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forrecoveryPERFORMANCERecovery is often the forgotten element of training. Without recovery there isno chance for the body to mend from the physical and hormonal stress that<strong>running</strong> subjects it to. Simply not <strong>running</strong> isn’t the best way to recover from<strong>running</strong>. To make sure you get the most training benefit from your <strong>running</strong>follow these top tips.1Schedule Easy Weeks IntoYour TrainingEvery 3rd or 4th week, drop theamount of training by 30% or more andreduce the intensity of your runs toallow your body a chance toregenerate. Even if you don’t feel likeyou need a recovery week it is stillimportant to have one. Sometimes wedon’t realise how tired we are until weslow down.2Active Recovery Is BetterThan Doing NothingGentle exercise is great forrecovery. It places very little stress onthe body and speeds up the blood flowto improve muscle repair. Exercise likewalking, bike riding and swimmingare ideal. On days you don’t run tryand engage in around 30 minutes ofactive recovery.3Ice Is Your FriendImmediately after a long or highintensity run, apply ice for tenminutes on any spots that felt soreduring your run. Prevention is betterthan the cure and ten minutes of ice canreduce any inflammation that may bepresent and help prevent a chronicinjury from developing. For thosewanting to take it to the next level icebaths may be an effective way toimprove recovery. Although thescientific jury is still out many eliteathletes swear by them and theevidence is slowly starting to swing in itsfavour. If you want to, try it make sureyou wear something warm on your tophalf to maintain core temperature.The best protocol appears to have wateraround 15 degrees and sit in it foraround 10-15 minutes. Warm yourself up30-60 minutes later with a warm shower.4 MassageRegular massage can be verybeneficial in aiding recovery andkeeping on top of any niggles that youmay have. If you can’t afford a masseurthen do it yourself. A foam roller isgreat and a massage stick is useful forcalves and hamstrings. If you haven’tgot either then use your hands and awine bottle for the difficult to reachspots. Avoid massage immediatelyafter a long or hard run as it may domore damage.5 SleepSleeping is when our bodiesrepair the damage that occurswhen we run, so make sure you getsufficient good quality sleep. You willfind you need to sleep more as your<strong>running</strong> increases. The hours beforemidnight may count for more thanhours after midnight, so get tobed early.6Compression TightsThere is a growing body ofresearch to suggest that wearingcompression tights after a hard workoutwill improve muscle recovery. If you runin the morning then wear them underyour work clothes. If you run in theevening then wear them to bed.7Keep HydratedSince muscles are made up ofaround 70% water it is importantto maintain good hydration levels foroptimal muscle recovery. Fluidrequirements are different for everyoneso the easiest way to tell if you are wellhydrated is to check the colour of yoururine in the hours after your run.Continue drinking water at regularintervals until your urine is clear.8Fuel Your BodyWithin the first hour after a hardrun try and consume some easilydigestible carbohydrates and protein ina ratio of around 4:1 - 3:1, preferably ina liquid form to speed up digestion.There are a number of products on themarket designed for this and manysmall shops will have some form of milkbased protein drink, which may alsobe suitable. You can easily makesomething at home by adding fruit,natural yoghurt and some honey ina blender.9Avoid AlcoholAlcohol dilates blood vessels,which increases blood flow. Justafter a run this is likely to increase anyinflammatory response in your muscles.Just in case you are thinking that“wouldn’t increased blood flow be agood thing the day after a long run?”The diuretic effect of alcohol more thatcancels this benefit out!10To Stretch Or NotTo StretchStretching after you run willhave no affect on reducing musclesoreness, despite what many peoplebelieve. In fact it may make it worse bystretching already damaged musclefibres. Whether or not stretchingreduces your risk of injury, is open todebate, but if you feel stretching issomething that works for you, thencontinue stretching, just not directlyafter a hard or long run.ANDY DUBOISpersonal trainer and exercise coach. www.andydubois.blogspot.com, andydubois@hotmail.co.uk.26 www.<strong>running</strong>freemag.co.uk

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