Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

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NEWSprosecution, and he said no, he hadn’t, buthe had been <strong>in</strong> jail for a while and was let outthat afternoon,” Kisner said.Yet what hurt Barrs most, Kisner said, washis own testimony. What seems to have cutthe deepest aga<strong>in</strong>st him was his <strong>in</strong>ability toremember what movie he’d been watch<strong>in</strong>g onTV July 12, 1973, at the exact time of the robbery.In court, Barrs said that he’d actuallybeen home that night, babysitt<strong>in</strong>g for Betty’sson. Betty’s mother had had a heart attackthat day, and she needed to be at the hospital– that was the alibi that likely kept Betty fromeven be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dicted. Barrs said that he hadstayed home with 9-year-old Terry; the twohad sandwiches for d<strong>in</strong>ner and then settled <strong>in</strong>to watch a Western called Waco. As it turnedout, that wasn’t the movie on that night – itwas Damn Yankees, which Barrs now <strong>in</strong>sists hehad also watched. Waco showed on a Thursdayeven<strong>in</strong>g, but not until three weeks later. Barrssaid he simply confused the two days.<strong>The</strong>re was also the fact that Barrs had beento prison before, for threeTHE LONG VINDICATION CONTINUED FROM P.23years on an armed robberybeef. He was paroledjust n<strong>in</strong>e months beforethe M<strong>in</strong>imax robbery. Inthat case, Barrs said, hewas set up for be<strong>in</strong>g anaccomplice to a robbery ofa taxi driver that he didn’teven know would takeplace. Indeed, he said thecabdriver actually testified<strong>in</strong> his defense, but thatwas not enough to persuadea judge that Barrsshould not be convicted.Perhaps it was the comb<strong>in</strong>ationof all these th<strong>in</strong>gs.But Barrs’ jury simply didnot believe his story – even though the hospitalalibi apparently cleared Betty. She cameto court to testify on Barrs’ behalf, butbecause she had <strong>in</strong>advertently rema<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>the courtroom while Barrs was on the stand– <strong>in</strong> violation of the rule that keeps potentialwitnesses from hear<strong>in</strong>g one another’s testimony– Judge Blackwell would not allow heraccount of where her family was on the even<strong>in</strong>gof the robbery. Barrs’ attorney argued onappeal that Betty’s testimony should havebeen allowed, to no avail.As far as the courts are concerned, Barrs’case is over and done. Barrs rema<strong>in</strong>s determ<strong>in</strong>ed.<strong>The</strong>re are problems with Jackson’sconfessions that no one ever bothered topo<strong>in</strong>t out, he says, like Jackson’s account ofmeet<strong>in</strong>g up with Barrs on the even<strong>in</strong>g of therobbery. Accord<strong>in</strong>g to Jackson, Barrs wasdriv<strong>in</strong>g a 1961 Ford Falcon that night, butthat wasn’t possible; Barrs didn’t have a car<strong>in</strong> 1973. He had owned a Falcon <strong>in</strong> the lateSixties, but that car had been repossessed <strong>in</strong>1969. And although the police report notesthat f<strong>in</strong>gerpr<strong>in</strong>ts were collected from thescene that night, the pr<strong>in</strong>ts recovered did notmatch Barrs, Jackson, or Hopes.<strong>The</strong>re are other clues too, more difficult tofollow. On a recent morn<strong>in</strong>g, Barrs pulled“I’ll tell you, mygut feel<strong>in</strong>g is thatRonnie was thereand he was <strong>in</strong>volved.Based on what Iread and whatlittle I can actuallyremember. But youknow, who knows?”– APD InvestigatorRoy Napierfrom a stack of papers a soft and worn envelopepostmarked December 1978. Inside is aletter to Barrs, apparently written and signedby Jackson’s mother, Mary. She writes thatshe had tried to talk to Lee Lee and had evenread Barrs’ letter to him, “and he said he justdidn’t want to hear it. I wish I could help, Iwould. … I am sorry about all this, I dohope someth<strong>in</strong>g will help you.”Barrs says Mary Jackson’s letter was written<strong>in</strong> response to one he wrote that questionedwhy Jackson had lied about Barrs’ <strong>in</strong>volvement<strong>in</strong> the M<strong>in</strong>imax robbery; he believes herletter strongly suggests that Jackson knewwhat he had done. When asked recentlyabout the letter, Mary Jackson claimed shedid not remember gett<strong>in</strong>g any letter fromBarrs and denied writ<strong>in</strong>g the letter to him –although her other son, Donnie, presentwhen she read a copy of the letter <strong>in</strong> herEastside liv<strong>in</strong>g room, confirmed that it was<strong>in</strong>deed <strong>in</strong> his mother’s hand. Lee Lee Jacksondied nearly 17 years ago and took whateversecrets he might have heldwith him to the grave.Barrs rema<strong>in</strong>s undeterred.Dur<strong>in</strong>g a recent<strong>in</strong>terview, Marilyn Hopes,ex-wife of James Hopes,who also did time for the1973 crime, said that notlong after Hopes was sentto prison she confrontedJackson about his story ofwhat happened that night.“He admitted to me thathe did the robbery,” sherecalled – and furtheradmitted that he had liedabout Barrs and Hopes’<strong>in</strong>volvement. “He camestraight out and told methat,” she said. “I asked him … ‘Why wouldyou do your friend like that?’ He didn’t want togo to jail.” This is the k<strong>in</strong>d of lead that keepsBarrs go<strong>in</strong>g – and is the sort of <strong>in</strong>formation thatmight eventually help to clear his name, saysdefense attorney Hampton.At least it’s a start. Despite the odds, Barrsrema<strong>in</strong>s optimistic that he will discover thetruth about the 1973 M<strong>in</strong>imax robbery – atruth that he says will f<strong>in</strong>ally clear his name.Barrs says that’s been his s<strong>in</strong>gle goal s<strong>in</strong>ceJanuary 1974, when he went on trial. “I wassitt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the courtroom with a Bible,” herecalled recently. “I was hold<strong>in</strong>g this Bible; Iwas pray<strong>in</strong>g; I was th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g, ‘<strong>The</strong>re has got tobe a supreme judge somewhere, and he hasgot to look down here on me and tell me whatis go<strong>in</strong>g on because this isn’t right what isgo<strong>in</strong>g on here.’ And I was squeez<strong>in</strong>g that Bibleand a voice said, like, ‘release that Bible.’ AndI took my hands up and released it and it fellopen,” he says, releas<strong>in</strong>g his hands as heremembers the moment. <strong>The</strong> book opened tothe gospel of Matthew, Chapter 10, Verse 26.Barrs paraphrases: “It said there is noth<strong>in</strong>gcovered that shall not be revealed; there isnoth<strong>in</strong>g hid that shall not be made known.”He concludes, “What is whispered shall beproclaimed from the housetop.” EVERYONEIS DYINGTO READ...It is the time of the Great Depression.Thousands have left their homeslook<strong>in</strong>g for a better life, a new life.But Marcus Connelly is not one ofthem. 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