Hitachi's Silver Lining - Pdworld.com

Hitachi's Silver Lining - Pdworld.com

Hitachi's Silver Lining - Pdworld.com

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al area for VolvoBill Law, Volvo’s Global Director for External Communicationsrecycling line-up in the nearest future?I’m afraid I can’t go into specifics. We try to avoidmaking announcements about future product developmentuntil we are ready to take them to market.But that said, we are <strong>com</strong>mitment to customers inthis sector and will endeavour to provide them with<strong>com</strong>plete solutions for this important segment. Thiswill, of course, mean new products will be added tothis range over time.Let’s talk a little bit about a rather controversialsubject of ultra high-reach demolition applications(over 40 meters). Some manufacturers feel thatit’s dangerous to go beyond the 40-meter thresholdbecause it may jeopardize both the operator and themachine, and they refuse to build such machines ona serial basis. What is Volvo’s position on it?Safety is a core value of Volvo ConstructionEquipment and no one has a better reputation in theautomotive industry. We don’t believe that there is anarbitrary height at which machines be<strong>com</strong>e ineffective.What is important is that the machines are designedto work safely at their intended height – whatever thatheight is. Safety is our top priority and we have someof most talented and experienced experts who reallyunderstand the key issues of designing demolitionmachines that work at extreme heights.What is your outlook on the demolition industry?Do you feel that this business is now past therecession and growing?The demolition segment is set to improve on theIssue 2 • May - June 2011 • PDi 45

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