9XTend-PKG-R™ RS-232/485 RF Modem

9XTend-PKG-R™ RS-232/485 RF Modem

9XTend-PKG-R™ RS-232/485 RF Modem

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<strong>9XTend</strong>‐<strong>PKG</strong>‐R <strong>RS</strong>‐<strong>232</strong>/<strong>485</strong> <strong>RF</strong> <strong>Modem</strong> – Product Manual v1.2.45.3. Acknowledged ModeAttributes:Reliable delivery through positive acknowledgements for each packetThroughput, latency and jitter vary depending on the quality of the channel andthe strength of the signal.Required Parameter Values (TX <strong>Modem</strong>): RR (Retries) >= 1Related Commands: Networking (DT, MK, RR), Serial Interfacing (PK, RN, RO, RB, TT)Recommended Use: Use for applications that require Reliable Delivery. If messages are smallerthan 256 bytes, use RB and RO commands to align <strong>RF</strong> packets to application packets.5.3.1. Connection SequenceEvents up through the ‘TransmitPacket’ process are common toall three <strong>RF</strong> CommunicationOptions. Refer to the TransmitMode section [p14] for moreinformation.Figure 5‐04. Acknowledged Mode State DiagramAfter sending a packet while inacknowledged mode, thetransmitting modem listens foran acknowledgement. If itreceives the ACK, it will eithermove on to sending asubsequent packet (if moretransmit data is pending), or willwait for exactly RN random delayslots before allowing anothertransmission (if no more data ispending to be transmitted).If the transmitting modem doesnot receive the ACK within theallotted time, it will retransmitthe packet with a new <strong>RF</strong>initializer following the ACK slot.There is no delay between thefirst ACK slot and the firstretransmission. Subsequentretransmissions incur a delay ofa random number of delay slots,between 0 and RN. If RN is setto 0 on the transmitting modem,there are never any back-offdelays between retransmissions.Note that during back-off delays, the transmitting modem will go into Idle Mode and may receive<strong>RF</strong> data. This can have the effect of increasing the back-off delay, as the radio cannot return to<strong>RF</strong> transmit (or retransmit) mode as long as it is receiving <strong>RF</strong> data.After receiving and acknowledging a packet, the receiving modem will move to the nextfrequency and listen for either a retransmission or new data, for a specific period of time. Even ifthe transmitting modem has indicated that it has no more pending transmit data, it may have notreceived the previous ACK, and so may retransmit the packet, possibly with no delay after theACK slot. In this case, the receiving modem will always detect the immediate retransmission,which will hold off the communications channel and thereby reduce collisions. Receiving modemsacknowledge each retransmission they receive, but they only pass the first copy of a packet theyreceive out the UART.© 2005 MaxStream, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary 43

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