簡報會報告附錄 - Our Harbour Front

簡報會報告附錄 - Our Harbour Front

簡報會報告附錄 - Our Harbour Front

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1 您 認 為 建 議 發 展 大 綱 圖 及 相 關 分 區 計 劃 大 綱 圖 的 修 訂 建 議 能 反 映 建 立 共 識 階 段 時 所達 成 的 共 識 或 大 多 數 公 眾 的 觀 點 ?Do you think the proposals illustrated in the RODP and the proposed amendments torelevant OZPs reflect the consensus reached or majority public views on the ConceptPlan expressed at the Realization Stage?• There were quite a few members that had attended the previous public engagementexercises and there were some members who attended the public briefing for thefirst time.• The Group members generally agreed that the views of the public wereincorporated in the RODP, especially members that had attended previousworkshops and charrettes.• However, some members had the following concerns regarding the RODP withmembers expressing different views;1. The increase in traffic congestion and resultant air and noise pollution as aresult of the CWB, Road P2 and the proposed slip roads.2. The increase in surface road footprint along the harbourfront and its impact onsterilizing the surrounding land uses.3. The lack of proper land water interface to support marine uses therebyresulting in a less vibrant and attractive harbourfront.4. The need for more experiential and quality pedestrian connections withadditional north-south linkages from the hinterland and east-west mobilityalong the continuous waterfront promenade.5. The need for proper management and scope for flexibility and change duringimplementation of the CWB and related harbourfront enhancement includingtemporary measures to enable people to enjoy the harbourfront even before thecompletion of the CWB.2 在 設 計 及 落 實 建 議 初 段 , 您 認 為 有 些 什 麼 事 項 要 特 別 留 意 呢 ?What issues do you think are of critical importance and have to be addressed in theearly stages of design and implementation?• Some members felt that traffic congestion in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay areascould increase as a result of the CWB, P2 and the related slip roads therebyincreasing the noise and air pollution especially near North Point when the CWBjoins the IEC a concern expressed by residents of the area. To this a governmentofficial emphasized that the number of slip roads were fewer than before and thatthe traffic will be taken away from the districts as a result of the slip roads to whichsome members did not agree.• Some members felt that the CWB was conceived to reduce traffic congestion, but2

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