GCE Advanced Level - StudyGuide.PK

GCE Advanced Level - StudyGuide.PK

GCE Advanced Level - StudyGuide.PK

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FRENCH<strong>GCE</strong> <strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Level</strong>Paper 9098/01SpeakingGeneral commentsExaminations were generally well conducted and assessed. The quality of recording was rather better thanin the past, though there are still one or two Centres which need to rethink their recording arrangements toensure that candidates are heard clearly. The room in which the examinations are conducted needs to be ofan appropriate size, so that the echo effect is minimised, and should be as far away as possible fromextraneous noise. Microphones need to be placed to favour candidates, as their voices are frequentlyquieter than those of Teacher/Examiners.As far as the administration of the oral examination is concerned, please ensure that only one syllabus isrecorded on a cassette. This cassette should be properly labelled, both audibly, by the Examiner identifyingthe syllabus, Centre and each candidate by name and number, and visibly, by a label on the cassette givingthe same information, together with which candidates appear on which side of the cassette. It is oftendifficult to identify inadequately labelled cassettes which have become separated from their accompanyingpaperwork. Please note, it is preferable not to interrupt a candidate in the middle of his/her examination inorder to change a cassette – only two twenty minute orals should be recorded per side of a C90, and onlyone per side of a C60 cassette.A mark for each element of the examination should be entered in each column of the Working Mark Sheet,rather than a global total, or a total for each section. The mark scheme as set out in the syllabus givesdescriptors for each level of achievement and the mark scheme contains no half marks. The total markshould be transferred to the MS1 and the addition and transcription of marks should be checked beforedespatch. A copy of the Working Mark Sheet, together with the Moderator’s copy of the MS1, shouldaccompany the cassette(s).In the interests of standardisation, timings as set out in the syllabus should be observed, in order to allow abalance between prepared and unprepared topics and a fair comparison between candidates.With regard to the oral itself, candidates should be reminded before they start preparing their presentationsthat reference should be made to France/francophone culture. If this is not the case, their mark for thecontent/presentation element of the presentation will be halved. Candidates should also be aware that theyare expected to ask questions of their Teacher/Examiner in both conversation sections. Teacher/Examinersshould prompt them to do so if they ask no questions during the natural course of conversation, but wherethey do not ask questions in one conversation section, no marks can be awarded for this element of theexamination, regardless of how many questions they may ask/have asked in the other conversation section.Please note, it is not necessary to have an Invigilator in the room in which the examination takes place.PresentationCandidates chose a wide variety of topics, ranging from artistic/literary areas such as Impressionisme, VanGogh, St Exupéry, J.J. Rousseau, Cinéma, to social themes such as family, health, education, together withthe perennial favourites such as Le SIDA, Le tabagisme, Pollution, Racisme, Immigration. There were anumber of potentially interesting topics such as Le terrorisme, La xénophobie, La culture contemporaine, butunfortunately these lacked any reference to francophone culture, as did a number of presentations dealingwith Le sport. Candidates should be advised against such topics as Les loisirs des jeunes Espagnols unlessthey are prepared to provide comparisons with French youth, for example.7

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