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Hitachi's Silver Lining - Pdworld.com

Hitachi's Silver Lining - Pdworld.com

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JCB Equipment steps forward at futuristic waste facilityA pioneering waste treatment and recycling firmhas purchased five JCB Wastemaster modelsto enhance productivity at its state-of-the-artmechanical and biological treatment (MBT) plantin Leicestershire.New Earth Solutions has bought the machines– a JCB JS220 Materials Handler, a JCB 541-70 Loadall telescopic handler, a JCB 180 skidsteer loader and two JCB 426 wheeled loadingshovels – to perform waste rehandling duties atits new Cotesbach MBT plant near Lutterworth.Focused on technologies and processes,which recover value from waste and reduceits impact on the environment, New EarthSolutions opened the revolutionary facility inOctober 2010.The site uses the latest mechanical sortingequipment, advanced bio-filters and automatedmonitoring and control systems,with all processes fully enclosed. It has thecapacity to process 50,000 t per year ofwaste wand is underpinned by a contract withLafarge Aggregates Ltd to treat Leicestershire’shousehold waste over a 5 - 7 year period.Graham Roberts, New Earth Solutions’ SiteManager at Cotesbach, said: “We assessed theavailable equipment on the market and the JCBWastemaster package met our requirementsfor performance, service support and cost. Themachines are performing well and contributingto the ambitious overall efficiency targets at thisbrand new site.”The JCB models are forming an integralpart of operations, with the JCB JS220 MaterialsHandler initially used to select and load waste intothe hopper, which feeds through to the sortingplant. Operating in confined spaces, the JCBLoadall and skid steer loader are then used tohandle the recycled material.www.jcb.<strong>com</strong>New Generation Eagle 2 MBIShears from INMALOInternational Marketers (London) Limited(INMALO), the sole UK importer for the ItalianMantovanibenne (MBI) range of excavator attachments,has introduced the new Eagle 2 rangeof MBI shears for the demolition and recyclingindustries. Superseding the Eagle 1 series, Eagle2 spans operating weights from the 160kg SH10to the SH900, which weighs 10.2t. Carrier machineweights are from 2 – 250t. In developmentfor 2011 are the SH1500 and the SH2500, 15and 25t shears respectively.Developments on the Eagle 2 range includedouble adjuster guide rams, a new jaw, powervalves for shorter cycle times, fully butting bladesand front cutter, larger cylinders and 360°dampened hydraulic rotation, which prolongsmotor life. The range also includes non-rotatingmodels of between 1.7 and 8.5t. An optionalbolt-on piercing tip is available.Recycling success withnew lokotrack St3.5Metso’s mobile screen Lokotrack ST3.5 hasproven its efficiency in a demanding screeningproject involving rock-based recycling materialsin Italy. In Pollenza, south of Rimini, ST3.5classifies difficult, rock-based recycle materialswith a capacity of about 1,000 t/day. Thanksto the optional vibrating grid, the screenedend products remain consistently very clean.Re.i.cal., a family owned <strong>com</strong>pany,operates a stationary quarry for producingaggregates needed for concrete. A few yearsago the <strong>com</strong>pany expanded its operations torecycling. “We plan to use our Lokotrack ST3.5both in recycling and quarrying. Thanks to its<strong>com</strong>pact size, the unit can be easily transportedon a normal trailer, which is a big plus for us,”says Re.i.cal managing director Andrea Renzi.“Our first impression of ST3.5 is very positive,thanks to the quality <strong>com</strong>ponents, sturdy designand ease of use. In recycling, having a smallshredder before the mobile screen is like a Fiat62 PDi • Issue 2 • May - June 2011<strong>com</strong>peting with a Ferrari, so we cannot verifythe full capacity of the ST3.5 yet.”An optional, vibrating grid is available forthe Lokotrack ST3.5. In quarrying, it results inquicker feeding and reduces the need to tilt thegrid for cleaning. In recycling, the main benefit isin securing the cleanness of the end products.“The vibrating grid effectively separateswood, plastic and other scrap from the feed,giving us much cleaner screened end products.By choosing different grid mesh sizes, wecan also easily adjust and control the feedsize to the screen,” says recycling managerMassimo Renzi.With the ST3.5 mobile screen, the upperscreen deck houses a 30 mm mesh size, andthe lower deck 5 mm. Oversized materialsseparated by the grid are returned to the crushingstage. Fed by the small Italian shredder, theoutput in recycling is about 130t/h.The Lokotrack ST3.5 used by Re.i.cal.also features separate remote radio controlsfor the mobile screen and the vibrating grid,allowing total steering and adjustment of thescreening process easily from the excavatoror front-end-loader cabins.Making sand from glassThe production of sand by recycling glass is adeveloping market in Australia, and Alex Fraserhas been supplying asphalt plants for five to sixyears with product from various crushing methods.After an impressive couple of months usinga rented Pilot Crushtec TwisterTrac AC210, theAlex Fraser group purchased one of their own.The <strong>com</strong>pany’s recycling project managerBrent Alford says that Alex Fraser has investedconsiderable time and money into the researchand development of recycled glass sand as aviable product, and there is still a long roadahead. “We are in the development stagesof releasing a high quality sand replacementproduct into the market and the TwisterTrac wasan integral part of the crushing, screening andcleaning process that we have put together,”says Alford.Working in conjunction with other crushingequipment, the TwisterTrac produces twoproducts at the moment, recycled sand ofminus 10mm and recycled sand of minus5mm.The material used for making sandwould normally have gone to landfill. “It is nowthe case that recycled concrete is seen as anequivalent product to the virgin rock product itis <strong>com</strong>peting with. Recycled sand has alreadymet with considerable success as we recentlydelivered recycled sand to a large pipe lineproject where our product was <strong>com</strong>paredfavourably to the best pipe bedding sand fromlocal sand quarries,” says Alford.

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