Quarter 2 - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Quarter 2 - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

Quarter 2 - Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

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Workforce Management2nd <strong>Quarter</strong> FY13Filled Position Tracking1250123012101190117011501. A S O N D J F M A M JFY13 Target for Filled Positions = 1195Filled Positions as of December 2013 = 1172Average Monthly Sick Leave UsagePer EmployeeFY13FY12TargetFilledJ A S O N D J F M A M JPositions Filled by Hires/PromotionsFY13-YTDPromotions / Transfers (33)60%40%Hires (22)Pr/Trns Hires TotalFY10 66 (76%) 21 (24%) 87FY11 48 (62%) 30 (38%) 78FY12 42 (61%) 27 (39%) 69In FY13, the average quarterly sick leave usage has increased 1.14% from thesame time last year.Number ofAnnualized AnnualEmployees YTD Total FMLA % FY12A&F 189 7.05 14.10 23.6% 8.18Aff. Action 6 9.74 19.48 61.2% 13.14Executive 5 2.16 4.32 0.0% 6.53Int. Audit 8 5.19 10.37 24.8% 5.94Law 16 6.04 12.07 41.9% 11.25OEP 3 4.88 9.77 0.0% 5.21Operations 920 4.78 9.57 25.6% 8.81Planning 21 3.15 6.30 26.0% 6.58Pub. Affs. 13 4.35 8.70 0.0% 7.81MWRA Avg 1181 4.65 9.31 25.6% 8.69Percent of sick leave usage attributable to Family and Medical Leave Act(FMLA) leave is 25.3% ending December 31, 2012.Field OperationsOvertime Expenditure VarianceDeer Island Treatment PlantOvertime Expenditure Variance$400,000$350,000$300,000$250,000$200,000$150,000$100,000$50,000$0J A S O N D J F M A M JBudgetActual$400,000$350,000$300,000$250,000$200,000$150,000$100,000$50,000$0J A S O N D J F M A M JBudgetActualTotal Overtime for Field Operations in December was $154,450which is ($40k) under budget. Emergency overtime was $86k, whichwas ($12k) under budget. The lion's share of overtime for themonth, $81k, was for Hurricane Sandy, emergency operations andemergency maintenance totalled $48k for non‐sandy relatedovertime. Coverage overtime was $35k, which was ($10k) underbudget. Vacation coverage was $17k; sick coverage was $7k;vacancy coverage was $3k. Planned overtime was $33k or ($18k)under budget. Of that amount, half‐plant operations at JCWTP was$32k, planned operations was $18k, maintenance off hours workwas $14k.Deer Island's total overtime expenditure in December 2012 was $53K, whichwas ($48K) or (47.1%) under budget. The variance is mainly attributable toless than anticipated storm coverage requirement, ($40K). The budgetprojected 1,091 hours of storm coverage when only 203 actual hours wererequired. In addition, planned/unplanned overtime is under budget ($21K)due to Management continued efforts to control overtime spending byallowing overtime to for maintenance or repair of critical equipment only.This is partially offset by higher than anticipated shift coverage overtime,$14K. All other overtime was ($1K) under budget40

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