Community Safety And The Protecting Our ... - Auckland Council

Community Safety And The Protecting Our ... - Auckland Council

Community Safety And The Protecting Our ... - Auckland Council

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qqqqqqExpand HIPPY programme to other communities in Waitakere - it’s been shown toworkDevelop special parenting and support programmes for young parents and especiallyyoung men (pre and postnatally) as they are most at riskNeed to ensure those outside of the education sector and/or in alternative educationare receiving effective “life skills” training – about being a good person, a goodparent and a good citizen. About making sure these young people are having theirwider needs addressed – self esteem, education, basic work skills training, culturalfoundations, and broader life skills (money, relationships, good parenting, what theycould be and how they could get there)• at risk teens are the parents of tomorrow (need to know about what harm theycan do to their babies from smoking, drinking, drugs etc)• “Life Skills” education around parenting should also be more effectivelyincorporated into the mainstream education systemDevelop/distribute a series of brochures for what/how to protect your child, what todo if you’re feeling aggressive, how to be the mum you want to be, alternatives tosmacking etc• use cartoon pictures• keep things simple• available in lots of languages• circulate widely via early childhood centres (private/public/community sector),well child providers, GPs, schoolsIncrease community knowledge about little children via parentingprogrammes/discussion groups• go to places where parents are/will be ie. schools, preschools, childcare, sportsclubs, churches, Plunket…try to get groups meeting on a long term basis to buildup trust, relationships and local social support networks• take on a “train the trainer” approach – teach locals how to teach others aboutgood parenting…about local capacity building, ensuring skills remain at the locallevel• early childhood centres (public and private) could run courses for the parents ofchildren that attend their centres which focused on:• expectations of what children can do when• how to talk to children, how to play with them, how to enjoy them• strategies for discipline, including alternatives to smacking and what to dowhen they make you angry• toilet training• how to teach children to read, be creative etc• healthy eating ideasMentoring - set young mothers up with mother/grandmother figure to act as aninformal support/mentor. Can help provide stability, oversight on parenting and intimes of stress/crisis can help out with care of childrenPAGE 43

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