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Institutional Trust of Taiwanese Non-Government Organizations---A Sociological PerspectiveChin-fen Chang (Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology, <strong>Academia</strong> <strong>Sinica</strong>) andHeng-Hao Chang (Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Sociology, University ofHawaii---Manoa)AbstractIn theory, the competence of private enterprises may be tested by marketcompetition, while that of the state can be improved by elections or legislativemechanism. As to non-government organizations (NGOs), as a check-and-balance ofthe power of both the state and the market, should it be monitored too and how couldit be done? This paper argues that, most NGOs obtain their financial resources fromthe state’s subsidies or tax exemptions, or from private donations, and the foundationof the legitimacy is based on their altruistic nature, the establishment of institutionaltrust by NGOs is necessary to legitimize the existence of NGOs and the vitality of acivil society. The bases of international trust of NGOs rely not simply on individual ororganizational performance, but on the existence of monitory and sanctioningmechanisms. In addition to theoretically specifying the association betweeninstitutional trust of NGOs and the accumulation of social capital as well as theconsolidation of civic society and democratization, this paper empirically tests thelevel of institutional trust of three well-known Taiwan NGOs. We generally find thatthe three NGOs are deficient in terms of accessibility and transparency of theirmonitoring and sanctioning mechanisms, which are the bases of institutional trust.Keywords: non-government organizations, social movement organizations,institutional trust, social capital, civil society.

… … 2003 9 18 1 1999a3-42 11 Civil society civil society city state 2003civil society2000 civil society (complement) (check and balance) civil society civil society 2 accountability (2002)( 2000) accountability 1

23(monitoring) (sanctioning)(Zucker 1986 2000)2

13 (1) civilizing(2)(3)(governance)(civic)4 (Shils 1991Keane 1988Diamond 1994Schmitter 1997 1998,1999)Diamond 1997Schmitter 1997Giddens (2000)3 Larry Diamond /(Diamond 1994: 5)Diamond 4 civic/civility Edwards Shils Shils (Shils 1991: 12-13, 16)3

Robert Putnam1993Putnam Putnam (Portes 1998)Putnam5 5 (Non-profit organization)(Non-governmental organization) /(Uphoff 1996)4

DiMaggio Anheier (1990)(non-profitness)(ecologicalapproach)1999b (empowerment)(Powell and Clemens 1998Smith 1998Brown 1998)Brown1998/Smith (1998:223)(professionalization) Uphoff 5

(formalization)McCarthy and Zald 1987, Piven and Cloward 1979, Jenkins and Eckert1986, Staggenborg 1988, Alter 1998McCarthy Zald(1987) 1960 1970Piven Cloward(1979)Jenkins Eckert (1986)Staggenborg(1988)Alter(1998)Hsiao 1990, 1996, and 2003 1999b2003/ 1999a 1999 (1999a)19701980 6

(2003)institutionalization 2000 2000 5 16 1999Piven Cloward (1979) Alter (1998)7

21991Hanke 1987(DiMaggioand Powell 1983)Block 1990Edwards and Hulme 1996 Zucker(1986)Herzlinger199620008

Zucker(1986)(institutional-based trust)(formal societal structures)60… 2000188 Zucker (2000)Zucker DiMaggio and Powell 1983, Powell 19909

Powell 1990W. Richard Scott (1995)(p.52) 6 (carriers)Zucker Herzlinger1996(United Ways)6 Scott (regulative) (cognitive)Scott 10

(National Association for the Advancement ofColored People)(Orange County)7 Herzlinger Disclosure , Analysis , Dissemination , sanctionZucker(1986)20001999a1998(2001 2003)/ (1999)( 2002)1995 20017 Herzlinger 200011

1999 921 921 (2000 )(2001 )3 (Powell 1990)12

8 300 20011988 1600 5130 1980 1200 901992 8 (1995)(2002)13

2002 38272014 2(unobtrusive)14

9 ()10 (2001)1. a. ()9 trusteespartners beneficiariesstaff10 (1987)1981 15

11 12 1995 (2000)2003 ( 2003 10 12 )11 1995 12 16

(1997)( p. 91)b. ( 2000)13 13 17

1997 2000 2000 2001 12 11 2002 2001 2002 ISO 14 2002 45 3(1999 )(2001)(2002 )14 ISO(International Organization of Standardization)130 http://www.giantsto.com/about_iso.htm18

… (10 20)c.19

2. a. () 1980--- ( 2002 :86)( 1986 1987) ( 2002 11 2 )1981 1994 1986 20

2003 262 20032 52 15 37 651630 2400 800 2002 800 67%( 2002 11 3 )1984 15 21

( 59 1986 3 )--- Brown(1998)Smith(1998)b. 16 16 3.4.5 22

15 c. 1986 2003 3.a. ()1997 23

1995(1999)(2001)510 (2002)---24

17 200168 (2002)… (p. 38) 2002 3827b. 17 25

c. 18 18 26

. Powell 1990Zucker 1996 200027

March and Olsen1995:165inertia28

Putnam1993Putnam Alter 1998Fox 1992Uphoff 1996Skocpol(2003)1819-185929

civic life:30

198997i 2002 11 3 2002 19-43_______ 1999 215-267 20039 18 2000231-2902001 2001 3 8 20035133-1942000 VS.341-3662003 2001300 200023179-222 2001 1991 31

1995 198659 36-37 2000 76-108____2001 4203-242____2003 2003 1128 198664i 1987 806-7 19972001 1987______ 1999a______ 1999b1999 c______ 2002200233-70 1998 268-2332

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:Tenets 11(88%) 1. Garden of Hope Foundation (6%) (2%) (4%) 21 2. 1600 5 19 . . 3.22 ISO 20 1. Consumers’ 12-21 2. Foundation,Chinese Taipei3. 23 4. 2-5 1200 5. 9-13 6. 7. 8. 2519 http://www.goh.org.tw/chinese/about/aboutmiss1.asp20 90 21 1997 22 http://www.goh.org.tw/chinese/about/servgoh1.asp23 http://www.consumers.org.tw24 http://www.consumers.org.tw/1profile/home.htm25 http://www.consumers.org.tw36

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39 11980.1121982.1131984.1141987.1151990.1161992.1171994.1181996.1191998.11102000.11112002.11()

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