Family Health - Parent Directory - Natural Awakenings

Family Health - Parent Directory - Natural Awakenings

Family Health - Parent Directory - Natural Awakenings

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take a large pet, so her answer was tobuy a house.Business travel from New York alsotakes Steven Rice, a vice president atpublic relations firm Harrison & Shriftman,away from his rescue dog, Samantha.Then, “My parents get the fun ofhaving a dog around without the fulltimecommitment,” says Rice, “whileSamantha enjoys the change from a cityapartment to a large backyard.” The doghas favorite toys, her regular food andher own bed nearby, so she feels rightat home.In the case of divorce, courts routinelytreat pets as property, rather thanfamily, although attitudes are changingas judges recognize the emotionalattachment of both parties. Attorneysencourage couples to decide where thepet will live.“During our divorce, the issue ofwho would get custody of our beaglealmost took us by surprise,” says DavidBakke, the Atlanta-based online editorof Money Crashers Personal Finance,headquartered in Chicago. “We wereso involved in the issues of child custody,alimony and child support thatwe didn’t discuss Rocky until late inthe process.”“My wife got primary custody ofour children. We decided it would bein the best interests of both our dog andour kids that they live together,” Bakkesays. “When they visit me, they bringRocky with them. I miss him, but I alsoknow this is best for everyone else.”Helpful Tips for Shared Custody4 Visit the new location together. Give the pet sufficient time to explore andbecome comfortable.4 Pack a doggie suitcase with familiar items, including food, leash, bedding,favorite chew and other toys, yummy treats and an item of unwashed clothingwith the owner’s scent on it.4 Provide written instructions aboutfeeding, activities, likes, dislikesand any fears, plus the current familyschedule, especially if a formerspouse has a new partner.4 Stick to the pet’s regular dailyroutines as much as possible.Source: Linda Michaels, dog psychologistand owner of WholisticDog Training, in San Diego, CAWhen children are not an issue,pets can become a primary concern indivorces. “We never had children andour Yorkshire terrier, Clover, becameour substitute,” says Courtney Karem,marketing director at the BougainvilleaClinique, in Winter Park, Florida. “Myex-husband eventually moved a fewhours away, but we arrange for him tosee Clover, who lives with me.”In acrimonious divorce cases,matrimonial Attorney Rachel Weisman,founder of Weisman Law Group,in New York City, has dealt with petownership. There have been occasionswhere a spouse denies rightful visitationbefore custody is determined or evengives the pet away without consensualagreement. If there is a possibility ofabuse, a protective order for the animalcan be obtained, advises Weisman. Thecore question is what is the key to thepet’s health and happiness?Times of change are stressful forall concerned, but can be made easierfor pets by keeping their interests inmind, just as one would with belovedchildren.Rebecca Ryan writes about pets andmore for <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>Awakenings</strong>. Connectat RebeccaRyan@mindspring.com.THINKBEFOREYOU BUY:make thegreenchoice.Pet Care, Pick-up/Drop-off,Exercise, Play,Some Overnight Stay“Special Needs” Pets Welcome!OurSchedule isFlexiblefor You!Tails of Newportfor our furry friends inAquidneck Island,bark, meow or text for more info401-835-585330 GOODING AVE.BRISTOL, RI401-253-2456natural awakenings August 201245

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