4 Multiple Sequence Alignment 4.1 Multiple sequence alignment

4 Multiple Sequence Alignment 4.1 Multiple sequence alignment

4 Multiple Sequence Alignment 4.1 Multiple sequence alignment


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Grundlagen der Bioinformatik, SS’09, D. Huson, May 10, 2009 43endchoose two sub-<strong>alignment</strong>s C ∗ p, C ∗ q from C;C := C − {C ∗ p, C ∗ q }C ∗ s := align(C ∗ p, C ∗ q );C := C ∪ {C ∗ s }until |C| = 1return the <strong>alignment</strong> contained in C4.9.1 Pair-guided <strong>alignment</strong>A very simple method for merging two sub-<strong>alignment</strong>s (in this context usually called profiles) is pairguided<strong>alignment</strong>. Two specific <strong>sequence</strong>s are chosen, one from each profile. These two are alignedand the final <strong>alignment</strong> is produced following this pairwise <strong>alignment</strong>.Let the two profiles beALEE A-EREA-EE ALER--LEEAlign e.g. the first <strong>sequence</strong> of first profile with the last of second:ALEE-ALER-The resulting multiple <strong>alignment</strong> is then:ALEE-A-EE--LEE-A-EREALER-4.9.2 Profile <strong>alignment</strong>In practice, a more sophisticated approach is used.Suppose we are given two profiles A 1 ∗ = {A 1 , . . . , A r } and A 2 ∗ = {A r+1 , . . . , A n }. Here, we discussthe <strong>alignment</strong> of profiles in the case of the SP-score and linear gap scores. In this case, we can sets(−, a) = s(a, −) = −d and s(−, −) = 0 for all a ∈ A 1 ∗ or A 2 ∗ .Definition 4.9.2 (Profile <strong>alignment</strong>) A profile <strong>alignment</strong> of A 1 ∗ and A 2 ∗ is an MSA⎧⎪⎨A ∗ =⎪⎩A ∗ 1 = a ∗ 11 , a∗ 12 , . . . , a∗ 1L. . .A ∗ r = a ∗ r1 , a∗ r2 , . . . , a∗ rLA ∗ r+1 = a ∗ r+1,1 , a∗ r+1,2 , . . . , a∗ r+1,L. . .A ∗ n = a ∗ n1 , a∗ n2 , . . . , a∗ nL ,obtained by inserting whole columns of gaps into either A 1 ∗ or A 2 ∗ , without changing the <strong>alignment</strong>of either of the two profiles.

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