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AMERICANRADIATORSAMERICANRADIATORSAI1CO CONVE,CTORSTvpe FP (Front Panel)ARCO CONVECTORSType FP (Front Pancl)Descrrprron-T)'l,c FP is a Front Panel only, designed for Lrseuith recesscd treatnrents. ft is flush uith plaster and made toovcrlap rccess at top and siJes and is providcd u'ith screrv holesfor securing to u'oo.l grounds. It is .5", or nLrltiplc5 1lf .-i/', longerthan corresponding Atco Co^-r'rcron and madc iu standardhciglrts ofr 13', 20', 2)'' , 2l' , )6' , 29'' , .12", .1.i " and .18".Access to valve is obtaincd through inlct arch. Siotred outlcrgrillr and inler arch alr sr.rn.Lrrcl.]NsrallarroN-lt is rccommendcd that X-4 or Y-6 r.rrrder,nelrh conncctions, and gate valvc bc uscd rvherever possible.If other connections irre recluired, provision must be madc forvalve and tr.rp spacc and irccess to valvc. See Ordcr Guide forall possibic connc.tions and proper enclosure size. Rcccssshould only be of sufficicnt depth to take Convector, If a,-lditionaldepth is recllrired tlre type FC is rccommcnded. SclibemoLrlding mav bc rrscJ at cnds of front.Oprrox,rr. Ft,rn nr:s*ftrmper c.rn he turnishc,l (trccpt on lii" Enclo-'i lr.rrc pirn c l orrrl.r 'jr ll, , nr Jo tcJ ,,r ..td:'r.I'i, rc,:J rrrlr' g-ill' 'n l'c s'rh.r r.r "r'.Jsr.rnJ.rrJ (rithJoor, if rcqrrircd,righr or lcft brn.l t., l.c sr.cill.d).*Strcrmlinc grilles c,rn bc {urnishcd.'{r'rlr.Jn 'r' l mo',Llirr ls f,r'nrJ'eJ ilr.tr'rrd'Orlr, r rlr.'n 'r.rnJ rrJ l.r'grh'.'rrl lrrighr- '.r fronnrnclcrn bc furnishcd s'htrc necessar-v(]tntcr lee in inler.rrch is provirlcd on furts 6.i"Iong anJ ovcr.*Acccss door can bc furnishcd other rhan in9ri'roLlcd cJgcs on

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