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VOL. YIn NO.3THE ARCTIC CIRCULARPresented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of HerMajesty. London: Printed by George Edward Eyre and WilliamSpottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, ForHer Majesty's Stationery Office. 1875.(40 pp.) Great Britain, Parliament, Sessional Papers, House ofCommons, Accounts and Papers, 1875, No. I C.-1l53./, Vol. XLV,pp. 523-62. - ­187Sb Chart to Accompany Papers and Correspondence Relating to theEquipment and Fitting out of the <strong>Arctic</strong> Expedition of 1875.Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of HerMajesty. London: Printed by George Ed ward Eyre and WilliamSpottiswoode, Printers to the Queen1s Most Excellent Majesty. ForHer Majesty's Stationery Office. 1875.(2. pp... chart). Great Britain, Parliament, Sessional Papers,House of Commons, Accounts and Papers, 1875, No. / C. -1153. -1.1,Vol. XLV, pp. 563-6. -­1875. 1 <strong>Arctic</strong> Expedition. Supplementary Estimate of Her Majesty's Navy,for the Year 1874-75. An Estimate of the Sum required to defraythe Charges on account of the <strong>Arctic</strong> Expedition which sha.1l comein course of Payment in the Year ending the 31st March 1875.(Presented to Parliament by Her Majesty's Command.)Ordered, by <strong>The</strong> House of Commons, to be Printed, 15 February1875.(4 pp.) Great Britain, Parliament, Sessional Papers, House ofCommons,Accounts and Papers, 1875, No. 44, Vol. XLV, pp.2.31-4.//" ./•I1876 <strong>Arctic</strong> Expedition. Further Papers and Correspondence in Continuationof Parliamentary Paper rCa -1153.7 of 1875.Presented to both Houses of Pa-;:liament by Command of HerMajesty. Admiralty, July 1876. London: Printed by George EdwardEyre and William Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen's Most ExcellentMajesty. For Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1876.1. <strong>The</strong> title given on the back page of 1875c adds: " •••under Votes1,2, 5, 6, 7, 10, Section 1.;10 Section n.; 12., and 14 of theAnnual Estimates of Her Majesty's Navy."

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