August 07 - Christian Medical College

August 07 - Christian Medical College

August 07 - Christian Medical College


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Vol.No.46. No. 20 FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY November 17, 2008TRADITIONAL CEREMONY HONOURS GRADUATESAn impressive, solemn and traditional ceremony marked the graduationof the MBBS Batch of 2003 and the postgraduates in the variousspecialities and other prize winners. Dr. Anbumani Ramdoss, UnionMinister for Health and Family Welfare presented the certificates andawards. Sri R.Velu, Minister of State for Railways was also present onthe occasion, and presented the postgraduate certificates.The graduation ceremony of 2008 on November 10, began with theceremonial procession, led by the final year students in two rows carryinga huge jasmine chain each with the President of the Students’ Associationin front. Sixty beaming graduates, arrayed in their silks and formals withblack gowns and caps followed by postgraduates and faculty. It was aday of celebration and thanksgiving, the culmination of many years ofstriving.Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ Godforgave you.Ephesians 4:32Special prayers: November 16 - 22, 2008Speciality Oriented Department of Surgery andSICU: Dr. John C. Muthusami: Dr. Sunil Agarwal: Dr. George Mathew: Dr. V. Sitaram: Dr. Sukria Nayak: Dr. Aravindan Nair: Dr. Punitha Ezhilarasu, staff andstudentsThe Leprosy MissionCouncil members : Dr. Jeyakumar Daniel: Dr. Sunil AnandHospital : SIH-R &LC, Karigiri and othersSunday services : November 2306.00 pm : Scudder AuditoriumAHS Baccalaureate Service: Dr. Lionel Gnanaraj06.30 pm : Hospital Chapel: Dr. John C. MuthusamiDays to remember:National Deafness Day - November 17World Heritage Week - November 19The Chief Guest, impressed by CMC and its unique ethos, set aside hisprepared speech and spoke from his heart. According to him he hashad occasions to visit and attend convocations in many medical collegesin India and abroad but felt CMC’s graduation ceremony was unique.He lauded CMC’s work culture, characterized by commitment, selfsacrifice and imbued with ethical values. The minister said that the bigchallenge for the Indian subcontinent, in the next 20 years, is not going tobe the big three communicable diseases of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria,but the big five:- cardio vascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, mentalillnesses and cancer.We are happy to welcome Dr. Ruby Jose, OG UnitII after her sabbatical leave.Obituary:We regret to announce the demise ofMrs. Pappa Pandian, retired staff nurse onNovember 11.Mr. D. Gnanavoli, retired hospital attendant, Wward and husband of Mrs. Jayamani, Q1 Westand father of Mr. Anbu Isaac, Maternity Wardon November 12.Our condolences and prayers for the bereavedfamilies.

There is a huge lacuna in the health human resource in the country, in spite of having 275 medical colleges, producing33,000 doctors. Dr. Anbumani was delighted to see a few faces from the north eastern states among the graduates andexhorted them and the others to work in that area for at least one year, due to the severe shortage in that area.Sri R. Velu also commended CMC for its integration of cultures and intellectual contribution to the country.Dr. Aditya Vedantam, son of Dr. V. Rajsekhar (Neurosurgery) and Dr. Rupa Vedantam (ENT) received theMrs. Mariaviakulam David Memorial Medal for the best outgoing student of the year for his consistent proficiency in allsubjects. Aditya stood first in the first, second and final MBBS, in addition to being the recipient of not less than 40 otherprizes. The Health Minister offered to employ him right away! Dr. Divyani Garg received the Dr. Tushar Chakravartyprize for the best outgoing lady doctor. Dr. Anandaroop Lahiri, last year’s best outgoing student was the best outgoingintern.Among the faculty and alumni, Dr. M.C. Mathew, recently retired Head of Developmental Paediatrics was the recipientof the Drs. Molly and Thomas Bhanu award for the Best Teacher. Dr. Basu G, Assistant Professor, Nephrology Departmentwas presented the award for the best publication of the year by a junior member of the faculty. This year the PaulHarrison Award for Meritorious Service, the most prestigious accolade for the alumni who render significant serviceamong neglected and disadvantaged people, went to Dr. Ponnalari Carunia of the batch of 1961, whose entire life hasbeen inextricably linked to the Dohnavur Fellowship and its hospital in Thoothukudi and to Dr. John Cherian Oommen ofthe batch of 1979 - 80 who is spearheading a sea change in the lives and health of dalits and tribals in Rayagada districtof Orissa, through the <strong>Christian</strong> Hospital in Bissamcuttack.Dr. Dolly Daniel, Acting Principal gave the charge to the graduates and postgraduates, challenging them to make their lifea masterpiece, “going not where the path may lead, but instead into where there is no path – to leave a blazing trail”. Asthey prepared to leave the protective portals of the alma mater, armed with their new degree she gently reminded,“Wherever you go, go with all your heart. Honour excellence however humble the task. Scorn shoddiness howeverexalted the activity”. The graduates took the customary pledge to serve humanity, upholding the ideals of the alma mater.The Students Association President, Srujan Lam Sharma felicitated the seniors, who have been sources of inspiration,encouragement, counsel and support, and wished them wisdom in the choice of future paths, inspired by the ideals ofDr. Ida S. Scudder. “Let your light shine, let those around you be liberated by your mere presence”. Dr.Gemlyn Georgeresponded on behalf of the graduates. He expressed gratitude to family and friends for support and encouragement,faculty for guidance and patients for providing learning opportunities.The graduation ceremony was followed by dinner with faculty, family and other invited guests.

COLLEGE DAY 2008<strong>College</strong> Day was celebrated on November 8 with all the traditional events and some special items. The customaryThanksgiving Service in the <strong>College</strong> Chapel conducted by the final year students was beautiful and poignant. Dr. SamuelHansdak, Medicine Unit II gave the message. This was followed by flag hoisting by Dr. Annie Regi, Obstetrics andGynaecology Unit III. Later the final year batch of 2004 planted a labernum sapling in front of the college building, atwhich Dr. M.J. Paul was the favourite teacher present.The final years joined the alumni and others for the dedication of the newly completed Alumni House, a gift from Drs. Ajitand Alice Butt (batch of 1962) and a few other alumni. Dr. P. Zachariah, President Emeritus of the Alumni Associationdedicated the home away from home for the sons and daughters of CMC, carrying on the work of CMC in various partsof the world where they are placed, in the spirit imbibed from the alma mater, in their formative years.At the public meeting held in the Scudder Auditorium at 5 pm certificates of honour were presented to the medicalstudents by their respective professors. Dr. John C. Muthusami pinned the crest for the final years. Dr. M. C. Mathew,the recipient of the Best Teacher award addressed the gathering briefly. He recollected incidents from three stalwartteachers of CMC, Dr. Paul Brand, Dr. Kutumbiah and Dr. John Webb, for whom their students were future colleagues,co-learners and inspiration in the journey of life respectively.Dr. Bonam Wesley, graduate of thebatch of 1972, physician and <strong>Medical</strong>Director of Arogyavaram <strong>Medical</strong>Center and Mary Lott Lyles Hospitalin Madanapalle and Dr. EstherAnandakshi Christopher of the batchof 1966 and the unassuming Directorof the CBM Bethel Hospital,Vuyyuru, Krishna District, both inAndhra Pradesh received the Citationfor Meritorious Service to mission hospitals for more than a quarter century.Later in the evening the Students’ Association put up Joseph Kesselring's play Arsenic and Old Lace, set in Brooklyn inthe 1940s, followed by an excellent dance recital.The Baccalaureate Service conducted by the graduating batch in the Scudder Auditorium on November 9 had the theme,Ready for the Rain. Ready to leave the protective cocoon of the alma mater, they sang with confidence,”All the way mysavior leads me”. Dr. M.C. Mathew was the speaker for this service.WEDDING BELLSMr. Joseph, Transport Department and Ms. I.P. Rebecca were married on October 31, 2008.We wish them a happy and blessed married life.

FOURTH CME AND WORKSHOP ON FUNDAMENTALS OF CRITICAL CAREThe Division of Critical Care has been conductingcontinuous medical education programme in critical carefor the past three years. The feedback from the participantswas so encouraging that the course continues to be heldregularly now. The fourth CME and Workshop inFundamentals of Critical Care was organized fromNovember 6 – 8. The objective of this programme is toenable doctors, nurses and technical personnel to have agrasp of the basics of critical care that will equip them tomanage patients in their hospitals. The course has beendesigned to allow interactive sessions as well as hands ontraining. Separate sessions are held for medical, nursing and technical staff.The event was inaugurated by Mrs. Violet Jayachandran, former Nursing Superintendent, Deputy Dean and CouncilSecretary. She recalled the evolution of critical care in CMC, beginning with critical patients being kept close to theNurses’ Station. She highlighted the role of the nurse in the ICU and added, “ICU may have many monitors, but the mostimportant monitor is the nurse”. She also underscored the need for good communication in the high strung atmosphere ofintensive care.Dr. George Mathew, Associate Director, speaking on the occasion, mentioned that the giant strides made in surgical carein the last ten years is mostly due to the excellent pre and post operative care.WANTED1. Tutor with DA for Surgical ICUSalary: Rs.20,000/- (consolidated). Acccommodation provided.2. Assistant Professor Gr.II with MD / DNB (Anaesthesia) for Surgical ICUSalary: Rs.18,600-720-36600/- starting at Rs.18600/-. Accommodation provided.3 Assistant Professor Gr. II with M.D. / Dip. NB (Paediatrics) for the Department of NeonatologySalary: Rs.18,600-720-36600/-. Accommodation provided.4. Junior Research Fellow (DBT project) for the Department of HaematologyQualification: M. Sc. in Life SciencesSalary: Rs.12,000/- plus HRA. Accommodation not provided.5. Senior Demonstrator (non medical) with M.Sc in Food Service Management and Dietetics with B.Sc., inDietetics/ Food and Nutrition / Food Service Management and Dietetics or Home Science, for the Department ofDietetics.Salary: Rs. 4500 – 150 – 8250/- plus H.R.A. as per rules. Accommodation not provided.6. Registrar (non PG) for the Department of Child Health (Paediatric Casualty)Qualification: MBBS. Salary: Rs.10,000/- (consolidated). Accommodation provided.Apply to the Principal, <strong>Christian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> <strong>College</strong>, Bagayam, Vellore 632 002 with bio-data, copies of certificatesand testimonials on or before December 1, 2008 for items 1 and 2, November 20, 2008 for item 3,November 30, 2008 for item 4 and December 5, 2008 for items 5 and 6. e-mail: princi@cmcvellore.ac.in.7. Engineer Gr. IV (Electronics)Qualification: B.E. / B. Tech. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering / Electronics and Communication EngineeringSalary: Rs.6960-220-12460/- with 73% DA and 10% HRA of the basic salary. Only existing staff need apply.Job description: 1. Managing the video conferencing / distance education units. 2. Video recording, video editing afterrecording, creating video networks using broadband and ISDN. 3. Troubleshooting with the videoconferencing unit.4. Co-ordinating with the national and international peripheral nodes.Should be conversant with newer technology that is available. Preference will be given to candidates who have generalknowledge in connectivity and hardware requirements.Applications can be downloaded from www.home.cmcvellore.ac.in. Link - 'Jobs and Training'Icon-'General Application Form'Apply with xerox copies of all your certificates to the Senior Personnel Manager, Personnel Department, CMC, Vellore632 004 on or before November 24, 2008.

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