McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 12 and

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 12 and

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 12 and

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• CS V.02 Investigate the behaviour ofdifferent equilibrium systems, <strong>and</strong> solveproblems involving the law of chemicalequilibrium.• CS V.03 Explain the importance ofchemical equilibrium in various systems,including ecological, biological, <strong>and</strong>technological systems.Specific Expectations:Underst<strong>and</strong>ing Basic ConceptsBy the end of this course, students will:Chapter 7 Reversible Reactions <strong>and</strong> ChemicalEquilibrium7.1 Recognizing Equilibrium(ExpressLab: Modelling Equilibrium)7.3 The Equilibrium Constant(Investigation 7-A: Measuring an EquilibriumConstant)7.4 Predicting the Direction of a Reaction(Investigation 7-B: Perturbing Equilibrium)(Using Le Châtelier’s principle)Chapter 8 Acids, Bases, <strong>and</strong> pH8.2 The Equilibrium of Weak Acids <strong>and</strong> Bases(Investigation 8-A: K a of Acetic Acid)Chapter 9 Aqueous Solutions <strong>and</strong> SolubilityEquilibria9.2 Solubility Equilibria(Investigation 9-A: Determining K sp for CalciumHydroxide)<strong>Chemistry</strong> Course Challenge: The <strong>Chemistry</strong> ofHuman Health Part 3Chapter 7 Reversible Reactions <strong>and</strong> ChemicalEquilibrium7.4 Predicting the Direction of a Reaction(Sample Problem: Determining the Direction ofShift to Attain Equilibrium)[Le Châtelier’s Principle][Applying Le Châtelier’s Principle:Manufacturing Ammonia][Careers in <strong>Chemistry</strong>: Anesthesiology: A Careerin Pain Management]Chapter 8 Acids, Bases, <strong>and</strong> pH8.3 Bases <strong>and</strong> Buffers[Buffer Solutions][Buffers in the Blood][Web Link]Chapter 9 Aqueous Solutions <strong>and</strong> SolubilityEquilibria[Chapter opening text]9.2 Solubility Equilibria[Heterogeneous Equilibrium: A SolubilitySystem][Canadians in <strong>Chemistry</strong>: Dr. Joseph MacInnis]<strong>Chemistry</strong> Course Challenge: The <strong>Chemistry</strong> ofHuman Health Part 3<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong> <strong>Chemistry</strong> <strong>12</strong>ChapterSection[Subsection](Investigation, ExpressLab, or ThoughtLab)(Practice Problem or Review Question)[Front Matter or Appendix]325340-343358-361366-367394-395434568-570355356-357367371409-410411411418430-431439568-570Page(s)<strong>McGraw</strong>-<strong>Hill</strong> <strong>Ryerson</strong>, 300 Water Street, Whitby ON, L1N 9B6 Tel: (905) 430-5000, Fax: (905) 430-5194Toll Free Order: 1-800-565-5758, Toll Free Fax: 1-800-463-5885 www.mcgrawhill.ca/school19

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