Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

Prodigious Songcraft Blooms in Sarah Jarosz - The Austin Chronicle

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musicRECOMMENDED EVENTS FOR JAN. 15 TO JAN. 21EDITED BY AUDRA SCHROEDERBlack Milk“Every artist had someone else who came beforethem, that <strong>in</strong>fluenced them and made them wantto do what they do. J Dilla was that artist for me.”Born <strong>in</strong> Detroit and raised on theDilla-produced Slum Village albumsthat have become synonymous withHitsville USA’s hip-hop sound, producer/MCBlack Milk, born CurtisCross, wears the comparisons likea badge of honor.“It’s a compliment when peoplecompare me to him and th<strong>in</strong>k Ican get close to the level of musiche’s on,” Milk admits. “I def<strong>in</strong>itelydon’t shy away from it. He was theperson to make me even want tostart mak<strong>in</strong>g beats. A lot of my earlierbeats sounded just like Dilla’smusic, too. As time’s gone on andI’ve learned more about music theory,music production, I’ve learnedto create my own lane.”Milk’s first ride <strong>in</strong> that lane cameon 2008’s Tronic, which found<strong>in</strong>-storesFriday: Serious Tracers, Simple Circuit,the Zoltars, Trailer Space, 7pmSaturday: Fight Amp, Big Fiction,Hooves Not Hands, Trailer Space, 7pmTuesday: Jack Toft & the Vegetables,Night Vik<strong>in</strong>g, No Mas Bodas, TrailerSpace, 7pmRed 7, Friday 15him dabbl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> live <strong>in</strong>strumentationand veer<strong>in</strong>g from the harddrums and Detroit sw<strong>in</strong>g of 2007’sPopular Demand. His upcom<strong>in</strong>gAlbum of the Year <strong>in</strong>tends to taketh<strong>in</strong>gs a step further. Milk’s beenwork<strong>in</strong>g closely with drummer DaruJames, part of Milk’s live act, andDetroit trumpeter Sam Beaubien’sfunk band the Will Sessions to createwhat he calls a “more organicsound than I’ve ever made before.”“<strong>The</strong> album will def<strong>in</strong>itely havemore of a live feel than anyth<strong>in</strong>gI’ve done before, even Tronic. Idon’t want people to be scared.I know the risks you take whenyou <strong>in</strong>corporate live music <strong>in</strong>tohip-hop. I made sure to keepthat ‘oomph’ com<strong>in</strong>g through thespeakers.” – Chase Hoffberger70 T H E A U S T I N C H R O N I C L E JANUARY 15, 2010 a u s t i n c h r o n i c l e . c o mlist<strong>in</strong>gsHAUNTING OBOEMUSICHole <strong>in</strong> the Wall, Friday 15<strong>The</strong> music of Aust<strong>in</strong>’s pop genrespannersneither featured an oboenor was especially haunt<strong>in</strong>g, but itmade great use of the quiet-loudformula. After five years and anambitious 2008 EP-a-month project,they’ve put out more music than mostbands do <strong>in</strong> a decade, so they’reallowed to call it quits. Give them onelast hurrah, as fellow locals ObsoleteMach<strong>in</strong>es, Salesman, and Monarchssee them out. – Audra SchroederAUSTIN VIDEOBEE JAMZSalvage Vanguard <strong>The</strong>ater,Saturday 16Aust<strong>in</strong> has become sort of amultimedia work <strong>in</strong> progress, withmusicians and artists high-fiv<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> the name of creativity. Aust<strong>in</strong>Video Bee’s semiannual video partyreturns <strong>in</strong> 2010 with works by SallyBergom, Leigh Brodie, Amanda Joy,Matti Sloman, Jamie Wentz, KateWatson, and Lee Webster, mirroredby performances from Daniel FrancisDoyle, Soft Healer, Silent Diane, andSunset. 8pm. – Audra SchroederGOODIE MOBEmo’s, Saturday 16<strong>The</strong> long-awaited October returnof Atlanta’s hip-hop foursome wasshelved for reasons unknown, butafter 14 years, what’s anotherthree months? Cee-Lo Green andcompany promised they’d be back,and this time they’re serv<strong>in</strong>g upmore Soul Food than a Sunday atHoover’s, a surefire way to rem<strong>in</strong>dall the Gnarls Barkley and OutKastfans what it means to be from theDirty South. Zeale and Phranchyzerep Texas. – Chase HoffbergerNO IDEA 2010 //SEEDS + SYSTEMSAust<strong>in</strong> Art & Music Partnership,Saturday 16This year, the local experimentalmusic fest redraws its map. <strong>The</strong> even<strong>in</strong>g,hosted by South Aust<strong>in</strong>’s AAMP,starts with Houstonians Dave Dove andLucas Gorham’s chewed and choppedre<strong>in</strong>terpretations of the music of DJScrew, followed by No Idea idea-ist/percussionist Chris Cogburn as a triowith fellow drummer Nick Hennies andPhilly guitarist Jesse Kudler. MexicoCity saxophonist Remi Alvarez freejazzduel<strong>in</strong>g with Oslo double bassistIngebrigt Håker Flaten and Dallas drummerStefan Gonzalez pops the thoughtbubble. 8pm. – Audra SchroederLAS CRAFTY FOXESTRAILER PARKPOTLUCKBeerland, Sunday 17While the idea of stuff<strong>in</strong>g your facewith fried th<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> the neon-lit conf<strong>in</strong>esof Beerland may not appeal to everyone,this night is for a good cause. Itbenefits the Capital Area Food Bank,so feel free to br<strong>in</strong>g an appropriatelytrailer-y dish, or a can of food, and thenenjoy the exquisite head-pound<strong>in</strong>gs ofBlack Panda, the No No No Hopes, theApe-Shits, and Will Work for Food.– Audra Schroeder| L - R: GOODIE MOB (SAT., 1/16) | MOVITS! (TUE., 1/19) | JEMINA PEARL (TUE., 1/19) | LISSIE (THU., 1/21)JEMINA PEARLEmo’s, Tuesday 19Although threaten<strong>in</strong>g “a bunchof Fleetwood Mac covers” at theMohawk <strong>in</strong> October, Jem<strong>in</strong>a Pearl<strong>in</strong>stead rocked the rest of her fallsolo debut, Break It Up, releasedon bud Thurston Moore’s EcstaticPeace impr<strong>in</strong>t through UniversalRecords. It z<strong>in</strong>ged major label, too,rem<strong>in</strong>iscent of Be Your Own Pet, earlystomp<strong>in</strong>g grounds of the firebrandvocalist and guitarist John Eatherly.<strong>The</strong>y’re <strong>in</strong>die rock’s Stevie Nicks andL<strong>in</strong>dsey Buck<strong>in</strong>gham, Deborah Harryand Chris Ste<strong>in</strong>, Chrissie Hynde andJames Honeyman-Scott. White Dressopens.– Raoul HernandezLISSIECentral Presbyterian Church,Thursday 21Born <strong>in</strong> Ill<strong>in</strong>ois but bred on theWest Coast, Lissie possesses thesame soulful spirit and powerfulvoice of another wanderer: NekoCase. Lissie’s 2009 debut EP, WhyYou Runn<strong>in</strong>’ (Fat Possum), producedby Band of Horses bassistBill Reynolds, threads Americanathrough Midwestern and Californianpatchworks, reflect<strong>in</strong>g the samepromise as new songstresses likeAlela Diane. – Doug FreemanBY AUDRA SCHROEDER soundcheckCONTINENTAL CLUB’S22ND ANNIVERSARYCont<strong>in</strong>ental Club, Friday 15Houston’s Light Rock Express andDisco Expressions give the dancefloor Friday night fever. Free!RAY WYLIE HUBBARDCD RELEASEAntone’s, Friday 15See “Texas Platters,” p.48.RIVERBOAT GAMBLERS, UME,SHAPES HAVE FANGS,THE ALTARSRed 7, Saturday 16Punk rock four-square with a fewsk<strong>in</strong>ned knees.MONAHANS, SAD ACCORDIONS,FRANK SMITH<strong>The</strong> Ghost Room, Saturday 16Y’all-ternative nation.MOVITS!Mohawk, Tuesday 19Hot, nerdy Swedes do jazz-hop.Swoon alert! Zorch opens.ACID REFLUXBeerland, Wednesday 20Limp Wrist offshoot feels the burnwith Mammoth Gr<strong>in</strong>der, You People,and Chest Pa<strong>in</strong>.POSSESSED BY PAUL JAMES,JOHN SCHOOLEYMohawk, Wednesday 20One-man exorcism, with the noirsounds of Dikes of Holland.PATTY GRIFFINParamount <strong>The</strong>atre, Thursday 21See “Texas Platters,” p.48.live music venues roadshows + club list<strong>in</strong>gs p.74p.72Black Milkand doughnuts ataust<strong>in</strong>chronicle.com/earache

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