The Hamlet Herald - Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

The Hamlet Herald - Dulwich Hamlet Junior School

The Hamlet Herald - Dulwich Hamlet Junior School


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Hamlet</strong> <strong>Herald</strong>Absence: 020 8693 3705Telephone: 020 7525 9188/9www.dulwichhamletjuniorschool.org.ukoffice@dulwichhamletjuniorschool.org.ukscase2.210@lgflmail.orghttps://twitter.com/<strong>Dulwich</strong>hamletDecember 2012 Number 146<strong>The</strong>re has been much talk recently both in the national and the local news, regarding the shortage of primaryplaces across London, including Southwark. Many schools have taken on “bulge” classes, but this is only atemporary measure and does not provide a longer term solution. Earlier this year Southwark conducted afeasibility study of its entire school stock and identified DVIS and ourselves as possible schools that couldpermanently expand to meet local demand. However the key issue for both schools is space, and until wemove forward in identifying new land on which to build additional classrooms, toilet facilities and hall space,expansion to four form entry is only a paper exercise. We are currently in talks with Southwark regarding thisissue and these will continue in the New Year.Other discussions taking place, are around Free <strong>School</strong>s being granted sites to start new schools and the East<strong>Dulwich</strong> Forum has had some lively debates recently on this issue including a new Harris Primary Academy andthe Judith Kerr <strong>School</strong> which would be a bilingual German/English school.In principle, the <strong>Dulwich</strong> <strong>Hamlet</strong> Educational Trust is enthusiastic about being able to expand to spread our“outstanding” practice, but this would only take place if there was an opportunity to find a site which could besuitably funded. No-one has approached the Trustees as yet and if they do, the Trust will consider anyexpansion issues in a sensible and calm manner.A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PEACEFUL NEW YEAR FROM ALL OF US ATDULWICH HAMLET JUNIOR SCHOOLImportantJanuary dates for yourdiariesTues 8 th Jan: BACK TO SCHOOLTues 15 th : <strong>The</strong> Punctuation ShowY3&4; <strong>The</strong> Grammar Show Y5&6Wed 16 th : 4C class assembly9.15amWed 23 rd Jan: 3HP class assembly9.15amMon 28 th Jan: Y5&6 Young Voicesat <strong>The</strong> O2, pm onwardsWed 30 th Jan: 3J class assembly9.15amEngland Diving Talent test amY4/5/6 Swim Gala at JAGS 4 –6.30pmThurs 31 Jan: Y5&6 mixed hockeyv Alleyn’s at Alleyn’s 3.45 –4.45pmChristmas TreesHigh quality non-drop trees are onsale for just one more weekend, infront of the school. We havereceived a very generous donationof £750 for the trees sold so far.Music NewsTimetables for the Spring term willbe available when we return.Please note Brass Ensemble willmove to Tuesday from itsWednesday slot restarting 15 thJanuary. Dates for Trinity GuildhallBrass Exams to be confirmed inJanuary.An African ChristmasWe received some lovely feedbackfrom parents and visitors about theshow last week – thank you. Inaddition we raised over £580 forthe BBC Radio 4 St Martin-in-the-Fields Homeless at ChristmasAppeal – thank you for yourgenerosity.Musical Christmas andbeyond<strong>The</strong> concert was a great success andthere were a record number ofchildren performing in either thechoir, ensembles or both. At theconcert it was announced that Fredand Freda Greenhill who have servedthe school for many years (Fredactually started 40 years ago!), willbe retiring and relocating to Wales.We are hugely appreciative of theamazing work they have put in andthe number of children that havebenefitted from their teaching.We are delighted to inform you thatin the New Year we have secured theservices of Lauren Brant, whounbelievably is also a trumpetplayer, and Sam Ewens. Lauren hasgiven up her job at the BBC to give usmore of her time, whilst Sam was aformer music pupil at <strong>Dulwich</strong><strong>Hamlet</strong>, and then went on to train at<strong>The</strong> Royal College of Music. We arethrilled to have secured both theirservices.Payments and Pick-upsOur office staff are increasinglyhaving to: chase parents repeatedlyfor payments for clubs, dinners andmusic fees, and take phone callsabout changes to child pick-uparrangements. Each day there are onaverage 10 phone calls requestingthat children receive messages aboutnew play dates, and different adultspicking up. <strong>The</strong>se phone calls oftenoccur during the morning and eachone involves the staff having to writeout notes letting class teachersknow. Please let your children know

in advance what end of dayarrangements are and stick to them.<strong>The</strong> staff also don’t like having tonag for prompt payment. We couldjust stop music lessons and clubsuntil we receive payment but arereluctant to do so because of theimpact upon your child.<strong>School</strong> Voluntary FundAlthough this is a voluntary fund, weare unable to participate in thenumber of trips, visits and extrasunless the vast majority of you pay.We would like to thank the fiftypercent of you that have nowcontributed, but would like toremind the other half that your £20 aterm contribution representsexcellent value for money.Office staff say ‘Thank you!’<strong>The</strong> staff in the office would also liketo say a very big thank you to theparents who are always polite,smiley, and sensitive to thesometimes unusual demands madeupon Mrs Purcell, Mrs Arkell, Ms Pink,Mrs Malecki and Ms Borde-KuofieTHANK YOU!Doing the MobotAs part of the Year Group ChristmasParties, the children have practisedthe ‘Mobot’, a dance which is part ofMo Farah’s campaign to raise£100,000 towards building the MoFarah Sports Academy in Somalia.<strong>The</strong> film of the children will beuploaded to YouTube unless anyoneobjects, thus raising funds via VirginMedia. No children will be shown inanything other than longshot.www.mofarahfoundation.org/ukThanks to the New PTAWe would like to say a huge thankyou to the new parents organisingevents for the PTA. Already we havehad a festive Christmas Faircomplete with Elve’s Grotto, CakeSale and refreshments at theChristmas Concert. We look forwardto lots more in 2013 – thank you!Baby NewsWe are delighted to let you knowthat the Purcells are expecting theirsecond baby, due in May of nextyear. We are thrilled for them andwish them a peaceful Christmas.Hamptons Art CompetitionThanks so much to the Estate Agentsfor donating £200 to buy artequipment and for awarding artprizes to Jessica John 3J and OliviaDuncan 5SP.Sports NewsYears 4, 5 and 6 have all played Aand B football matches againstBlackheath in the past few weeks.Considering the conditions, all teamsplayed incredibly well with the Year4 and 5s winning both games,including a 7-0 victory for the Year 5Bs! <strong>The</strong> Year 6 As narrowly lost atight game 2-1 but the Bs won theirmatch 1-0. <strong>The</strong> girls team looked todefend the trophy they won in theJaps tournament last year howeverdespite a brave effort in winningtheir group, they were knocked outin the semi-final by the eventualwinners. <strong>The</strong> Year 5 and 6 A teamsalso went up to Virgo Fidelis, withthe 6s winning 7-0 and the 5s losing5-2.<strong>The</strong> Staff v Year 6 netball matcheswere very successful and highlyenjoyable for both children andadults. Luckily the Year 6s won onematch and the Staff another sohonours were spread evenly.Hopefully there will be more matchesin the future, possibly against theparents too! <strong>The</strong> Year 5 netballteams played their first matchesagainst Japs and competed reallywell despite their lack of experience.Both ended up losing 2-0 but hadplenty of chances.A team of 4 boys and 4 girlsrepresented the <strong>Hamlet</strong> at theMaurice Fulcher Indoor CricketTournament at the Oval. Continuingour strong recent results in crickettournaments, the team won all oftheir games and topped their groupwith some fantastic performances.We hope that they will be selected togo on and represent Southwark in thenext stage of the competition.From our Chair of GovernorsSimon BurtonOn behalf of all members of the<strong>School</strong>’s Governing Body I would liketo say a big thank you to everyonewho has made 2012 anotheroutstanding year for <strong>Dulwich</strong> <strong>Hamlet</strong>.<strong>The</strong> Governors are as always verygrateful to the whole schoolcommunity who do so much tosupport the education anddevelopment of the children and welook forward to another successfulyear in 2013.During the year the Governors havecontinued their work to support andchallenge the school and to ensurethat high standards are maintainedand enhanced. As usual we haveadopted and published the school’sannual Development Plan and setdemanding academic targets for theyears ahead. New signage has beenintroduced throughout the school anda new classroom refurbishmentsuccessfully piloted. We haveauthorised work to proceed with amajor replacement programme forthe school’s windows. We haveadopted new policies for the schoolincluding policies for handlingcomplaints and for our ownengagement as individual governorswith the leaders of all the curriculumsubjects in the school. We havesupported the school in theintroduction of new performanceappraisal arrangements for allteaching staff. We have signed offthe school’s accounts with theauditors and, as an Academy, ouraccounts are being made publiclyavailable via Companies House.In response to feedback fromparents, the Governors havelaunched a review of communicationsand have asked the school to reviewthe playground environmentincluding issues of behaviour. Otherchallenges for the year ahead includerecruiting a new assistantHeadteacher and putting plans inplace for expansion of the schoolfollowing similar expansion atneighbouring schools including DVIS.We will be reviewing the school’sprovisions for inclusion and forsupporting pupils with specialeducational needs. We will beexamining the implications of thenew Ofsted framework andconsidering how the school canremain prepared to demonstrate thatit meets the Ofsted requirements.<strong>The</strong> Governors look forward tocontinuing their work in 2013, and towelcoming our new parent governors,Lucy Horsbrugh and Karen LarcombeTee.End of 2012/Start of 2013Last register will be taken at 1.15pmon Friday 21 st December after whichthe children should be collectedpromptly. We will re-open onTuesday 8 th January at 8.55am.

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