Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

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A Simple StorySitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a corner booth at a North Aust<strong>in</strong>IHOP, Barrs smiles often and laughs easily.His hands are expressive, large – remarkablyso for his modest 5-foot-10-<strong>in</strong>ch frame – andrough from years of manual labor. He hasn’tbeen able to work recently because of backtrouble, and between visits to the doctor andcar<strong>in</strong>g for a grandchild, he spends much ofhis free time try<strong>in</strong>g to track down leads thatmight help clear his name. He looks for oldfriends and acqua<strong>in</strong>tances from the earlySeventies and pumps them for <strong>in</strong>formationand for additional sources – people whomight remember someth<strong>in</strong>g that could nowhelp him. He grew up <strong>in</strong> Aust<strong>in</strong>, liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>Eastside projects with his mother, Margaret,who worked as a clean<strong>in</strong>g lady at one of thedepartment stores that still operated onCongress Avenue.Barrs is charm<strong>in</strong>g and apparently guilelessand never sounds bitter or angry about hisfate. His simple determ<strong>in</strong>ation to clear hisname is <strong>in</strong> part what attracted Aust<strong>in</strong> defenseattorney Keith Hampton to his case. Hamptonwas sitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> his office one afternoon when <strong>in</strong>walked Barrs, carry<strong>in</strong>g a worn cardboard boxfull of documents, “and he wants to get hisname cleared,” Hampton recalled. “I askedhim some questions and realized that he’dserved his time and was close to gett<strong>in</strong>g offparole.” That struck Hampton,and he couldn’t help but wonder,“Why would he go to allthis trouble for someth<strong>in</strong>g thatis so far <strong>in</strong> the past?”Barrs told Hampton hisstory. “I was pretty stunnedby what I was hear<strong>in</strong>g,” thelawyer said. He even called <strong>in</strong>a colleague to hear the tale, tosee if maybe he was miss<strong>in</strong>gsometh<strong>in</strong>g. She was similarly impressed.“This has a r<strong>in</strong>g of truth to it,” Hamptonsaid. “This guy seems completely honest.”Barrs’ story is deceptively simple. He sayshe was wrongly f<strong>in</strong>gered for the robbery byJackson, a man he’d known for years, butnot well. Barrs had dated Jackson’s sister asa teen <strong>in</strong> the mid-Sixties but says he neverhung around with Jackson (better known as“Lee Lee”), whom his mother consideredbad news. Hopes was only an acqua<strong>in</strong>tance;he drove a beer truck dur<strong>in</strong>g the day andworked nights as a bouncer at the Palladiumclub on the corner of East 12th Street andComal. That’s the only place Barrs ever sawHopes, he says, a fact that Hopes confirms.“I used to see him around,” Hopes saidrecently, but the two weren’t close.Why Jackson f<strong>in</strong>gered Barrs for theM<strong>in</strong>imax job rema<strong>in</strong>s uncerta<strong>in</strong>, althoughBarrs believes he knows. Just before the robbery,Barrs, although he was married toBetty, had begun a very brief affair with awoman he later learned was a steady girlfriendof Jackson’s. “I kept my eye on himfrom a distance,” Barrs said, “but it didn’thelp me out, because when I met [his girlfriend],it set off a fire under him.” Jacksondied <strong>in</strong> 1993, and Barrs has long s<strong>in</strong>ce losttrack of the girl.Jackson, accord<strong>in</strong>g to both Barrs andHopes, was a skittish guy who’d been <strong>in</strong> andout of trouble for years. When the cops camecall<strong>in</strong>g, Jackson always got nervous. He oftenran, and <strong>in</strong> those days runn<strong>in</strong>g generallyended with a beat<strong>in</strong>g, they said (at least oneformer Aust<strong>in</strong> Police Department cop on thebeat <strong>in</strong> the Seventies confirmed that wouldnot have been uncommon). Barrs says he’sbeen told that whenever the cops squeezedJackson, he told them whatever he could.Barrs believes that when they came call<strong>in</strong>gon the M<strong>in</strong>imax robbery, Jackson not onlygot nervous, he also got even with Barrs.Based on the available record, the storyJackson told police about the robberychanged officially and significantly no lessthan three times, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g while he was onthe witness stand at Barrs’ trial. Accord<strong>in</strong>g toNapier’s police report, when Jackson wasfirst asked about the robbery he denied any<strong>in</strong>volvement. Later, he said that he andHopes had been hang<strong>in</strong>g at Mart<strong>in</strong>’s DriveInn, a popular East side hangout, when Barrsand his wife rolled up <strong>in</strong> Barrs’ 1961 FordFalcon. Barrs compla<strong>in</strong>ed about not hav<strong>in</strong>gmoney and suggested the foursome commita robbery, Jackson first told police. Jackson’sonly <strong>in</strong>volvement was to drive the group – <strong>in</strong>a gold car that belonged to“I hope thatI can fix it so thatwhen I leave thisearth, I can havea clean slate.”– Ronnie BarrsHopes, he said – and herema<strong>in</strong>ed outside whileHopes, Barrs, and his wifewent <strong>in</strong>to the store.(Jackson’s description ofHopes’ car conflicts withYura’s statement to policejust after the robbery thatthe car she saw was actuallytwo-toned, red and white.)After the shot was fired the three fled,Jackson said, and headed north on I-35.After additional question<strong>in</strong>g, Jacksonchanged his story to say that Hopes hadrema<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the car and that he, Barrs, andBetty went <strong>in</strong>to the store, and that Bettycarried a .22-caliber pistol while Barrswielded the .38 that fired the errant shot. Inthat retell<strong>in</strong>g, Jackson said he made off witha total of $700 and didn’t mention theescape route.On the stand, Jackson’s story morphedonce aga<strong>in</strong>. This time he said there wereabout three people <strong>in</strong> the store dur<strong>in</strong>g therobbery, and that once he and the Barrs were<strong>in</strong>side, Ronnie Barrs ushered everyonebeh<strong>in</strong>d the meat counter, where he madethem all lie down. <strong>The</strong> trio stayed togetherthe entire time they were <strong>in</strong>side, he said, andall three of them went to the manager’sbooth together to get the cash. No one was<strong>in</strong> the booth at the time, he said. <strong>The</strong>y left byspeed<strong>in</strong>g off north on I-35, with Hopesbeh<strong>in</strong>d the wheel.Jackson’s various recorded accounts of thecrime are not only <strong>in</strong>ternally <strong>in</strong>consistent,but strik<strong>in</strong>gly, none of the details from any ofCONTINUED ON P.22City of Aust<strong>in</strong>EnvironmentalAwarenessAwardsNom<strong>in</strong>ate a person or group by March 1 atwww.coolaust<strong>in</strong>.org/awards for mak<strong>in</strong>g a“green” difference <strong>in</strong> Aust<strong>in</strong>’s environment. 50%OFFBIGGERBIGGERBIGGERBIGGERSTRONGERSTRONGERSTRONGERSTRONGERPOLITICS OPINION NEWSaust<strong>in</strong>chronicle.com/newsdeskwww.LoneStarLaserCl<strong>in</strong>ic.com512-637-LASR2111 Dickson Dr., Suite 20, 78704(beh<strong>in</strong>d Kerbey Lane - S. 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