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April 2<strong>01</strong>1 Page 21Tel: <strong>01</strong>923 272960GROCERY - NON-FOODEmail: grocery@flame1.comRB LAUNCHES£10M DETTOL’S MISSION FOR HEALTH CAMPAIGNMarch 2<strong>01</strong>1 saw the launch ofDettol’s Mission for Health campaignwhich is set to promote a healthierenvironment in the home, in the communityand beyond. The campaignwill be backed by the biggest everlaunch programme to drive consumerand shopper engagement.The campaign kicked off on 1stMarch behind initiatives such asDettol’s new mums programme,healthy habits lessons in schools or apartnership with Save the Children.This campaign is supported with targetednational and regional activityon TV, in print, Social Marketing,online, at key events across thecountry and importantly in store.Dettol’s Mission for Health campaignrolls out a set of initiatives thatsee Dettol going above and beyondstandard hygiene education byreaching out to mums, teachers andthe wider community to raise awarenesson the simple ways we can allpromote a healthier environmentaround us.Healthcare experts Dr DawnHarper, a GP from Channel 4’s‘Embarrassing Bodies and ITV’s ‘ThisMorning’, BBC’s hygiene expert DrLisa Ackerley and Prima Baby residentexpert midwife Nikki Khan aresupporting the campaign“Since its launch in 1933 Dettol hasgrown to be a global brand that isrecognised in more than 60 countriesaround the world. Trust in the brandhas allowed Dettol to grow from itsinitial first aid position to a brandwith more than 40 products. Today,Dettol is not just about effectivecleaning, we want to do more for anhealthy environment. In 2<strong>01</strong>1 OurMission for Health campaign will seeus taking additional steps to partnerwith mums, teachers and Save TheChildren to bring this commitment tolife, through a series of exciting andinnovative initiatives,” said StefanGaa, Marketing Director, RB UK.Reckitt Benckiser (RB)www.RB.COMSCA CELEBRATESYEAR ONE SUCCESS FOR CUSHELLE® TOILET TISSUEIt’s official; Cushellehas cemented its place asthe nation’s fastestgrowing premium brandtoilet tissue. Following asuccessful brand migrationfrom Charmin toCushelle®, the impressiveresults achieved during thefirst phase of its migrationare planned to be echoedas the brand enters thefinal phase of the migrationthis month with anew-look Cushelle pack.The new-look packsretain Cushelle’s familiar‘white out of purple’ colourscheme and feature arevised logo which reinforces thebrand’s “irresistibly cushiony softness”USP and up-weights itspremium credentials. The packs areavailable now across all stores.The loveable Cushelle® koala hasalso been developed into a more distinctivebrand icon, which researchhas shown connects well with consumers,creating further standout andcharacter for the brand.The success experienced as a resultof the integrated marketing campaign,put in place during phase oneof the migration, saw value grow by17.6% to a share of 5.1% and volumeincrease by 21.6% to a share of 4.6%(IRI data 52 w/e 22 January 2<strong>01</strong>1). A£6.5 million multi media campaigndeveloped for the final phase willinclude a new national TV advertisingcampaign and will besupported by both PR and promotionalmarketing.“Since the migration activity beganalmost 12 months ago, we have seenexceptional growth for Cushelle,”comments Richard Nall, MarketingDirector at SCA. “At the beginning of2<strong>01</strong>0, Charmin was in decline.Following the multi-media marketingsupport behind phase one of themigration, this activity has beenhugely successful in driving householdpenetration, enabling us to meetall of our initial objectives. As weenter the final phase of the brandmigration, we’re planning to build onthis success and drive further growth.“The new packaging features cleardifferentiation of brand variants andgives us a significantly stronger shelfpresence in store which will enable usto appeal to a wider audience. Ourresearch has shown that the newpackaging resonates strongly withtarget consumers who state that thenew look makes the brand moreappealing and highlights its cushionysoftness credentials.”In March 2<strong>01</strong>0, SCA announced amajor re-invigoration of the Charminbrand, which took place as part of theagreement with P&G, forged duringSCA’s acquisition of the brand in2007.Cushelle comes in Standard White(4, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24 or 32 roll),Supersize roll (4, 6, 9 rolls), StandardHoney (4 or 24 rolls) and Fresh Linen(4 rolls).The toilet tissue category is worthover £1bn (Source: IRI to 22 January2<strong>01</strong>1)Cushelle®www.cushelle.comSCAwww.sca.comA NATURAL FIT FOR HUGGIES®Kimberly-Clark has re-launched its Huggies® Natural Fit superb dryness and a super comfy 'no-nappy' feeling.nappies, the first nappy brand to offer organic cotton and Supporting the launch of Huggies® Natural Fit nappies,Vitamin E.Kimberly-Clark has launched an integrated marketing campaignincluding the Cuddle Up tour, which will be visitingNew and improved Huggies® Natural Fit nappies providegreat comfort and care for your baby’s delicate skin while the supermarkets nationwide over the next few months.integrated waistband and stretchy ears give a great fit for Brand manager Jennifer Beral said: “To let mums and littleones experience the cuddle soft comfort and care ofHuggies® Natural Fit nappies we’re currently touringthe country with our Cuddle Up campaign.“Alongside a dedicated website (www.cuddleup.co.uk)and sampling activities we will be staging aseries of augmented reality experiences from ourCuddle Up booth, which is a first for Huggies®. Thebooth transports mum and baby into a virtualHuggies® Cuddle Up world and there are some greatprizes up for grabs.“Our aim is to provide a unique experience to helpus engage with consumers, and we’re delighted thatthe first event was a huge success. Cuddle Up eventswill take place nationwide throughout spring.”Spring is finally on its way, andthis traditional cleaning period is theperfect opportunity to freshen uphomes and prepare for the warmermonths ahead.For Spring 2<strong>01</strong>1 Bentley has teamedup with popular disinfectant brandZoflora to offer customers the chanceto win a set of stylish antibacterialHourGlass products together with thebeautiful odour eliminating Zolforadisinfectants that are ideal to use allaround the home.Bentley and Zoflora are offeringcustomers the chance to win 1 of the‘Spring clean’ kits worth £60 (RRP)online (www.bentleybrushware.co.ukor www.zoflora.co.uk) these kitsshould certainly help make cleaningas easy and pleasurable as possible!This brand partnership crosspromotes two essential productranges during a key promotionalperiod.Zoflorawww.zoflora.co.ukwww.bentleybrushware.co.ukOral-B®, the leading brandwithin the UK toothbrush market,has launched ‘Britain’s Brush’, afully integrated campaign, with anon-pack promotion, TV advertising,a media partnership with theSunday Mirror, title sponsorship ofNational Smile Month, as well asonline, print, radio, in-store andstrong consumer and trade PRactivity.Until May 2<strong>01</strong>1, the Oral-B®Professional Care 500 will be brandedwith the Union Jack along with a compellingnew claim that ‘9 out of 10people Oral-B power brush userswouldn’t go back to their ordinarytoothbrush’. The patriotic campaignhas been created to communicate theimportance of a good oral care regimeto get the nation smiling, and in turnsupport sales of Oral-B® rechargeabletoothbrushes.Helen Johnson, Oral Care BusinessLeader at Procter & Gamble, says “Weconducted research amongst Oral-B®rechargeable toothbrush users andfound that nine out of ten peoplewouldn’t go back to their ordinarytoothbrush, which prompted a greatidea for a commercial initiative! We’vefocused the campaign on the Oral-B®Professional Care 500 as sales havedoubled since 2008. With this in mind,we challenge retailers to join the campaignand stock up now to takeadvantage of any additional sales thatwill occur as a result of our ‘Britain’sBrush’ activity.”• 3D cleaning action whichoscillates, pulsates and cupseach tooth removing up to twiceas much plaque as a regularmanual toothbrush• Includes one charging stand, onePrecision Clean brush head andone Floss Action brush head• Professional 4x 30” timer: for aprecise and thorough cleaning• Removed twice as much plaquevs. an ordinary manual toothbrush• Available for £22.50 on half priceuntil May 2<strong>01</strong>1Oral-Bwww.oralb.com/ukHuggies®www.huggiesclub.co.ukKimberley-ClarkTel: <strong>01</strong>732 594000SPRING CLEAN WITH BENTLEY AND ZOFLORAORAL-B URGESRETAILERS TO SUPPORT BRITAIN’S BRUSH!WWW.GROCERYTRADER.CO.UK/NONFOOD

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