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AMERICANRADIATORSAMERICANRADIATORSARCO CONVECTORSType FA (Front PancJlDescr{rprroN Typc FA is a front pancl only, clcsigned for uscrvith recessed trcatnents. to sct against face ofplaster and rest onbaseboard. It is flush rvith plaster irnd made to overlap recess nttop and sides and is provi.led rvith scterv holes for sccuting torvood grounJs. lt is .i", or multiplcs of .i", Ionger than correspondingConvect,rr and nrade in actual standard hcights .rf:13", 15", fi" 19" )1" )1",17", .10" and .1.1", or .i" lcss rh:urenclosLrre height. Acccss to vahe is obtained thrc,ugh iniet arrlrin baseboard. .SloruJ,ltlrt grille is stcncl,rrd.lNsreLl-e,rroN It is recotlnrentled that X-{ or Y-{r, un.Jctneathconnectiolrs, lnd gate valvc be used rvhclcver possiblc.If other conncctions rte re,-1uired, provision trrLlst bc nadc foryal.'e and trap spacc and access to valve. See Ordet Grride forall possible connections and proper cuclosurc sizc. Reccssshould only bc of stLficicnt depth to ttke Convector. If additionaldepth is requircd, the typc FC is recoluurendcd. Sclibemoulding may be uscd at ends of front.II)lIARCO CONVECTORSTypc FA (Fror.rt lane llOrrro--rr Fr.rrr nrs"Danpcr can bc Iurnished (excct)t on ls" Enclosurchcight).*Squarc picrceil outlet grillc can hc substinrrccl forIlr:crss Drvr:xslossRccess lengtl, :Convr.-tor lenerh l,lus 2".Rcccss hcighr -Fnrnt|ant1 heighc minL,s1) t'lr*Srreamlinc grillcs c.rn l'. iurnisl,t,l."Applictl prnel nriNldin,r is turnishcJ il r cquireJ.*Clthcr rhrn strrrlard lcngths rnJ htights of 1;ot\tprncl can l.c furnislre.l rvhcrc nccess,trv..Acccss Joor c.rn t-.'furni'heJ.'At N.lJitional pricc.i 42) i+3,rRcccss clcoth shoLrLlc 11u.r I Convectorr.'nJrh pLLrs ld".lfl orJ.ring, s pcc ilytyt)cr unrr nlrlnlrcr,actrral p.rncl hcighr,cntlosurc hcight rnd.rny dep.rrture fromEx.r:'rllt ron Onr:nlrr;,1 FA.ll5 Ar.o I'rncl 26 E.H. 2s.; Sq. fr.21" uctLrll hei,-{lrt with slottcd gfilleFor X.-! conn. Fig. No. C-9

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