9D-7,-7Q,-7R4,PW2000 -2037, -2040, -2043,PW4000 (All Models), F-100 (all models),F-117, GG4 and other industrials.Rolls-Royce: RB211-22B, RB211-524B/C/D, RB211-524G/H, Trent (allmodels) RB211-535C/E4,Tay (all models), SpeyRolls-Royce-Allison: GMA3007IAE: V2500 (all models)VIBRATION SIGNALSVibration Channels 4TypeVoltage RangeResolutionAccuracyFrequency RangeInput ImpedanceVibration SensorsSPEED SIGNALSChannelsTypeSpeed SignalSensor TypeVoltage RangeFrequency RangeAccuracyInput ImpedanceMany other marine, industrial and militaryengines also supported Call <strong>MTI</strong>I.Differential, ac coupled (5 Hz)0 to ±10 V peak12-bit A/D (±10 V = 4096 bits)Better than 1%5 Hz to 10 kHz1 M OhmsUses existing engine pickups;also accepts ground testpickups.N1 (standard); N2/N3 (optional)Single-ended, ac coupled (5 Hz)Discrete 1/rev or automaticallylocates imbedded 1/rev referenceon any N1 signal.Uses existing engine N1 signalfrom magnetic sensors or tachgenerator.Also accepts opticaltach, strobe, etc. with noadjustment.50 mV to 100 V peak, autoranging1 Hz to 15kHzBetter than 1%100 K OhmsContact <strong>MTI</strong> <strong>Instruments</strong> for more information about the<strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> system or to discuss you particular needs.E-mail: pbs@mtiinstruments.comTel: +518-218-2550FAX: +518-218-2506BALANCING<strong>Balancing</strong> MethodsBalance SpeedsBalance ChannelsBalance PlanesBalance WeightsGENERALPowerWeightDimensionsTemperatureRelative HumidityVibrationShockUser Selectable:“One Shot” (stored influence coefficients)Trial Weight (baseline and trial weight run)Both methods calculate a weighted,least-squares solution over all enginespeeds and active channels.1 to 20 speeds simultaneously, 500-75,000 rpm range1 or 2 channels simultaneously (1 to4 channels optional), typically usedwith fan and turbine pickups.1 or 2 (fan and turbine) simultaneously;accounts for uneven holespacing and unavailable holes; cancalculate balance weights for oneplane that will effectively balanceboth planes.Up to 20 standard weight classes,displayed by class andmanufacturer’s part number. User canadd own weight classes.115/230 V ac±10%/50-400 Hz±10%autosensing, autoswitchingData Acquisition Unit: 20 lb. (9 kg)Computer: 6 lb. (3 kg)DAU: 10 x 16 x 11.5 in.(25 x 41 x 29 cm)Computer: 11 x 8.5 x 2.2 in.0 to 50°C (operation)-20 to 60°C (storage)20 to 80% (operation)5 to 90% (storage)3 to 200 Hz at 1.0 g (operation)3 to 200 Hz at 1.5 g (storage)5 g (operation); 80 g (storage)OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES• Portable color printer• Two-channel charge amplifier• Vibration sensors• Connection cables for all aircraft and engine types• Padded shipping/storage cases• Training course<strong>MTI</strong> <strong>Instruments</strong> is a world leader in advanced technologyproducts for manufacturing, computer and aerospace industries.<strong>MTI</strong> has gained world-wide recognition with over 40 years ofexperience designing and manufacturing leading-edge products.The <strong>PBS</strong>-<strong>4100</strong> line of products are sold around the world toengine manufacturers, engine and aircraft maintenanceorganizations, commercial airlines and military organizations.

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