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Edge Services Corp. of Batavia, Ohio, be<strong>com</strong>es the first contractorto be certified at Level 1 of the association’s Company CertificationProgram. The 3-tier programme has been developed by the CSDACertification Committee for cutting contractors to provide owners,architects, engineers, general contractors and government officialswith a valuable prequalification tool and to enhance the publicimage of concrete cutter.www.csda.orgCSDA Elects 2011 Board and OfficersIn the US the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association has announcedthe 2011 Board members who were elected at the 39thAnnual CSDA Convention and Tech Fair, held on 10-12 March,2011 in Bonita Springs, Florida.Six Board members, whose terms expire in 2013, were elected.They are Roger Allen, Diamond Tools Technology, Buffalo Grove,Illinois; Ty Conner, Austin Enterprise, Bakersfield, California; MikeGreene, Greene’s, Inc., Woods Cross, Utah; Larry Liddle, DiamondProducts, Elyria, Ohio; Kellie Vazquez, Holes Incorporated, Houston,Texas and Kevin Warnecke, ICS, Blount Inc., Portland, Oregon.Returning for the second year of their term are Kevin Baron,Western Saw, Inc., Oxnard, California; Tim Beckman, Cutting EdgeServices Corp., Batavia, Ohio; Steve Garrison, Hilti, Inc., SantaFe Springs, California; Donna Harris, Concrete Renovation, SanAntonio, Texas; Ron Rapper, Husqvarna Construction Products,Olathe, Kansas and Jack Sondergard, Central Concrete Cutting,Inc., Edgar, Wisconsin.CSDA ConventionAttendance Up 30%Attendance rose 30% from last year’s convention as contractorsand manufacturers from the concrete sawing and drilling industrygathered in Bonita Springs, Florida from 8 - 12 March for the 39thAnnual Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association (CSDA) Conventionand Tech Fair. Included in the large number of attendees werenew members, first-time attendees and many Past Presidents ofthe association. This diverse group made for much sharing ofinformation, exchanging of ideas and networking.A keynote presentation was given by Clint Longenecker,Ph.D., entitled The Two-Minute Drill, a leadership practice based onAmerican football. Longenecker’s presentation was well receivedand some CSDA members are already taking steps to implementThe Two-Minute Drill into their businesses. “I was so inspired by theseminar that I could not wait to get back to the office and utilizesome of the tools that were provided. I learned that it is importantto have solid leadership, a solid plan and consistent follow-throughin order for any change to work,” says Paul DeAndrea of DeAndreaCoring & Sawing, Inc. in Henderson, Colorado.Concrete cutters, and manufacturers who supply contractorswith diamond tools, came looking for ways to improve and growtheir businesses as signs of an economic recovery begin to appear.The number of exhibitors at the CSDA Tech Fair also increasedfrom 2010, with 24% more <strong>com</strong>panies on hand to meet one-ononewith contractors in a more intimate and informal manner thanlarge trade shows. New products and services from exhibitors82 PDi • Issue 2 • May - June 2011“I’m really happy to have been re-elected to serve a secondterm as a member of the CSDA Board of Directors,” said KellieVazquez. “This is a great opportunity to work with my peers andcontinue to advance and shape the industry in which we work. Iam also part of the CSDA Next Generation group, and so I will beworking hard to get more younger concrete cutters involved in theassociation’s <strong>com</strong>mittees and events.”The CSDA Officers were also present at the event. JimDvoratchek, Hard Rock Concrete Cutters, Wheeling, Illinois, returnsfor his second stint as CSDA President, having last held the positionin 1999-2000. Judith O’Day, Terra Diamond Industrial, Salt LakeCity, Utah now serves as Vice President while Mike Orzechowski,DITEQ Corporation, Lee’s Summit, Missouri, takes up the role ofSecretary/Treasurer. Doug Walker, Atlantic Concrete Cutting, Inc.,Mount Holly, New Jersey, serves as Past President and PatrickO’Brien continues to serve as Executive Director.www.csda.orgsparked much interest from attendees, and led to sales. First-timeTech Fair exhibitor Markus Bartl of Expert Equipment Company inHouston, Texas, was pleased with the event. “It turned out to bea very successful exhibition, as I was able to connect with manyleading professionals in the industry from all over the country. Whatsurprised me was the friendly and cordial relationship betweenexhibitors—even among direct <strong>com</strong>petitors. More importantly,however, I took orders.”The CSDA Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to PastPresident Ron Van Zee of Diamond Concrete Sawing, Grand Rapids,Michigan, for his outstanding contribution to the association and theindustry as a whole. In<strong>com</strong>ing CSDA President, Jim Dvoratchek ofHard Rock Concrete Cutters, Inc., Wheeling, Illinois was wel<strong>com</strong>edas the new president at the event, and an award was given tooutgoing president, Doug Walker of Atlantic Concrete Cutting, Inc.,Mount Holly, New Jersey, for his service to the association. Outgoingmembers of the CSDA Board of Directors were also recognized.The members and staff of CSDA will now turn their attentionto planning for the 2012 Convention in Maui, Hawaii, which willmark the association’s 40th anniversary and is expected to draw aneven bigger crowd than the 2011 event. Next year’s convention isscheduled for 7-9 March, 2012 at the Sheraton Maui.www.csda.orgCertification ProvidesCompanies with a Cutting EdgeConcrete Sawing and Drilling Association (CSDA) member CuttingNew Certification Programmefor Reuse andRecycling of BuildingThe CORR programme is a national third-party certificationprogramme designed to verify building materials debris reuse andrecycling rates by construction and demolition (C&D) reuse andrecycling facilities operating in the USA. The CORR certificationstandards were developed by the Construction Materials RecyclingAssociation (CMRA) and a stakeholder group involving environmentalnon-profits, architects, academia, government agencies andthe recycling industry. The CORR will provide the C&D reuse andrecycling industry with a means to <strong>com</strong>municate their managementof construction-related materials debris to the general public andthe construction industry. It will provide confidence to the generalpublic and the construction industry of the reuse and recyclingrates reported by C&D reuse and recycling facilities. The goals ofthe certification program include:• Provide a procedure for accurately accounting for thematerials inputs and outputs of a C&D reuse or recycling facility.• To provide an objective and transparent process for eligiblefirms seeking to <strong>com</strong>municate their reuse and recycling of C&Dmaterials.• To provide users of certified facilities an assurance that theprocedures and reuse and recycling declarations are consistentlyapplied and verified.The certification begins with an application by the firm, andeither the qualification of procedures in place, or establishing theprocedures required to measure and report the facility’s materialsflow. The certification process includes site visit(s) and the verificationby a third-party certification entity of the quantities and types ofreused or recycled materials produced by the facility on a monthlyand annual basis. Outputs are classified as:• Reuse • Recycle• Bio-Fuel • Alternative Daily Cover• DisposalNSWMA/CMRA announceconstruction and demolitionwood fuel specificationsThe Construction Materials Recycling Association (CMRA) and theNational Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA), workedtogether to develop viable, in-use construction and demolition (C&D)wood fuel specifications. The specifications are based on industryexperience, permit requirements for boilers using C&D wood as afuel stock and regulatory requirements governing the use of thismaterial. The specifications provide real world guidance on whatworks in the marketplace for C&D wood fuel buyers (boiler ownersand operators) and sellers (C&D wood processors). C&D woodis generated at construction and demolition sites and processedthroughout the U.S. by dedicated C&D processors. The processedwood is turned into a variety of end products, one of the mostvaluable of which is a fuel stock.www.cdrecycling.org

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